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Photo of The Day!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 24, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 24, 2010

This is a fan photo of Adam on stage.

Photo Credit: Amber Kennedy-Brereton


Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what song and what venue this fab picture is from? I'm not kidding. Thanks. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

No kidding! What an amazing shot!! Very HOT...

Anonymous said...

SIN PALABRA!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Adamluv - My guess is Music Again from Sydney.

Anonymous said...

An original shot of Adam, I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I see Adam, you like it on the floor and that position too?! :)) Goodnight & sweet dreams my peeps! ♥

Anonymous said...

Great pic. He look so incredible sensual. WOW Just made me horny and no hubby to jump on.

Anonymous said...

For those interested, here is a pic from Tommy's Hotel room that he posted:

Here is a cute pic of Terrence and Neil on the beach (Neil actually smiling) :

Terrence and Isaac on the beach:


Anonymous said...

Oh SEXY ADAM! Nice shot.

@daydreamin- thanks for sharing the links. It is refreshing to see Neil smiling once in a while for a change. I also thought that Tommy was the skinniest among them but Isaac looks even more fragile than him. And that is quite a view from Glitterbaby's room. Thanks again.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HFH .... Hot as hell and a whole lot more!!!

Huge thanks Amber Kennedy-Brereton!!

Now to check out the photos ....

Anonymous said...

Adam looks even sexier lying down on the floor!

Anonymous said...

WOW I wish I was down on the floor with him. He is so hot, he makes my blood boil.

laurieb said...

OT:I have a question for all Adam fans, it may seem silly and shows my ignorance to "being a fan".I have never followed a celebrity, although I have bought cds and watched them on tv. I find myself toyally engulfed in everything Adam Lambert, and have to say I love it. I follow him because I believe in him, as an artist and human being. I went on a survey type website that asked who was the biggest star to come out of Idol.. Of course I put Adam. When you read the comments one person said that "the Glamberts are out so of course Adam is winning.. or something like that. I see this sort of comment on all sites related to Adam. I just thought to myself, isn't this what we are supposed to do, as a fan? Should I not be voting on things that are really not relevent for Adams career? Or is everything relevent to a stars career? Im so confused. I find myself not wanting to go to any fansite because there is a lot of hate being spewed about Adam and his fans. Is this normal? I can go to other fan pages and never say bad things about the star they choose to love, even if I dont particularily like who they are talking about.
I will forever LOVE Adam, and what they say will never change that. I just want to know that this is a normal part of the process for any celebrity.
Thanks for listening to my rant. 24/7 seems to be the best Adam Site I have come to, and your opinions and love for Adam make me feel better.
BTW LOVE the pic!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the 21 century blogosphere laurieb. Kinda disheartening sometimes, but you keep doing your thing and whatever makes YOU feel good girl. NO cray cray blogging on Adam's behalf, which it doesn't sound like you'd do anyway, and it's all good.

Anonymous said...

I do love this site but it seems they are taking on more and more advertising and it's taking longer and longer to load. A similar site '' is another go to site when this one takes too many minutes to load.
Laurieb: I have never bought a cd or followed any singer before Adam. I have all of his music and have traveled to both coasts to attend his concerts. He has us in his spell and we, as fans, are willing to help him reach his full potential. Adam will tell you that it is best to concentrate on the positive and eliminate as much of the negative from your life as possible. Adam's fans are not going to get a piece of Adam for any of the fan work that we do. We do it out of love for someone that we deem as special and deserving of our labor of love. Adam is a once in a lifetime artist that will be as iconic as Elvis or Michael as long as he does not fall prey to drugs, alcohol, or unsafe sexual practices before he has reached his full potential and hopefully not thereafter.
Enjoy following and helping Adam.

Anonymous said...

laurieb, I agree with anon at 7:02 + I think Adam being so open about his sexuality scares some people. In particular, some people freaked out over the AMA performance so much that they troll Adam's fan sites.

So I don't think other celebrities get it nearly as much as Adam, and it is disheartening because he deserves such praise. But I finally stopped going to most sites and/or reading the comments sections. That's been my best solution anyway.

Like Adam says, focus on the positive and ignore the haters - as much as possible!

Adam is a big fan of the book The Secret (by Rhonda Byrne) that says to focus on what you DO want because then energy goes toward THAT instead. So that's my goal.


Anonymous said...

this is all normal for most new stars just coming into the public eye. Adam is my 2nd time to get involved, the first is a very conservative cross over group. Totally different music styles yet they have both gotten over the top adulation and BRUTAL verbal abuse. You're on a normal path, just pick and choose what you're comfortable with as far as being a fan and go with it. I chose Moderation. I too, will love Adam forever because he is talented, fun and good people.

Anonymous said...

@ Laurieb. I say, VOTE anytime you can. Adam will be nowhere without his fans that believe in him. We NEED to keep him on the map. Vote VOTE and VOTE some more. And yes, we are all trying to keep it possitive. NO NASTY COMMENTS.. I'd rather use this time and energy to VOTE for Adam.

