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Adam Lambert on E! Oops of the Decade

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 27, 2010

Posted at : Monday, December 27, 2010


Video credit: CindyM


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me E? Opps of the decade. As Adam would say, don't we have anything more important to talk about? It's SEX people, not murder. This country's preoccupation with stuff is sometimes embarrassing. I guess it's OK for Mel Gibson to vent anti-semitic slurs. Did that even make the Top Ten Opps? Or drinking & drugging while driving potentially killing someone? On nooooo, E has to focus on--whatelse--SEX. No, excuse me. It's not SEX. It's man on man SEX. That's the Opps part E, isn't it you sleezebags. Sorry everyone, but I'm just a bit upset. Think I'll go check out some gay porn.

Anonymous said...


This is stupid.

Anonymous said...

that gay that called adam a fat chubby emo guy kinda pissed me off hes NOT fat,chubby or emo!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, you know what they say "good, bad or great news" are always good if you're in showbiz‼ It would mean you're HAPPENING‼ People wanna watch you, read & talk about you... meaning ADAM is HOT‼ *literally & figuratively* Adam Lambert sells‼ :) It's all good, part of biz & territory... he didn't break the law... lol I'm sure Adam is over it... I hope? yes? no? maybe? :)

Anonymous said...

I'm still surprised that Adam does not have a New Year's Eve performance somewhere.
Usually artists get 3 times the pay for this special night. I'm sure he would have generated a big crowd. Maybe he just wants to rest..

Anonymous said...

Hey E Remember Tiger Woods and his 15 0r 16 oopsies? Gimme a break

Anonymous said...

Stopped the video after about 6 seconds. Not going to bother watching or commenting, makes me to mad.

OT. My beautiful daughter made me a xmas pressie of 4 cd's of Adam stuff that she downloaded, plus she drew an amazing picture for the front cover.
but still no acoustic EP, no one knows how to download it. I finally signed up for Adam official today in order to order it. When I selected buy, it says added to cart, but then nothing else happens, and there is nothing else to select. Has anyone ordered of that site, if so what am I doing wrong?

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Who are all those obscure people even commenting on the AMA performance? The oops of the decade? Who thought that gem up? Anyway it is such old news to rehash, that is the only oops in the situation, "oops here we go again."

Dinah-mite said...

Yawn*** Nothing better to do? Like I said before American Music Media=LAME. Adam has way better things to think of and so do we. I will predict that AFL will have even more fans this coming year than last... He is on a roll, silly bull**** like this is so trivial. Lets not waste one more minute fretting over this. Fretting over what?? See, I've all ready forgotten what it was... "Just remember,
you are not alone. In the the Aftermath". AFL :-)

Anonymous said...

What was that? A bunch of "Dusty Madrids", brainless idiots flashing their ignorance. E didn´t increase their credibility with that nonsens. I regret I watched it. It made me sad.


Anonymous said...


Carlos said...

Go to hell E!

Anonymous said...

It is always sad to see stupid people try to ridicule someone who actually got a brain.
Here is some news from a country that seems to have missed the "ooops of the decade".


Anonymous said...

I agree with the "go to hell comment". Men don't care if it's females kissing, they love that. Adam is just fine doing what he is doing, he is being himself and most of us love him for it. He has every right to kiss who he pleases, as long as the other person doesn't object. Narrow minded people are the sorry asses of this world.

Anonymous said...

So old news, still talking about AMA? Don't they tired of reporting this or the editor of E only has some sort of disability brain malfunction? Sure they don't evolve with time. They should make some clips about GNC footage, how Adam storm the world like a hurricane, how the fans beat the blizzard weather against global warming to line up venues after venues which had not been seen for a long time. How Adam has changed so many people to a better life. I have to write something positive to balance this crap.

Anonymous said...

Poor E to resort to such old crap like this! It is either they have an agenda in favor of the ultra conservatives or they are suffering from brain malfunction. Their writers must have run out of more sensational and sensible stories. They must be so desperate to attract viewership hoping that homophobes still outnumber Adam's fans. They could be right but such move could also boomerang on them since Adam's accomplishments this year could easily overshadow that one performance. The way Adam handled himself after that was highly commendable. So sorry for you E because your are deplorable!


Anonymous said...

Try to relax Glamberts and see the positive side of this clip. Adam is definitely big time to be grouped in with all the super stars that this show talked about. There were some great shots of of his very sexy moves at the AMA"s. There were many references made to his fabulous voice. I don't think Adam had a problem with this at all!!! Glitterglasses

Anonymous said...

