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Adam Lambert : Happy Holidays!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 25, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, December 25, 2010


judys dancin said...

Oh Adam, Happy Holidays to you too! Thank you for making 2010 a truly amazing year for so many of us! Can't wait to see what 2011 will bring! Also Happy Holidays to all of my 24/7 friends and glamily!

Anonymous said...

Adamluv says, to the fans "de habla espanol", Feliz Navidad y un Propero Ano Nuevo! to all the european, australian, new zealand, canadian, south east asian and other fans that post here, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a fabulous new year!!! It's been the best year ever and look forward to 2011 to see what Adam will bring us!!!! Fan4fun, you, of course are in my wishes as well! Will post in a couple days or so my experiences at the last 2 GNT shows. Havent had a computer for over a week now. bummer!

Anonymous said...

Love you,love you, love you, Adam and love you all too around the globe for a happy New year!

Anonymous said...

ADAM‼ hope you're enjoying the Holiday Season with people who are near & dear to you & lots of red wine‼ Yes, crazy year!... you can say it again for 2011... even crazier‼ :) *round 2 of more food, booze & gifts*


Anonymous said...

more crazier the better Adam Lambert!!!

We are going to have so much fun next year.

Fans all over the world will rock n' roll eh!!!!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Love you Adam. Can't wait for next album and next tour. Saw you twice this year--you are fabulous! Hope you sing at the Grammy awards.

Fan from Michigan

Anonymous said...

Have a Glittery Christmas with your Glamily! wishing the Glam God a Glamtastic 2011!!! Drink your red wine and be Merry!

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what Adam's religion is? Is he an atheist or Jewish?

Anonymous said...

I don't think he has any religion. But he has said he believed there is some sort of higher form of power in the universe in Oprah slow. Check that on Youtube.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 11:52:

He is Jewish, but is non-practicing/non-religious. He's into some (not all) of the New Age type of spirituality. But when asked, he just says he's spiritual, not religious. He's really into the type of spirituality in Rhonda Byrne's book The Secret.


Anonymous said...

Gah, cooking, cooking, tired, tired.
I am thankful for all of this, but I just feel like going to an Adam Lambert concert! haha
Think it's time to get into that red wine..

Anonymous said...

WoW, anno12:51, I have the book "The Secret" with me and read it twice. Happy to find out someone know this book. No wonder there a whole bunch of us here. "Like Attract Like" and we all in the same frequency.

Anonymous said...

Good for Adam. I seriously perfer spiritual people to religious fanatics. Most people who call themselves spiritual are highly intelligent, interesting and broad-minded. Happy Holidays to all friends on 24/7 and it was a fantastic year with our Adam in it. Looking forward to much more Adam in 2011.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of a book called The Secret. I'm a Christian and I'm not planning to resign from church, but I have the Quran, not the Bible on my bookshelf. In my language God is Jumala, Ala in the end, that means Allah.

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to Adam, his friends and family, and all you 27/7 friends out there! Hope 2011 is even more wonderful than 2010.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of the book "Secret" but now I'll have to go look it up. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to those on the 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Happy "gettin' wasted" Bitches!


Anonymous said...

My Son stopped in the Jewelry store yesterday to make a purchase and they asked him if he would donate to some charity or organization and for the donation they gave him the book "The
Secret". Now I'm going to have to read that to see what is in it. I wasn't so curious before....

Anonymous said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone from Spain!!!
This year has been important for me because I discovered ADAM LAMBERT and also I've found all of you (we share our love for Adam).
Thanks to 24/7news I can know almost everything about Adam and thank you to all of you because I can talk about it (because in Spain there isn't a lot of people who know him, by now).

Have fun during the holidays!!!



Anonymous said...

Anon at 1:04, you're right.....and I love thinking I'm even remotely on the same wave length/frequency as Adam too!


Also, my initials are WOW, so it felt like you really knew me to read your post!

To those of you who haven't heard of Rhonda Byrne's book The Secret before, I cannot recommend it highly enough. It will change your life in such wonderful ways, you'll read it over and over again to 'get' it even better each time - regardless of your religious beliefs.

In one interview long ago, Adam basically credited the book with his success and how far he got on Idol. And I believe it. The book is that amazing.

