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New Picture of Adam Lambert at the Golden Globes Gifting Suite

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, January 25, 2011



Anonymous said...

is he having eye sex with the camera again?! keep doing what you're doing, because we love it!

Anonymous said...

Adam's eye and his everything, Oh, my heart melt! he is electrify the whole world!

Anonymous said...

BB is having eye sex and giving us a Glamgasm! all that glammness should be illegal!

Anonymous said...

AWW! Holy smokes ADAM... sooo BEA-TI-FUL‼ ;) Those amazing EYES again & those kissable LIPS... have mercy‼ ;) *come hither look* :)

Anonymous said...

He has the best man brows in the business. Look at the perfect shape. It makes women/men want to have eye sex with the Glam one!

Anonymous said...

Wowwwie!!!! who else is having eye gasms?!!!!

Anonymous said...

call the Glambulance! The Glam one is causing major Glamgasms!!! is it hot in here or is it me?

Anonymous said...

If I came close to that face with those eyes staring at me I'd faint dead away...Thud

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gotta agree with all of ya! Don't mean to be unkind but he's way prettier than she is. He is gorgeous and anon 7:42, I would faint too if he even looked my way. Holy Glamshit!!

Anonymous said...



- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, sultry. I could look at him all day.

julia said...

OMgosh....these eyes hypnotized me....but i have to say this...with this hairstyle ..he looks like a handsome young prince in a far away lalaland...

Anonymous said...

That Mona Lisa smile with those eyes. He looks at his audience when he performs, and be prepared if he gives you a look. You'll never forget it. I haven't.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful eyes, smile, and a face that you could never turn away from! But, may I add those shoulders and beautiful chest are to die for! What a man! Oh yes, I forgot the hair - sigh! Too pretty for words. Be still my aching heart!

Anonymous said...

anon 7:42 In general, anything said before "but" is a lie. Did you have to say that about that girl? Was it really necessary? Would you say it to her face? If she read it, how do you think she felt? How would you feel if someone said that about you? Think before you speak. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean we can't be civil. I've noticed a lot of rudeness on this site (as well as semi-literacy).

Anonymous said...

His eyes just sear into your brain
and peer into your soul.
Holy Crap!

Anonymous said...

....have you ever noticed interviewers that make direct eye contact with him stumble their words :)) ...just saw a guy do that with the RuPaul Drag Race interview!

Anonymous said...

eye contact with the Glamilicious one would be nearly impossible.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend that could give Adam a run for his money when it comes to eyes. She has the most beautiful eyes too! She and Adam should have a contest.

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with the left eye!;-) it makes me all mushy and wet!

Anonymous said...

his left eye has something going on! sexilicious!

Anonymous said...

"Suddenly - life has new meaning to me.
There's beauty up above and
things we never take notice of
You wake up and suddenly you're in love."

Sorry, couldm't resist. The words of this old song came to my mind, while watching Adam's face in the photo "up above".

GGD Gal, he's just too GORGEOUS

Anonymous said...

perfect song indeed ha!ha!ha! one of my favourite song. I want to eat him right now gosh. Adam pls. stop killing us with your super sexiness.

Toronto fan base, Canada