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MTV Japan: Adam Lambert Performing 'Voodoo'

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Just a short clip of Japan's MTV channel talking about Adam' VOODOO performance.

Thanks to mmyy9 for the video!


The Dark Side said...

I agree. Don't know what they said, but agree anyway.

Anonymous said...

Huuuh?!? OK, what? huh?... say what?! Oh, I see Voodoo, K... that I got!... hahaha ☺

Anonymous said...

The only word I understand is Adam. I used to listen to Japanese song for a while when I was young( I am not Japanese) Voodoo has a similar vibe to their songs. They also had a pop star dress similar to Boy George 20 years ago. He was very beautiful and famous too. Adam should do well in Japan with his outstanding vocal and look.

Xixi said...

Do we have any Japanese fans here to translate just what they said?

(I listen to Jpop too. Ayumi Hamasaki is flawlees and beautiful)

Anonymous said...

I don't know the language, but I get their vibe. I'm sure I agree with everything they are saying. I also think I heard the word sexy, along with Adam. So girls - you are on point!


Anonymous said...

OT but at there was a contest for best costume. Who knew? Even without my vote LOL a guy dressed as Adam won first place!!!!! Yay! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hi, guys. They just announced new names in line-up at Q102 and Adam name still isn't in the list. So, now in the line-up they have JB, The Script, Bruno Mars, and Selena Gomez. After our votes Adam had more vote than anybody else, after him was JB, then Selena, and Ke$ha. Everybody else had something between 2-5% votes!
If they will not put Adam in this line-up, it hard to belive that they count our votes at all.

Anonymous said...

Since Mardi Gras in Sydney I wish to have a view of what he sees from up there on stage. As for the Japanese shows.. I bet he enjoyed all those young, smiling, excited little faces.. a lot! I'm stereotyping.. with love. :-) GLb

Anonymous said...

@GLb - I recently came across an awesome GNT concert vid when blogging one night (get a life MGF, I know I know :)) and it was taken from behind, well sort of from the side of the stage, but you could really get a feel for what Adam's vantage point must be like. The hubby is out tonight and I'm going to be watching US election returns all night and not doing anything special - I'll try to find the vid for you if I can, and I'll post link here if I have any luck.

On-topic: holy frick that clip was hot! Jeezus I do love me some Voodoo. And those hosts were adorbs.


Anonymous said...

For me at his live show when he begins to descend those stairs, time stops still! It is an unreal moment which is pure magic. And I have to remind myself to breathe. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@MGF Thanks. How could I love you more? :-)

daydreamin said...
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