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Adam and his beautiful eyes!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, October 05, 2010

JeniChua (Adam's make up artist) tweeted this photo on twitter.


Anonymous said...

Now, there should be an award given just for those eyes! By the way, only 30 K for followers required by Adam to reach the 1,000,000 mark!!

Anonymous said...

OH DIOS.................

Anonymous said...

Now THOSE are eyes that make the stars look like they're not shining (for anyone who has heard the Bruno Mars song "Just the Way You Are.")

Anonymous said...

Even without makeup those eyes are stunning. His best feature and I am jealous!

The saying, "eyes are the windows to the soul" is so fitting for his captivating eyes.

Anonymous said...

Love Bruno Mars. Saw that twat with the eye pic a couple days ago on Juneau-Xena website. Another additional Great site "On the Meaning of Adam Lambert" in case anyone here is not following that one yet.

Yes, eyes are beyond belief.

Cheril said...

Beautiful eyes and beautiful man. He is captivating.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah!

Anonymous said...

What eyes???
(The bright is so intense... I'm kind of blind!)Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Adam is the envy of women everywhere who can never quite get their own eyes to look so exotic. Of course, we don't usually put sequins on our eyes. Maybe we should. Personally, I have no doubt, all that glitter would end up in my eyes and I would have a dozzie of an eye infection. But fun trying.

Anonymous said...

Adam has fantastic eyes. Lets vote that a lot of people can see these eyes! Adam has chance to sing on Jingle Ball. The link is! So far Adam has most votes than anybody else, even Beiber!

Anonymous said...

@delilah5 - I just mentioned in that other thread that I voted at Q102 for the Jingle Ball scenario, after daydreamin's tip... was very quick and easy... good idea bringing it to this thread, which I think a lot of peeps will come to based on that photo :). MGF.

Anonymous said...

@MFG. This is really funny:) Do you know when they close votes?

Anonymous said...

how do you vote at Q102? i saw Adams number is falling, would like to help....

Anonymous said...

@anon1:17.Just open will the list of the names. Click Vote on the bottom of this list. Then you refresh it. I just go back to home. It seems this just competition between Justin and Adam

Anonymous said...

Good lord - look at those amazing eyes! Looks like he reached up to the cosmos and took a scoop from the milky way, then artfully applied it to himself!

Or maybe I should say Sutan did (assuming this is his stunning work). Well, if we all had professional make-up artists doing our make-up for us, we could have similar, dramatic results. :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Saw a redheaded light complexioned male on TV the other day and immediately thought, he sure could use some eyeliner and mascara! Adam is always on my mind! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

What can I say but amazing, gorgeous, sexy, hot eyes. It should be against the law to be that HOT.

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv/1:40pm - that's HILARIOUS!
(ps. I look into the mirror everyday and see a light complexioned redhead (strawberry blond actually) and say pretty much the same thing - she could use some eyeliner and mascara...but then I never have time to apply any cuz I've been surfing/blogging about Adam too damn long and need to get the hell out the door ;) LOL)

Anonymous said...

MGF, know the feeling! I'm a fair skinned natural redhead and eye make up has always been a gift from the universe ! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

When I watch Adam's performances, I scan his body from head to toe, trying to catch his every move, expression, gesture...(thank god for pause button!) - and every time I find myself staring too long at certain parts of his gorgeusness, I hear (in my head) his voice "Look into my eyes, baby, EYES..."

He makes me smile, his eyes get me high.
He makes me cry, his eyes deliver me the sky.

Anonymous said...

HEY - fair skinned redhead's unite! I am too!

I don't leave the house without mascara and some eyebrow pencil - otherwise I look totally devoid of any distinct features (now that paints a pretty picture, doesn't it?).

I always loved the fact that Adam went to the extremem opposite of his natural coloring - jet black, with smokey eyes! YES! I've always been too scared to dye my hair I love my red hair...but always wondered how it would look with my blue eyes. Now, with Adam, I have a vague idea. Every now and then, I used to wear a black wig when I'd go out, just for fun, and have to do my eyes a lot darker.

- Adam Fix

coloforadam said...

...oh gorgeous!! Have noticed the darker line of color in the lower iris in other photos but very clear and amazing in this photo. You can take any feature of this beautiful face, hair, body and tantalize over it for hours!! I keep coming back to how he worked at this look for a long time and how absolutely perfectly it expresses his spirit and creativity and many moods. What an amazing, inspiring person!!

Anonymous said...

Whoever up this thread said Adam's eyes were his best feature, you've got to be kidding...That nose, those lips, his jawline, his glorious hair (if he'd stop shaving the sides), his long fingers, beautiful feet, lovely nails and OH I forgot his eyes, my god his eyes are amazing!!!!

Britte said...

I agree that his eyes are the most mesmerizing feature but I would like to see the curly-haired redhead at least once. I don't care if he is a brunette, a redhead, a blond, or bald, he has my heart because of his voice.....but he outer shell sure is a beauty, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

LOVE those eyes!

Does anyone know iridology enough to tell us what's going on with those dark spots?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the black hole into his soul? The Deepest Dark? Where friskyness lives?...... funbunn40

Anonymous said...

funbunn40 - HA, HA!

"Where friskyness lives"...? That is a great line...a classic. We have to find other ways of using it in posts. :-D

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Those eyes were strikingly unique. Eyes with different colors would really make me take a second glimpse of it. I'm sure that he's taking care of his eyes very well and like him, I always keep my eyes in its great condition by regularly going to my optometrist in Indianapolis for my eye check-up. My optometrist (Indianapolis, IN) is always giving me helpful tips on how I can maintain my healthy eyes.

Karina Chiodo said...

I can't help but stare at those eyes. They look dazzling and gorgeous! People who have beautiful eyes are so lucky! But aside from having beautiful eyes, you should also have healthy eyes! Having them checked regularly will keep you from having different eye-related illnesses.