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Video: Landed in Singapore

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, September 24, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 24, 2010

From Sasha:

"Me and the crew landing in singapore waiting to go through checkpoint security thing..."


Anonymous said...

Looool " Tommy got left behind "

Love watching this .. Thank you Sasha ;*


Anonymous said...

She forgot one guy....ADAM!!!!!! Where's Adam?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sasha! Y'all still look good even though you're all lacking of sleep and jet lagged.

hahah... Adam is hiding by Sasha I bet! All I can hear is his voice. Hey Adam, not fair! :))

Anonymous said...

What does that mean "Tommy got left behind." He's not in Asia with the others. Clarification is needed here please!!!

Anonymous said...

Tommy lost his passport and got left behind in Hong Kong to get a new one (they were on a layover). No worries, he's in Singapore now :)

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

Yay - Sutan's back!!!!

- Adam Fix