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Adam Lambert mentioned on "Battle of the Blades"

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, October 4, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 04, 2010

Skip to 4:40 for the part about Adam.


Anonymous said...

Nice program and I think he says that Adam Lambert is his idol. I love that! Hope this couple wins.

the Dark Side said...

Too cool. Yoozer!! Then scroll down and play FYE and the moment complete. Is it just me or does FYE video remind anyone else of the same period as Cabaret? OMG how I love that video. It should have been no. 1 in the Country. Just rehashing old news. Thankful Adam back to touring and I'm back to watching. Think I'll play FYE again.

Anonymous said...

Adam is everywhere isn't he? Just the way we like it!
Good luck to Theo, I hope he wins.

nancdruuu2 said...


Anonymous said...

where is this show? in Europe? Canada? never heard of Battle of the blades.But this is COOL.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I love Jamie Sale. She's my favorite skater especially when she skates with her husband. I saw her this past winter in a RI show which was this same type of competition and I believe she and her partner won (hence the "defending champion").

I still say that PICK U UP would be so amazing for an ice dancing song!

So happy for the Adam reference!


Anonymous said...

It's a Canadian program. The CBC logo is in the upper right corner of the video. Adam is very well known and much loved here in Canada. This same show used FYE in one of their earlier programs.

Anonymous said...

Hey There AG - looks likes we have a few things in common... love me some figure skating/Ice dancing... :). Have you seen the clip of Nick Laroche skating to a song sung by Adam? Link:
and here's an article w/ a little backround info:

Anonymous said...

Great! This guy's a former professional ice hockey player for the Calgary Flames, Colorado Avalanche, New York Rangers and Chicago Blackhawks of the National Hockey League (NHL). But he also played in Finland and in the UK. Finland LOVES Adam and the UK is waiting for Adam's performances with anticipation. How 'à propos'!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so so much for the clip. I had not seen that before or read the background for the recording. What an amazing story and so much talent!

I first heard Adams recording of "I Just Love You" while watching the clips from his Upright Cabaret performances which I love watching over and over. So much emotion!
Have you viewed them?

I wish he would do a CD of all his "old stuff". Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Theo Fleury is the main reason I watch this show. Read his book "Playing with Fire". Such a sad story...


Anonymous said...

MGF - Thanks for the backstory on how Nick and Adam collaborated on I Just Love You. I too am a great fan of ice skating of any kind. Evan
Lysacek, Johnnie Weir are superb. I also love the racing and think Apolo Ohno is terrific.

Love and Light

p.s. Haven't heard from my son Jason Foster. Should be soon so will update you when I do. Thanks all 24/7ers for your kindness to him.

glitzylady said...

I love the video with Nick Laroche and Adam's "I Just Love You", another beautiful song from Adam's past....I played it for my son (Adam's age, and a fan), who has two young daughters and it brought tears to his eyes...

And to Love and Light...I am keeping your son Jason in my thoughts and prayers...may you hear from him very soon!

Anonymous said...

@MGF Unable to see this clip, Screen says error has occurred. Ice skating was my main passion before Adam. Scott Wylie lives near Charlotte now in Indian Trail, N.C. and trains skaters. He was a dramatic skater that chose beautiful music for his routines. Love ice dancing,singles and hoped that Sasha Cohen could have gotten her act together and been more consistent. Hope we'll hear more of Adam during competitions and ice specials. @ Love and Light,I hope your son Jason will soon return safely home and will be posting on this site again. Hope we will be able to bring him some laughter and light. One of my best friends left from Ft.Bragg this Sept.for Afghanistan, but will only be there for 3 months, as all medical personnel can't be away from US hospitals that long. This is his 4th tour and he wants to be there. Jason will also be in my thoughts and prayers and you and your family as well. Maybe we could send him some E-mails when he will be in an accessible place. @GL, I go back to youtube often to play "I Just Love You", a truly beautiful song. Music can really affect our emotions and mood. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Just was able to get Battle of the Blades! Theo and Jamie did a great job! It's really difficult for hockey players to adjust to figure skating. It's totally different and skates also takes getting used to.[poor grammar,I know]Hope they win and reference to Adam warmed my heart! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh - was just popping in for a second - didn't expect these "skating" replies :)... wanna respond a bit but am rushing now, perhaps later... but have to quickly say to Love and Light that I was JUST THINKING of your son yesterday (watching lots of news yesterday) and I truly hope you'll be hearing from him soon! Good thoughts/vibes and positive enerygy going yours and his way!
(and yes, I do love me some Lysacek, Weir and Apolo Ohno...Weir was robbed at Olympics and should have come in 3rd or 4th IMHO :)!!).

Anonymous said...

That was great!
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,a smile,a kind word, a listening ear,an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring.
All whitch have the potential to turn a life around.>>>>Leo F. Buscalglia
See Adam has affected alot of people around the globe. What an awesome compliment to Adam!

Anonymous said...

Finally able to see this video! Shout out to Adam! I'm surprised no one else mentioned about money going to a group helping men victimized by sexual abuse. Good to hear that! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

They had Lysacek and Ohno on DWTS. Wonder if they'd ever consider Adam. Don't know if he skates but do know that he moves with the groove.