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Preview of Pink's Studio Version of 'Whataya Want From Me'

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 31, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 31, 2010

Her version of WWFM will be included in her Australian release of her new album "Greatest Hits... So Far!!!". The song is not included in her US release.


Anonymous said...

Hey, not bad! I like Pink's voice quality too... that's why her version of WWFM would be as good as Adam's! A female version...

Adam made a huge hit of Pink's song & now, she changed her mind and made her own version of it! Pink is obviously inspired by Adam! Huge compliment for Adam from Pink!!! ☺

Anonymous said...

Thia is not how it sounded live when Pink sang it in concert.......It seems like she went into studio and copied Adam's version...I know it's her song but I'm losting respect for Pink...she let Adam have the song and now she's cashing in on his success and stealing his if she needed the money...."You know who your real friends are"

Anonymous said...

indian giver

Anonymous said...

vote for adam on 100 Heat Hot 2010 list
i don't like what pink is doing and she loosed
my respect , anyway whole the world knows is Adam hit and he is singing it way better
let's play on vh1 all Adam's video to see how much we love his music

Anonymous said...

She waited for Adam to make her song a success and now she releases it...I saw a clip of her singing it in concert (now the beefed up studio version)and honey "forget it" Adam's sings it way better....remember when he went back on AI and sang his face off....Yes...I would say "Indian Giver" your back on next album...

Anonymous said...

Can't think straight for this one, I am just a ordinary person. Don't understand why she has the need to release that so soon, is this a common practice in the industry? Adam does not even finish his Europe GNC. No comment.

Anonymous said...

I am a little confused by her choice to do this too. WHY would she want to cover a song that she gave to Adam, that she wrote. Seems weird. She sounds better on the this than she did live in concert when she sang it...but it sounds alot like Adam's version. I would have hoped that she might have changed it up a little to make it more her own version. It will always be Adam's hit. And it will always have a very personal message from Adam to his audience. I just think it's odd that she put it on her album. Just...odd.

Anonymous said...

I think Pink is very unprofessional on this....Australians are one of Adam's biggest fans........This is not right.....

Anonymous said...

I hope other artist see this and they will know what will happen if they use songs she wrote and gave them....YES very unprofessional...If I was Australian I would not buy this!

Anonymous said...

It's her song. She owns it. She can do whatever she wants with it. And in case you haven't noticed, just about everything she records is a hit. If she had recorded it earlier, it would have been a hit too. She gave it to Adam and he made it his, but I'm sure he is grateful to her for handing it over. Lady Gaga could just as easily record Fever, since it is hers. Get over yourselves, people. It's done all the time in the music industry.

Anonymous said...

It sounds as if Pink took Adam's version and just removed his vocals and put her's in... why bother to buy her version, when you can get the real deal Adam's. You would think she'd want to put a new song in that space on the album, instead of a 'cover'. Does she usually do covers on her albums?!? I'm not a fan of her's so I don't know...but I just don't get it!

Anonymous said...

Give me good examples of 2 artists record the same songs within a year. I'll research and judge. I am new in the music industry and need references. Thank you.

LP said...

I do not understand it either, plus she has hit europe and australia with it this summer, before Adam gets there.

Anonymous said...

I like PINK But I prefer Adam's version.

Anonymous said...

let's just keep in mind, that although we are all certainlyh entitled to our own opinions, too much defense of Adam by fans does have an unflattering reflection on him in the industry - believe what you want, but this is a fact.

Anonymous said...

Jealousy is SO not cool, Pink! Yeah,'s your song (well, you wrote it), but Adam's the one who made tons of $$$ for you worldwide and everyone in the world now knows that YOU wrote the song because Adam graciously told everyone that you did and his CD mentions it as well. So, what other personal gratification do you need???

Anonymous said...

I dont think this is a bad idea. Pink is huge people, she can give Adam move exposure. If her version makes it to the Radio's, think of the Dj's mentioning Adam's name. I think this is spleandid. And she ever denied that Adam made the song a hit. She has said that over and over in almost all of ther concerts. And I think it is a compliment to Adam. Pink is an established artist and she is covering Adam, a new artist. Ofcourse Adam is not gonna cash in off her sales but he never did in the first place. Pink gets the royalty check even off Adam's sales, so either way she is getting the dough. But her version kinda of sounds the same as Adam's. Could it be that her Demo sounded the same and she changed it up a little on her concerts? Or is she happy with Adam's version and she wanted hers to sound the same? hmmm? I guess we'll find out when we get to listen to the whole song.


