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Rockstar Weekly Gives 'Acoustic Live!' 5 Stars

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 6, 2010

Posted at : Monday, December 06, 2010

So far, most of the reviews for 'Acoustic Live!' have been good! The following is Rockstar's review:

The voice that America remembers from Season 8 of American Idol takes center stage on the new Adam Lambert Acoustic Live! EP, which was released via iTunes this week.

What we hear on this release, which was hidden and somewhat secondary on the For Your Entertainment album, is the voice that most fell in love with each week during AI. The most powerful pipes in rock and roll are back, just like we remembered. Even the cover for the EP is something I was personally hoping for when the first album came out – gritty, punk and glam all rolled up into one with a flash of the peace sign thrown in for good measure. It’s his best and most accurate cover art to date.

I could listen to album after album of Adam Lambert’s rock and roll and acoustic music, much like we heard on the American Idol show and tour. For Your Entertainment had a small sample of the rock side of the Glamorous One, but mainly focused on being a collection of cool songs by some of the best songwriters around. The flashy production of the album hid the voice at times and shuffled big production with big beats.
Acoustic Live! is the complete opposite of For Your Entertainment. What we get, for the most part, is pure Monte Pittman (who also the guitarist for Madonna) and Adam Lambert – although the other band members are there.

The song choices are very good, featuring Whataya Want From Me, Music Again, Aftermath, Soaked and Mad World, taken from promotional performances and Glam Nation shows. It might have been nice to hear an acoustic stab at Sleepwalker or the forgotten Time For Miracles from the movie 2012. What is nice about the EP though is that it is just that – it’s an EP. It would have been a pompous mistake to re-record the whole For Your Entertainment CD as an acoustic release, but the 5-song EP is a sweet sampler.

Lambert fans will love everything he releases regardless, but this release should be noted for bringing Lambert back to some of the fans that enjoyed the American Idol rocker. For them, what For Your Entertainment lacked was a showcase for the voice that generated millions of votes each week. And with Acoustic Live! they get it.

Acoustic Live! is the best representation of Lambert’s voice to date and the CD cover resembles some of the greatest punk rock albums of all time. A must for the Glam Nation and a good re-introduction to the old American Idol well-wishers.



Anonymous said...

Hey Adam, now you have to perform all the songs of this EP in LA, acoustic.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh.....them tides, they be a turnin'!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful review!!!!! I couldnt be happier! And agree with the cover being Hot rock 'n roll dude!!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Great that they also gave credit to the very talented Mr. Monte Pittman! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Did someone want the whole FYE album to be re-recorded? No kidding..

Anonymous said...

Acoustic Live is a work of art. Adam's voice is heavenly; Monte's guitar perfect. Adam Lambert is the new standard by which other singers will be measured. Not since Freddie Mercury has there been such raw talent. WWFM brings tears to my eyes; Aftermath is so heartfelt-and OMG- those unreal high notes. Soaked is soooo moving, even with the appreciative screams from the lucky audience. Sit back, close your eyes and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

That is it exactly - it is the voice. So glad we get to appreciate once again the talented vocals of this amazing artist in this EP CD. And, thank you for mentioning "Time for Miracles" - that absolutely made my day. I hope someday he will sing it live or like you said, acoustically. Very surprised it wasn't more heavily promoted. Great article/review with wonderful insight.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I bet acoustic TFM will get some heavy promoting. :D

Anonymous said...

There is a fantastic acoustic of SLEEPWALKER that ADAM did on his promo tour in Switzerland on a radio program ... it's on Ytube & should have been included on this EP but wasn't. I'm not big on Ytube links so I can only give you the title of the video ...
Adam Lambert - Sleepwalker ( Switzerland) (06-01-10)


Anonymous said...

Great Adam! Getting the kind of reviews you deserve! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

this is Fantastic News and Great Review..for Adam.....

off topic but need to say
.for yesterday to GLITZYLADY......

and to say please ignore the anony's who were rude to you did not deserve the Rude and Nasty Verbal Attack your comments are always very interesting and welcome on 24/ happened to be glitzylady's birthday and she didn't deserve such comments on what should be her special day!
Happy Belated Birthday glitzylady X
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

OT: I found the vid I was looking for. Sorry if it was posted here before. I don´t know why this one made me teary eyed. I guess because it´s over and it was so much fun. Adams face and smile in the end is so precious.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Glitzylady!! I love your comments and those nasty ignorant anons have no credibility whatsoever. I just saw the rude comments from yesterday. Have a beautiful day!


Anonymous said...

Glam Nation is dead.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam should do a folk rock album. Americans listened folk rock when Europeans had glam rock in the early 70's.

Anonymous said...

no not folk and not country!must be the most boring of music styles ever!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Adam! Your Acoustic Live EP is getting rave reviews! With your voice and Monte's guitar playing as background, how could it miss! I'm waiting for my CD in the mail!!!

