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Adam Lambert Mentioned in The Hollywood Reporter Scan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 14, 2011

Posted at : Friday, January 14, 2011

Scan credit: AniMaL


Anonymous said...

Even on AI, Kris seemed like a local bar guy, definitely not International material!!
Adam was always the winner as far as anyone could see!! Still is. Muchos more talented.
Kris seemed so one dimensional, Adam multi-dimensional.

glitzylady said...

We knew that...And its about time everyone else got on YAY!!!! Not a dis of Kris Allen, just true....

melissa toronto said...

Yes, agree @glitzylady, this no surprise. Adam is in the league of his own, no one comes close.

Bing said...

In all fairness to Kris Allen who seems to be a very decent person, it was not his fault that he was declared the winner and i don't think he had a hand in whatever manipulation that was done by TPTB. I believe in my heart that Kris would have wanted Adam to win the title because he also has the moral authority to be a better judge of talent being a reputable artist himself. I just feel sorry for him but of course a validation of Adam's vocal prowess is more than welcome to me. Adam isn't one to gloat on this and i'm pretty sure that he also feels sorry for his friend.

I just hope that more people will pay attention to Adam now and buy FYE ;-)

Anonymous said...

There was never any doubt who was the bigger star! And AI itself recognized this when they invited Adam back as mentor not merely as a performer!

melissa toronto said...

I like to post this old but interesting article, talks about the AI controversies:

Anonymous said...

Excuse me whilst I hide my better self for just a few minutes and gloat unabashedly.

Anonymous said...

Where do I find this article?

Anonymous said...

Another form of media bullying...anyone who has a brain knows that Adam was and Is the winner of Season 8 and I will never buy an AT&T product.....

Anonymous said...

I always knew that Adam would come out the winner in the long run. He has all the star qualities that it takes to make it big. Kris is a decent all American guy who is quite talented but to me can't hold a candle to Adam when it comes to entertaining. Congratulations, Adam. You have made it in the big league!!!

Lolita said...

Poor Kris. The worst thing that could have happened to him did: he won the title of American Idol! Instead of it being his crowning glory, it will be forever remembered around the world as the biggest WTF? moment in Idol history.

As Adam's star continues to rise, the disparity between his talent and the "winner's" will become even more obvious--and constantly pointed out. Ouch. I feel for Kris, too. Can't be easy to carry a title virtually no one believes you deserve. He is cute and sweet and can sing well. And he seems to have a kind and gentle soul with a killer sense of humor. I hope he is happy and successful, too.

I want to share an anecdote about ~that night~ the boys performed for the final time on AI8. I was the only supporter of Adam at the office where I am employed. All the others were big supporters of Kris because he was wholesome and Adam was going to corrupt the morals of young people everywhere. My co-workers are all members of two of the biggest churches in my town. They had actually organized the members of their churches to vote for Kris and passed out instruction sheets on how to "power" vote in this final show down between GOOD and EVIL! (Their actual words, not mine.)

Then in the aftermath,(hehe pun intended)not a single one of them attended the Idol tour and not a single one of them BOUGHT KRIS'S ALBUM! I did. To this day, I still shake my head and wonder WTF?

Anonymous said...

Lolita - Thanks for that anecdote. It reminds me that there was a "re-vote" that took place when the albums were released and guess who won that one?!

That being said, I'm one of those that think things happen for a reason and I think Adam had more freedom to be the entertainer he wanted to be without the American Idol title. The controversy over his loss and the injustice of it all is still giving him press.

That's worked out well for Adam, for Kris and the American Idol show.....not so much.


Anonymous said...

very interesting pics and look who gets the second big pic. I agree with others who said that this can not be easy for Kris to take in stride over constant reminders.

Anonymous said...

I only watched AI one time because I caught Adam singing one night channel flipping. I'd never watch AI again. The Vote-thing made me realize how unfair a show like this really is because Adam clearly out-did every contestant on there.

When AI ignored the voting scandal and did not denounce it, then they lost a lot of people's respect imo. It wasn't about Adam or Kris winning at that point, it really was about the integrity of the show and they should have come out and said that the voting was blemished by cheating and made both of them the winner that year. I'm sure Kris would have agreed to that as well.

Anonymous said...

Kris was the first to say" this belongs to Adam" Adam has moved on and is a world wide Superstar, So it's all good.

This unfairness will always be a black mark against Idol for not investigating the truth,but it should never be blamed on Adam's friend, Kris.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't feel too sorry for Kris. He's very talented and making a living doing what he loves. Also, he could probably be governor of Arkansas if he wanted too!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed that post Lolita, thank you. And I too feel badly for Kris and sometimes think that the worst thing that could have happened to him was winning that dang show. (Nice that Adam has certainly done his part to help lessen that notion by continually saying it was cool for Kris to win and that is simply the nature of the beast with those sort of shows, etc.) And as Anon 9:01am said, Kris' winning should still serve him well in one way or another. But anyway, although I don't blog/talk about it much - your anecdote/story is actually one of the things that sticks with me most about that season - how so many people voted against something instead of for something... sad & silly in and of iteself, BUT THEN ON TOP OF THAT THEY DIDN'T EVEN GO OUT AND BUY THE WINNER'S CD OR ATTEND THE AI8 TOUR OR SUPPORT THEIR BOY. Made me really think about adopting this notion of "BE THE CHANGE" for myself in my own little ways in my own little corner of the universe.