Anonymous said...

I used to be a big PINK fan until she collaborated with Eminem this year. Then I lost respect for her.

Anonymous said...

correction to above, she didn't even deny that Adam made the song a hit


Julia said...

I love it. I think this is a great compliment coming from pink. She's huge.

Altho I was a bit disappointed in her for working with Eminem as well.

Anonymous said...

Why is she doing this? What is the possible motivation? A lot of artist do other peoples songs. However, It hasn't been released a year yet.It is up for possible awards (peoples choice if we were successful, Grammy) Didn't RCA put it in for Grammy? Will this take sales from ADAM? Him going double platinum? I dont think it is a good choice for her at this time. I am keeping in mind the possible unflattering reflection on P!nk.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:26....You are so correct.
This song is what pulled his ass out of the AMA shit-storm. He was lucky to have it. It's probably what saved him, and offered him the opportunity to tour the world. So calm down ladies. I'm certain Adam would not begrudge her the ability to use her own song. He's said multiple times how he would love to work with her again.
Why are you going to hold malice towards her when Adam would never?

Carlos said...

Even though Australians are big fans of Adam they are even BIGGER fans of Pink. So it makes sense. Her albums reach 10xPlatinum over there

Urethra_Franklin said...

I knew when I reluctantly clicked into this comment section that it was going to take the tone that it has...Its HER song. Get over it!

11:44 AMEN!

7788 said...

Wow it sounds exactly like Adam's.

But I like it. If only they had the song on the US version so I would buy it.

Anonymous said...

Adam sings his heart out and his version is million times better than Pink's after I listened to them both.

Anonymous said...

Well, I need to think like a "saint" to get over it, but today I don't want to. Maybe tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

The way I look at it.When Adam talked about the people who wrote some of the songs on FYE, Justin Hawkins, Matt Bellamy, Gaga, Pink, and the people who produced on it, It wasn't SOLELY to give them credit. They don't need publicity, they already made it. It was primarily to give HIS album credibility. New artists do this all the time. Now Adam's used Pink's name to open more people up to the song, Why shouldn't she have a go? It has to work both ways.Everyone uses everyone in the entertainment industry. It's just that some people OFFER to be of use. By the way. If you think I'm disrespecting Adam. You're wrong.. I'm a HUGE Adam fan. I'd follow him to the ends of the earth if I could afford it. But I'm a libra. I see both sides of the story. And I'm over 30.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the same back tracks as Adam with Pink's voice. esp. since she wrote it, a little originality please??

Anonymous said...

I don't have time to put my thoughts down intelligently (Halloween duties calling my name :)), and when I rush I say things poorly and oftentimes get myself into trouble, lol, so I'll skip all that (but let's just say I'm pro "this"), but the thing that I really wanted to throw out there is that if "this" enhances the chances for a Pink/Lambert collaborative performance, somewhere/sometime, hopefully on some televised event but even if not, then I am for "this" all the more!! Just my POV.

Anonymous said...

I think that the fact that Pink is doing WWFM so much like Adam's version IS THE COMPLIMENT, and IS THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT by her of what he did for/with the song!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Tour Mag of sorts????


Anonymous said...

i like pink she didnt even change it up at all!? i can sing the song like that tooo lol but i dont get it either! i hope she doesnt release it to the US! cuz its Adams song,,, it would be wierd hearing the song on the radio by someone else,, i guess she didnt think it would be a hit!!! but remember Pink ! We are Glamberts! Glamberts are different fans from a black eye peas fan! Katie

Anonymous said...

But then on the other hand I could care less !lol Katie

Anonymous said...

copy cat

Anonymous said...

This sounds like someone doing a cover of a famous person's hit song. Why would anyone want their voice to be compared to Adam Lambert's. Pink does have a great style of her own - I like her better when she sings in her usual angry style.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert-adam lambert voice version of whata want from me is way better. why she has this song. im just curious. whats shes thinking this time.

Anonymous said...

i have mixed feelings on this one. I do like Pink, but the timing sucks on this move of hers. If it helps adam great, but my gut says it won't so I hope you australian adam fans, please, do not buy this. Maybe, Adam will tweet something soon and let us know how he feels about this- then I won't be so unsettled!

Anonymous said...