See you in L.A. Dec. 15th & 16th!


The Dark Side said...

"Most of the reviews are good." Which ones are bad, so we can tar and feather these people. Kidding...that's what is expected of Glamberts. However, we are the cool Glamberts, and can take criticism as well as the next. Besides this posse is on hiatus at the moment. We are Grammyfied!!!

Anonymous said...

But hippies ain't tolerant people. What's the point in making an album and then re-recording it.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated birthday Glitzlady!

Just bought my itunes download.


Anonymous said...

«Voice of Patience»'s Birthday? Yesterday?
How could I miss it?
I have to go back and see those «rude» comments against her. I haven't seen them yet, but certainly they have come from sad people living in dark corners of life...

Never mind, Glitzylady, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, and so do we.
Happy Birthday, enlightened great Glambert!!!! I wish you many years to come, all of them full of joy coming to you directly from sweet Adam! And you take it all because you so deserve to be happy!


Anonymous said...

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but has anyone that ordered the Acoustic Live EP and Poster Bundle,during the Presale, received theirs yet? We were to receive an email when they were shipping our order but I haven't rec'd mine yet. Just wondering....


Anonymous said...

Glitzy: Didn't know you were a fellow saj!
Yours yesterday, mine Wednesday. L.A.'s going to be a great birthday present for both of us. Yay!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rockstar Weekly for getting it‼ :) You're on the same page with all the Glamberts or Adamaniacs all around the world! Yaaay, sooo proud to be an Adam Lambert Fan‼ Nothin' else like it... like being so high on life! :)

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady. Don't know what happen yesterday, I hope you are better now. It was your Birthday, and it is your birthday today! And what a great suprised you got today! Acoustic Live! is #3 on Itune! I just but it for my friends. Don't worry, be happy darling. Glamily always help together<3

Anonymous said...

Eva @ 4:28 pm, did you notice that according to the comments under this video, it looks like funbun40 was at this show. She explains where she appears in the vid in her comment.

How about that! What a lovely lady! Finally some of us have faces.

Anonymous said...

CT, no, havent received the CD nor the calendar! And I know that PRS received her calendar last Thurs. ????? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

"The most powerful pipes in rock and roll are back" - love that quote.
This needs to be IN STORES in a big display for Grammy nominee!!

Anonymous said...

Rockstar Weekly thank you for this wonderful review. Adam is so versatile as a singer but obviously this is his side that was embraced by the majority. That IMPECCABLE VOICE in undeniably his greatest instrument that makes him absolutely untouchable now. Thank you again for an accurate review that acknowledges Adam's immaculate talent.

@glitzylady - you are one classy lady and i have always admired your insightful and very respectful posts. BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.

@PRS - BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO! I must also thank you for your very interesting and informative comments ;-)

@GIOW UK - thanks for informing us about her b'day. Btw i finally saw your London GNT recap, loved it. Thanks for that too ;-)


Anonymous said...


Eva thank you so much for the link as well. I've already seen Farewell, Glam Nation days ago but it was only now that i saw funbunn40's comment. It's great to finally see her and daughter who are both so beautiful. It's always nice to be able to actually see members of the 24/7 glamily ;-) Thanks again for that Eva.


glitzylady said...

Congrats to Adam for his beautiful and successful Acoustic Live EP!! I downloaded it last night and listened to it this a.m. getting ready for brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart..that voice is just amazing! I love ALL of his work that he has ever done, but being able to hear his voice so clearly and without a lot of distractions is a wonder to behold!

And speaking of bringing a tear to my eye, not to be "mushy" or anything, but thanks for the Birthday question is..did I tell GIOW somewhere along the line (at my advanced age I may have forgotten!) or is she psychic?? Hmmm..Or is she a spy...!!!

So to GIOW, Eva, daydreamin, Fan4fun, PRS (happy birthday to you too!), delilah5, and Bing, thank you all for the birthday wishes and nice comments..I appreciate them and you all so much! Muah!! (Oh.. and a big Muah!! to Adam too! Just because..!!)

Unknown said...

Much better attitude today...i feel the love today guys... and again...happy belated birthday Glitzylady. I feel that that the comments yesterday upset you on your birthday. Celebrate againn today and take two days instead of one to celebrate as today you can feel the love on this blog!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady - HAPPY BELATED B.DAY!!!

Yes, GIOW/UK, how did you know....???

Regardless - I hope you had a wonderful day, aside from the snark you were the recipient of a few threads back. WTF? Seriously. You are the most kind, smart and funny lady, who is only full of love for Adam. I have never read a "bitchy" comment from you, nor heard you come down on anyone for stating their opinion. Just shows the snarky poster doesn't know jack. There have been a few snarky comments thrown in here and there the last couple days...seems like the same, pissed-off-at-life person, so don't let it get to you.

