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Adam Lambert Will NOT Be Attending The Golden Globes Tomorrow on Sunday

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 15, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Contrary to a rumor circulating online, a rep for Adam Lambert tells AI Now that he will NOT be attending the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday."


glitzylady said...

I'm so sad now... : ( Was really looking forward to seeing him, even if it was just sitting there...looking gorgeous.....

Anonymous said...

Well why the hell not precious! lol

Anonymous said...

Ok, good to know because if miss it tomorrow for some reason then I won't feel sooo bad. I guess Adam is busy decorating his new abode or somethin'... it's all good... it's ok, Adam is on his personal time at the moment. :) *I understand*
Thanks 24/7 for this post.

Anonymous said...

MGF pouts

Anonymous said...

I'll still be watching it for James Franco and Natalie Portman.

Anonymous said...

Now I have to undo my red-carpet affair, put back desperate housewifes, brothers and sisters, my whole tivo line up is all a mess. So sad was really looking forward to a glimse of our BB in what-ever hair do he's in.!

not a good day!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry Adam won't be there. Glad we will see him at the Grammys though! Thank you SO much for using the Time For Miracles pic associated with this article! I always felt that song should have been included on the GG or Oscars show. Thanks for letting us know he won't be there.

Anonymous said...

funny lb @ 5:23pm

Anonymous said...

Wonder why he was invited to the Gift Suite for the Golden Globes then? I'm sure celebs need an invitation to show up and pick up all the free goodies??? Really wanted to get a glimpse of him walking the Red Carpet!

It's ok, I'm sure he's still trying to wind down from the crazy work schedule he had for the last year or so! We'll just wait until he's ready ....Feb. 9th on The Talk Show CBS he's scheduled for a TV appearance! Yay!


Anonymous said...

he can go to the parties without being at the awards. I bet he will hit up the parties. There's probably a party tonight.

Anonymous said...

tv guide just posted a video of ppl at the golden globes gifting party and the woman who runs it said the only people who are invited to that r presenters and nominees. im soo confused, y was he invited to get the free stuff if hes not gonna be there?

heres the vid:

Anonymous said...
vote mj is close

Anonymous said...

Very confuse now after watching the vid, head scratch.

Anonymous said...

I saw an interview showing the stars getting their gift bags for the Golden Globes and it was stated that the gifts being given out were for nominees and presenters ONLY. They showed a few seconds of Adam there and he spoke a few words and I was so excited thinking that Adam was going to be a presenter. Now we get this news?? What gives?

Anonymous said...

I guess this was already posted. Got a phone call in the middle of typing.

Anonymous said...

Now I have to re-arrange my whole tiv0-schedule again! Hopefully by 6:00 P.M. red carpet time we will have this all sorted out?

lb again

Anonymous said...

Have to see the vid again, he look fabulous in person.

Anonymous said...


Adam is loosing votes here, please vote.

Anonymous said...

Adam has just moved and probably has much to do ..If he attends he has to worry about his hair ,his outfit,blah,blah,blah and he's still on a bit of a vacation .I wouldn't blame him for wanting to get his life in order before getting on that roller coaster again.

In the mean time I hope Charity Water continues to gain lots of contributions. Clean water for saving lives is so important.

Anonymous said...

so sad had my dvr already....Adam needs his rest..

melissa toronto said...

I am also very confuse after watching this vid too. Did my errands tonight so I be free for tomorrow. Damn! I need some Adam fix.

LP said...

After checking it out with google, it also included select celebrties, stylists and some reporters were invited to the gift thing.

LP said...

I left out the best part, the gifts were for Passion parties with a guide for great sex LOL.
No wonder Adam showed up for that. I saw he had a bottle of vodka.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Time For Miracles video clip. There are moments where he looks like Tom Cruise and I mean that in the nicest possible way. I love the song too - should've been an Oscar winner imho. Adam is a great actor. :)

Anonymous said...

he'll probably show up in party pics with famous actresses and actors. Everyone hits up the Golden Globe parties.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he snuck in :)

Anonymous said...

sounds cool that he was one of the celebrities selected for the gifting.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:27 No you silly, Adam is an "A" lister, that's why.

Anonymous said...

I just watched this video and the lady who organized the GG Gifting said they invite only the nominees and the presenters. Adam was there on Thursday so he might present!? I'll set my DVR cause I don't want to miss it.

Rebecca said...

either way he got really cool stuff

Anonymous said...

Just glad he's out being seen and mingling, but hoped to see him on the red carpet in some capacity, even if it was as an interviewer. Hope he goes to some parties and charms the other celebs! funbunn40

Dinah-mite said...

anon @8:27
LOL! Don't think you can "sneak" in to those parties...
Funny thought, AFL just showing up and so they figure he was invited. Uh huh, like AFL needs to get free stuff...
I don't know why this is striking me so funny, I'm crackin'up!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Maybe they mistook Adam for a stylist!lol He definitely has style! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

That's a bummer. Was looking forward to seeing Adam again. His fans needs a major fix. Are you listening, Conan, Leno, Kimmel, and Fallon? Please book him on your shows.

