Photos from Honolulu radio station interview
Filed Under (pictures,tour news ) by Admin on Thursday, October 28, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, October 28, 2010
These pictures are from the Honolulu radio station 101.9 - Road Runner Music Hall and lucky contest winners. (on 10/25)

SOURCE (More pictures of this event at source)
Thanks Glitz and Sparkles for the tip!

SOURCE (More pictures of this event at source)
Thanks Glitz and Sparkles for the tip!
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I was fortunate to be at the the front row sofa just gazing into his eyes...omg. Adam took my breath away...hope to find the link to the audio.
Mr. Dreamy eyes on most of these pics. Love those sexy eyes... awww! ☺☺☺
@Glitz and Sparkles...You lucky lady you!!!! Was so nice to meet you BTW!!! What a great couple of days in Honolulu!!! Going through serious withdrawal right now!
Remember Kara use to say "I got my eyes from you"
The 5th photo from the bottom is hilarious. Think that guy was a tad bit excited?? - abby
Glad to see the guys got in on the fun too ... not just his ADORING female fans! ADAM! Such a HANDSOME young man!
Video anyone??? Wonderful photo shoot, but looks like it was also an interview. Hope we can see that soon--always a few days delay on these reviews.
Can honestly say I have not seen Adam in the same T-shirt more than once, with the exception of the grey to black one he wears a lot with black coat or jacket.
@Glitzylady you are a cutie pie...glad we met & hope our paths cross again....please post for the 10/26 concert - you are so excellent on capturing the Adam moments.
Will try to get vids for this interview from my friend from Japan--she videoed the entire interview...Adam is so quick witted!!
The radio station failed to record the audio, BUT when I called Hudson (the female DJ) she promised to retrieve from her phone and post for me.
seriously you have not seen him in the same t-shirt more than once - how can that be. He seems to have about 8 t-shirts that get rotated all the time. BTW, I'm not saying thats bad, I actually like the fact that rewears all his clothes, and changed them up for different looks.
HK fan
@ HK Fan
As a matter of fact they are not 8 T-shirts but 14!!! I've been paying attention. LOL!
Glitz and Sparkles - you were THERE and that close?? OMG. I just died, on your behalf.
Glitzylady - have your feet touched the ground yet, after your HI experience??
- Adam Fix
Ha ha, very impressive.....I'd be even more impressed if you could list them all...I need to start getting more observant.
HK fan
@Adam Fix
Nope...still floating around out there somewhere..we all had a great time, met lots of super Adam fans at the 2 pre-parties and the fan club post-party at Hula's Bar at Waikiki after concert # 2, which was attended by Sasha (so pretty..and nice) and Terrence (what a cutie if I may say so..), and quite a few slightly puzzled gay men (it is a famously inclusive gay bar and disco) and a lot of glammed up Adam fans....It was "Adam Lambert Night" there and we danced to lots of Adam's music which was a real treat. By the way, all of the parties were organized by AZGlamFan from the Adam Lambert Fans Fan Club...and she did a super job! And it was also the site of our favorite (Suz526) videographer's uploading of the vids from night #2...a very lovely and dedicated lady indeed! So again, nope...not back to earth yet..of course just being in Hawaii is enough to keep me floating in the clouds...Also have to mention I saw Hilary Clinton at my hotel today (she was meeting with the Foreign Secretary from Japan here..) and also had breakfast a couple of tables away from Masi Oka ("Hiro"), formerly of Heroes and now in Hawaii just never know who you are going to run into around here...But I would really have MUCH more preferred to run into Adam...but no such luck for me, always in the wrong place at the wrong time!!! But two fabulous concerts in two days isn't too shabby...And he was definitely on fire for both...and looked more than perfect not to mention he was in fine always.And the crowds both nights loved him! Now just counting the days until LA...Should be quite the party!!!
@glitzylady.... uummmm, what did you just say "always in the wrong place at the wrong time..." uummm, No, just NO, I'm thinkin' NO on that one... you wanna rethink that one??? ;) I'll take being in your "wrong place" any day, LOL. As I said in another thread somewhere, I wanna come back as you in my next life :)... well, just keeping posting these interesting tidbits about your fandom experiences and it'll keep my jealousy at bay, ha ha. Sincerely 'though, all kidding aside, thanks for your concert related posts and such, interesting, exciting, and appreciated.
Well, I suppose I SHOULD rephrase that just a bit...all the RIGHT places except still hoping for that one fabulous, and so far elusive(ARRGGHH!!!), moment when I come face to face with Adam and actually get to say "hello"....but I do realize how fortunate I am to be able to go to these concerts and see Adam live...I am to the point now where I am "openly" supportive of and so extremely "loud and proud" to be an Adam Lambert fan.and have no qualms about telling everyone that..they can take it or leave it...Love me, Love Adam!! LOL!!..At least half of the staff at the hotel we are staying at (and there are many...) know my husband and I came over here to see Adam in concert, and I am proud to say (and slightly surprised and amused...) that my husband is the one who told the most people...very interesting!!! We upgraded our tickets for the second concert at the last moment (at a very good price on Stub Hub..last minute, literally, like just a few hours before the concert... so the seller had drastically lowered the price..) to be very close to the stage and gave our other tickets to one of the young men working here who was thrilled beyond measure to be able to go...and he took his sister who was also so excited...I think we made some new best friends in Hawaii this week!!! And some new serious (and for the record, younger..) Adam Lambert fans.. The guy (who had only seen him on Idol and was a fan then) was just stunned and amazed by Adam and his show and just loved seeing him in person..I think if everyone in the world could see him in person performing live just once he would win over the entire world in one fell swoop..I also wish I could have given the young man a front row seat, as Adam would have been very happy to see him there... : ) Always thinking of Adam....LOL!!!
@glitzylady - LOVED your 11:23am post - for so many reasons, won't address each and every one in the interest of brevity (although I would love to :), but will exercise some restraint, lol), but the whole post was just filled with awesomeness. I hope you get that elusive face to face "hello" with Adam in December, I'll be sending my most heart felt positive energy and vibes your way towards that end :)... and you give BB an extra flail and scream or two at the concert in my honor :)!
Thanks to Adam Fix for advising peeps to come back here!
@glitzylady - thanks so much for sharing with us your wonderful and exciting experience. It was fun reading your posts. Also glad you had such a great time with your hubby!
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