And PRS - happy to you, too!!! The LA show is just going to be one big, huge celebration. Can't wait!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady and PRS,

Happy belated birthday! You are just wonderful.
I wish you everything that makes you happy and, as for all Glamberts, more music and artistry from Adam next year
His acoustic EP is truly remarkable. Love all the songs, but particularly surprised by MW. This rendition is exceptionally beautiful, IMHO.
Love the review, so much deserved.


Anonymous said...

Great review...but how could it not be!!

Hey glitzylady..happy belated birthday to you, too:) I haven't been reading everything lately..been busy with life...but sorry you got some snarky comments. It happens, but the true Glamberts have your back! I was so lucky to meet you in person. You're the same sign as my precious hubby. I'm a Capricorn. I remember getting a few "Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas" gifts as a kid, did you?

Be sure to let us know all the details of the LA jealous!
Now I think I will find the snarky comments...grrrr.


Anonymous said...


Thank you for your comment regarding the Acoustic Live CD. Good news! Although I haven't received the CD (and am anxiously waiting) I did receive my calendar today!!! It's so gorgeous! Great photos! I'm sure you'll get yours soon! Enjoy!


glitzylady said...

Again thanks to all, and to Moski, Adam Fix, Tatiana (my new friend from the Fan Club!!), and lmb, all "old" friends..LOL!! The REAL celebration for this birthday is coming up next week in LA...Two whole days and nights of Adam...what can I say!! LOL!!! Looking forward to seeing many of you there!!! Woo Hoo!! (And yes...okay...I'll share.....if I must!!)

@ lmb ...And yes...the old..."Well, since your birthday and Christmas are so close together, we just thought we'd combine the presents...." Not what a kid wants to hear...although now I am fine with it...I now realize that size DOES big one is better than two small ones..right?? (Sorry....) : )

Anonymous said...

Been way out of the loop I guess... but
Happy Birthday glitylady & PRS, you rock!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated B-Day Glitzylady and PRS too! Been Christmas shopping and had to tear myself away from 24/7. Yes Eva, that was my daughter and I in the "Farewell GNT" video acting like the crazy fans that we are. Thanks for mentioning and the nice words. Never expected to wind up on youtube, but it was a nice surprise. I was glad to see Chezza and hope to see pics of others on this site too. Waiting for my calendar and EP too. glad it's being so well received. I really like it and hope it will be sold in stores too funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40 - Can you post the link of that vid and the tip to where you and your daughter are again? I've been breezing through the site lately (aahhh the Christmas Season, and the hubster is Jewish so there's Hanukkah too, busy busy busy, lol) and I didn't check it out before. I checked out the vid but never went back to look for you. If you don't have time (or don't see this) no biggie, it's just nice to put a face with a name for sure :), best regards to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I need your help.
According to a Sonymusic source 'If I Had You' is going to number 1 in Hungary this week. Is there a way we could put this news on this blog? So far it is going to be the only country.

Anonymous said...

MGF just go back to Eva's post here at 4:28PM that is the link to Farewell, Glam Nation ;-) Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

What a great sisterhood we have here.

Thank you for your B'day wishes....
Bing: I enjoy and appreciate your comments as well.
Adam Fix: I hope to see you in L.A.
Tatiana: A new addition to 24/7; hope to get to know you.
MGF: As always, you rock!
funbunn40: Thanks for your positive bent on most threads.

Duty calls (as Real Life often does). Thanks again you your thoughts. Have a great Tuesday and beyond.

Anonymous said...

MGF, you can find the video you are looking for(the one with funbunn40) at EVA @ 4:28pm 11/6/10 on this thread. There are comments under the video including one from funbunn40. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, that would be 12/06/10. That's because I's still working on closing Nov. at work. (lol)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Bing & AG (& Eva) - I just checked out that Farewell vid.

@2 beautiful ladies fb40 & daughter - how so totally cool that you are in that special video...something unpredictable but in the end it's right ;)


Anonymous said...

@ glitzlady and Adam Fix.....yes i am now working for Adamfanleaks...beware i know everything lol
not really or do i ????
Agent GlamBritGirl..somewhere in the UK or am i in Seattle???

coloforadam said...

I missed buying the CD in first round but just bought the ITunes version - it rocked my soul!! That voice - WWFM has not been my fav song but that quiet, perfect, powerful version is so amazing!! Take THAT Rolling Stone!! #1 on ITunes, Grammy nomination - I would say it's a little more that "a slight edge based on desperation".. (yah, that's what they snarked on p. 116 of latest issue).

Anonymous said...

