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Iconic Picture of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 6, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, January 06, 2011

Picture Taken when Adam Lambert was arriving at the Chateau Marmont 2010 after awards show, 1-15-10

Thanks to danilo85!


Anonymous said...

Oh Man, was this a good time to land on this site today...Pheeewww ---

What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man...No, let me correct: What a GORGEOUS, SEXY, SEDUCTIVELY WELL DRESSED MAN!!! - but of course, most of all, I love his VOICE...

Thanks for posting 24/7 and danilo85

GGD Gal, mesmerized by Adam every single day

LIVA said...

He has perfect lips and nose... <3

Marian said...

LIVA: I agree... but then I think EVERYTHING about Adam is perfect!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Adam makes my day - everyday!

Anonymous said...

Oh Yesssssssssss

this is a nice afternoon pic me u!

Man in black..

Adamluv said...

Love this photo. The vest is such a cool touch! And his face and hair are especially delicious!!

Anonymous said...

The hair is so two years ago.

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand that Adam is not in some major ad campaign for some major company....Are we fans just blinded by the plain site of him? Like said above already, what a Gorgeous, Sexy, Seductive and Welldressed Man.
Don't know what else to say other than some words like, Bellissimo! Magnifique!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Don't know why, but this pic reminds me of Robert Palmer's words (with the pronoun changed of course):

“He's a craze you'd endorse, He's a powerful force
You're obliged to conform when there's no other course
He used to look good to me, but now I find him
Simply irresistible (He's so fine, there's no tellin' where the money went)
Simply irresistible (He's all mine, there's no other way to go)”

Ahh, yes...He is simply irresistible!

Anonymous said...

Adam is like a diamond, doesn't matter which angle you look at him, he is simply stunning!

Anonymous said...

Such a stunning young man!

@nancydruuu2 - how nice to see you back! Happy New Year!

@Lizard Eyes - same here i couldn't wait to see him regularly in billboards and magazines. Adam could really model anything cuz he's a natural ;-)


Rebecca said...


The Dark Side said...

Looooooooooooooooooooove this picture!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is so much right with this picture it's hard to deal with

Anonymous said...

Love the black! He has to go Black for the Grammy Awards and find a nice arm accessory! is Evan Rachel available? Hot twosome!

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT en todo su ESPLENDOR,la belleza de sus rasgos, la dulzura que emana su sonrisa,y su porte principesco, nos envuelve y nos absorbe...
VIVAS!!!!VIVAS!!para el magnifico ADAM.

Anonymous said...

@PRS/1:52PM - for some reason those lines make me also think of Fan4fun's January 5 3:57pm post in that "Best Loved Topics on Social Media in 2010" thread... I guess cuz I just found myself rereading it a few minutes ago... it was really beautiful... it meant something to me, something positive.


ps. btw, tonight I'm shooting for that glass of wine and those recaps ;), wish me luck, lol

Anonymous said...

He could be in a Versace ad! I think he likes the fashions of Galliano, Ford, and McQueen! The are all fashion icons!

Anonymous said...

@MGF Sit back and relax...ahhh.....

Will have to look up that fan4fun post.

Anonymous said...

Galliano, McQueen, and Galliano are all fashion icons! He should let Ford dress him for the Grammy Awards!

Anonymous said...

You folks have said it all. words.

Anonymous said...

He would look dashing in a Tom Ford suit! Adam looks great in Black and should wear it for the Grammy awards!

Anonymous said...

Hi PRS! Yes - love the Robert Palmer quote...perfect!

Love this look on our man...subtle rock-star. Classy, but with an edge.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I agree, Adam Lambert is simply irresistible!!!!!!!!!! Indigo

Anonymous said...

Adam is like ♪♫ "look up to the skies & see" ♪♫
I just love Adam in suits... just rockin' that suit‼ *gorgeous*

Anonymous said...

Ooops correction anon 10:32- jackets not suits‼ :) He rocks suits too, but he's wearing a jacket here.

Anonymous said...

I find it ironic how Hollywood embraced Elton John and his new child, they love Jane Lynch and clap when she mentions her "wife" and Patrick Harris kisses his "husband" before accepting an award to immense applause at the Peoples Choice last night. Yet, Adam, the most beautiful and talented of them all is shunned. Someone has to tell me why. Is it because he has said he's "openly gay" and the rest are but have not yet said the words? Is it ok to be gay but not say that you are in Hollywood? I just don't get it. Help? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

@ 11:04, It's a mystery to me too. Life is definitely not fair, especially when he is so accommodating, honest and eloquent in interviews. Think the AMA is still an issue. If he had appologized it would have made a difference to the powers that be, but it wouldn't have been honest and it is what it is. The world wanted Tiger Woods to apologize to them when his wife was the only one he had to account to for his actions. Adam giving the audience the finger didn't help and too many place more importance on that than what he's accomplished since then. Just an opinion of what I've heard others say. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Elton John and Patrick Harris are openly gay and said it. Is Adam shunned? He is more loved than ice cream, he has got a Grammy nomination. I think those who complained about the AMA don´t approve of Elton John and Neil Patrick Harris either. Those who think that Adam is gross and discusting will go on living in the dark. They have their own issues to deal with. What we need is some courage in the entertainment industry, like that DJ who played Sleepwalker even though it´s not a single on the playlist. They still go on about the AMA as a oooops, not something that has changed society in a positive way (I think it has). They should give Adam some credit, and be a part of that change. If they had the courage to nominate him in 2010 AMA they also would be part of a positive change, but they missed the chanse and they look like fools. He got a Grammy nom.


Adamluv said...

