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Adam Lambert’s 'Sleepwalker' gets first radio spin in the United States

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 30, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, December 30, 2010

Last night radio station 93.7 WSTW in Wilmington, DE played Adam Lambert’s "Sleepwalker" off his debut album, For Your Entertainment. Apparently DJ Mark Summers saw Adam perform at the Q102 Jingle Ball and became a supporter. He told fans who called in that he played the song because he loves it. In fact, he played it twice while he was on the air. Sleepwalker has not been released as a single in the United States, but Summers played it as an album cut. He played Sleepwalker against Pink’s “perfect” for their Last Song Standing challenge. Sleepwalker won, based on votes from listeners calling in and voting on their Facebook page.

Sleepwalker has been released as a single in Canada and has been doing very well. The Canadian single broke the top 30 on the Mediabase Canada Hot AC chart and is currently at #28.

According to WSTW, if you continue to request it, they might play Sleepwalker again. However, given that the song is not a single in the U.S., it is unlikely that it will be played on any other radio stations throughout the country. But Adam’s fans were thrilled to hear it on the radio for the first time in the U.S. last night.

Fans have been rallying for RCA to make Sleepwalker Adam’s next single here in the U.S. ever since it was released in Canada. But it looks as though there won’t be any more singles released from Adam until his next album.

SOURCE: Renee Snyder


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is just so fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic‼ Keep requesting it to your fav radio stations then it will be played... that simple US fans‼ :)

Anonymous said...

I bet the fans that heard that on the radio almost fell off their chairs, I know I would have.I am glad DJ Mark Summers enjoyed Adam's live performance of Sleepwalker.

glitzylady said...

Good for that DJ! Its too bad more can't play something just because they like it! I know that isn't the way it usually works tho...musical politics!

Anonymous said...

What is the reason why a song has to be a single to be played on radio? There is no logic in that. If they have the FYE CD, they can play any song they want and it would be so much more variety on the playlists, not the same songs going on repeat.


Anonymous said...

We can nicely ask our local radio stations to play it by letting them know that this brave DJ took his own initiative and played Sleepwalker last night.

Anonymous said...

I heard sleepwalker in Canada many times. Whenever it comes up, sleepwalker strike as a lightning, intense and powerful with a different vibe and standout among the other songs. I hope they keep playing SW in US, people will love it.

Anonymous said...

AAaaaaagghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! OMG... this is AWESOME!!
So glad Mark Summers was there to see Adam perform it live... nothing like it!

Anon @ 11:06, you think??
I would SOOOO love this to blossom into a fan request - demand that would get Sleepwalker released.

I heard our local (Boston-big market) DJ say Train's "Hey Soul Sister" was an Internet hit, so they played it... look what THAT turned into!!!

OMG I would soooo love for this to happen!
Anybody else?? Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

I wish we can request the songs from another state or city radiostations! Because in our little old town, they don't want to play Adam's songs. IIHY was in the air just few weeks and they played it after mighnight! Love Sleewaker and if Adam will release as single and make the hard copy this picture above would be perfect for cover.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Adam sang Sleepwalker on Leno. It looked like he got a standing ovation. It was such a powerful rendition. When I saw him in person, the intro to this song was spectacular. It is a classic and I can't stand it that we might not hear it as his single here. Make those requests and hope...


coloforadam said...

Sleepwalker is so fabulous but once you have seen him perform it, live or on video, it is never the same. So much is added with the visual emotion he puts into that song in particular. I really hope that "Can't Let You Go" shows up on the next album because that is another one that is just emotionally stunning.

Anonymous said...

Hey, RCA Ed, are you listening? If this song can be part of the rotation as an album cut, it could be released as a 2011 single to whet appetites for the next album release.

Anonymous said...

I agree coloforadam...Can't Let You Go" is one of my very favorites and you can really hear his wonderful voice in it...If he would sing it in person some where it would get a standing ovation...Also hope to see him on Leno w/Ricky Minor doing something..

Anonymous said...

How brave and enlightened is that DJ in Delaware!!! I live in Texas, and they absolutely will not venture beyond their set playlist. Really stupid. Seems that's got to be some freedom of speech violation? What goes over our airwaves in terms of music is so controlled by a small group of companies. Why hasn't this been investigated before? Just curious for all you corporate attorneys out there.

As a side note, I remember WalMart saying they couldn't reorder Adam's album because it wasn't on their list!@#%^ RCA--WHERE ARE YOU?

judys dancin said...

I want to know how long Adam has to stay with RCA? I don't think he is getting the backing and the promotion he should be getting from them! Any body know how long he is under contract with them?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:22
I really understand your frustration. What goes on there? FYE will never go platinum if you can´t buy the album in stores. Is this a Texas thing or is it this way all over US? Does Adams managment want him to make it or not?


Anonymous said...

