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HD Video Performances from Helsinki

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, November 7, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, November 07, 2010


Ring Of Fire



Anonymous said...

Lost my GNT virginity --- SOOO HAPPYYYY!!!

Right now all I can say I WANT MORE - and wish I had bought tickets to Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen, like I originally planned!

The Man is Amazing & Mesmerizing, THAT VOICE, THAT CHARISMA, even though you could see and hear from the first moment that he should be in bed...
Haven't yet had the chance to read anything written here or anywhere else, so please excuse moi, if I'm flailing and writing "old news"...After gathering myself and watching all possible videos, I'll try to make some grown up comments, lol!

Just hope Adam is feeling better, he is such a trooper!!!

GGD Gal, back home, safe & sound...NOT!

Anonymous said...

GGD Gal......I watched videos for 4 months and when I went to my concert and he walked down those stairs in his purpleness and started singing I WAS GONE....he is mesmerizing......

Anonymous said...

Same when I first saw him live, my very first siting, it was unbelievable and yet so familiar.
He does sound unwell but still beautiful, sexy and husky. I feel for him though.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe Adam didn't have nasal cold. More like he was freezing and not being used to the weather after performing over the summer at all these hot places in US/Asia/Pacific. On his ROF performance as if he is implying I need some fire to get warm!

Anonymous said...

@GGD Gal - so happy for you... and yep, there's nothing that can prepare one for seeing AFL live; there's no comparison to the cd and/or tv appearances or even the best most clearly shot concert vids... when you've recovered, please do share your "grown up comments" :)

Anonymous said...

Jeez, he's sick here??? When I heard he was sick I cringed, said a prayer for him that he could get thru the show at ALL and hoped for the best... I would say he is more subdued,(?) the key sounds a slight bit lower(?) but wow, he sounds pretty good!!!

GGD Gal, congrats!!! Whoop whoop, lol. I don't know if I ever smiled this much about someone losing their 'virginity'... though in this case, seeing ADAM live is QUITE a remarkable and unforgetable experience.
"Welcome to Glam Nation" =D

MGF well said. Can I hang out with you and wait for the 'grown up' comments too? =)

Anonymous said...

RIGHT as rain, the comments about seeing videos, t.v., etc. but nothing compares to seeing him live. He is absolutely other worldly in every way. He is charming and darling in interviews and then we he arrives on stage, he alters into this man that is just above all levels of charisma, talent and beauty! Even his voice had a crystaline quality to it. He is JAW DROPPING!!!!!!!! in every way.

Anonymous said...

YUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If this is Adam when is isn't feeling well, I just don't know what to say. I am truly speechless!
He is such a generous, unspoiled, hard working, giving, professional! I LOVED the Helsinki audience. He said he feeds off audience energy and he really needed it, they gave him what he needed! times 100! Thanks Helsinki~

Anonymous said...

ADAM es un profesional de primera, responsable,
y con una increĆ­ble capacidad de trabajo.
entregando siempre, todo su arte y talento a su
publico que lo ama y aclama.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy - thanks, but Anon 4:56pm just said it soooo much better than I did :). I'm only hanging out on 24/7 for a little while longer, trying to catch up cuz I've missed a lot lately, but don't know if I'll be catching those grown up comments tonight :)... I love the visceral emotion of GGD Gal's initial and raw comments though!

Anonymous said...

HH- estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que ud. dijo! GGDGal, no longer a GNT virgen! Champagne all around! I for one like the non-grown up responses but just come back with details, details, details! Like the person above said, when Adam descends those stairs for the first time, it's like nothing I've ever felt before! He is mesmerizing!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Glamshit! I'm still a GNT VIRGIN! I want to be deflowered by sweet Adam too!

Anonymous said...

Ladies, thnk you for lovely and supportive comments!
Loosing virginity takes its toll, it's 4.20 am here and I surrender...Been watching GNT Helsinki videos and NOTHING grown up comes to my mind at this point...But I tell you this: Adam had me from the moment I saw him sing (he gave me) Satisfaction (AI8) and last night the circle was completed (my ring of fire?) and now here we are (Adam sings), my bed LITERALLY glitters and I'm beaming...

GGD Gal, over and out (for now)

The Dark Side said...

What an astonishing way to lose one's virginity. Unfortunately, as anyone knows, once lost, no further need to abstain, so it all Adam all the time. Kind of like you first love--hard to get over it. Us long lost virgins are a little more accustomed to absorbing all this glamness, and going back for more. I would suggest that in the beginning a little goes a long way. I would also suggest that all you newly non-virgins only go to the Adam fan club news post at your own risk.

☺ said...

Yeah, I think Adam is a bit under the weather. He lowered some of it down. But then again I'm not sure... who can sing like that if you're sick. Maybe Adam just needs more rest... that's all. :( Drink lots of fluids bb... non-alcoholic that is... kidding...♥ you

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh GGD - I remember the first time I saw Adam was like my brain had been lit on fire! All the little synapses just snapped. I didn't breathe for an HOUR. Just stood and gaped, amazed that I was even breathing the same air as him! He opens his mouth, and glitter spews out, catches the warm current being produced by all his hot and sweaty fans, lingers in the air while he holds a high note, then drizzles down upon us all while we hold our hands up, and tilt our heads back to receive it!

