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Please Subscribe to Adam Lambert's Myyoutube page

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Here is an important comment from our fellow 24/7 reader ZZ that I think everyone should read in regards to the MyYouTube campaign!

This is very important. Winner gets free advertisement on YouTube front page which is massive. Please subscribe Adam is still at 43k. Please please help.

How to subscribe...

1. Download Google chrome. How? Go to this link.

Some of you might not want to download this Google Chrome, but this will make your computer faster and trust me it is very useful.

What will happen if you don't download Google Chrome?---when you try to subscribe, it will take forever and fail you.

2. Once you download Google Chrome, go to and find Adam Lambert's name. Once you click on it, to the right you'll see a button that says "subscribe", hit subscribe and it will automatically ask you to sign in. Do sign in and hit all access. Once you do that you'll get 1 point. If you want more point, go to artists recommendations and select more under Adam's MyYouTube, that way Adam will gain more points. Please do make sure all points go to Adam.

Thanks to ZZ!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for creating a new thread for this important campaign Admin.
Please fans spread the word, RCA has not been promoting Adam enough, we the fans did and I know we can make this happen. Please tweet, post on fan sites, spread the word. We, The fans are known for an awesome job that we continue to do in promoting Adam and voting for him. Please lets show our love to Adam.
Don't you think winning this will be a wonderful Birthday gift to Adam? Lets reward him people, he deserves it...

Admin, again thank you very much for spreading the word, you are awesome!


Anonymous said...

Yup, I already have‼ Subscribe or signed up for My youtube, Ping, Twitter, Adam Lambert Official Fan Club & Adam Official... lol
Not on FB or Myspace‼ :)

Anonymous said...

I download Google Chrome but I still can't subscribe. After I hit all access, it brought me back to sibscribe and continued to process forever. I don't know, probably this is my computer, by I tried to subscribe using three computers and none of them could finish processing subscribing. Me be this is one of the reason Adam can't get more points.

Anonymous said...

phew! I was starting to post this at various sites but didn't know as much as you. I am on twitter but don't know how to tweet yet, maybe that would help.He doesn't ask for much so you know this is important to him.The site may seem confusing at first but you'll catch on.

Anonymous said...


Try subscribing using your current browser and see if that will work for you. I didn't have Google Chrome when I signed up and it worked‼ I'm using Mozilla Firefox.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:26
You can tweet from your pc or laptop or even from your cellphone if you have the service for it. From your pc or laptop just go to Twitter then just log in & type away who ever you wanna send a quick note to. If it's Adam type this @adamlambert (no spaces) then type only 140 characters max. Then hit send. Then you have tweeted‼

Anonymous said...

delilah5, close your internet explorer and open a new google chrome window. If you have downloaded google chrome successfully, there will be a google chrome icon on your desk top. Please double click that and once the window opens, copy/paste the youtube/myyoutube link and subscribe. this will definitely work. Please let me know if this doesn't work.


Anonymous said...

If the above link doesn't work for you try this one to subscribe. Just follow the prompts. :)

Anonymous said...

this should be a Wonderful gift to sweet Adam. He has given us so much in the past 2 years and this is one way to repay him. He has inspired us all and embraced us all. Lets show him some love ladies....


Anonymous said...

I have already subscribed and love watching the videos. I think the total points from each person is 5 points. I hope I did it correctly.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:11 I got seven points. If you tell your friends on Facebook and/or Tweeter you get a point for each. I just checked and the points are going up already. Tell friends on other sites too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. I have tried and tried and it wouldn't work in IE or Firefox. I'll try this 2M

Anonymous said...

BTY...Adam's friends Scarlett and Lee Cherry baby is due at the end of the month...maybe BB's birthday??????

Anonymous said...

I've just subscribed to Adam's YouTube Channel! Not sure what to do next but it gave me 1 point?


Anonymous said...

Is this MyYouTube for us outside US? I want to know before I start downloading Google Chrome. I had the same experience as delilah5 and gave up on subscribing. Please answer. I really want to help Adam get points.


