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" We Need a Little Lambert"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, December 22, 2010

From suz526

"Happy holidays to Adam Lambert fans everywhere! Most of the clips in this video are from the 2010 European GNT concerts, although I swapped 3 of them at the very last minute (today) with a 12/16 Club Nokia clip.

The music is from "Mame" ("We Need a Little Christmas") karaoke version. Enjoy!"

Thanks to daydreamin!


Anonymous said...

That was so cool, do you think Adam seesany of these. Bought a nostalgic lump to my throat> Thanks to the Magic Sue again.

Anonymous said...

This is so spot on perfect. God, I miss Glamnation. Need a little Lambert indeed!!

Anonymous said...

That was terrific, Suze I loved this video. I'm gonna miss all the GNT videos. I so looked forward to seeing them and I'll miss Adam so much! "I need a little Lambert" right this very minute!!! Have a great Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Happy holidays to every Glambert and other sweet Adam Lambert fans all around the world!!! If you are a Christian, Merry Christmas!!!! If you are not, enjoy the ride, Christmas is all about LOVE!

Thank you «Master Angel» Suz526 for so many pieces of art!
Thank you 24/7 «Paradise» Adm! Thank you 24/7 Glamily for a whole year of brilliance!

My precious fellows, I have no words to express how glad I am for have joined the «Weird Club»!!!
Thank you so much for this year! Happy Holidays to every one and your families!

Sweet Adam, baby, you take a rest, have fun and get ready for YOURSELF!!!! You'll sure have a great and wild new year, indeed!!!! Keep us attached to you, please!

Thank you everybody! You are my family, the best part of my real life and I'm so proud of it!

PS: And you trolls, enjoy the holidays, fall into glitter and get a life for a happier new year!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Suz, you're sooo daym good‼ Thanks! :) Suz sure knows what everyone is feeling right now... major withdrawals‼ :(( *nightly fix... haha*

Anonymous said...

Awww Suz! Thanks so much for bringing special videos of Glam Nation Tour into our lives! I am definitely missing my Adam Fix every day! This video brings back great memories and so I am grateful to you for your efforts, unselfishness and devotion to supporting Adam.

I know Adam needs time for R&R but I hope he knows he is near and dear to us in our hearts!

Thank you, too, to 24/7 for all that you do for us on a daily basis, keeping us up to date on everything Adam!

Thank you all, Glamily, for providing a safe environment to express our feelings and opinions and where we may all share the common feeling of love for our sweet Adam Lambert!
It's so special to come to a place, read all the wonderful comments both serious and humorous and be able to feel a sense of unity. I look forward everyday (sometimes several times a day!) to reading all the comments and laughing or crying depending on the topic. I've never experienced this before...not until Adam entered my life that is. So it is with great feelings of warmth and good spirit, I wish you the Glamily and Adam, Monte, Cam, Tommy, Isaac, Sasha, Brooke, Terrance and Taylor the Happiest of Holidays and a very Successful and Joyous New Year!


Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to everyone in the Glam Nation world!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful gift for the holidays..thank you Suz,,,

Anonymous said...

Thank you Suz & all my cyber Glamily for bringing ADAM to my home via ADAM 24/7 & Ytube. My life has brightened so much & I've learned a lot just be being a proud Glambert & expressing my feelings here & at Ytube & other sites. I love you all ... especially my ADAM & his Glam Nation Glamily ... had tears in my eyes & a smile on my face while I watched this video. SUPERB! as always Suz. I wish all ADAM's fans WORLDWIDE a Joyous Christmas or whatever it may mean to you & a Safe .. Healthy .. and Prosperous New Year! Happy Holidays!
ADAM dear ... that goes for you too and all those who are dear to you & your family! LOVE YA' ..... Light 'n Love

tess4ADAM (terie) .. a Grateful Glambert shut-in

Anonymous said...

Today it´s Adams day in Sweden. I don´t know how it is in the US, but here every day has a name or two, like Daniel and Daniela on dec 11. So today we celebrate Adam and tomorrow it´s Eva. Thank you in advance for all the greeting cards and flowers you probably will send me! :)
Happy Holidays to you all!


Anonymous said...

Suz has some SERIOUS skills. Thanks for this-yes we do need a little or a whole lotta Lambert. Just thinking of the fandom puts a sparkle in my heart...and a twinkle in my eye.The tour was one big holiday party!