I saw no positive side of that clip except that they didn´t blur the kiss. Perhaps they should expect 1500 complaints from homophobes and concerned parents. And WHO were those morones commenting. "Chubby" and "screaming". Was that a reference to his fabulous voice? No I´m not upset, just fed up.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you, Glitterglasses. I thought this wasn't all bad - the shots from the AMA's were super sexy, and at least they didn't mention "the fall", lol. Publicity is publicity, and I think it's great that Adam's on the radar.

Anonymous said...

For the person who wanted to buy the acoustic download, if you joined as a memeber, you should be able to order it. Go back to the site and try again. It tells you to order on the top right by the CD cover. There If you filled in a form asking for your credit card number, you should receive the CD. I ordered from the site, but it took awhile to receive it in the mail. I can't remember if ther was a continue button on the bottom of the pages. Sometimes, I don't see them right away when I order online.

As far as E's OOps of The Decade goes. Pure garbage, didn't watch it and NEVER watch E, except of course when Adam's THS was aired.

Anonymous said...

I don't personally think publicity is publicity. As Adam fans, after the AMA's we had to defend this beautiful man against every homophobe comment. We have come so far from that time. But, I do believe that the AMA's were meant to be in his overall journey. It was an important discussion that followed. Now, here we are today with DADT gone. In my local news from Delaware, VP Biden was on the front page last week saying that same sex marriage would be the next situation to be resolved following the DADT, simply because it would be necessary from the benefits perspective of serving in the armed forces. I, personally believe that Adam had his very important part in all of this. I don't like "oops" being associated with the AMA performance because it had its place in all of our history- and that place was to say- it is so time for us to evolve into acceptance and grow up as a nation. Artistic freedom and sexual content in a performance happens all the time - gay innuendos is not an oops but a huge WIN. It opened the gates...and I am a heterosexual woman with a family that wants my children to grow up in a country that looks at all of its citizens as a human community with the EXACT same rights. Then, we will truly be free. Oops, show me the AMA performance and I see something completely different than what "E" had in mind. :)

Kate said...

I ordered the acoustic CD from Adams site and received it just two days later!!!!

As for as E goes, one year does make a difference. People used to follow this kind of news as gosple. Now who's watching or cares when media tries to stir up crap again on Adam. He has shown us and the world the beautiful talented person that he is.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:08 AM

I don´t think an artist like Adam Lambert should have to be thankful for "publicity" that ridicule and make fun of him, like this oops crap. Those shots from the AMA wasn´t meant to look sexy, we should think he was out of line and "that was even too much for me". And it really was an eye opener and much has changed this year. E could easily have acknoledged that and given Adam some credit instead of this scandal ooops rubbish. That would have been publicity to be proud of.
Sorry for my bad english! You said everything so much better Anon 8:08 AM


LP said...

I would have thought that Myley Cyrus had a bigger "oops" at her 18th birthday party, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

OMG, some parts of the USA REALLY have an abnormal obsession with all things remotely connected to the human body. Why is it that the US can't even show women's breast on prime time but will show extreme cleavage, tiniest of tiniest bikinis, people getting tortured, bombed and killed live in front of us, etc. But, OMG, "don't dare show a woman's breast or use the friggin F..K word". That's too much for the kiddies! Give the rest of the planet a break. Adam's kiss was just that, a KISS, nothing more, two pairs of lips connecting, NOTHING MORE. GET OVER IT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are they saying that Adams kiss was the biggest oops of the last 10 years. Or were they just afraid of being sued. They are not talking about last year, but a decade, which is the last 10 years. Even M. Jackson had a few oops.

Anonymous said...

Are u serious? E! Get a LIFE and get over it!
Oops of the decade should be u and ur ignorant segment when ur hateful worker made a homophobic statement towards Adam
This whole countdown is nonsense
Have some class E!
Calling Adam chubby and labeling him as emo really shows how ignorant you guys are
because u guys are just demonstrating and enforcing that it is okay to put people down
This is precisely one of the reasons there's so much bullying!

Anonymous said...

Adam is not addicted to prescription drugs and having the consequences of that lifestyle - those things are more problems of the decade imo..

Anonymous said...

Lol, lol, lol, hahahahahaha!
Sorry guys, I have to laugh. That's sooooo ridiculous!!! Give me a break, please... «DECADE»? Does anyone have any idea how many serious ooooops millions of people do in TEN YEARS?
Who the hell invented that crap?
Who the hell voted that crap?
Why AM I NOT involved in this contest??? MY OOOOPS have been soooo much more dangerous than sweet Adam's!


Anonymous said...

Thanks to all your posts, I've chosen (and rightly so it would seem) NOT to open this video. Don't want to lend credibility to crappy sites.

Anonymous said...