Anon's your example:

Have you heard "How Do I Live" from the movie Con Air?
It was originally released by Leann Rimes and then sung on the movie by Trisha Yearwood. Both had their version on the radio. When the actual soundtrack came out, it was left off due to legal reasons.

Anonymous said...

ha ha is karaoke from Adam's song
and she cowroted with Max Martin and Shelback
Sober his grammy hit is cowrote with Kara Dioguardi
For me Pink is a bed person , she said to Oprah she isn't good person
i'm sorry but just lost a fan , i use to like his music

Anonymous said...

vote for Adam the hotest cellebrity
vote hard how many time you want

Lolita said...

I agree with those who believe it is her song and she can sing it whenever and however she wants. And, hell yes, an Adam and Pink DUET would be bad ass!!!! Especially the way they both like to highlight the vocals with amazing visuals. DO IT!

Anonymous said...

This is an unclassy move by Pink. I have always been a fan of hers, but doesn't she have enough in her repertoire of songs? She gave it away, and the song was a hit not because it was a superb song, but because it was a superb artist singing it. Thanks to Pink, Adam made a huge hit out of it, but now, she needs to move on.

Anonymous said...

Well, Pink did say that she "found someone who can sing it a lot better" - you damn straight!

Anonymous said...


I´m stupid. I don´t know how to vote. Should I write in the name? And vote where?

LP said...

Sometimes we only hear half the story. Which maybe true this time. I do not think Pink would do anything to hurt her own reputation.When she gave this song to Adam , I think she wanted to see what he would do with it. Well to put simply, he was damned successful. She might be going to collaborate with him again, or sing this song with him sometime. This would only give Adam a huge feather in his cap. Like I said we usually only hear half the story.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 11:44 a.m. - I totally agree with what you said,

"let's just keep in mind, that although we are all certainly entitled to our own opinions, too much defense of Adam by fans does have an unflattering reflection on him in the industry - believe what you want, but this is a fact."

And, the Glamberts do NOT need to be saying bad things about Adam's peers. Keep a smile on your face Glamberts. Adam DID get his worth out of the song already and he has moved on to the next one - IIHY.


Anonymous said...

i have some good news : adam's debut concert in france is SOLD OUT !!! i'm so happy to see that even there people want to see him!!

Anonymous said...

Adam released this song/video at a time when he and us fans needed it....and he and us fans have a special connection to it.....I feel like Pink slapped me in the face......Adam has worked his butt off and he is still working....I know he will have positive things to say about Pink....but how much shit does he have to take...
what would Kayne do.....would they do this to another artist...he hasn't even finish his tour...I wonder what GaGa thinks of this....NOT KOOL AT ALL

Urethra_Franklin said...

"Waiting on Adams official response about this?"

Are you kidding me? What planet am I on today?? Like hes gonna say anything bad about the woman...SHE WROTE HIS HIT!!! HELLO!!! He adores her. Hes thankful for the song. Like he gives a shit if she sings it. You people know better than to think he would criticize her...


And Happy Halloween.

Anonymous said...

I think that is the big compliment for Adam that Pink re-considered to include this song in her new album. What's wrong with that?

Feeling Good - the song that Adam performed at AI was"Feeling Good" was a song written by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse but has since been recorded by many artists, including Nina Simone, Muse, Sammy Davis Jr., Bobby Darin, Traffic, Michael Bublé, The Pussycat Dolls, George Michael, John Barrowman, John Coltrane, Toše Proeski, and Frank Sinatra Jr.

Singers do it all the time... If you think that she decided to do it for the reason of "riding his coat-tail"... Well, that's flattering anyway... Usually people do it copying BIG artists, pop-stars... And Adam IS a STAR!

Still like and respect her! (But Adam is No ONE for me :)

lily said...

Pink should have recorded it a little different than adam (hope)

Anonymous said...

WoW!!! It's Halloween night, I better dress as Pink and sing WWFM when trick or treat. See if I could survive the night! Ha!

Anonymous said...

why can people not say bad things about other artists? Isn't that the whole point of forums and online blogs, for people to discuss their points of view on subjects. Nobody has said anything particularly mean about Pink, in fact most people on here have praised her talent, but that doesn't mean they have to like what she is doing, and they are perfectly in their right to do so. I just find it a bit ridiculous that you think we have to be all sweetness and light all the time, and like everyone and everything just because they're Adams peers. If you don't like something you can still get your pov across in a respectful way.
As to this issue, I don't think it will help Adam at all,and could hurt any future sales of his on this track and even though I presume Pink is legally OK to do this, ethically and morally it just doesn't feel right to me. But
it won't make any difference to me per se as I don't buy Pinks music, so I won't be buying this one either.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

She sang it in her concert different but when she put it on her CD she copied Adam's version....I know it is her song but the timing is all wrong....I'm over this...going to chalk it up as "no class" and she is on my list with AT&T......

