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Adam Lambert is Nominated for Two Z Awards 2010

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 9, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, December 09, 2010

Adam is nominated for "Most On Demand Artist" and "Favorite Fan Forum".

CLICK HERE to vote!


Anonymous said...

Great! But where did they find that photo. He looks like American gigolo. :/

coloforadam said...

The photo is from the back hallway of American Idol, April of 2009. Just one of his many looks and not one we have seen lately. Love the glam rocker look of NOW so much better.

Anonymous said...

how often could we vote??

Anonymous said...

Give us the link of where we can vote for Adam...

Anonymous said...

I think he wore that on AI, when he sang "Tracks of my tears" and Paula was almost in tears .

Anonymous said...

to anon above, this is the link to vote for adam:

Anonymous said...

It tells you to click on SOURCE, I just did it.

Anonymous said...

Most on Demand Artist Chris Brown???? Is this a Joke?


Anonymous said...

i think we could vote as much as we want.

Anonymous said...

They will have to change that pic. He's not looking like that now. Can't even recognize.

Anonymous said...

I hate these stupid contests. Adam should always be in his own category. Everyone else listed are so boring!

judys dancin said...

OMG!! I love the look in the pic!! Brings back good memories!

Anonymous said...

I decided I'm not voting because of the pic. You sort of support that style if you vote him.

glitzylady said...

Off Topic: I just saw an article on Twitter about the LA concerts and how Adam's amazing and dedicated fans are converging from everywhere on LA next week..Talks about Suz526, the fan club post parties, the organizer Julie McCoy-AZGlamFan (I met Suz and Julie in Hawaii), Juneau and Xena, etc. and how Adam's fans are the absolute best!! It is a must-read for anyone going to the concerts and/or parties! Getting very excited!! I learned some new info in it. Here is the link:

Anonymous said...

24/7 you really keep us in the loop... thanks‼ :) Voted and bookmarked‼

Anonymous said...

Chris Brown, a convicted felon, has more votes than Adam. ???? But then again, last year when Good Morning America cancelled Adams appearance after the AMAS, they booked Brown. ???? Help me comprehend this! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Why Adam is not one the new artist???

Anonymous said...

I love this look on Adam. He is absolutely beautiful. If I saw him standing on a street corner waiting for light to turn, looking like this- think my heart would stop!

Anonymous said...

OT but I am probably posting something already seen, but who would not to be Brooke AND do you think she choreographed this ON PURPOSE as I would have done (watch around 4:04 in For Your Entertainment)?!! Have I somehow missed this?


Anonymous said...

Nice pic of Monte, Isaac and Longeneau about a month ago...


Anonymous said...

Well for whatever its worth i've been voting non-stop since the first time i saw this.

@glitzylady- thank you so much for the link to that very well written article that highlighted Adam's latest accomplishments. I like the mention of his armload of Gold, Platinum and Multi-Platinum Certifications. But most of all, i love the respect that was given to Adam's broad fan base acknowledging all kinds of efforts of his most dedicated followers around the world in support of his career. I will definitely bookmark this one being of late the best article i've ever read about Adam and the passionate fan base.

I am also comforted by the fact that Adam would always acknowledge our diversity without any intention to discriminate any age group which is contrary to what is being thrown here by mean-spirited posters who could be trolls for all we know. I didn't want to dignify that issue but whenever i would hear Adam recognizing all kinds of fans, it really appalls me that there are posters here who would do otherwise. It is just absolutely preposterous. I'm sorry about this but i just had to let it off my system. Again glitzylady thanks so much for leading us to that great article ;-)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this picture and it shows HIS diversity. It does bring back memories. What an artist!

Anonymous said...

any exposure is good
let's vote
vote too on

Anonymous said...

just voted for Adam, i cannot believe the Shit artists that Adam is up against....apart from Adam Lambert and the White Stripes...the music scene is the most boring its been for years...its all about money and not Pure Music and Entertainment...Hooray to Adam for changing that

This is MY OWN OPINION..AND I WILL SAY IT!!! i cannot understand why some of you Americans support.THE VILE FUR CLAD RIHANNA ???????????......shes is so SCUM...i would love to lock her in a room and make her watch Animals being SKINNED ALIVE so she and all the other VILE CELEBS and R/B Music artists can wear their disgusting clothes....that belong on BEAUTIFUL ANIMALS...and don,t worry about sending me ignorant comments regarding fur wearers as they don,t hurt me and i can take it I am only speaking the TRUTH!!!
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

@ 9.26 are you a adam newbie? the lovely picture of adam is from A1,you should already know this or at least do some research,try and find a TRUE reason before you start moaning about adam, and don't bother about voting he really does not need your vote!

Anonymous said...

Who cares what pic they use does it matter we all know what Adam looks like lol Im Voting!! :) Katie

Anonymous said...

Hola amiga Fan4Fun, te deje un comentario en
Jimgle Bell. Performace. Un feliz día.......

Anonymous said...

Bing - Kudos to you. Lovers of music are ageless, in fact what a tribute to Adam that he has such a diverse fanbase and he showers love on every single fan he has. Every day he makes me smile and feel happiness.

Those who wish to ridicule Adam's older fans need a real wake up call.

Us so called 'older'fans are educated, successful, family orientated and share an intense love of Adam and his music.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Small word that carries a strong message!

Glitzylady - love the article!!


LP said...

Love this pic. It was the suit he wore from AI top ten, "Tracks of my Tears". Smokey Robinson gave him a standing ovation.

Anonymous said...

This picture would have been good in 1980, not anymore in 2010!

Anonymous said...

Haven't you noticed, some of the older female fans are homophobes. Go on and have your after party (emergency meeting) in LA, no one is interested. AO is in their hands, because that is where that photo probably came from.

Anonymous said...



LP said...

