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RUMOR: Breaking News! Movie Offer!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 4, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, December 04, 2010

From HopeWorksStudio:

Adam Lambert is officially offered the lead role of Steven Cobalt in Cobalt's Sky, to be filmed in Atlanta.

More info about the movie here.

UDPATE: This is still a rumor. Don't get your hopes up yet!


glitzylady said...

I'll believe it when I see it....seems like we've heard this before, for a different movie...and even if it's true (the offer....) doesn't mean a whole lot...but who knows.

Anonymous said...

where does it say Adam in the source? I read the little writing about it and I can see Adam in it as long as at some point of the movie he will show his beautiful face!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

sounds like a cool movie buuuuuuuut hell prolly focus on the music for right now.

Anonymous said...

This is BS. Don't trust everything you read on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

But this is from the studio themselves. 0.o

Anonymous said...

I hope this is true. THe story sounds good!

Anonymous said...

Help Adam win!
The other guy is catching up!
Vote for Adam,6

The Dark Side said...

Not sure what to believe. Think I'll wait before celebrating.

Anonymous said...

Ummmmmm. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

his first big movie break on twitter...don't think so...sorry not falling for it.

Anonymous said...

I really don't see adam doing this movie i really don't

Anonymous said...

This studio has like no information on it. And its website is on a free site this looks more like a fan that wants Adam to be in there homemade film. Real studios have more the one bio on one movie and picture of Adam.

Anonymous said...

I will believe this ONLY if Adam himself announces it.

Anonymous said...

It's just about neck and neck. Adam 39.24 Chris Colfer 38.83 Please vote, so easy! I'd love to see Adam in a movie as long as it's worthy of his talent and not gratuitously cheesy. A love story would make my day. He's capable of anything and hope it would have some substance and not a vehicle that would provoke any snickering. Doubt this is legitimate, more inclined to think it's wishful thinking on movie makers' part, but wish them luck. funbunn40

LP said...

They love to stir us up in here. It would be abosolutely presumptous of us to think he would have the lead role in his first movie. Sounds like someone is being silly, to think we would swallow this . When it comes from Adam's Official site and he comments on it, then I will believe it. I sincerely hope some studio will pick him up for a part in a movie.

Anonymous said...

Yes, unless Adam tells us himself, I'm not buying it! The hope is that one day it will happen for him because he wants to be on the big screen and has said that many times. I'll wait for the word from Adam before jumping up and down!


Anonymous said...

I so hope he does this movie-even if its not exactly a movie thats all that. It would be an awesome addition to his fan base-just like Idol was for him!

Anonymous said...

Don't you guys think that Adam himself would have tweeted something about this? It's a crock.

The Dark Side said...

Too bad if untrue, as it would be a perfect role for him. About a clown with a beautiful face, who is afraid to show it. Taylor made for Adam. I really get pissed when people put things on this site just to stir shit up. If this is the case, please go play in someone elses sand box.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound like a role I would want him to do. He belongs in a Some sort of a Vampire movie. That's more suited for him at this point..IMO.

Anonymous said...

Can't think why this would suit Adam. A clown? and no music. sounds bogus

Anonymous said...

Lambert 24/7 Administrator:
You need to use better judgement about what you post on your website. This news has no truth to it and is very misleading. I hope you delete it.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I don't know if there's any truth to this breaking news at all yet. I don't wanna get too excited till I see a legit proof. It would be awesome‼ I think it has a good plotline. :)

Rebecca said...

i think i will hold off getting excited till he confirms it himself

brownie said...

JUst checked, Adam is winning in all the catergories on the afterelton poll. Make sure you go to page 10 also where there are two more catergories to pick Adam. Believe it or not, I think this would be a good role for adam but I don't believe it AT ALL and I wouldn't want him covered up in make-up the whole time either.

Anonymous said...

looks like for the AfterElton awards, you can vote
continuously without waiting. Adam is in the lead at almost 42% but next guy has 37% Vote!!

Anonymous said...

