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New Video From Sasha Mallory: "Glamsauce"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, January 2, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 02, 2011

From Sasha:

"Just a glimps of the last show before we went on and a couple of pics at the end.. Tried to put some music on but youtube wouldnt let me so my brother made a beat really quick.. enjoy suckas"


Anonymous said...

Must be Adam drought, only a few glances of Adam catch my eye out of 10min. Oh! his close up tattoo. I am getting desperate.

Rebecca said...

she did an awesome job on this

Anonymous said...

Sasha!!! You out did yourself!! Thank you soooooo much for the great vid. You continue to
keep up in touch with what the glamily on the road is doing. Love the stuff you guys create and would love to spend a couple of months with you all.Please keep them coming. With all my
Florida Love for you all. Happy New Year !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So annoying! Was Adam on that Glam Nation Tour at all? Where the hell is he????


Anonymous said...

How about having Voodoo on charts?!...#23
The Ultimate Youngsters Radio (Indonesia)


Anonymous said...

Adam photos...I'm sure there is some sort of agreement that the staff of GNT signed about pics of Adam........

Anonymous said...

Maybe they have professional camera crew shot the backstage clips for GNT DVD. Keep the figure cross.

coloforadam said...

That was so much fun ..... thank you, Sasha, for inviting us along. It must have been so hard to end what was an unbelievable trip. All of you - your youth and energy was captivating and how could we be anything but

Anonymous said...

Sasha, that was wonderful! Thanks for sharing. You are one super talent and adorable to and I just loved the Glamily.
Thanks and hope to see you on the road with Adam next year!
What ever life brings, it will be as special as you are.
Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Eva, Eva, Eva.....patience. Remember, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Anonymous said...

It is hard for me to see the GNT end too. Watching it almost everyday become a part of my life. I think my Adam addiction is getting stronger day after day. How can it be? It is becoming ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Well, one thing that we hadn't seen before, the bottom of Adam's feet @ 5:06 haha

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sasha‼ this is quite a treat‼ :) The behind the scenes are always the best-est‼ :) The music is cool too‼ :)

Anonymous said...

You are very artistic, Sasha. A great dancer and a great photographer. That was fun. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Just in case anyone is interested, the pic at 7.59 is the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore,a very strange building. I was there the other week, and kept looking at it thinking 'thats where Adam had dinner'. and 8.45 is HK, on a very cloudy day...

HK fan

Adamluv said...

Sasha is such a talented adorable girl! Sat behind her sister at Club Nokia at Adams last show, and asked her what Sashas plans were now that the tour had ended. She replied that she had no particular plans at this time. Sort of made me sad but hopefully she just needs a much deserved rest as do they all. Couldnt resist asking what Adam was like, and she said he's very down-to-earth and just a "COOL" guy!!!! She was very friendly and it was so evident how proud she was of Sasha.