@ MGF< Bing, So nice of you to look for me on the video and for your nice words. My daughter, Janet and I were at the Raleigh, N.C. concert. Her sister, Lynne is going with me to the Jingle Ball in Miami[really closer to Ft, Lauderdale]this Sat! They're 10 months apart in age and so much fun! No telling what mischief we'll get into this time! My son went with me to the Charlotte concert and is facebook friends with fans he met there! Now to get my 2 stepsons to go to future concerts! Wish I could go to the LA concerts, especially the last one. Wonder if there will be any surprises from Adam and wonder what the glamily will do now. Brooke Wendle is back in NY and will find another dance job or maybe teach some classes. Everyone else is in LA and I hope they will all find something right away. Hope Neil will stay with Adam and still be able to write his political blogs. Better yet an accounting of the GNT. So much to look forward to. Think it will be a good year for all of them and hope they will all be together for next tour. Love all of them and wish I could adopt them! Rolling Stone is no longer in my buy list! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@MGF Happy Hanukkah to your very understanding cool hubby and to all of the Jewish friends on 24/7! funbunn40

glitzylady said...

At the risk of getting lambasted again ( I am huddled in a corner of the room with my laptop...just kidding (mostly...)... but you know what I mean..LOL!!) I could be REALLY wrong here, but I am wondering if the Rolling Stone article that referenced Adam's WWFM compared to Pink's version, was actually saying that Adam's version had a "slight edge" on hers because of his more intense and emotion-filled "desperate" tone in his vocal interpretation of the song, which in this case gave his version of the song more emotional impact and depth, and the feeling of sadness and desperation at the events in the song coming through in voice and words...Wondering if we misunderstood the intent of their comparison between the two...perhaps it wasn't meant as a criticism at all, but actually a small compliment to Adam and his interpretation...I could be dead wrong here, but its one of those things that might be taken more than one way, because of the way it was worded....I just had been thinking about that for a little while because otherwise it wouldn't really make sense..I can't imagine why they would say he himself was "desperate". He wasn't desperate at all when he recorded that song...but was in fact extremely happy...I don't know, as I said, just a thought...and I could be really wrong..wouldn't be the first time!!

I do absolutely agree wholeheartedly that Rolling Stone really dropped the ball when it came to reporting "anything Adam" this Glam Nation Tour reports, reviews, nothing...Pretty sad...they are "fair weather friends" in my book...All over him during and after Idol, with Adam's top selling Cover of the year last year, until the AMA's, and then..the dead zone..Guessing that will change now...but they still have some "face" to save as far as I am concerned...Guessing they will suddenly "discover" Adam again any time now..what with the Grammy nomination and all..And feel free to disagree with my thought on that "desperate' comment..because I have no idea if I am even remotely right at all..just throwing out that thought..

glitzylady said...

Wow, I'm nervous what else are you digging up on me?? Next it will be height, weight and school report card from 4th grade..and the name of my first boyfriend!!! We just THOUGHT you were on the Isle of Wight, just a euphemism for some other island around the Seattle Area...maybe actually the island I was born on (figure THAT one out!!! LOL!!!)...if you you can come up with that, I'm going into some sort of witness protection program and change my more glitzylady....maybe Jane Doe...anyway, I'm keeping my eyes open for some shifty looking character wearing an Adam Lambert Glam Nation Tour t-shirt that might be lurking about...Wait..that's me..!!! Never mind...... ; )

Anonymous said...

Re glitzylady....yes indeed about that 4th grade school report!!!tut tut! I'm shocked!!
i will get back to you on that island link....gotta go i'm secretly tracking some stunning hunk of a guy called Adam Lambert..mmm delish....over and out ...Agent GlamBritGirl UK ..staying soon at Adam's new flat in London:)

glitzylady said...

Keep us posted on that stunning hunk's whereabouts..glad we have someone assigned to that very plush sleuthing job!

Anonymous said...

Thanks funbunn40. (enjoyed your family mentions in your post just above :))

@glitzylady - actually, I wondered the same thing about the RS "desperate" thing - just didn't want to comment because I am really breezing through the site/comments lately (aaahhh the holidays :)), I'm not very well informed on anything lately, and just out of the loop and not in the know at all, don't like to comment too too much when I'm so ignorant as to the facts of things... but for whatever it's worth, not much :)), I did wonder the same thing about the RS "desperate" scenario.


ps. not that it matters, but where did you get lambasted glitzylady?? I guess I missed it. I've been trying to at least quickly read through most threads, and I don't recall??

Anonymous said...

hi MGF....heres the link for nasty remarks to glitzlady

Anonymous said...


@funbunn40 it's such a joy to see you and your daughter standing tall as proud Glamberts specially with that poster you were showing the audience, what a brilliant idea. And if it weren't for Eva i wouldn't have noticed your comment as i've already seen the video once. Now i can associate a face with the your tag and it's really nice, same thing with chezza. Good luck in convincing your 2 in-laws. Wishing you all the best in your M&G at the JB and will be looking forward to your report funbunn40 \o/ but please don't stay too long in cloud 9 teehee ;-)
