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Adam Lambert fans have raised over 57,000 dollars in only one day!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 15, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, January 15, 2011

Adam Lambert started a charity to funds clean water in developing nations and in just one day, fans have donated an alarming 57,000 dollars to the cause! The campaign goal has changed to $290,000. Amazing!

CLICK HERE to donate!


Anonymous said...

WhooHoo! Go Glamberts! It's so great to see this response for such a worthy cause! Thank you, Adam, for bringing this cause to my attention! Donated yesterday!! Happy Golden Birthday, Adam!


Anonymous said...

Changing the thread for a second,, I went to my grandson's birthday party today at an outdoor Putt-Putt golf course and when I left my car I thought for a minute I had left my FYE CD blaring loudly and turned back to turn off my player. All to find out it was the Golf course's outside speakers blasting out on our Adam's FYE CD! (We are in Florida) That made my day! Way to go Adam! I also heard one of the songs while shopping last week!

Anonymous said...

Click on this site for the best article you will ever read about our Adam. Have a hankie ready, you'll need it.

Anonymous said...

Imagine being without water for just one day. We take so much for granted and waste this precious resource when so many may have to walk miles for a meager amount, if even available. Adam has chosen another very worthwhile cause and unselfish way to celebrate his special day. I'm glad to be a part of the many Glamberts that are able to support this life sustaining necessity. Good will come back to Adam because he gives back so unselfishly. Just knowing you're giving sustenance and improving quality of life to others is the greatest gift you can give. Adam will be so proud that so many have stepped up. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:47 thank you for this link to the article written about Adam's plea for donations. This writer was spot on referring to Adam as one who has inspired his loyal fans and thinks beyond himself in hopes of making this world a better place. He summed up beautifully how we feel about Adam and how we believe in who he is and what he stands for. Beyond being a talented singer and phenomenal entertainer, Adam is changing how we view ourselves and others.

Anonymous said...

funbunn40 (we sure missed you! hope life is good) you said it so succinctly, and eloquently - as usual. To quote fan4fun; thank you for your words of wisdom - so true. What really inspired me about this charity the most was helping the children who suffer from dysentery, and other horribl diseases, all because of the simple lack of clean water.

And anon 9:47 - thank you for the link to that article!! Exactly. Adam quietly rallied his fans, with no PR surrounding his request, and no need to be in the spotlight. He is so humble. And that is exactly why I was hoping the press would pick up on this story, since he would never go out and publicize it himself... I hope it starts to spread and he gets some well-deserved recognition for his amazing humanitarian side.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link to that article, I have NEVER read such a beautiful article about Adam.

Anonymous said...

How do we get that article to Adam to read- he deserves to see this!

Anonymous said...

Amazing indeed! We showed nothin' but ♥L♥O♥V♥E♥ to Adam by supporting the charity he supports & believes in‼ :) ♦♦♦ Adam's fans are the BEST-est EVER ♦♦♦

Adamluv said...

Wonderful news about the amount of money already raised!!!!! @9;47, thanks for the positive story on Adam and his music - love hearing them. There was a nice tweet Fri. from Kimberly Allen ( Kris Allens mom) about this request from Adam - she said it was very generous of him - lets make it happen! Thought this was very kind of her.

Dinah-mite said...

Wow, what a beautiful article, and yes I am crying..Someone does"get"it...
I don't know about anyone else, I'm totally just blown away. Really just no words to express how I feel about all of this. Whatever it is that is coming through Adam and his fans, well it is beyond explanation. The Universe has a way of working things out in a very unexpected way.I don't know what makes Adam Adam, but I know I am grateful as hell to be in this positive force field.

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:47pm OMG!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. This article made my cry. I read many posts, articles or reviews about Adam but this one is very special and written by person who loves and respects Adam for his magic voice and golden heart.

Anonymous said...

It would help if this information was placed on Adam Lambert official and if it was also on Adam Lambert Facebook which has over one million members from all over the world.Hard to contribute if you don't know anything about Adam's charity.

Anonymous said...

As much as I appreciate the contributions of the fans to charity... what about Adam's own musical family: I guess Tommy must be staring at a high hospital bill after his father's passing and Monte has 4 children.. etc etc

Anonymous said...

I'm sure some of Adam's friends and family are giving anon.

Anonymous said...

GRACIAS por el enlace, de ese articulo increíble de ADAM "El Hombre con voz y corazón de ORO"

Anonymous said...

What a truly amazing article about our amazing Adam!

I just wish the polical comments were left out.