The really funny thing is that if Adam’s AMA performance was such a shocking Oooopsie – then why did E basically air it again?!?!? Are they not worried about the public ire?! Duh!

Anonymous said...

I don't think we have to worry about this so much because there not so many people in US who watch E! I watched it few times. Once when they had show about Freddie Mercury, then when they show abou Adam on Red Carpet on last Grammy's, and Adam's show on November. Tell me, how many people even have this channel or heard about it? Also, if you will check all Oops they had just last few weeks you will be suprised because only the name the mentioned there are the names of big celebrities! Like sombebody said " bad news or good news about star" this is always good news because they still remember this celebrities and will talk about them for long time. I think all of us relised that AMA will stay in Adam's "portfolio:)" forever. Just google news about Justin B. Almost all of these new are very bad and dirty sh...... But this troll is still the big celebrity and nobody care about his intelligency, behavior, etc! We have to enjoy the fact, that only bad news you found about Adam in Oops this is more then one year old news! We have to say thanks God, they didn't find about some other stuff that happen during the tour! You know what I am talking about:)
Happy Holidays! Enjoy everyday's news about Adam achivements and awards! Because when I google the "news about Adam Lambert" (few times per day:)almost every day I find some fantastic news about him

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:27 Totally Agree! I also choose not to open this vidoe, E! stuff definitely not worth my time.

Anonymous said...

Everyone remember subscribe to Adam Lambert's official youtube channel. It's part of the MyYoutube contest going on. He's currently in 11th place with 41,895 fan votes, but if he's in the top 5, he will get a special masthead on Youtube's homepage. (channels promoted on Youtube's home page always get more traffic). Contest ends February 5th so spread the word!

Anonymous said...

OMG people stop being so oversensitive. Adam's AMA performance was one of 49 other oops! I'm sure even at this point Adam would agree it was mostly an oops!! Being remembered is far more advantages then people not being able to remember your last name. It was fun to see all those clips of Adam looking very cute and I'm glad they did not blur the kiss. :)

Anonymous said...

In response to the first two posters: both Tiger Woods and Mel Gibson were included in the countdown...Tiger Woods was like number 6 and Mel Gibson's rant was No. 1 LMAO
I think it is a compliment that he's being included among such well-known celebrities...
but that old guy with the glasses was talking shit...
AL is NOT chubby or Goth. wtf?
Its like they can't find anything to make fun of him for (most definitely not his voice or his charisma, etc) so they have to make up shit! LOL
They should have used better comedians for this.
Just sayin.

Adamluv said...

Thanks for the heads up - wont need to waste my time watching this!

Anonymous said...

Never heard of the idiots that made the ill informed remarks. "Chubby? Goth?" He obviously hasn't seen Adam and is looking for something sensational to say to get noticed. I just consider the meaningless source and think anyone with any intelligence will realize he and the other non -entities have the credibility of a gnat. Really inferior b.s. compared to the nicely done True Hollywood Story piece done on Adam. Just annoying and not that important when compared to Mel, Tiger and George Bush's oops moments. funhbunn40

The Dark Side said...

Well as the saying goes...any publicity...Anyone noticed that in the Katy Perry video and Pink video on top 40 both singers show two men kissing. And on TV shows also, so if they want to make an issue about Adam, not much anyone can do. The AMA performance is 'never' going away. Ten years from now when Adam is a huge star, this will still be brought up. It makes news and sells news. WTF!!! It's what showbiz is about.

Anonymous said...

The day Obama signed DADT repeal, we had clip of two male soldiers kissing each other right after the president signature clip on the national TV news in Canada. The kiss was very passionate and almost the same as what Adam did in his GNC. Those two commentators are really "opps". Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Yes, bring it up by all means but not this way! Why are there men kissing on the Pink and Katy Perry video? You don´t think Adams AMA has something to do with that? People has changed because of him. Much has happened this year and more will happen, but ridicule and making fun of him doesn´t help. E had a chance to make a difference (like the award shows that snubbed him) but they didn´t. They chose to go the old familiar scandal - bash the gay -road. I know that E is a channel almost no one watch, so it´s no big deal, I just wish they for once could do something different and brave.


kathybags said...

the AMA ,S were Nov 2009!!so E should getup to date. Perhaps they like seeing it again,dont knock it until you have tried it .That goes to every at{ { E}.

Anonymous said...

A very well written comment by Margaret Nielsen follows this article.


Anonymous said...

This should be under "HOORAY OF THE CENTURY!!!"....LOL, the dude is taking us 100 steps at a time towards the right direction. You all need to be thankful for this performance. Admit it, it was sexy afterall, actually one of my favorite Adam performances *wink*...