Anonymous said...

well said 9:01. It's not Kris fault but the people who voted for him that's all.

Toronto fan base, Canada

Anonymous said...

Off subject,but PLEASE all Adam fans,vote for Adam on the fuse Grammy poll..He's lost 6-8% points to MJ since yesterday morn.I'd sure like to see him win THIS one..The url is on the IIHY VH-1 comment page..THANKS!!

Patrice said...

Very well said Bing and MGF !!!

Anonymous said...

(from Anon.10:13)I meant to say,you can go to Adam's official site,& there's a click-on to vote for Adam's WWFM on the fuse Grammy poll..very fast & over & over again.That's what MJ's fans are doing..Click on the same pic of Adam (on his site) that's on the poll.Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You got it The Hollywood Reporter... cuz Adam is a STAR & a very BRILLIANT one to boot‼ :) *Rock Superstar*

Anonymous said...

Agree that is was a stupid thing for Idol to let go. It should never have happened and don't think--even with new cast-show will ever recover. Adam saved Idol and ruined it all the same year. If he had been declared the rightful winner, it would have been different. Adam, ever gracious, did the right thing not challenging or making an issue of this outrage, but in the long run, it would have been so much better for both of them had the results been fair. But American already had experience in declaring the wrong guy the winner, didn't they?? Americans, like it or not, cheat.

Anonymous said...

I do not feel sorry for Kris. Adam was the one that had something taken from him that he deserved. It was Kris's friends and family that helped organize the 38 million AT&T assisted Arkansas votes. Karma has bitten Kris in the ass. You can see the Allen Watch Parties here that were sponsored by Chick Fil-A and others.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Kris is a nice guy and love him for being a friend to Adam. But Adam Evil? You don't suppose it's because he's gay? Just teasing guys, but I get sick to my stomach when I hear this crap from our so called religious people. Maybe religion is evil. It's certainly not love, caring and compassion. Adam embodies the best traits, and that's why people love him. Don't the hypocrites get it.

Anonymous said...

I think there are many who don't get it Anon 12:13pm - have you seen the roster of the current Congress that was just elected? Yikes :). Well, I guess I should stay off of politics and religion, but I was just reading this thread and something occurred to me that I'd read in the blogosphere somewhere, quite some time ago - I think maybe in the comments section of an online Flecking Records article once - but wherever it was - I thought is was so dead on - it was something like:

"Adam Lambert didn't lose American Idol... American Idol lost Adam Lambert"

Always thought that statement had a lot of truth in it. But anyway, onward and upward for AML!!


The Dark Side said...

Nice realistic post Lolita--it was the entire scheme of things on S8. It certainly was my WTF moment for the unfairness of it all. Remember Simon sitting like he had turned to stone while the other judges were standing and applauding. Wonder how much that had to do with him wanting out of Idol? We will never know. This win,in the long run, didn't do Kris any favors. I do wish him the best, however. Kinda think, in my opinion, Crystal got the shaft also. Hope all these new Idol rules and changes makes a more even playing field.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Lolita! Hypocrites still abound! Unfortunately that behaviour does nothing but diminish religion in the worst possible way. There are also many religious people that have loving hearts and as the bible says, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." Amazing how differently people can perceive the meaning of any written word and believe they have the audacity to judge anyone that doesn't fit their mold.What a boring world this would be if we all lost our individual thoughts and traits. I think Kris is a great guy. Adam obviously considers him a friend. I wish him well. He was a victim in this debacle as well as Adam. It actually worked in Adam's favor, so all is well and Adam is now in a better place. He took the loss with class and achieved what he had intended, gaining even more fans with the way he conducted himself. Idol should appreciate the good words Adam has always sent their way and the support he has always afforded them. Adam is the most exciting person to ever grace their stage and Ricky Minor, vocal coached and crew would very likely agree. They all respected Adam and his talent. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Do you think Adam will sing on the AI show again? Hope he will.

Anonymous said...


I don't think AI can afford Adam now. lol

Anonymous said...

Met Kris, nice guy. Met ADAM, SUPERSTAR!

Anonymous said...

HA Anon 4:59, spot on

Anonymous said...

If American Idol don't invite Adam it's their lost not him. Adam Lambert will be a better judge someday when he retires in singing ha!ha!ha!

He will sing for the rest of his life for sure.

Love u Adam

judys dancin said...

I wonder how Kris felt when he found out that AI had invited Adam to be a mentor? That had to hurt! I like Kris, but doesn't compare with the talent of Adam!