I live in Delaware in the listening area. It is THE major radio station around here. I WOULD have fell off my chair if I heard it! So, I put my request in today on-line. I'll be listening all night to hear it again. Thank you Mark Summers for going outside the box and giving us the treat. Another one of the DJ's was blown away when WWFM first came out. He was very impressed with it. Both IIHY and WWFM were played and were on their Top 10 playlist for a long time. They are still listed on their playlists you can choose from. So proud of WSTW.

Anonymous said...

This was one of the comment after the article in the Examiner:
Actually Sleepwalker has been played hundreds of times on Monster Radio New York due to requests from fans. As far as I know they are still playing it. Kudos should go to that station. It plays all requests for Adam's songs"


Anonymous said...

OT, but is anyone else besides me disappointed by Adam's fan club run by groundcontrol? They are always late to show latest pics and didn't really support gnt either. WGO?

glitzylady said...

@anon 4:50 pm
Currently on a long road trip (not driving...) so on my phone so will be brief..anyway, I enjoy the Adam Lambert Fans site,groud ontrol..mostlyfor the contact with other fans and think its fine and fun for that...have met and spoken with lots of other fans through there..also attended parties in Hawaii and LA sponsored by the FC, but for all the latest Adam news I come here! That's what works for me anyway...the other thing I like about the FC site is that I can privately message anyone..something you can't do here...and it takes awhile to learn to navigatethe FC. Phew this texting mode of communicating on my phone is making my eyes cross! But keeping me entertained on this 300 mile trip!

Anonymous said...

I think it going to be a long road to get FYE to platinum because, simply said, you cannot find the album in stores! I was in a NJ Wal Mart today and the first thing I noticed was that they sell very few CD's - they are concentrating on DVD's and movies. Adam's CD was nowhere to be found. Even Gaga only had two copies of her album which were misfiled - she didn't even have a separator with her name on it. With the demise of music stores, is the "new world" one where you can only order albums online? I was amazed how poorly they marketed Acoustic Live. That would have been a perfect stocking stuffer, had it been in stores. Wassup with RCA? FYE is averaging about 3,000 per week. At that rate it will take more than another year to reach platinum. Such a shame.

There's so much crap on Top 40's playlists these days. I'm going to request SW be played as an album cut. Kudos to that DJ in Texas!

During the downtime as we await his new album, we need to stay strong and devoted to Adam's career. He's done so much in the past year, it boggles my mind! The accolades he has received so far warm my heart. Can't wait to see what 2011 has in store. WIN THAT GRAMMY!!! Happy New Year, Glambert friends around the world!

Aquarian Glitz

Anonymous said...

"Fever" was released a couple of months back here in New Zealand & has hovered around in the top 40, but everyone I know has already got Adam's album.... rapt that I get to hear it everyday on the radio while driving to & from work tho!

Anonymous said...

ANON @4:50PM , I love Adam's fan club. It is a very Different site than here.They have contests and campaigns, blogs,chatrooms, forums. I enjoy the blogs alot.Just discovered the stills of IIHY mv yesterday.I have 400 points and dreaming of getting Adam's signed picture.Love this site too.

Anonymous said...

OMG about bloody time!!!!!!! You can't hold back the brilliance of ADAM! 'Sleepwalker' in
Sydney was mind favorite out of all the Glam Nations worldwide I went to!
ADAM was breathaking!!!! We will never recover from that night!

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous right now of the lucky fans heard Sleep walker- one of my favourite song on Adam Lambert's debut Album, I hope it will be released officially in NZ!! We are already lucky to have 4 songs released here and all of Adam's hit singles are doing really well. I hope we are getting the fifth one sooner in the new year!! Speed up the spin and lets hear more from this Album! Happy new year to Adam Lambert and everyone here xoxo

Anonymous said...

It seems everytime you listen to the radio, there is another new song by Katy Perry, Pink, and Lady Gaga. So where is another song from Adam Lambert's debut album? Why isn't RCA releasing another single such as Sleepwalker or Fever. He has to be the best vocal talent in the music industry today and yet we hear so little of him on the local radio stations even in the NYC area. I don't think I have even heard If I Had You once on the stations I listen to and it was a while before WWFM was played. Then I just recently read that nothing new from Adam will be out until the release of his new album some time in the spring or early summer. Come on now!!!! I honestly believe that Adam is appreciated more in Canada and internationally than he is here in the USA and that is too bad. Adam Lambert is/will be a successful artist, but that will be due mainly to the passion and devotion of his legions of fans.

Anonymous said...

Mark Summers thanks so much for not resisting Adam's talent unlike most of the DJ's who continue to dismiss him. Thank you for seeing the light and hope that the likes of you will multiply hahaha. Wishful thinking isn't prohibited here right ;-)

On a serious note Adam's marvelous perfomances of SLEEPWALKER in his very successful GNT deserve its own cd.


Anonymous said...

Along with others....I wonder too...why radio stations who obviously have the cd...can not play any track on it...Back in the record days...they would play anything you asked for off a record...Sleepwalker is one of my favs from cd...Also it would be awesome if they played Fever too...