Rebecca said...

so that's how you get it to work i gave up on it because it wouldn't let me subscribe to any of the channels

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to download Google Chrome, try Firefox. It worked great for me.

Anonymous said...

YAY, thanks for the info on using Google Chrome. I've tried subscribing trizillion times with no success, but this time it worked. I thought it was because I'm not from the US and I still don't think anybody outside of the US will be eligible to win any of the prizes, but at least I can now earn some points for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed using Firefox and had no trouble also subscribed to Adams recommendations so he got 5 extra points. I'm not on facebook but did join twitter only to follow Adam.

Anonymous said...

To all the fans Outside US (Eva) : ANYONE can subscribe. ALL the fans around the world please articipate and give Adam points.

@CT, you can get more points. If you see under the subscribe button, there is artist's recommendation, click on that and you'l see Adam's choices. If you subscribe in to those, you'll get more points and Adam will get points too.

Also guys, there are Facebook, twitter links from the page that you can share it with your friends and you'll get more points for ever other subs under you. This is really a WIN WIN for both us, the fans and Adam.


Anonymous said...

@ Eva and delilah5 I had the same problem as you, but after i had downloaded google chrome i could vote!!:) Just followed ZZ intructions as described at 10.39 and it worked!! Thanks ZZ


Anonymous said...


Thank you so much! It worked with google chrome. 5 points to Adam.


Anonymous said...

This thread makes me smile... so much learning and broadening of horizons going on as a result of AML... funny, in the best possible way.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eva! Did some catching up last your style girl! MGF

Anonymous said...

Done! :)

Anonymous said...

@ZZ I didn't finish to download Google Chrome first time. Then I tried it again and it works! I got 5 points. Don't have anybody on my facebook or tweeter because I opened them when I needed to know something about Adam and follow him with my tweeter. But I have account on VH1. So, I will know Cindy (you know her) and other gurls and explain them what they have to do:) I so happy, I susbscrubed it finally. Thank you, ZZ

Anonymous said...

Hi MGF! I have missed you and your voice of reason. Glad your back. :)


Anonymous said...

he has 44,595 points, it hasn't moved in awhile but I know it will. keep going!

Anonymous said...

Ok, ok, I did it already.. but just because you've given me a good reason (I suppose) and 'cause I'm a team player. You know, I hate being pushed into doing..things.. but I'd do anything for (any of) my loved ones though. So, if you care about this so much...

Anonymous said...

Signed up and accumulated 6 points for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Damn English tenses! I miss my American friend.. struggling to learn my language. We were so funny together..'speaking in tongues' to each other..Haha.. Not really! GLb

Anonymous said...

I never use Chrome but I just did and I'm glad I helped Adam :D I hope he wins!

melissa toronto said...

@ZZ Thank you so so much! I've been trying since the very beginning, got so frustrated every time. Try the download Google Chrome method, IT WORKS, got 5 points. yeah! :) <3

Anonymous said...

44,723 points for Adam.cartwheel,splits, hand stand. He needs much more and that's the way he is heading.Now to my chiropractor.

Anonymous said...

In order to gain points for Adam, not only you have to subscribe to his site on MyYouTube, you have to subscribe to the sites he recommends and send this to your friends via twitter and facebook. More points on latter part for Adam and for you to win prizes. Make sure you send this link via Adam's MyYouTube page. Otherwise he doesn't get any points.

Anonymous said...

I don´t think I can win any prices. Perhaps because I´m a foreigner. But that´s not important.


Anonymous said...

wonderful! this is working then...

Ladies, I'll keep posting this in every thread until the contest is over. Please ignore it if you have already subscribed but pls don't get pissed if you see it over and over...JS

To all who have subscribed so far and won points for sweet Adam, thank you thank you thank you.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ZZ Can you post this link on VH1 Adam's community? There are a lot of Adam's fans there, a loooooooooooooooooooot! I think you will need to create account to post the comment there, I don't think this gonna be a problem:)