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One Year Ago

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, December 31, 2010

Posted at : Friday, December 31, 2010

ADAM LAMBERT 'Glitters' at GRIDLOCK 2010 New Year's Eve Bash at Paramount Studios

Check out videos from one year ago of Adam at GRIDLOCK New Year's Eve 2010 at Paramount Studios in Hollywood,Ca USA December 31,2009

Here's the interview:

Introduction, Music Again


For Your Entertainment and Sleepwalker



Anonymous said...

Now we are 5 minutes in to 2011 in Sweden. Happy New Year! Let´s party!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you 24/7 for posting these fabulous videos of Adam last New Years Eve! It brings back such great memories! Wow! He is really breathtakingly beautiful!!! Loved the Gridlock performance!

I hope Adam is enjoying his much deserved R&R these holidays but we really miss him! Anybody seen a recent photo or heard any news where he is or what he's doing? He probably is trying to stay under the radar for the time being....what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Happy new Year, Eva!! We still have a little more than 5 1/2 hours to go.

Anonymous said...

Many of these videos were taken down on Youtube last year. I'm glad people uploaded them on youtube again.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the New Years video's going through a little withdrawal. I know he needs the R&R but I wish he was playing somewhere. So this little fix helped.
Happy New Year! So to the person in Sweden, is it a good year so far? LOL

Anonymous said...

Godt nytt år til deg Eva! Happy New Year to you all!

Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

Gott Nytt år Norge!
Nothing bad has happened yet. I´m home and safe.


Anonymous said...

Aaaaah memories! What a sexy beast Adam is! Wish he was performing tonight so we could see him again, but totally understand that he's EARNED this time off! Miss him but hope he's having a good time doing some much-needed R&R. 2011, here we come and can't wait to see what Adam brings us this year! We all know it will be glittery, glam and AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

This was a great show. I can't believe it's been a year since. Adam really came into his own as an artist with this show. I hope Adam is preparing to go in the studio to record new music right now.

Adamluv said...

Computer wont let me see the videos but will try again later = ugh! This time last year had no one to go with to see Adam perform! Now have 3 Adam loving friends (one met at Fantasy Springs and the other 2 in Costa Mesa) that live here in the LA area. Wish last year was this year! Glad Adam is taking a well deserved break from performing! And to my Swedish cousin (LOL!) Eva, Happy New Year!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Eva! Happy New Year Glamily!
@anon 4:54pm I hope Adam started to dress at 4:00pm! I guess he spends some time to get right make up and great outfit!
VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yup, this was his first official "SHOW." How great to see it again, and did he look BEAUTIFUL in his fabulous "Firework" Suit. I love the long coat and snazzy boots. What style, and he posed so well during the photo session. I hope he looks this good at the GRAMMY Awards.

This is so great to see again, we still get a New Year's Eve Concert! Just think, if the AMA's had been a bland performance and he wasn't banned.. he would have done a song or two at the Ball drop in Times Sq. in the cold.

This way he was on the 'Times Sq. Stage' at Paramount, in comfortable weather and did a WHOLE CONCERT we get to re-live! I was going to look this up again anyway... how nice to find it HERE!!!

Thank you 24/7 for all you provide us and everyone here for all your input and wit. Thanks to my favorite regulars who always make me smile, or think... or sometimes bust out laughing. This has become my favorite place to play. =) Wishing all a safe happy evening and lots of fun next year here with Adam-news and friends.


Anonymous said...

I just re-watched the interview posted here. God, Adam looks beautiful. Love his hair - all crazy and spikey in the back, quaffed in the front. When the light hits it, it's actually blue-black. Rowr! And the rhinestones by the eyes. **sigh** And in his "heels", did you see how tall he was?? Probably about 6'3" or more. Head and shoulders above the ppl interviewing him.

ADAM - you kill me, you sexxxxxy beast!!

Happy New Year, everyone! Thanks for being here for me to gush to! Otherwise, I would've had to bottle all my Adam-love up inside, and that's just not healthy now, is it? The pressure of containing all that enthusiasm would make glitter ooze out my pores. Hmmm...maybe not so bad afterall...?