Anonymous said...

Do not understand why she would do this? Will it help or hurt Adam? Will people start buying her version instead of Adams?

Anonymous said...

100 Heat Hot 2010 Contest

Keep voting...I put Adam's name in first box and copy/paste all the way down......

This is "What I Want From You" LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam was #9 last year...let's get him to #1 where he belongs.........Vote

Anonymous said...

Waiting for pics of Halloween costume..vampire of course!!!!

Anonymous said...

for voting on 100 hotest cellebrities
in right side there are some box , fill the first with Adam Lambert and then scroll down and it is vote button click on it , refresh and vote again how many time you want

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:44 AM Does that go for fans of Justin Beiber,Usher, Eminem, Keisha, Miley, or Taylor Swift, as well? Why are Adam's fans treated rudely just like Adam? Sick of it. I think we are his fans because we recognize his glorious talent. If I were a recording artist I would be very hesitant to follow Adam's version of ANY song due to the inevitable comparison. Once he sings it, he owns it. Pink was right: Adam sings it way better than she does. Just another case of somebody trying to make money off Adam?

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

if it was an album greatest hits of a songwriter she have to let the real artist that he made'it hit , only just she is one of the three writers that wrote the song , if it is greatest hits as a singer she don't justify that , Adam make'it hit. if somebody knows please tell me if pink has a hit as huge as wwfm make'it for Adam.Anyway Adam can pass to the others songs and make them hits , we sopport him , but Pink will lose a lot of fans , people don't forget ugly things , any song of FYE can be a hit , i want so much Can't let you go as single with video or just live and PUU

Anonymous said...

i think they both benefit from it. win -win.

Anonymous said...

forget Pink VOTE....for Adam

Anonymous said...

OK -- my indigestion is over. Pink can sing whatever song she wants to sing, especially ones she wrote. I would LOVE to hear her and Adam sing WWFM together on a huge stage with tons of musicians and back up singers!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Pink should sing this with Adam...Might be her song...Adam owes it vocally.....NICE that Adam made it "greatest hits" hasn't even been a year.....Way to go BB

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan October 31, 2010 4:38 PM, this is 11:44 here, I am totally on your side, on Adam's side, but what I said is something that has to be contended with as it is an issue in play for many people who are in a position to help Adam's career, or not. I hate to have to say what I said, I hate to have to think it, but it is something that has to be considered if we care enough about Lambert's career. It is ugly, it is almost unseemly, I agree, I hear what you said, but it is relevant to the discussion.

I don't care about any of the other artists you mentioned, but I care about how Lambert comes off in the industry... which, to state the obvious, is RULED BY THE ALMIGHTLY DOLLAR, also something which has to be acknowledged by fans, Lambert knows this quite well, it is part of it all, it just is what it is. Lambert is playing the game part of this all that must be played IMHO, I think it's time we fans learn to do the same, if we care enough about his career to do so. Don't like to be a Debbie Downer, but I do honestly believe situations just like this one, if taken over the top and over the edge by OTT comments from fans, matter...if even only on an anonymous blog on the internet. Discussion and debate is cool, but OT and cray cray comments (not necessarily here but in the blogosphere at large) don't lend favorably to how Lambert is perceived by people in the industry who are in a position to help him, or not. JMO.

Anonymous said...

11:44 & 6:59 What are you talking about? (sounds similar to remarks made on Hans Ebert blog that mysteriously stopped as soon as it got interesting--and innovative re: ideas for Adam's career). Instead of being so mysterious, why don't you just spill the truth that you seem to know & the rest of us don't? Please give specifics. Name names. We can handle it. The MUSIC INDUSTRY is comprised of people, not some kind of gods on high. I do understand about power--but it can shift.

By the way, I've not seen over the top remarks on this blog. If you want to talk over the top, what about the video of the 7-8 year old crying hysterically because she thought 16 yr old Beiber was going to start dating! That is the age of his fan base now--7,8,9 yr olds. Oh, he's being marketed brilliantly by Usher.