Bing said...

CONGRATULATIONS ADAM & ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! You have the most incredible fans one could dream of. ADAM LAMBERT PULLS AN OPRAH, QUIETLY RAISES OVER $30,000 OVERNIGHT FOR CHARITY:WATER 51 by KATIE SHERIDAN is by far the greatest article ever written about ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT. Thank you so much for the link 2nd @Anon at 9:47PM. Another article that brought tears of joy, yes that is how powerful it was for me.

1st @Anon Jan.15 / 9:47PM - thanks for sharing your Adam moment. Here in Manila there is this brilliant and respected comedian who has been impersonating famous celebrities. Last Saturday, i saw the promo of his tv show & to my surprise he was singing FYE complete with Adam's GNT costume! Unfortunately, i failed to watch it but the mere fact that he chose to impersonate Adam is good enough for me. Very good exposure for Adam again.

@funbunn40 - thanks for another excellent post. I'm so impressed with Adam's social awareness and sincere generosity. He is indeed the gift that keeps on giving :-)

@Adamluv - it is so nice of you to have mentioned the tweet of Kimberly Allen. I have never doubted her sincerity and i can really feel that she means well for him. Life has been good to Adam and he has being blessed with great friends and very supportive fans.

CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN ADAM & i love you so dearly.

Rebecca said...

yep we totally rock as fans

Anonymous said...

I saw the video of how charity: water began about 3 years ago and it's pretty shocking how the mothers and children have to walk for miles to get water that is not even clean.
I have to ask, where are the daddys! And don't get me wrong but wouldn't it also be charitable to teach people not to bring children into the world when they have no means to provide for them?

There will always be people in need because of events that happen to them that are not their fault and they should be taken care of with charities and fund raisers. But, I think there wouldn't be so much "need" and we would all be better off if everyone would be able to learn to take care of their own.

Adam, you're the best!!

Anonymous said...

January 16, 2011 7:43 AM
i wish never read a some post , for me you are not welcome between Adam's fans , think a litle deeply or think twice before write something like that
sorry , no offense

Anonymous said...

quess with everyone busy with this wonderful charity, we are forgetting to vote: Grammy polldown 2011/fuse tv, adams numbers dropped a ton since yesterday, MJ's however is climbing fast, please keep voting and spread the word!!!
amazing how much money is flooding in...

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:58 am, I said nothing negative about Adam, just my thoughts. I am one of Adam's biggest supporters spending lots of time and money making many purchases for him and his charities because HE is so worthy. (Not to mention concert tickets.)

I hope you don't really mean that I am not welcome here especially since I've been here from the very beginning.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9;47PM thank you for the link to such a fantastic article about our sweet Adam, it did bring me to tears. I just wish this article could reach the people who aren't familiar with Adam and all he stands for. He just quietly accomplishes great things by just being Adam unafraid and true to who he is as a person and artist.

Anonymous said...

What Kimberly Allen tweet are you talking about above?

Anonymous said...


Adamluv said...

@8:41, she sent it on Feb. 14th at 9:54 p.m. with a link to water site.

Anonymous said...

There is power in numbers - if everyone gives, it can really add up. I feel like all the regular fans have already given tho.

I'd like to see some support from fellow famous musicians and famous actors - this would be a fraction of what they would spend on a minor purchase. Are people even aware of this if they are not on the fansite? Maybe something Ellen could advertise, etc.

Anonymous said...

I wish one true journalist would write something as lovely and poetic as the article in the link provided above, which is written by an avid AL fan and blogger.

glitzylady said...

@anon 7:43 AM
If it were a perfect world there would be no need for charities, or the need to help those less fortunate through no fault of their own, but this is not a perfect world and I am very proud of Adam for his spirit of caring generosity and love for others. There are millions of reasons why children's daddies are not able to provide the basic needs of their children, and there are many areas in the world where just finding enough to eat or safe water to drink is a very sad, in reality, horrible and life threatening, fact of life..(I have seen some of that for myself in Africa.). Coming from a comfortable, safe and plentiful environment like I do, where food and water are in abundant supply (so far anyway, but that could change at any time, for any of us...) , it is hard to even begin to imagine what it must be like to live under those conditions...Children do not ask to be born, and while instruction in birth control would be ideal, again in that "perfect world" scenario, it doesn't have any bearing on the immediate problems they face with lack of food and water. So I do understand what you meant, but just realize that it may not have been as clear to some as you meant it to be...I share your hope that someday everyone will indeed be able to take care of their own needs. I also agree that help in learning to do things for themselves is important, and I am sure that is happening as well, but in the meantime charities like this one that Adam is advocating is one way of getting something done now, and chances are, they are also helping to teach methods so that those who are being helped may indeed help themselves in the future..Drought, famine,and war are all realities that so many without resources cannot deal with , without help from others and thank goodness for celebrities like Adam Lambert, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and others with influence, who can draw attention to the needs and make a difference in peoples lives.. Getting down off my soapbox now (sorry)...

laurieb said...