I'd love to hear if anyone reads it.

Happy Holidays to all!


Anonymous said...

Ok, I spent 5 minutes exploring this book The Secret in the internet and I think it is a just a book about opportunism. I wouldn't read it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam for making this such a fun year

You are the best present

You make my day brighter

Happy Holidays

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert by making your dreams come true you have made so many others happy. Looking forward to 2011 and your new cd. Happy Holidays to all!

Anonymous said...

Naike - it is great that you found this wonderful site too and since i don't have the luxury of time this is where i go for my Adam fix. I'm so glad that you've discovered this rare gift for all of us to enjoy for a long time. I've been following Adam for the last two years and i'm having the greatest time of my life.



Anonymous said...

Adam thank you so much for your greetings! Time seems to fly specially to people like you who have been working their asses off. I just wish to express my sincerest gratitude for everything that you have given us this year and i want to assure you that i was absolutely entertained. You have given more than what we wanted and i'm delighted by your many surprises. Let your creativity flow so that more wonderful music will come out of it. Stay focused and positive because it has been helping you a lot. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TOO ADAM.

judy's dancin, Adamluv, V, ZZ, Sweetie and the rest of the Anons in this thread GREETINGS OF PEACE AND JOY THIS YULETIDE SEASON. Hope you got to spend this day with the most significant people in your lives.

@Sweetie - the book is very popular in our country and a lot of my friends recommend it too. I need to get a copy on that ;-)



Anonymous said...

Happy holidays and onto the New Year, all my glittery friends!! What an amazing year it's been. I'm so happy to have had Adam, and all of you, in it. Thank you for all the great fodder - Adam-related, or otherwise - and for giving me a place to gush freely about with this glittery, beautiful creature with the golden throat.

Off to the Oregon Coast tomorrow...will be reading posts when I can, but prob. not commenting much (not that I have had the chance the last week, or so - **WHEW** - holiday madness!).

Take care, everyone.
Wishing you happiness and joy.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@anon at 4:16,

Would Adam love a book that is just about opportunism?

Does that sound like Adam at all?

You trust 5 minutes of internet info more than you trust Adam?!

Anonymous said...

Anon @2:00 Dec. 25, you said you were a Christian. I'm just curious, why did you say you have the Quran and not the Bible on your bookshelf? Did you mean to say that you are not a Christian, but a Muslim?

Anonymous said...

I'm a Christian, but I'm very positive about Islam. Have you read the bible? It has been changed a lot during the history.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:45, I don't know if Adam has read the book, but some like to give that impression that he has read it.

Anonymous said...

@ anon at 11:14, I have heard Adam say on several occasions that he read the book, The Secret.

I heard Adam give credit for his American Idol success to the book in one interview.

I heard him gush positively about it in another interview.

And in another interview he said he was quite fond of it.

The interviews were over a year ago, but it was Adam himself saying this.


Anonymous said...

Another book Adam mentionned once he was reading was "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle.
This book totally changed my views on life, highly recommend it!

Anonymous said...

Well, the Secret book certainly worked for Oprah, she earned 315 million dollars in 2010. If that is not opportunism I don't know what is. But for Adam, not yet.

Anonymous said...

Oh for fucks sake, Adams bookshelf needs cleaning up. I've sold all the bullshit books at the flea market. Now I only have, ancient myths and legends, folkore and fairytales, the roots of religion. All kinds of tales from the ancient near east.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 11:07 Dec 26, yes, I've read the Bible 2 times, and I'm on my 4th time reading the New Testament. I don't know the entire history of the Bible, but I'm aware of some of it.

Anonymous said...

I have "The Secret" and "A New Earth" with me . Those books are spiritual guides to discover and understand your conscious and unconscious mind and finally lead you to define who you are and to the path of ultimate happiness into a better way of life. I have been practicing a few of those guidelines for a few years and it slowly work for me. Visualize your dream, feed on positivity , let go the "ego" and enjoy the present moment. I wish English is my first language so I can fully understand the whole meaning.

Anonymous said...

anon at 2:29, if you PM me on youtube, I will gladly try to explain any parts you're not sure you're getting the whole meaning of. I'm not sure I'll be of help, but I'll try!

wowwnc on youtube