Anonymous said...

FYI, Adam is in so many ways a "Trail Blazer". Like him or not, 20-30 years from now, he will be remembered for all these. He is the first to kiss a man on national TV, first one to be signed to a major Label at the same time first celebrity to come out to public at the beginning of his career, 1st non-winner AI alum to tour the world off his first album, 1st dude to get on the charts regardless of all the hate and uphill battle, first AI alum to compete again MJ in the Grammy's....there are a lot of things that he is going to be remembered with. And ofcourse the LOVE and Acceptance the he preaches everywhere he goes. He is teaching the next generation a lot of things from staying true to yourself and hunting your dream, to working hard and most of all loving yourself. You all just hang on tight and wait till one day all the haters have "Epiphany" and then everything will be HISTORY...


Anonymous said...

@ ZZ

Wow, fellow! I've always liked you, but NOW you've just got me SO PROUD of you!..


Anonymous said...

Off topic alittle.

I was doing my daily everything about adam and ran into the "gather" article about the oops and 2nd comment was just brillant and so insightful. I wish I could give the link, but don't know how. Check it out, I loved it! It was written dec 29th

Anonymous said...

@ Eva You beat me to it, the comment above I just wrote was about the comment maragaret wrote, but you provided the link. I guess we are all on the same page when it comes to BB

Anonymous said...

@Eva and anon 2:10pm....thanks for the suggestion, it actually felt like I was reading my own post. I have always said that, he knows what he is doing and thats the best move. He sometimes say that maybe time wise was too early but believe me, he knew what he was doing and he knows that he did it at the right moment and place. And that performace alone had set him from the ugly Idol machine apart. That performance introduced him to the audience outsice the idol buble. That performace gave him the spot that he is right now. Screw the conservatives, they are not going to support him anyways, but he did get what he wanted, he got the support of the open minded people. Trust me, he knows what he is doing. He might look all innocent and sweet but he is way smarter than you think, he is actually the mastermind.

@fan4fun, thanks mate. I actually avoid such kind of heated subjects most of the time, but I had to say something here cause I felt some people were missing the bigger picture here.
Btw how is hells kitchen treatin you? And how is 'ICON'? Is he being a good boy? I hope so...

Happy New Year everyone!


Anonymous said...

@ ZZ 5:553
I bow, you ROCK!!!! LOVE that post. Agree with my girl Fan4fun. Great statements all.

In general my reaction to this thread was... oh puleeeeeaasszzze, sensationalize much??

Though I was THRILLED that E! DID do a 'True Hollywood Story on Adam AND aired it opposite the AMA awards (brilliant!)... They should have featured MUCH more of his VOICE and much LESS bull---t sensation. Some of the things they included were for intended shock or sensation only, and some were exaggerated and not even true and HAD been settled long before wrap time on the episode..

One of my absolute RANTS that got a lot of response here was JUST that point of sensationalism in reacting to the commercial promo ad for the episode before it aired.

One of the things I admired MOST about Adam and made me LOVE him was the WAY he handled the adversity after the AMA flap... He Took responsibility, stood his ground, owned up to it and did not back down or apologize. He explained his thoughts and what he did, and did not wimp out.

No he's NOT a friggin' babysitter damnit... What were kids doing up at 11:00?... whining that they wanted to watch??? Where are responsible PARENTS who decide FOR their children??? Yes, PARENTS are supposed love their children, raise them, AND give them limitations and set boundaries to learn from --- INCLUDING regulating what their children watch.
....Oh excuse me, is that what tv, computers, phones, gadgets, games and other technology today is for??? to take the place of a responsible parent and keep the kids occupied???

I proudly put my name on this one.

Anonymous said...

They had to bring up the one ooops and never say anything about his 100 plus concerts her sold out this summer. That just sucks!

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

Just wanted to say, I did not watch this vid...and don't intend to...I don't want to see and hear the Adam bashing...Enough of that last fall and winter..I prefer to focus on the positives that have happened this year: his tour, his Grammy nomination, all of the good press that he has been getting lately..My still vivid memories of his final two Glam Nation concerts in LA...Heck I even heard a little snippet of his voice on an ad for our local KISS top 40 radio station today, for the first time...I have no time for the old negatively slanted stuff, especially spouted by unimportant gossip show people who specialize in being snarky and uninformed. ("Chubby"???? What??????) Adam is making history and I just want to revel in that, not get mad all over again...Its not good for the soul....

Anonymous said...

@ Delilah, Thanks!!! =)

@ GLITZY!!! yup, yer right, just couldn't resist... just wish I'd written sooner when the thread was still visible... now every one's soul can rest...