Being offered and accepting an offer are two different things. Most scripts get shopped around prior to actual casting. One question comes to my mind. Do they actually have funding for this film or are they hoping to cast Adam and then use his name to attract financial backing? Adam and his management may not even be taking this offer seriously. Even if they are, it all seems very preliminary to me.

Anonymous said...

Very strange. Not keen on it if it is true. I'm one of those that cannot stand circus clowns. I can see why they'd want that gorgeous face, though!

While it only makes sense that Adam would be concentrating on his next album right now, a small movie role may be doable. My wish for Adam's introduction into movie acting would be for him to have a small but notable, complex character part in a very respected movie (even a small independent art film) with a reputable director--like Anne Hathaway's in Broke Back Mountain. This way movie insiders and critics might take him seriously from the get go. It would also take the pressure off Adam for whether the movie's a financial success.

Then he could build his acting repertoire by selecting only intriguing, 1st class roles while avoiding type-casting (vs. bland formula-based roles that might be big draws at the box office). It would be exciting to see him go for the artistic challenges--stretching his acting abilities along the way--while building a solid reputation slowly and surely. He's already famous, would be a big draw by himself, and thus, he can afford to be picky. I have no doubt that Adam could do this well, too (and NOT like Elvis who basically played himself all the time).

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

This is pure crap. Not credible.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:27 p.m. and Kentucky Fan,

I agree with you. Whether this offer is legitimate or not, Adam's first foray into acting should be done with caution and careful judgment of the material and persons involved. Adam's lived in LA and he's seen a lot so I would expect him and most definitely his management team to be very picky on any movie role (I think he should start small, also) he might accept. Just think of HUGELY successful actors who have totally BOMBED at the box office with a bad script. I would just die if that happened to sweet Adam. His major focus right now is music and he and his team can well afford to wait until the perfect role crosses his path.


The Dark Side said...

Actually, it is a fairy decent story about a man who hides his beautiful face behind a clown mask and falls in love. It's a little like the Phantom of the Opera from what I have read. I would imagine that a movie that Adam starred in would get a decent audience. The entire thing is probably all BS, but if not, Adam is savvy and will make the right decision. He has acted for years, seems a definite way to go, along with his beautiful music. All conjecture and nothing more at this point.

Anonymous said...

I think this is total horse sh**.24/7 has got me excited about a few things that didn't pan out so I am not falling for this. I would love to be wrong though.

Anonymous said...

NOOOOO not a clown!!!! I'm scared of clowns.

Anonymous said...

Sounds a little sleezy to me..the novel that is. Would like to see him with a good part in a good movie. Even if its a small part to start. Couldn't tell what the author's name is. Although we would love to see him on the big screen, I don't think we would want him to be in silly movies like Elvis. Would we??

Anonymous said...

I heard some famous director/producer is bringing "Wicked" to the big screen! Who else but our Adam should play Fiyero!! It's the perfect 1st movie...supporting role, romantic, dramatic and comedic, and gets to sing!! This role is made for him!!!!

choons said...

That is such a lame plot. Sucky in fact.
It's a hoax for sure. Just ignore it.

Anonymous said...

Adam - in a clown suit??? Give me a break - jeez!

No, no - a thousand times - no! Sounds like BS to me.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...


I do not mean at all to sound patronizing, but I've been in the biz for 30 years and an artist of Adam's stature would NEVER take a role like this. Legitimate projects aren't hawked on the net like this and claim that they'll be shot in Atlanta and claim the lead role is perfect for a certain actor.

The only project Adam's management would ever consider would come from either the major studios such as Universal, Warner Bros., Paramount, Fox, Disney, etc. or the legitimate independents such as Focus Features, Lion's Gate, New Line or Miramax (although some of those are probably owned by the majors) -- or a big production company, such as Ron Howard's Imagine or Rob Reiner's Castle Rock, who would be producing the project to later be sold to one of the studios and would contact Adam's agents if they were interested in him.

The folks putting this "movie" together are simply trying to grab attention -- and Adam's attention -- but doing a project like this would be a catastrophe for Adam's career.