Maybe it's the MUSIC INDUSTRY that needs to be held accountable and change to fit the 21st Century. I wish Adam owned his OWN label and his OWN material. I suspect he has the potential to be very innovative.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

of course is about the money but fans are those who bring money in Adam's wallet and on theier managers's , that's why is importent our opinion
look what was the power of fans in Malaysia and in all SE Asia . Adam knows very well that and all this act is to please theier fans , we are wrong sometime and Adam let us to know and nobody is offended .Importent is that we love and support him unconditioned and we believe in his talent

Anonymous said...

Dream: Pink and Adam singing "Whataya want from me" as a duet on the grammy's... And eh about "feeling good", Adam used the Muse's version of the song...

Anonymous said...

Thank you amelie.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I am nobody special Kentucky Fan, trust me, nobody special or "in the know" at all. (I think I read that Hans Ebert blog that you mentioned, once, I think, not sure, but am not really sure what you're speaking of there, sorry).

I am just someone who observes and reads and blogs sometimes; I have no truth to spill, and didn't mean to be mysterious, I have nothing that only I know that you don't to share with you, I'm just someone who observes and reads and blogs sometimes. Any specifics, that you request, are things that I've picked up on in various media sources, available to anyone and everyone. I'd list a few for you, but I'm not sure if you'd be open to them.

I tried to take a kind tone in my post. And btw, I said "...Discussion and debate is cool, but OT and cray cray comments (not necessarily here but in the blogosphere at large)..." NOT NECESSARILY HERE BUT IN THE BLOGOSPHERE AT LARGE. The fact that there is very little OTT commenting on this particular blog/site is exactly why I'm here fellow fan.

Your third paragraph is intriguing, but perhaps not the case at this time, and Lambert has to survive and thrive in the industry such as it is right now. (and as an aside, thank goodness for WWFM and it's Top-40 friendly vibe, so Top-40-friendly that its airplay simply couldnt' be denied).

I think Lambert is one of the most talented entertainers on the world stage. I think his fans are some of the best on the world stage. But I have those others thoughts too.

Anonymous said...

If Fever had been a top ten, would Gaga have put it on her "greatest hits" list - don't think so..

Pink just wants her piece of the pie, but the video was so great because ADAM was so great

Anonymous said...

By releasing this Pink implies the question of why this song is a hit: because of Adam or because of Pink? It takes some of the shine off of Adam's first hit, and doesn't reflect very well on her either. It was so unnecessary to Pink's career, and ill-timed. It makes her look greedy. I'm guessing that the duet thing is just corporate's idea, to make it look better, and that Adam is graciously going along with it.

Anonymous said...

Bravo,11:26,11:44,x3,ZZ,12:04PM,12:25,MGF,12:48PM,Lolita, LP,2:55PM,Urethra,6:31,6:59, all the voices of reason, IMHO. I think the negativity re: Pink is unwarranted and believe Adam, who it directly concerns would be disappointed in those that are so upset with her right to do whatever she pleases with a song that she wrote and so generously gave to him. They are friends and she has been quite vocal complimenting Adam for making it such a big hit. Adam will be identified with that song and her singing it will only bring to mind Adam, giving him even more notoriety. A classic example: Dolly Parton wrote "I Will always Love You", gave it to Whitney Huston who made it a monumental hit, having also sung it in the movie The Body Guard. Dolly later recorded it and no one made a fuss over it. Artists do it all of the time with no one getting in an uproar. Unfortunately some of Adam's fans have inadvertantly hurt Adam by their overzealousness defending him over minor issues, not always knowing all of the facts and giving the Glamberts the reputation of being over the top, rabid fans. I've heard it said on the radio and in print. Adam doesn't bash other artists,especially those that have a professional relationship with him. You all have a right to express your opinions and feelings, however I have to agree with the posters that I have listed. Peace, Y'all and Happy Halloween.

Anonymous said...

I'm an over the top rabid fan, I can't myself it's pathological.But I really see no harm in Pink singing a song she wrote and is proud of. If we keep up this attitude no one will want to work with Adam and look how good his first album turned out.It made me the kook I am today,lol.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anon 8:44pm & Anon 9:02pm

Anonymous said...

