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Adam Lambert Talks "Drag" at RuPaul's Red Carpet Premiere

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another interview from the red carpet!


Anonymous said...

Jai Rodriguez is cute and love the interviewers (Rhea?) hairstyle, it's sexy.

Anonymous said...

OH! these Dudes are just killing meh... love the attitudes... Limbo Lamar.... hahahahah *sham-wow* Adam can rock any drag queen outfit anytime, I think I've seen one, he was wearing big white afro wig & really, really high heel boots‼ :)) *fun*

Anonymous said...

They are all beautiful and have nice figure,too. Adam look so happy and relax .

Anonymous said...

What is the question at :33 where Adam answers Adam Lambert.
You can just see him wanting near the mic haha, he loves to talk! And we love to listen!

Anonymous said...

like Rhianna? Rhianna has a pretty face and can wear any hairstyle. Adam loves fringe.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

anon January 25, 2011 11:16 AM

Adam was asked what would be his drag name?

Rebecca said...

LMAO too funny

The Dark Side said...

Born & raised in SF so saw my first Drag Queen show very young. SF used to be the town famous for female impersonators. I can tell you they were beyond gorgeous and talented. Grab a ring side table and see if you can tell--mostly you can't because the talent level is so high. If you haven't seen a drag show, make it a must on your list of to dos. You will not be disappointed. DuPaul's is really fun to watch, as is Joel McCray's take on the show.

Anonymous said...

0:39 I'm feeling it!

Anonymous said...

Jai was always my favourite on queer eye for the straight guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam could open a car wash !!

Anonymous said...

@10:09 AM There is a great picture of Adam in that drag outfit (along with Cheeks in a Halloween contest?) that had the big white afro wig in which you can see his legs. They are positively gorgeous & do indeed go on forever, especially in those boots he's got on (not fair that a guy should have such beautiful legs)! He was towering over all the other contestants.

He is so funny--spontaneously coming up with idea he could wash your car with his fringe. He's like a little kid sometimes. I'm not sure but the Chamwow or whatever drag name possibility they were discussing may have been a continuation of the car wash idea with a take off on the Chamois cloths used to wash cars.

I've often wondered if Adam would have eventually looked to a career as a drag queen if he had not finally made it in the music industry or on Broadway. Don't think Drag Queen would be his 1st choice--just fall back plan.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

First we had "Dusty Madrid" and now we have "Limbo LaMar".
I think I'll take LaMar.....I mean if he can do the limbo, well hmmmm???.....(as my mind races)...!!!

Glad I popped in to 24/7 tonight.

Good to see you Kentucky Fan!

Anonymous said...

PRS I love the Chamwow Girl, too, LOL. Wasn't there an info-mercial for a "chamwow" car buffing product on TV for a while?

I thought I heard Adam say a long time ago on some interview--when somebody asked him what his drag name would be--that you go for a combination of your pet's name and street you live on. Thus, his turned out to be Maggie Longfellow.

Limbo LaMar is really funny, though--nice combination of Polynesian/Parisian with all sorts of performance possibilities. LOL

BTW, I have heard The Connection in Louisville, Kentucky, is one of the top 12 (and one of the largest) gay nightclubs in the U.S. It has a terrific drag show. I believe several of the performers from Connection were at Adam's concert, dressed to the nines. During the summer, I also heard one of them was doing a knock-out lip sync performace to Adam's FYE at the Drag show there. It's very gorgeous.

Just saw RuPaul's Drag Race show on TV and Sutan (Raja) rules!!!! Ruiz, who photographed Adam, was one of the judges.

I know, I should have been a better citizen and watched the State of the Union Address--but that's too anxiety-provoking.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I don't see drag queen as a back-up career, maybe acting or a talk show host, but probably always some kind of singing. Maybe fashion design..

Anonymous said...

@kentucky Fan,
i remember that thing about maggie lOngfellow, but it was his 'porn' name, not drag name.

Anonymous said...

The LOOK at 2:24...he is GIVIN' it to us, people! I die!! Feelin' sassy there, Adam?? :-D

I think Adam's drag outfit should be: the fringe/leather poncho with the white 'fro wig. Then, you drive up, he whips off the wig and uses it as a giant sponge to wash your car, then he uses the fringed poncho to blast off all the suds (que Adam spinning, wildly, in circles...yet managing to not fall off his 7" glitter platforms)! Huh? Huh? That could be his fall back.

OK, that was super corny. Sorry. ;)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix LOL! I can see it now--Adam's next music video?! Saturday Night Live skit?!

Kentucky Fan

P.S. SNL could have really used Adam in their lineup this year, which has not been their best.

Anonymous said...

anon 0:31 a wig for his sponge! that is some funny stuff! Use the fringe for some shine!