Anonymous said...

Adam playing Fiyero in Wicked would be absolutely GLAMPERFECT!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam taking a movie role now and lose the momentum in his singing career ? hhmm...

Anonymous said...

Pure speculation. Until you hear it from Adams lips it ain't so!

Anonymous said...

One would think that the "movie producers"would at least put up an IMDB page for the movie to make it look less fake. Nothing about the movie in there.

Maybe people shouldn't post all things seen in twitter...

Anonymous said...

This doesn't sound legit to me at all. It's the last thing I would want Adam to become involved in. He has the talent to work with major studios in some sort of role that isn't so kitchy and weird. This type of role would be a step backward for him. He can wait for the right thing to come along that will legitimize his talent to millions. He should concentrate on his music right now. He needs a mega-seller CD next yeat more than he needs a second-rate movie role.

coloforadam said...

Think how DELICIOUS this could be for a long time - promos - shots during filming - ads - previews - going to the movie EVERY day that it is in town - then release of a DVD - play it over and over FOREVER - if this movie doesn't work out, one will someday and it will be another way for Adam to sweep us away like no one else can!! In the meantime, 24/7 is more than enough!!

Anonymous said...

No I don,t think so!!!
as i said on another thread...i am waiting for the day when the Fantastic *Tim Burton* gives Adam a ring with a Leading Role or with Johnny Depp....Tim Burton LOVES Adam and has Praised Adam's Talent many times....Tim has probaly already penned a Film especially for Adam Lambert in the back of his head......
Adam would be PERFECT......
I don't know why i have this feeling but i know one day its going to Happen!! i can see the Headlines Tim Burton Film starring...ADAM LAMBERT......Yes Yes....i want to see it now......
Glambrit IOW UK

glitzylady said...

@ 2:26am

You are of course correct...I never took this seriously for a second..for all of the reasons you state...this isn't the first time some crazy movie "deal" was announced or hinted at for him...and the key word here is "offered"..No doubt he has been "offered" all sorts of things, but unless it is something of quality and something that will reflect his star status, and will further his career in some positive way, he will not just jump at any old thing. He's been at this too long in reality to be that naive. Thank goodness! And yes, he is way too busy for that sort of thing right now anyway!

Anonymous said...

Adam should just fire his management team, since everybody here thinks they know what he should or should not be doing. What the freakin hell.

Anonymous said...

Why do I have the feeling Adam likes the crooked more than the honest.

glitzylady said...

@1:27 pm
Read between the lines..Everyone wants the best for Adam...and he is doing just great! Everyone has an opinion, thats all! Obviously Adam and his management team are making very astute decisions for him and aren't going to be reading the comments here, and if they ever did, I doubt they would base their decisions for Adam's career on what any of us think, so there is nothing wrong with harmless and lighthearted discussion...And that is all it is. Just my opinion! We don't always agree with each other but the bottom line is, we love Adam and want him to be happy and successful in whatever he does. I'm sure that is what you are saying too.

Anonymous said...

I have a dear friend who lives in Malibu, CA, and is a highly regarded attorney. 20 or so years ago he invested $200,000 in a small budget film so the producer could get started. My friend's intent was to help his producer friend and perhaps earn a profit when the movie was released if it did well. That small budget summer released film was "Dirty Dancing." It earned a great deal of $ for my friend and gave Patrick Swazey the notoriety his career had been lacking.

I'm not saying that Adam should do this film, if in fact it is true. What I am saying is that anything is possible and all of us should be more open to ideas and be optimistic.

glitzylady said...

Always optimistic and open to new ideas (Exhibit A: I am a very dedicated Adam fan!! LOL!!!)..just saying that I am assuming Adam and his management will take a look at all offers and determine if they are something that would be a good career move for Adam...they would have a lot more info than we do with this brief synopsis! Love "indie" movies and many of the best today are in that category..I am confident that Adam will someday wow us in a movie and if this one looks good..who knows what might happen.. I am very open minded and a movie buff..I know you weren't necessarily talking about me (or maybe you were!!!) but just wanted to clarify my comments..The seemingly weirdest and unconventional concepts can translate to critically acclaimed if done properly! Either way, can hardly wait to see Adam on the big screen someday! I just don't necessarily see Adam committing to this right now, being busy with the new album and all, but indeed "anything is possible"! BTW..wish I had the foresight (and money to invest) that your friend did..must have done quite well!!