So happy you got to experience him live!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Awww, just watched Aftermath, with all the fans singing along...what a beautiful sound! Made me all warm and fuzzy inside. :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...


His Hair!!

His Hair!!

His beautiful, thick, shiny hair!!

When, that long strand on the right gets sweaty and sticks to his cheek.....

Think I need a new post name: GONNER!!

Anonymous said...

Jeeeezus Adam Fix/8:42pm... and damn, when you're right you're right

and ROF, HHH


Anonymous said...

Holy Sh#!
Just watched this Sleepwalker again... DDAAMMNN! I think I'm speechless!!! WOW, this is goin on my list of all time FAVES! I can't believe he was sick?? MY GOD what power and passion.

GGDGal, thanks for getting us started...this has ben SUCH an enjoyable thread to read =)

Dark Side, lmao--I think i love you
Adam Fix, geeeez you outdid yourself!
Fan4fun, MGF, & Gonner,<--(lol love the name)

Damn, I'd like to propose the group of us would have a blast if we could ever get together... (I can just see the bills for roof repair$!!)
Good thing we can problably only meet here on this

Love feeling this glittery & happpy, thanks all!
Till the next time... Special thanks to ADAM for bringing us all together in joy and fun. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless[as close as I can get!haha]as all of your comments have got me reliving my own adam deflowering!Heart rate faster,labored breathing ,temp rising[Thanks for visual, Adamfix!]I can still remember the electricity when he walked down the stairs singing Voodoo with those long, lithe legs and drop dead beautiful body and face! Join our hopelessly addicted group, GGDGal and all new ones that have been glitterized and mesmerised! Life is now and evermore a more beautiful place with our rockgod in it! Ditto Cindy!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I also noticed that Adam adjusted and lowered some of his notes, barely perceptable, but when you've seen every video you can catch it. He has the knowledge and skill to do what's necessary to give a stellar performance,even if he's not feeling well. He always gives 120% and has never missed a performance. He knows how to pace himmself! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

OMG Funbunn40... I thot I put you in there!
(ahh... or was that you that changed your name to Gonner?)
Yes definitely noticed the lower key & commented too. I actully love it... I love "Aftermath" too because it's the lower notes... =)

Ok just for fun, I agree with all of the descriptions in the GNT 'deflowerings' mentioned above, and relived my own... =D
Thot you'd all "GET" what I mean, and get a kick out of what I happily blurted out after I got over the --- "OMG thats really HIM"--- initial shock and actually realized I could still speak...

"O M G.. hes soo beautiful...and he's SOOO BBIIIGG"!!

Yup I said that... appropriate isnt' it?? lol... Most people don't realize he IS BIIG... beautifully so. TALLL & broad shouldered with incredible stage presence, and shows up WELL on stage. PLUS the combination of the top hat and the wide fur collar & long sparkle fringe... he looked like a magniificently beautiful purple transformer.... I sure as hell was transformed!! =D

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone who likes Mad World? It has such a bad reputation of being the encore when something is not quite alright.

Anonymous said...

Cindy 3:27 - HA HA HA HA HA!!!

"He's so BIIIIIGGGGG!!!!"

Love that! And I get it! Funbunn40 - you talk about how stunned you were when he walked down the stairs at the beginning of "stunned" moment came during ROF (my FAVE) when he was at the top of the stairs, on his knees, and then he slowly drew one leg up and powerfully placed it on the first stair. At that moment, time stood still for me. I don't know why, but there was something about that looooooonnnnngggg leg moving through space...time slowed down for me...that leg just kept coming at me, as if in slow motion. It was just so...LONG! I will never, ever forget that moment. Of all the things to have as a larger-than-life memory from the first time I ever saw him live...!

OK, am now laughing at myself.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam fix!Voodoo was the first shockwave! The tremors occurred at the same juncture you mentioned in ROF! OH that leg move and the powerful surge in his voice and electric shock to my senses! That was a pivotal moment! And Fever! The earth was really shaking then! Have to stop! Getting a major flashback! Is there another word for post traumatic gasm syndrome? Cindy, I didn't write the post with the tag "Gonner," but I definitely am a goner when it comes to Adam and that post about his hair contributed to it along with yours, Adamfix and others! Think we're ALL goners!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix... lol, glad I made ya laugh... I couldn't belive I actually blurted that out loud, but (oops) I LOUUD! Just figured it would be a comedic little moment to share since GGD Gal got us going in this ahem, hilarious direction. Couldn't resist.

Ok, I guess I'm never gonna look at that knee the same way again. I'm laughing too, matter of fact (when life isn't getting in the way I'm gonna go find a vid to watch & think of your description...)

Funbunn40... holy CRAP woman... lmao... you coined a new phrase?--- new initials!!!
"Adam-PTGS"... omg (holding sides) What a group!
Thanks for sharing all...