In case you do not remember, Adam always dressed according to the year and the song. He did this every week, that's what was so interesting about him. He was and is a true artist.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he had that style for only one song, that makes it even more laughable. I'm not voting. Why would I vote, this is not a vote for Adam, but for AO site. I never visit AO anyway.

Anonymous said...

@11.36 12.30 another daily visit from the troll who keeps moaning about adam and his older fans! god you are boring sad and so childish
i think you have made it clear now that you only like certain things about adam and seem to have a hatred for adams older fans
don't you dare say you are a fan of adam, because you clearly are not we are learning not to take much notice of you and hopeful 24/7 will start to remove your nasty comments just like they did with krisfanchrissy,you really do need to find a goal in your life because life flys past pretty quickly and you too soon will be old yourself and then you will be hit right in the face with some sort of KARMMA!!!

Anonymous said...

1:19 I don't mind if i'm removed from this site, but I think there's a troll with a tag that chats here with the regulars.

Anonymous said...

Glambrit IOW UK, thanks for that info. on Rihanna. Didnt know that but really doesnt surprise me. Jennifer Lopez is in the same category - just another reason to never watch AI this year. I SO AGREE WITH YOU! Adamluv

LP said...


glitzylady said...

Thanks Bing and HeartAdam4Ever...Just wanted to share that nice article with those who might be interested...

@11:36 am.......... Whatever.......(big sigh....)

In light of @11:36's comment, most of which I will ignore..just wanted to clarify that the after parties the article refers to are NOT put on by Adam Official..They are sponsored by Adam's own fan club "Adam Lambert Fans", the one he started about 4 months ago and is in part overseen by Adam's mom Leila..So @11:36am, if you want to insult the post parties, you are insulting Adam...Just wanted you to know that : ) ...And guess I just have to say this: you also insult Adam if you insult any of his loyal you just did. Adam is all about being inclusive and being nice, and respectful to everyone, regardless of age, color, sexual orientation etc.. I'm leaving the rest of your comment alone, because it speaks for itself, loud and clear....

Anonymous said...

Great Comments from glitzlady..Bing..HeartAdam4Ever...your'e as old as you this just a problem with age in the US..because we in UK don't have a problem with any age young or old everyone is welcome to enjoy music...if you don't believe me you should checkout our UK Music Festivals anyone is welcome Son Daughter Mum Dad Gran Grandad Grand Kids, why is age a problem ???? no sorry i don't get it!!! amazes me with these petty comments...

For Adamluv ahhh thankyou so much i knew i could rely on you to understand and totally agree Jennifer Lopez is also on the TOP of my SHIT LIST....did you checkout the video of the little salsa dancing dog link i sent you:)if not you must too cute for words, also i did read your message about glee...i didnt watch X Factor because we UK fans were boycotting X factor because Adam wasn't given the chance to appear and sing, so fuck you simon cowell,this years X Factor is so rigged and only one that deserves to win is the genuine Rebecca or One Direction...cher's attitude stinks and Matt is so far up in own arse

really enjoyed the Jingleball concert and looking forward to all reports back from LA. concert....Lucky Ladies
Glambrit IOW UK

glitzylady said...

OT....Just wanted to say that I saw the "Salsa Dog" vid a couple of days ago..and it is SO cute! Amazing really!!

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for the nod @HeartAdamForever, @glitzylady & GIOW UK. That is exactly the point, everyone has that RIGHT to appreciate & fully enjoy this magnificent vocal genius who was influenced by artists from the 70's & 80's. And i must admit that we were spoiled by the musicality of the songs in the past even those from the 50's & 60's. No pan intended here but that's how i see it. I had long been craving for the soul and the rich quality of our music then and the absence of exquisite vocalists in the present music industry is so discouraging. Now here comes Adam Mitchel Lambert, a breath of fresh air with the total package who seriously made me want to listen music again. I will never allow anyone to make me feel awkward being an Adam fan. That discrimination is completely inconsistent with reason & common sense which makes me think that those posters are just pretending to be fans so that they could continue insulting people here. That is a loser's attitude with every intention to spoil the fun in 24/7. Isn't it obvious that each time there is a reason to celebrate here, that is when they would strike. It's about time that they learn to accept things that they can no longer change. Adam is here to stay and so are we his genuine fans who know how to peacefully coexist with each other despite our diversities. Adam's success must be really too much for them to handle. Perhaps a little soul searching could help so that they can start channeling their energies doing more productive things. I guess it's time for them to grow up and get a life. I avoided this issue for the longest time and somehow felt the urge to address it now but this shall be the first and the last time. Please excuse my extended rambling because my age has never deterred me from enjoying my life to the fullest so what's the big deal JC.

Anyway, @GIOW UK i did enjoy that amazing video of the "Salsa Dog" when i saw it months ago. It was good that you shared it with glitzylady ;-)

Happy weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

Bing, there's a big difference if I'm attacked here by a group of you and I defend myself alone.

Anonymous said...

If you have issues with a certain group then take it up intelligently through a sensible discourse which has been practiced here anyway. You have all the right to defend yourself as long you have strong valid points no matter how many oppose with them but there is no need for all the negativity. Differences in opinions should not however lead to any form of discrimination which is one thing we can all live without. Agreeing to disagree with civility is still the best way to go about things here.

Adam single-handedly connected people all over the world and brought back what has long been missing in the music industry. He has enriched the lives of thousands of his most dedicated followers giving his 100% in every chance he gets to entertain us. He has been inspiring and bringing out the best in people. He has empowered those who are so afraid being different. There are more reasons why we should be celebrating and all the rest could just be set aside unless it's a matter of life or death situation JMHO.


Anonymous said...

@Bing, as usual, a very intelligent position. Thank you. Always enjoy reading what you have to say. Adamluv