Forgot my tag @ 8:44PM in case anyone takes issue with my comments. I'm funbunn40, going on and on as usual with no disrepect towards anyone;s opinions. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

She recorded the demo first. GMAFB that she is singing his version.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that when Pink's CD is out people will notice that WWFM is included in the album. Then they say .. 'I thought ADAM LAMBERT sings this' ... listen to Pink's version .. get curious about ADAM's version so buy FYE CD also to COMPARE!! I know this is far fetched but maybe this will generate more sales for ADAM. That's just the OPTIMIST in me folks ... can't help it .. but anything that will help ADAM's FYE CD reach PLATINUM ... I am for it ... and THIS just might!! ..Love & Light


Anonymous said...

I don't think that's far fetched or overly optimistic of you at all tess4ADAM, I think it's a perfectly reasonable scenario. Who knows if it will play out that way, but that is a perfectly sound theory. I think, sort of like you said, that at least WWFM might get some additional downloads as a single; I don't know if this will cause people to buy the whole cd out of curiousity and desire to compare (hopefully tho) but I'm optimistic that it might result in at least some additional downloads for the WWFM single. Good on ya for your optimism tess4ADAM.

Anonymous said...

I'm on the fence as far as "right or wrong" on this but it doesn't matter, I wasn't planning on buying Pink's CD anyway.

Anonymous said...

Pink is singing 'Adam's version" on CD..unlike the version she sang in her concerts
I know singers cover other singer's songs....but it hasn't been even a year and Adam is still doing his tour...she could had waited
BTW..were Elvis. Beatles or even Bieber's Fans over the top????

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment @ 5:11 am. Muse fans are way over the top, just go to any of Adam's "Soaked" videos on YT and read the comments. They make Glamberts look tame. I am very passionate about defending Adam and I don't care how BSC I sound when I do it.

Anonymous said...

Pink recorded the song for Funhouse. It didn't make the cut. She is not recording "Adam's version" There is no "Adam's version". He sang it based on HER VERSION. It's her song. She didn't give it to him. Or write it for him. And I have never heard either say they were "friends".

Anonymous said...

Lately, I come to this blog to comment, I cannot escape people would remind you how to write nicely out of their love about Adam. Come on this is not kindergarten. Sometimes, I wander people find it uneasy or afraid to say what they want to express here. When I first hear about Pink's WWFM , my first impression is she will make lots of money and that does not count she is already made a tonnes from Adam's version which she deserve. And then I think why she do it, of course, its all about money. It came so naturally to my mind that I dont even bother another excuse. I am glad people ask about this on the radio as long as they did not trash anybody. People need answers and explanation and then move on. Still remember, Adam is made to address after AMA and in Rolling Stone because people need answer from him. I don't see there are any differences in Pink's issue.

Anonymous said...

Yes people, many other fans of other artists are "passionate", absolutely, goes without saying, but Adam is being shit on for various things ON VARIOUS FRONTS, right or wrong (wrong obviously) and after thinking about it more, I guess I'm with the camp that says if we can help in lessening one tiny little area where Lambert is getting shit on, then I'm willing to think through my blogging/defending a bit more (hey GLb, that was for you, regards from "6am" ;)). Elvis and the Beatles weren't around in the time of instant communication on a global scale, where all the actions of fans could be quickly seen by program directors, dj's, other artists, pr people, management people, industry execs, entertainment news programs, producers, writers, casting directors etc!! You people in the other campe are right, your positions are valid, I don't think most commenting here is disputing that... maybe my camp is just acquiescing a bit, right or wrong, in the interest of concern as to how Lambert is received and perceived in the pop culture and music scenes right now. It ain't that deep, but at the same time it sorta is. Bieber and his fans, to just name one that was mentioned up-thread, get a pass for all sorts of things that Adam doesn't seem to, it sucks but I'm willing to and have to recognize that and respond accordingly. IDK, just more food for thought. Love that Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Listen to Pink's version IN CONCERT and then tell me she didn't change it...

BTW..I have heard Adam sing this..accostic..his AI (blew me away)..he can change it up....


Anonymous said...

I think it is a huge compliment to Adam. If he did not make the song a hit they (Sony/LaFace) would not be putting it on "Pink's Greatest Hits" album! She may have not even had much say in this decision, most likely it was the record company who decided. It's not personal, it's business.