Anonymous said...

glitzy lady why do you assume every post is written about you or what you post?

glitzylady said...

@ anon 4:05pm
Because sometimes I see someone's point and take it to heart, I can see another person's viewpoint and consider it. And sometimes I hope I haven't stepped on anyones toes.. I also try not to take advantage of an internet blog and the anonymity it gives us to hurt someones feelings, or to insult anyone...Thanks for your kind and considerate comment...You really made my day. Hope you are feeling fabulous. And I know your comment was about me because it had my name on it.

Anonymous said...

@4:05 - Truly agree with you. Some people on this site think their opinions are the best and FU if yours is any different. With Christmas upon us soon, maybe they'll find other things to do than lurk here to see how their comments are received. The answer to your question should have been "I don't." The rest of the sappy explanations should have been left out, but GL must have the last word even if it is sarcastic and bitchy.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:14, Kentucky fans, I agree and also think Adam is savvy enough and has enough sharp people around him to make an informed choice when an opportunity arises. I also get that we all want to see him on the big screen ASAP along with all the publicity, etc. and all that it entails. I personally would also like to seem him in a smaller, meaty part with other credible actors, director, etc.than an Elvis type film with all the same plots repeated over and over. Elvis could have done so much more, but his manager [Col. Parker] just wasn't up to handling Elvis career when superstardom appeared. He could have been a great actor if given the right roles. Adam is also quite capable of fine acting, given the right vehicle I think his time will come. In the meantime I'll be grateful for anything Adam throws our way. I also could see Adam in a Tim Burton movie. Steven Spielberg knows Adam and would be another creative director to use Adam in a credible way. There are so many possibilities for him. I think he would burn up the screen! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Aww, Please don't pick on Glitzylady. She's always respectful to everyone's opinions. We all are just sharing our thoughts. Peace and Happy Hanukkah to all on this site who celebrate. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

People who pick on GL need to sign up for and attend Haters Anon. Or better yet, just go away. Forever. Now.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for the " Z.O.D.I.A.K. Show: Movie" that was supposedly in post production a year ago. Wonder what happened there? It was supposed to come out after the Idol tour if I remember correctly ... never heard anymore about it. That would be a good movie for ADAM ... that's JMO ... and that way ADAM could ACT .. AND .. SING!!

OT ......... I have tried to vote at and it keeps telling me I've already voted but I haven't for TWO days now ... any suggestions? .. Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Hope you anony guys are proud of yourselves for your RUDE and NASTY VERBAL ATTACK on glitzylady who's comments are always very interesting and welcome on 24/ happened to be glitzylady's birthday she didn't deserve your comments
happy birthday glitzylady always love reading your comments
Glambrit IOW UK

glitzylady said...

@funbunn40, @anon 1:51pm, and Glambrit IOW UK

I appreciate your nice comments..and thanks for the birthday wishes!

Anonymous said...

Wow this used to be such a nice site to read the blogs but not so much lately. When people have to attack someone like Glitzylady who only ever has respectful and insightful comments to make there there is something wrong here because the type of people Adam attracts as fans are loving and respectful people. As he said during the concert where two people were fighting in the audience, give each other a hug and say your sorry! He said I'd I'm up here singing about love and those two people are f*****ing each other up!! Well what went on in this blog isn't much different. Do you really think Adam would approve of the nasty chatter going on here??? I THINK NOT!!! People this is supposed to be an enjoyable pasttime not a stressful one! You have probably lost Glitzylady from your blog now and sorry to say but its your loss!! ADAMO-SKI

Anonymous said...

Hi is the link to nasty and rude comments made to glitzylady