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Incredible! Loved DTRH that was mind blowing!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice Pamela Anderson take Adam's hand off her waist in Music Again Intro and move it away? Is she nuts? I think so! Who would ever do that to Adam?


Anonymous said...

Adam looked close up of hair

band sounded great

"Maybe a tour" (Adam quote)...

A fabulous GLAM NATION TOUR it was

Adam you made 2010 a happy,fun and exciting year for me

Rest up BB ...we want more in 2011.


Rebecca said...

wow what memeories

Anonymous said...

Heey there Daydreamin...

Yeah I noticed that right away, but I didn't take it that she was "Removing or pushing away"... quite the opposite... she held onto it, noted his glove... SHE had white glitter ones on too... and HELD his hand after while the spoke... She only had that one hand to use as she was holding a drink in the other one...

I DID notice how nice it looked when they hugged and that his other hand slid into the curve of her back perfectly.

However, just for fun...
It can look different each time you watch it though? ...maybe even when she went to touch his chest it looked like he took HER hand away..?

You can't see it here, but also remember a close up of a 'nip-slip' here that he got accused of creating? Maybe she could feel it & took the pressure of his hand off to settle the dress into place?? ahhh... whatever...

I would love to know what they said??
But if she DID 'remove' it, I agree with you... she's NUTS!!

Happy New Year all...

Anonymous said...

Fué impresionante en su espectáculo del fin de año y durante este año,lo que hizo fue brillar, brillar y crecer.... y es ahora una "VOZ y una PRESENCIA para nunca olvidar"
ADAM LAMBERT se ha convertido en una SUPERESTRELLA de nuestro tiempo y si somos honestos y lo comparamos con estrellas consagradas del pasado, vemos que su VOZ y ESTILO artístico, sobrepasa esos niveles.
Doy GRACIAS por tener el privilegio de que este Joven inteligente hermoso,se halla hecho presente HOY...y tener la maravillosa oportunidad de seguir su exitosa y brillante carrera. ADAM te deseo para este AÑO NUEVO, Salud Física, Mental,Emocional y Espiritual.

Anonymous said...

No kiss for Fever and no dancers - seems like such a long time ago..
Adam seemed a bit more frantic, now he has really relaxed and come into his own

Anonymous said...

Haha Adam Fix, no, definitely not healthy to bottle up all your Adam-love up inside. That's why we're here to assist you!

Anonymous said...

Feel better now!All is right in the world. These videos restored my soul and pumped me up with glitter! What adrenaline and energy coursed thru' him! Thought he would combust! A great NYE performance! What class and confidence on the red carpet looking ahead of his time, so glam! He was made for the spotlight! Thanks so much for these videos. Hadn't seen them before and seemed like we got a NYE performance anyway! This made my day! Any more gridlock songs from Adam? I'm so greedy!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Heey Funbunn...

You never saw these????
OMG -- RUN to youtube NOW!!!! Hope it's still there... Look up SOAKED by "Alreference" I swear it's good enough to be a real music video... shot beautifully with the blue/purple star blaze effect behind him... he uses a prop, it's awesome!!! Hurry!

I think at one time ALL the songs he did were posted... Hope SOAKED is still there so you can see!!!
Happy New Year...

Anonymous said...


Damnit!! I couldn't find the one above! =/ Try this one.

**It's not AS good, but it's shot at the same angle and similar look.
Imagine it more clear with better sound... but this is the closest I could find to it so you get the idea...

He did 10 songs I think... a few that he did NOT do on tour. Hunt youtube... always put in 'Gridlock' Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40 and @Cindy

Check also this:
IMPROVED version of Gridlock NYE Soaked

Best wishes for 2011

Anonymous said...

Thanks!!! I love Lambossessed's edits. Still not the one I'm looking for, but very good, Thanks so much. There's a piece of it in there!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Thanks Cindy and 5:02PM!!!!This absolutely blew me away!!! He's so dramatic and theatrical!The flask, passion and emotion!!Lamobsessed did a great job editing!! He just rips your heart out!! What an adrenaline rush. Why would anyone ever take drugs when all they would have to do is watch and listen to Adam! What a high!!What a NYs day!!!What a nice treat!! funbunn40