MiMi said...

If this doesn't cheer you up, nothing will this Holdiday Season. How can anyone not be crazy about this guy? He is JOY!!!!
Thanks, Suz

Anonymous said...

Suz, you are one talented lady!!!! Happy Holidays!

Cheril said...

Thank you for sharing YOUR talent SUZ! What a nice and joyous way to celebrate the holidays. I know I'll be back here after the family leaves and the dishes are done on Christmas just to get that last joyous video nightcap (a little Christmas present to myself)! Happy Holidays to all!

Anonymous said...

He is pure perfection, joy, talent,...__________ (fill in the blank as you see fit).

Merry Xmas to you all, and to Suz, a huge thank you for your time and energy.
Be Safe everyone.

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you all and thank you Suz:)

Love and peace from Norway

Anonymous said...

Hei Eva! Grattis med navnsdagen i morgen og ha en riktig god jul med sild og julskinka.

Love and peace from Norway

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Suz. Thank you everything you did for us. I started to miss you sience last Adam concert. And now we got this great Christmas Gift from you. All Glamily loves you and wish to meet you one day on Adam next tour. Merry Christmas and Happy New year, darling!

Anonymous said...

Tack Norway! Ha en go jul du me! :-)


Rebecca said...

this was brilliant

Anonymous said...

Love this ,,love this this,,cannot watch it enough,,a masterpiece ,,thank you so much...

Anonymous said...

I don't care if you are a christian, Hebrew, Muslim whatever just enjoy the holidays with your love ones. We miss Adam so much indeed.........

Virginia G said...

Suz526, thank you for the many blessings that you have sent to us. Loved the Christmas videos, especially "We Need a Little Lambert". I guess I will never understand why I feel that way I do about Adam, but I just do. Thanks for being a big part of our lives and the videos and music that you give us. God bless you and Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

suz, this was GENIUS!!

thanks so much for all you have done by filming adam. i'm disabled so i wouldn't be able to see him without videos on youtube and what you've done is just amazing. i'm forever grateful to you.

to adam, my dear, love you, love you, love you. have a happy rest and come back stronger than ever. you mean so much to all of us.

and for the rest of the glamily -- happy, healthy, holidays to all of you.

Anonymous said...


I have a special Xmas request for you Suz - please come to this site and post your comments about Adam, his unbelievable voice, charisma & talent, his persona and performances, including all “his antics” - NO ONE has listened & watched him perform as much and as closely (through the lense) as YOU!!! And your vids are the best!!!

I am so tired of the same “Adam’s so talented, he doesn’t need all those antics” or “the man oozes sex even if he just stands and sings”… Would so much like to read YOUR opinions and take on these “eternal issues“ (“Im a true fan and I like this but I don’t like that” etc.), Suz, PLEASE…

Just hope that in all this “crossfire” of different opinions and well meaning advice Adam is able to keep his focus on the prize (remember Madonna’s advice?) ‘Love and acceptance’ is often repeated also on this site. Yet it’s the same as with every good principle - so easy to speak about it but so hard to live accordingly…

I am so thankful to the universe for Adam in all his glory - and YES, for me it’s mostly about THE VOICE and his persona as an artist & entertainer in general and as a human being (although I strongly suspect he is not human, LOL)…But I will never turn down an opportunity to look at this GORGEOUS man from “top till toe” (live, vids, pics). And I have nothing against any of “his antics” I‘ve seen so far and so looking forward to what he comes up with next (with the new album etc). So there, managed NOT to say anything about the Glamb…..*

Thank you 24/7 for all your hard work & services, thank you all regulars for a very interesting time - trolls and haters, no thank yous!

Season’s Greetings - Merry Xmas - Happy Holidays!
GGD Gal, incurable Adam fan

*GOTCHA… GlamBUG = the cause of my incurable Glam and Glitter Disease

Anonymous said...

LOVED this video. Have watched it over and over.
Remember that one from last year called "Silver Pants" to the tune of Silver Bells? I can never listen to that carol the same way again, and now this one too!

Anonymous said...

I´m all with GGDGal! Come to this site Suz and share your opinion about Adam. You have seen him live more than anyone. I have NEVER seen him *sobbing*. I was half an hour away by subway from the concert in Stockholm and couldn´t go. Shit shit shit!!!