BTW, "Time For Miracles" never won for best song in a movie last year because it was not eligible. The song must be written for the movie, and "Time For Miracles' was written a few years ago by a man whose wife was ill.

Anonymous said...

FUSE Grammy vote----I voted about 10 times and the percentage didn't move....whats with that???

Anonymous said...

Just went back to site (FUSE)......percentage shows up after you go out then go back...keep voting

Anonymous said...

I heard the source that reported Adam not attending GG awards is not reliable.

Anonymous said...

omg. I will just have to watch.I hope Adam got some nice gifts.If I was there I would need Two Men and a truck to get me

Anonymous said...

@anon 6:46 & anon 6:50
Adam votes on Fuse moving down and very very very FAST! MJ's fans found the poll and now MJ has 44.89% and Adam 44.2% votes. Keep voting. THe good news is that Adam's votes on tweeter.faxo grow up very ver very FAST also. So, may be tomorrow or on Tuesday they will be pretty close total amounts of votes. Can you imagine, Adam has almost the same amount of votes like MJ:) LOL

Anonymous said...

Yup, MJ's fans found the poll. Boy,
it took them long enough!


Anonymous said...

This whole Grammy Fuse fake vote thing is ridiculous. and ANNOYING! It doesn't count.

It's a FAN poll... like freakin' David Archuletta winning the best Idol crap... REALLY? If average people who watched the AI show voted, NOT DA's rabid fans who are DETERMINED for him to win as it's the ONLY recognition he gets, do you think he would win?

Do you think Micheal may have a few more fans than Adam???? (and while I'm venting... where the HELL were they all when MJ was accused of awful charges, AND most of all - losing money and NOT selling albums??? He was practcally BROKE.... NOW they come out of the woodwork??)

Back to my original point...
MJ was an established star from the time he was a CHILD... and one of the greatest entertainers ever... *NOT singers, mind you, 'ENTERTAINERS'.
Adam is a MUCH better singer, with similar entertainment qualities as Michael, but he's only been around on his own a YEAR... compared to what... 40 years??? I would think MJ would have a few more fans to vote on these stupid polls...

For all intents and purposes and admittance by those in MJs camp... that recording is sub-par and Michael would never have even released it. IF MJ gets the sympathy sentimental vote... that's it, I'm DONE with ALL of these awards...
The Grammys have always stood behind their standards of excellence... If that doesn't' happen this time we should ALL write in, boycott, whatever... let them know it's a bull$**t farce and a disgrace if MJ wins.

I'm venting... I know, I know, the more Adam gets noticed and his name gets mentioned in polls hopefully the more HE will be recognized? But this crap is really getting annoying. Sorry. I usually have something positive to say... =(

Anonymous said...

OH, p.s.
LOVE the 'TFM' picture used on this thread.

BUMMED that Adam is not going to be at the GGs?? =(
Sure, tease all of us by showing up at the gift suite!! LOL, good for him.. Get noticed, start a frenzy... but we're bummin. Hope he at least got some good stuff.

Thanks to anon above who posted the link showing Adam at the gift suite! He DID look great with the long hair. Still pics didn't do it justice.

** To all those who care and are working hard to vote on the Fuse poll etc....
You HAVE my understanding, sympathy AND appreciation. It just Pi**ES me off that these dumb things exist that put devoted fans in a frenzy. Believe me I care too and have voted plenty... but it still pi**es me off! =) Just had to say that.

Anonymous said...

@Cindy. Hi,dear. Personally, I am sure that nobody will count this poll. But it's just interesting to see who will win after fan's votes:) Same as However,on tweeter poll it seems like Adam has alsmost the same amount of votes as MJ. This is very funny. Because Mars, Buble, and Mayer still have slightly more than 5,000 votes each. But when I check last time MJ has around 109,000 and Adam has 107,500 votes! Big change from Fridah when Adan had 2,500 votes less that MJ. We're just haivng fun, I guess:)
Miss you, where have you been?

Fan4fun said...

@ Cindy

Yeah! You've always positive things to say (and good info too). And let me say (I'm venting) the most positive comment you could write here would be the one to tell us "you've got hired by sweet Adam to be his Marketing Manager»! Glamshit, fellow, you certainly deserve it and so does he!!!!


Anonymous said...

@ Delilah...
Hi! You're always so pleasant =)
Been blitzed and buried, new work, snowstorms, and 2 new puppies! =)

Saw that poll started out in a landslide of Adam votes and almost none for the others...
I'd LOVE to see Adam win this poll, It's just frustrating. =/