Israeli Fan aka; IF

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the addiction world of our Adam laurieb. I think you come to the right site. I find people here are very positive, fun and sometimes OTT but all in good. Although a few times negativity do spew when in discussion of some sensitive topic, it is OK because we are different people as long as those occasions doesn't happen all the time. We all want to have fun and good time when blog about Adam. It is hard to live in a material world full of craziness, with almost everything put right to our face to make us to believe. Keep thinking positive and stay away from places that let you down. Adam has very good taste in music, never think of myself to like metallica.

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:48am. This is great! Addiction world of our Adam! This is the best discription of AdamLambert 24/7 news' club! Even on Adam official they don't have so much news videos and didn't get so fast like us.

Anonymous said...

Estoy de acuerdo este es el mejor Club De Adam,
centrados en el AMOR y en todo lo Positivo (Esto es calidad de VIDA para ADAM su equipo y todos sus fans.)
Yo, por primera vez soy fans de un artista,
que ilumina y me nutre cada día. GRACIAS ADAM.

"GRACIAS a 24/7"

Anonymous said...

HH, de que pais viene usted? Y Adam, es popular alli? Still havent been able to see the performance from this picture. Ugh! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

looking at this picture make me

The Dark Side said...

Adam is not only out, he is in your face! This makes him a target for many loons and loon groups who spend their time trowling Adam sites to be mean. For the most part, monitors take down hate statements. While the above is true, he is also a shining example of be who you are, not who people think you should be. Us Glamberts are use to the mud being slug our way, we just wipe it off, and move forward, following Adam's example. Welcome to our group, we have your back.

Anonymous said...


coloforadam said...

Adam, being IN the moment!! Gotta love it!!

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, mi país Venezuela, si tiene seguidores pero, no es popular, si fue admirado en IDol.
Gracias por su interés.

Anonymous said...

HH, Sabe ud. porque no es popular? Adamluv

laurieb said...

thanks to all the words of encouragement to my rant about fan sites..I will focus on the good and do what feels right to me. Adam has changed my life and i just dont want to do anything that could in anyway bring more nastiness to his.
You guys on 24/7 are the best!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Laurieb, but I STILL want to know about the above pic!

Anonymous said...

What is there to be scared of? ABSOLUTELY nothing. You see the more people hear it the more they will know this is not going away. It is a fact of life and alot of people need to accept it and open up to it.And Laurieb you are normal at least in the Glam world. We love him and think he is amazing to us we wonder why others have not joined. You will be OK and you are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Went thru all the Strut songs for Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Auckland, New Zealand and could not find Adam in the shot at the top of the page. If anyone comes across it, please let us all know. :) (What else does he sing while wearing that same costume? I noticed he was sporting that high hairdoo so that may be helpful.

Anonymous said...

Jesus...look at that man!

Oh, erm, sorry - I meant to say "welcome Laurieb!". You will love it here...the Adam updates are fast and furious and the conversations are a lot of fun. Thanks for joining us. We're all a bit's why we're here...because who else could we be this crazy about Adam with??

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Welcome laurieb! I just wanted to chime in and just mention how great it is to see all the great posts by everyone-anons and all. It is great to see new name tags...more great peeps joining in! Some intelligent, well spoken, funny posts.


Anonymous said...

Hi laurieb- just like you i have never experienced how to be an invested fan either. Honestly, i don't see anything wrong if we like to support Adam by voting for him as often as we want unless we are just forced to do it. There were also times when i came across obnoxious comments about him and come to think of it, most of what they say is exactly the opposite of what is real. Adam is neither fat nor ugly. I need not state the obvious because he is a photographer's delight. Adam is no attention whore as he is one of the most sought after celebrities now maybe because of the great interviews that he gives. Adam doesn't screech at all because he has an arsenal of vocal techniques at his disposal. Well they have a million other issues against Adam but i've said this before and i'll say it again, they simply couldn't accept everything that is great about this incredible performance artist. So it all boils down to jealousy. Adam will never attempt to please everybody because he refuses to sacrifice his artistry. Yes he may have offended people but that was not his intention. He offends people because he is not conventional. What i do find absurd is the amount of hatred that one person can muster against someone who has never planned to hurt him/her. Now that to me is definitely a disturbing state of mind. But since Adam has inspired people to be positive i've learned to ignore the trolls.

I'm glad you decided to join 24/7 because this is such a wonderful place to share our admiration for Adam. We are free to express our thoughts and innermost feelings and there is no right or wrong. We can agree to disagree because we are all entitled to our personal opinions and it is all good. Welcome lurieb and thank you for joining the group.


Anonymous said...

Check out 20th Century Boy in Oz for awesomeness!

Anonymous said...

I've checked out Music Again and Strut for Sydney, and can't find Adam doing this.

Does anyone know when and where it really was?

I've even googled her (Amber), but only found one other photo, and nothing about when or where.


Anonymous said...

Bing - I was JUST about to say all that, in those exact words, and you just took the words right out of my mouth!! Ha, ha! Seriously - that was very eloquently said. Thank you.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

A quote that comes to mind, attributed to Gwyneth Paltrow: Beauty to me is being comfortable in your own skin.

Yes indeed.