IMHO, the people mentioned above are all very safe in their gayness therefore they are acceptable to the straight world. Adam is anything but safe and he frightens many straight people and gays as well. Just read the comments at afterelton to verify that. btw, i'M A STRAIGHT WOMAN and do not profess to be any kind of expert on this subject - this is just my opinion!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert says he lives by no rules, so what he chooses to do is his business. I wonder what people would say if he publicly went out with a woman? He said in a interview he has new needs and that anything is possible. It doesn't matter what he said two years ago, people can change. The ex boyfriend of Boy George chose to be with a woman after he said he was in love with George. The world is fickle, so it doesn't surprise me!

Anonymous said...

Adam says he is gay and bicurious. The media needs to chill on the sexuality and promote his music. I think artists have a right to keep their sex life private and shouldn't have to come out and tell the world. I buy music for the artist, not their sex life. Adam brings sex into his stage performance, but that is what rock and roll is all about. People need not to take it so seriously!

Anonymous said...

I think the intrigue with Adam is that he is an attractive gay/bicurious male with a killer voice! If he was a ugly gay/bicurious male and a terrible singer people wouldn't give a s***! He is a fantasy for straight women, bisexual women, gay men, bisexual men, white, black, and everything in between! His music and artistry should be what really matters and what he will be remembered for.

Anonymous said...

David Bowie was openly bisexual, but his sexuality had no impact on his career. I don't think it should be any different for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I have said this before in other posts about Adam. It should be about his vocal talent, the music and not the sideshow that seems to go on around him. There just seem to be so many terrible "singers??" out there whose songs we hear everyday on the radio, over and over again, and yet I don't seem to hear Adam Lambert's songs played at all. If it weren't for this blog site and the daily updates on Adam's GNT, one would think he had disappeared from the music industry. So glad he received the Grammy nomination and hopefully he will win it. But who knows; talent doesn't always win out as seen in previous shows. Here is one charismatic, edgy, stylish and articulate performer who is so musically and visually appealing and yet they still focus on his sexuality and that AMA performance. Get past all that and focus on his spectacular musical artistry in addition to Adam's message of love, understanding, respect, and acceptance.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, just maybe "the powers that be" - mostly heterosexual men? - are just afraid and puzzled in front of this "out & proud", fierce, mesmerizing man… Maybe they feel his talent, presence and sexual attraction just like we do…and just can’t handle it, can’t accept it, can’t embrace it...And maybe they are afraid that this VOCALLY UNSURPASSED, MULTITALENTED ARTIST will put so many of their current proteges into shame…vocally and performancewise. Maybe they are still at loss, cause they can’t neatly put him in a box…and label it. And maybe I just need to go to bed, LOL.

GGD Gal, maybe loosing it…

Anonymous said...

I know, old tired subject, but I must say that I was a little stunned by Adam's AMA performance (don't shoot me for having an opinion other than yours)...especially since even he admittedly didn't sing to his best ability. I think after seeing him sing so unbelievably week after week on AI and not knowing what we since have learned about his wild child personality etc, it WAS surprising at the time how he handled this amazing opportunity to remind the world that he is in
a class by himself. I understood soon after, that he really just was caught up in competing with Gaga's performance; bottom line. I truly think in my heart of hearts, knowing what he knows now, would never have performed it the way he did as an introduction to the rest of the world who had never heard of him-he has not apologized but certainly alluded to it many many times. There is a time and a place to slowly introduce the world to the real you, but as other 'different' artists have done, one needs to build their fan base first.

I do now think we need to just forget about his sexuality and just come to terms with the fact that ladies, he will never be ours...(boo hoo!) and just be extremely happy for what he has done musically and everything else he has done for us, not to mention all of the friendships we now have here on 24/7.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is a closeted bisexual. His attraction for females scares him. Here is a man who has some very beautiful women that are in his circle and that are fans! He really needs to give in to that urge. You don't know what you might like until you try it! I wouldn't doubt that he wouldn't go further with Kesha if he had the chance. He said Sexy is Sexy!

coloforadamq said...

Somebody had a very nice perspective behind that camera.........

Envious in Colorado

Anonymous said...

As much as we heterosexual women would love for Adam to be bisexual he has been very clear about his preference. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he satisfied his curiousity long ago, especially during Hair in Germany, or playing underground clubs experimenting with pot, etc. I would think he would have wanted to know for his own sake and he certainly would have had any number of women happy to oblige this beautiful man. He doesn't have to account to anyone about his personal experiences and is smart enough to know he has millions of female fans having fun with their fantasies of him. The Detail magazine shoot was beautifully done and a teaser for his straight fans. He's so convincing and credible I think we wish it could be different. I think he feels real affection for women and shows it. Kissing, hugging, human contact and warmth doesn't always mean sexual attraction. He's so sensual and attractive, I would love to see him play a romantic lead and he could be very convincing. It would feed my fantasies and he ignites a spark in gay, straight,every age and race of fan. We all get turned on by what's inside and outside. In reality,I hope he will find a loving partner and have a family of his own and experience unbelievable happiness and fulfillment. He deserves to have a deep and satisfying love. In the meantime we all can drool and lust after him as much as we want and I don't think Adam will mind one bit! He's an equal opportunity satisfier! I love everything about him and am going to watch WLL for the millionth time and pretend he's singing only to me!! haha funbunn40

Bing said...

@GGD Gal - i'm afraid i may have to agree with all your maybes haha. Those were my exact observations and those powerful people simply couldn't handle Adam's magnificence as a consummate entertainer which will certainly put to shame their favored auto-tuned singers. However, i still have faith in several honorable artists and many people in the music industry who aren't afraid to credit Adam for his exquisite vocal abilities and i know that they will grow in numbers in time ;-)

@funbunn40 - i just love your post. Thank you for this one ;-)