Anon 9:47, thank-you for posting that beautiful story about Adam. I needed to hear that after reading a most fowl article depicting him in a most deviant way imaginable. I posted the link to that site and told the writer to read it, as this may explain why so many people were offended by her remarks.

The Dark Side said...

It is heartwarming that Adam's fans respond so quickly and avidly to his requests for help. While I usually don't respond to any celebrity request, I always do for Adam, not sure why??? I have my own favorite charities which I have supported for years. I think it might be that he asks us to help support tangible things--music or art supplies for a school room. Drinking water for certain groups of people, which I can relate to. When I see multi-millionaire stars go on TV and ask the masses to donate, I always ask myself how much are they personally giving? I know what Angie & Brad do, but what about the others??? Interesting phenomenon to me.

Anonymous said...

It is so great that we fans have responded so quickly and eagerly. However, I feel that raising the expectation now to $290,000 might put undue pressure on some people of limited income whose hearts want to see Adam succeed.

Anonymous said...

@7:58 apparently you didn't read the last sentence written by @7:43. Here in the US there is an old adage that goes something like this: "Give a man a fish and he will come to you everyday for fish. Teach a man to fish and he will feed himself." There are people in this world who depend upon someone else to provide for them. They have forgotten or never learned how to take care of themselves. That is so sad.

Charity:water cannot teach these poor people in third world countries to dig wells for water because the people do not have the money for the equipment needed to find and dig the wells deep enough to attain clean water. This is a life saving charity and as Adam said $20 will provide water to someone for 20 years. These unfortunate people walk 3 miles to get dirty water while they are walking on ground where deep below them is clean water. Once the clean water is found, these people will still be poor and uneducated. The only difference is that they will have clean water to drink.

I donated twice Adam's age, did you?

Anonymous said...

I just checked in, and Adam's total is at almost $ pretty much doubled itself in about a day. Yes - could this be publicized by Oprah herself, or Ellen? It would probably take away from their own gigs/charities they are focused on, but wow - what an amazing media story...c'mon, what's the press waiting for???

- Adam Fix

Bing said...

@Anon Jan.16 at 7:43AM/8:22AM - the husbands of these women were most likely looking for food instead of water. Also there are various charitable institutions that have included family planning in their agenda but it is the lack of education among these people which is one of the major reasons for the program's failure. So it is a huge undertaking add to the fact the powerlessness of many women to fight for their reproductive health. And i strongly agree with you that people should learn to stand on their own without relying on others all the time under the most ideal situation. There are also civic and non-governmental organizations whose goal is to empower those who have less in life. I can sense from your post that you aren't that familiar with these issues unlike @glitzylady & myself who have had some amount of exposure to such deplorable conditions in life. But don't get me wrong because it's not your fault and i know you mean well. Your post was just taken out of context. Of course you are always welcome in 24/7 being an ardent Adam fan. One thing i enjoy most in this site is the continuous learning from each other :-)

In this particular case, it is the right of every human being to have access to pubic service in his/her country as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And i am very thankful that the United Nations itself has declared that access to clean water and sanitation is a fundamental right! When the government of a country fails to provide it's constituents a basic necessity like water, then that is when interventions come in just like CHARITY:WATER 51.

Each time Adam would do something that shows his deep sense of understanding and compassion, i'm elated to be a devoted fan. And like @Dinah-mite, i am soooo happy to be in this positive force field.

Congratulations to all the Glamberts worldwide and of course to Adam!

Bing said...

Oooops that should have been - in the positive force field as well. @Dinah-mite i really liked what you said.

@glitzylady - thank you so much for another excellent and informative post and for sharing your many interesting experiences. When we see those lamentable conditions of the poorest of the poor, we learn to count our blessings in life. Adam's big heart is in the right place and i will be forever thankful to Leila and Ebert for raising Adam that well!

Anonymous said...

There are lots of "absent dads" in North America as well! (In some areas over 60% where the parent is a single mom) At least there is clean water.