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Adam Lambert Channeling Dave Navarro on New Year's Eve?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Random thought: Adam does look a little bit like Dave Navarro on New Year's Eve. For those who don't know who Dave is, he is an American guitarist who plays in the alternative rock band Jane's Addiction and cover band Camp Freddy. He has also played with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nine Inch Nails, and The Panic Channel.

Thanks to aviddem!


Anonymous said...


I always thought Dave Navaro was a hottie. :-P

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I can see the resemblance ... but Adam is better looking and waaaay sexier!!!

Anonymous said...

Ladies please subscribe to Adam's Myyoutube page

This is very important. Winner gets free advertisement on youtube front page which is massive. Please subscribe Adam is still at 43k. Please please help.

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What will happen if you don't download google chrome?---when you try to subscribe, it will take forever and fail you.

2. Once you download google chrome, go to and find Adam's name. Once you click on it, to the right you'll see a button that says "subscribe", hit subscribe and it will auomatically ask you to sign in. Do sign in and hit allo access. Once you do that you'll get 1 point. If you want more point, go to artists recommendations and select more under adam's myyoutube, that way Adam will gain more points. Please do make sure all points go to Adam.

Again, this is very huge people. Please do subscribe. Please let me know if you have any questions, I'll be glad to help.

Thanks guys! Lets make this shit happen!


Anonymous said...

Wow.....I actually thought that Dave picture was Adam without reading this post.

Anonymous said...

Anony 9:15pm...I agree. Adam's soft, sweet, sexy and playful. I've never seen a better looking male. I know he would look sexy with his natural haircolor too.


Anonymous said...

Yup, there is a bit of a resemblance but Adam and those eyes are just soooo hot & SEXY‼ ;) *very alluring*

melissa toronto said...

@glam4lamb & Annon 9:39PM
It's called "the bedroom eyes" yummm.. I do see the resemblance too. They both are hot! But Adam is sweet & hot.

Anonymous said...

I still like his blue eyes best!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just me, but I really don't see a resemblence except for eyebrows.

Anonymous said...

I'll take the top one home.

Anonymous said...

I'll take the top one also...he looks like he can satisfy. He has that devilish look that makes one forget.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I always thought Dave was a hottie, but not in this pic so much. Also always thought this look of Adam's was so much like Dave's, but now I know Adam looks so much better.


Anonymous said...

The jacket on that Navarro guy looks familiar.


Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

Dave's cool, for sure... but dayum, he just aint got goin' on what AML's got goin' on... on any level, not even close IMHO (and honestly, for some reason I think Dave would be cool with admitting that himself ;)), but it's all good, different strokes and all that... and there's room for everyone.

Anonymous said...

There is a small similarity in these photos. Adam is, however, a much more articulate and provocative soul than Navarro. Dave is known for his excellent guitar playing and his extensive body tattoos. He's been on the scene since 1986, and is a force on the guitar.
I agree with MGF: Navarro himself would admit he's not on the same charismatic level as Adam. They are two great musicians, just with different instruments.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a better looking face! I don't find Dave attractive.

Anonymous said...

Adam has the killer eyes that just do it for me!

Anonymous said...

Adam can pull off different looks, but this one is one of my favorites. I always like the long hair on him and the heavy guyliner. Hot!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Adam is much more handsome!

Anonymous said...

I like a nice face and Adam has that!

coloforadam said...

Now we know what he's been doing the last few weeks - growing gorgeous, sexy facial hair -- as if he wasn't already drop-dead freakin' perfect!! Ada-yummmmmmm!! You're killin' us!!

The Dark Side said...

Actually like Dave's mustache better than Adams, but that's about all if this is a contest. Navarro's been around awhile and has that R&R thing going on, but doubt that Adam is copying him or anyone. Adam is Adam and nothing else needs to be added.

Adamluv said...

Think Navarro is a hottie too! Really started liking him on the rock n roll version of Americn Idol that was only on for 2 years called Rockstar ?. Anyone remember the complete name of the show? But Adam is still and will always be the yummiest guy on this planet!

Anonymous said...

Exactly what I said on the other thread when the New Year's pics first came out...

Always thought Dave was a great looking guy... AND he wears make-up and black nail polish....

Dave has a more 'chisled" face, but DEFINITELY see a resemblance.

Anonymous said...

@ Cindy, a few days ago you gave me great info [Think it was re:Gridlock NY]and I wrote you something on another thread,and now can't recall where, as I'm all over the place with anything Adam and it disappeared the next day. Just wanted to thankyou and let you know I appreciated it. I think David Navarro has a "devil-like" look about him. Not meant in a negative way, maybe edgy, intense facial expression. He's good looking guy and a very talented musician. Adam also is edgy and has a smoldering look and vibe. Both have it going on! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

funbunn40 - "devil-like" - yes...sort of evil, in a sexy way! I had a total crush on Dave Navaro, but Adam has kicked him off the pedestal, in my world. Hell, he kicked the entire pedestal over a cliff, while he was at it - DAMN!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, that was Rockstar SuperNova and Rockstar INXS. Loved that show. Loved Dave on it. Loved Dilana and Marty. Dilana should have had a career, but think she blew it when she became so self absorbed when the fans initially went crazy over her vocals. Dilana is the one who sang the version of Ring of Fire that Adam fashioned his version from.



Anonymous said...

Yeah daydreamin - too bad about Dilana huh?!

Dave was enjoyable on those shows


Adamluv said...

@daydreamin, Thank you for your great memory! I could have watched that show everyday and all day!!!!! Loved Dilana too and think she should have been a major "star". In my past life I was a rocker chick so think that's why I respond so when I see women rocking out!!!!!! And of course, you need the rocker dudes as well!

Sex Chat said...

I love Dave Navarro

Teresa Driver said...

The jacket on that Navarro guy looks familiar. Eva