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Glam Nation - Australia Media - Novafm Penultimate Questions

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 22, 2010

Posted at : Friday, October 22, 2010


Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Yes, paleeease! I want hot & spicy SAUSAGE with that!... yum yum!!! Maybe the richest homeless guy... haha! Practical Lambert!

atommom said...

Adam's such a quick wit, not so easy to be quick or witty, as Anoop et al have discovered. Fortunately for us mortals, we do not have public scrutiny to suffer.

LP said...

I wonder why he waited so long to say he had given up his rented house. until quite recently he has talked about his house.Maybe he doesn't know which country to pick. Or maybe he is looking for a home on a hill or mountain, that has only access by helicopter

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! So frikin' funny! SO good to see him light-hearted and having a little fun with an interview! Geez, I wanna go to Australia, the people there seem LOVELY! :D


The Dark Side said...

The Stoner Puppet!!! Adam's homeless and right on target. Very funny interview. Everyone having fun with this sort of free for all. Guess the answer to the pizza question is, "yes, I want sausage with that one" too! Hey, there were no Idol or Gaga questions--must have tripped into a parallel universe.

Anonymous said...

u want sausage with that. that was a brilliant. how can he come out that so fast. that is nature. such a comedy. love him

Anonymous said...

Asking a sensual, sexy, alpha rock god about his favorite Muppet was hilarious! I groaned with the Chihuahua answer since I have several and adore them to pieces along with my Pugs but that's OK Adam, I still adore and love you to pieces too! And always will!!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

BTW, AdamFix and daydreamin, I left a shout out to you both over at the JJ and Ean Chillin with Adam interview. One for MGF too but she read it already. hope you can go and read it. Adamluv

Urethra_Franklin said...

this one makes me belly laugh! can watch it over and over and over...............again

Anonymous said...

Impossible to not love him... and his brains are as sexy as anything else about him

Anonymous said...

OT: They just sent a pic of the Calendar Cover and I'll I can say is DAMN! Best $30.00 I've spent in a long time. I can't wait to see all the pics inside.

Anonymous said...

Who else is soo sweet and quick to give the right answer to funny questions? Sweet Adam is always so READY TO GO!!! He is indeed a precious gem, a priceless one!

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing at "do you want sausage with that?" Hilarious! Adam is so witty and fast with the comebacks! How does he do it? Amazing Adam! Love him to pieces!


Anonymous said...

This guy can think on his feet. Last time You saw a clown--looking in the mirror. He could have named any of the more famous puppets, but no the Stoner puppet, too funny. Most guys don't like little dogs, the more alpha male, the bigger the dog, go figure. Adam is coming into his own, and we are seeing an adult, comical, true to himself male, who isn't suffering an BS from anyone. I like it!

Anonymous said...

In some recent interview, Adam said that he had bought his Mom an apartment in a nice part of Hollywood? Imagine he and Neil always will have a place to stay. Also, his Dad in San Diego. Sure he had a successful tour, but it's his first year out, doubt he will be buying some mansion. Although, this would be the time to get a bargain on a mansion-something fit for a superstar.

Anonymous said...

Sure hope Adam decides to stay in L.A.! That's where I live and hope springs eternal that I might see him somewhere in L.A., you know, kinda just walking around! Ha! Ha!

coloforadam said...

Quick - Smart - Hilarious - AND - Cuddley! Bet he won't be livin' alone or homeless for long!!

Anonymous said...

This is one of the reasons I love Adam Lambert. He is soo witty, has a great sense of humor, and is a very intelligent man. Oh yeah, he is also smokin hot, gorgeous, and he is tall. Can't get enough Adam.........

Anonymous said...

Eber lives in New York.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha never a dull moment with this man.Oh Adam, you never cease to amuse me in almost all your interviews. Whatever comes out from that mouth is just good for my soul.


Anonymous said...

i LOVE this!
he's so quick with his answers which are hilarious :) i love you adam!

Anonymous said...

He rocks! What an amazing person with humor!

Anonymous said...

Ooh I've been waiting for a youtube link for this audio interview :) Thank you. This one is a keeper :D

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, I answered your post at the other site. Thanks for the shout out!

Loved the sausage and brass comments! Such a sexy brain as you say MFG...dead on! So unbelievably attractive that brain of his.


Anonymous said...

Anon 6:57, I didn't think that Eber was living in New York so I tweeted him and he actually tweeted me back an hour later that he lives in San Diego!! Maybe you were thinking of Neil? He was living there before joining Adam on the GNT. Anyway, it's all good. Thanks for posting!
