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Adam Lambert Nominated for 'Best International Male' at CMA

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 24, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 24, 2010

Adam Lambert is nominated for 'Best International Male' at the CMA Wild and Young Awards.



1) Go to that website
2) Press CTRL+F and search for 'Adam Lambert'
3) Then scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page and click on 'Vote Now'.


Anonymous said...

Great news. Yay! Voted and very easy. Just scroll down and you'll see his photo, click, scroll down and vote. left side of page. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

"Ressource nicht gefunden!"


I don't speak German, but anyone could understand what that means.

Anyway, this link doesn't work so I can't vote. :)

Anonymous said...

It wasn't so easy for me, unable to vote. It looks like WWFM up for best song and video too. If I looked at it right.

Anonymous said...

Nothing happen when I press crtF, I saw his picture on the other page and I click, nothing happen too.

Anonymous said...

the vote is stopped till tomorow afternoon

Anonymous said...


The page couldn´t be found.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I read German and maybe this will be helpful.When it says ressource nicht gefunden,scroll down to Startseite and it will open.
The reason you can't vote is because they are taking a short break(whatever that means) and will be back up by tomorrow afternoon.
The page asks if you want Google to translate, but I didn't try that because it is usually horrible English and German is the language I grew up with. So hope Icould help.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU Anon 1:52pm THANK YOU :)!!
Gotta love the Glam Nation helping each other out.
Will try again tomorrow.
(and hey, sssshhhh, but are we supposed to be voting if we're in USA, it's that allowed?). Hope that's not a stupid question, please pardon my ignorance if it is, lol!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anon 1:52pm. Happy for Adam. He deserves it!!!!!!!!! And many other nominations and awards. As far Adam is #2 in Rock in Rio, I belive he has a lot of chances get this award!

Anonymous said...

for Rock in Rio please continue to vote everyday
just favourite the page and is easy to acces'it

Anonymous said...

vote on People's Choice awards evryday

Anonymous said...

@Anon1:26pm. Yes WWFM nominated for best song and video, I just checked it!

Anonymous said...

vote on billboard music

Anonymous said...

Thanks everybody who is trying to help! I'll try to vote tomorrow, as many times possible and... glamshit, if sweet Adam does't win this «Wild and Young» award I'll certainly lose all the rest of my faith in the humanity!

Anonymous said...

vote foe Adam if i had you

Anonymous said...

vote for Adam
if i had you to 'others'

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links. I just voted on all of them.

Anonymous said...

I love the direction this thread has gone :)!!

Anonymous said...

Bieber is nominated for best international male singer too. Vote Adam.

Anonymous said...

WANjK CMA Wild and Young Awards also has Facebook which gives info about what is happening with the voting.

Last message 3 hours ago:
Incredible: After Day 1, there are in the category "Best Newcomer Int. at the top, each with 31.23% a tie. And also in many other categories, it is close to great. The most interesting are WAY CMA Awards. Thank you for all that have voted today. Tomorrow we will continue to approximately 15/16 Clock.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam sure has been nominated on a lot of awards. That's great! More chances of winning... more exposures!

Anonymous said...

Adam should win a lot of awards cause he is the best entertainer that we have....Bieber is for the little girls..his music, also....No one can top Adam....seen a lot of his U. S.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe Bieber was nominated for any awards. He finally goes through puberty and I guess now he has more sexual adventures, busy to write his bio,but can't do anything with his voice. He starts to lose voice but he never can sing anyway. Go for Adam!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Glamily, kind of 1 hour ago I voted alright the «CMA wild and young». Now I'm trying again but they show a message «DER HAST BEI DIESER UNFRAGE BEREITS ABGESTIMMT»
Whaaaat? I don't speak or read any german (is this german?) Help!


Anonymous said...

Just voted. best song and video didn't show up for me today.

Anonymous said...

just vote for best male international singer Adam , but the other twoo categories best song and best video can acces'it , anybody knows?

Anonymous said...

how many time on day can we vote?

Anonymous said...

I can't find these 2 categories for WWFM-best song and best music video. Does anybody have idea how to vote for these 2 nom

Anonymous said...

I only saw best international artist. Just voted. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

We need to vote for Adam as much as we can. Z100 just released the line-up Jingle Ball artist and Adam wasn't included. They even didn't invite him as special guests:(
Som let vote for Adam on peoplesl choice, musicbillboard, and for any other nominations.