I understand people feeling slighted though because they think it's personal or whatever. It's rude to tell people to "Get over it" imo.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why P!nk is including WWFM on her Australian version of the album and nowhere it seems at this stage? She is hugely popular Down Under. The thing is if American artists bother to tour in OZ and they're good at what they do, then they will be popular so it was both sensible and heartwarming that Adam brought his Glam Nation tour to Oz. Singers need to be visible to be really liked ... or not liked if they are completely devoid of talent. It's fantastic that Adam toured in my country because his concerts were absolutely AWESOME and SOLD-OUT, and now that fellow Aussies have heard and seen the excellent calibre of Adam's voice and performances, hopefully he's now paved the way for more and more concert tours here. I'll keep a close eye out for how P!nk's album is travelling. I just hope and pray she doesn't release WWFM here as a single.

Anonymous said...

IMHO what i can see here is additional exposure for Adam. In the little knowledge that i have of the advertising industry, product retention and visibility are basic in order to effectively sell something. The ideal situation is when the marketing strategy used gets people talking about the product in every way possible. There are also times when they would use controversies for more media mileage just to get people interested to eventually generate huge profits. But more often than not, consumers buy products which are endorsed by a celebrity. Now in this scenario, Pink could even be the biggest endorser of Adam. Perhaps it is the highest form of approval that Pink can give Adam for making her material a big hit. Having said that, i will never discount the fact that Pink is smart, very clever and of course business savvy who knows exactly the tricks of the game. The buzz they created puts Adam in the limelight again and people are talking about it just like what is happening here. IMHO this is a win/win project for both of them. Pink raking huge profits while giving Adam massive exposure. Can you just imagine if a portion of her fans will check out Adam to see his version of WWFM, that could possibly translate into more converts. Whether people like it or not our product is of PRIME QUALITY WHICH COULD SELL ITSELF EFFORTLESSLY. This is Adam's advantage in the music industry today. Adam is absolutey versatile with a talent so unique and a voice that is enchanting. Just like @tess4ADAM i can also see some good things to coming out of this.

Anonymous said...

Aussie again .... P!nk is OK but I'm not a big fan of hers and I won't be buying her greatest hits album.

Anonymous said...

Oooops what i meant to say was - i can also see some good things coming out of this, sorry.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha and i failed to put my tag at 8:01AM :( sorry again!


Anonymous said...

Pink co-wrote WWFM so it’s technically half hers but she gave it to Adam who has enjoyed great success with it. Therefore it seems to me that she’s riding on the coat tails of Adam’s success with this song and has included it in this album even though it’s not one of HER greatest hits. I’ll be flaming annoyed if she releases it as a single anywhere but there’s nothing I nor anyone else can do about it.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said in interview that he'd like to sing with P!nk and that won't happen if fans of his are bagging her. At the same time, I wish she hadn't included WWFM on this album because rightly or wrongly, it seems to have caused a lot of angst.

Anonymous said...

If you are going to sing with Adam...your voice better be in excellent shape..I felt bad for the other AI when he had to sing rock songs with Adam ........who blew the songs out of the water...even tho the other singer was fine singing other songs....

Anonymous said...

When you sell 3 million concert tickets during a recession as did Pink in 2009-2010 and has made hit after hit, there is no such thing as riding on Adam's coattails. He can't help her in any way. Unless maybe she lets him be the opening act on her next world tour. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not need to be an opening act for anybody, he can easily be on his own just for only one CD.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and Pink is the main attraction for 10x his audience after 5 albums. She doesn't need to ride his coat tails. Never have and never will.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:41, If you prefer Pink so very much more than Adam what are you doing on his blog? Go and comment on her blog! BTW, I like Pink. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Cuz I can. Haha.

If Adam doesn't make it to Clay Aikenville It will be a miracle.


For now.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, do any Adam fans go on Aiken or Pink's blogs and diss them? I don't and I sure don't appreciate those that are dissing Adam on this one. I am hoping the Administrator recognizes the trolls and deletes their comments. So childish!!!

Anonymous said...

@anon 12:41pm. I think it is becoming pretty annoying when people reminding how many albums artist made. Pink has very good investors-I just saw interview you her. Adam started from scratch. FYI it costs a lot of money to make new album. I don't care about Pink, but agree with anon@1:30pm. What are you doing here in Adam blog?

Anonymous said...

If you're gonna record a song, make it your own (even if it was your song before you gave it away, beacause it wasn't suitable), not a karaoke version.

Anonymous said...

So many comments about Pink, WWFM, Adam Lambert. All I know is that I am glad that Adam recorded it. It has been my favorite song of 2010. He has made it his own and changed it up a bit performing it on his GNT. All these comments, arguments,etc. are just so pointless. He recorded the song, released it to great success along with a terrific video and all we have to do is sit back and enjoy listening to it. Stop analyzing, rationalizing, demonizing everything about it! Just appreciate his impressive vocal talent and the fact that it is the first hit in a list of many that will come from Adam in his music career.

Anonymous said...

@6am Good for you!.. Thinking more about it.. (But damn, your comment.. I had to read it twice to get the meaning of it. My poor lonely, non-native neuron.. :-) ) I did the same.. In fact, I slept on it so much so that I didn't see the point in posting here anymore, especially after seeing the number of comments here. No time to read them all and I guess everything has been said already. Plus, it takes .. ‘a while’ to write what’s in my mind in a coherent way, no matter the language. It’s quite a (brain)storm in there! No clear ‘sky’ at all! But when I'm shouted out.. Here I am! :-)

So, I had mixed feelings about this (black and) 'pink situation' (lowercase intended) for a while. Classy.. unclassy.. whatever, I know now that I'm not ok only with the timing of it. This timing, I guess, smells so much of money and not love for the song, to many of us, that it had to burst somehow.. in a quite respectful manner, I might add, as many of Adam's fans seem to like Pink also (mainly because Adam likes Pink, I believe). The ‘legitimate’, ‘professional’ or whatever they call themselves commentators might say that we, crazy Glamberts, have sniffed so much ..glitter that our olfactory senses are forever damaged and we smell sh*t where are only roses and daffodils. So be it! I’m very much aware of the fact that phantosmia is associated to many disorders, including schizophrenia or brain injury, but, hey, I’ll gladly accept the tag of the Buffoon, ‘Fool of the Court’, if that allows me to freely speak my mind. But you know, smart kings and queens paid attention to the Fools’ raving discourses! Glamberts might be often ‘ridiculous’, ‘over the top’, ‘clowns’, but they are in no way idiots or brain injured!

As for the singers/songwriters/producers, they are no fools either. They might have noticed by now that the same 'crazy Glamberts' are spreading the word all over the globe about anyone who works with Lambert. They end up loving almost everything that fricking Lambert loves, enjoys or 'touches'. And his fanbase is growing every day! THAT is a win-win situation!

In my opinion, Adam won’t benefit from Pink's 'moves' in any way more than he already has...nor he will be harmed.. No matter the reasons or the outcome of it, I do think it's another (good) lesson to be learned by Adam and his team. In this respect, sooner is better than later!

Anonymous said...

@GLb - interesting, and I enjoyed that read, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't think there is a thing wrong with Pink singing her own song on her own compilation cd, even if it is a cover of the version released by Adam Lambert. She recorded this song for her Funhouse album (I have yet to hear that studio recording so I honestly can't say if she copied his version or vice versa) and she performed it on numerous occasions this past summer on the European leg of the Funhouse Summer Circus tour. Because it didn't make the final cut for Funhouse, she offered it to Lambert, who was looking for material for his own cd at the time. Keep in mind that he had very close to 3 months to release a full album so he didn't have much time to play around with it.

Pink has acknowledged repeatedly that he sings it better than she does. From what I have been able to find out, it won't be released on the US version of her Greatest Hits cd so I really don't see what is perceived to be the big issue here. Unless Adam purchased all rights to the song or they made some sort of verbal agreement that she would not release it for a specific period of time following his own album, it's within her rights to record it, perform it, make a music video for it, write it on bathroom walls and anything else she pleases with it.

I enjoy the music of both artists (and for GLb's information, I was a Pink fan long before I even knew Lambert existed!) but I can't imagine that Pink, one of the top 15 selling female pop-rock artists in the world, is the teensiest bit concerned about making a penny off of Adam Lambert's success. Until I hear from his own mouth that he feels slighted in some way by her actions, I will consider this to be nothing more than a side effect of the music industry. There are lots of Muse, Zeppelin, T Rex fans and so on who would say that Adam sucks for even attempting to cover the songs of their most coveted idols. I would, of course, disagree with their opinions as well. In this case, however, it's Pink's song to start with so why shouldn't she cover it?

Anonymous said...

ok losers she would have recoreded it when she first wrote it, so what if she released as a bonus track Yes BONUS TRACK she isn't making money off of it. get over yourselves and enjoy the damn music