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Some New (Old) Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 7, 2011

Posted at : Friday, January 07, 2011

Photo credit: Cecycat1

Thanks ZZ for the tip!


LIVA said...

Any name for the guy in the first pic?

Anonymous said...

Adam look so happy in the first picture. Ha!Ha! He likes to kiss everyone. Are they all male? Is that Sutan in the 3rd picture? WoW! He is having a hell of party and fun.

Anonymous said...

The first photo of Adam and friend has been photoshopped

Anonymous said...

I love it that Sutan is so feminine and beautiful.Look at those legs, What a Doll!
And Adam is all kissy kissy LOL


Anonymous said...

That's Sutan?? These are old pics. Adam is young and hair is light?!?!?

Mandy said...

Looks like a lot of fun... :D

Anonymous said...

Maybe pic # 3 should have been left out.

Anonymous said...

When you see the old pics of Adam and his friends it is easy to see why he did not understand the uproar over the AMAs. Just commonplace interactions to them.

Anonymous said...

hahah! Adam sure loves smooching... 4 poses out this batch above‼ Wow! make up sure transforms Sutan... can hardly recognize him‼ :)

Anonymous said...

Could have done without the pics of Sutan. Adam looks great though

Anonymous said...

Is Sutan a tranny? Hard to tell if he is male or female. Anyway, he is Adam`s friend so whatever.

Anonymous said...

Kind of menage a trois sometimes..
Adam looks more rock star with the black hair imo

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would make a current appearance somewhere! Otherwise we are going to have a lot of these new, old pictures ...

Anonymous said...

@January 7, 2011 5:53 PM, You don't get what's a bit offensive about your statement, do you?

Anonymous said...

I have this feeling 5:53 is a troll too.....

Anonymous said...

This kind of thing attracts trolls. You can almost hear some of his fans hitting the door.

LP said...

Sutan is a tranny personality. I googled him.

Anonymous said...

Pic no. 1 is photoshopped. You can tell by the black shadow around the other guy's nose and mouth area. Sutan's face in no. 5 is also photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about picture #1. For God Sake! ZZ, didn't you understand if any reporter will get these pictures (#3 one of most disscusting of them) Adam's carrier will flashed for while again?! During this rediculous fight about stilling somebodies article, somebody said that some of the members of this blog around 12 years old. And these teens don't need to know about these kind of trash as stilling posts and apologies,etc! Do you think these pictures appropriate for 12 years old teens? How can you enjoy them? Sorry, don't get it. If it is okay with Adam this is okay with me. Are you sure Adam will like if these pictures appeare on tomorrow internet ariticles?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam just got 1,000 vote from 2:00pm! You gurls just want to put everything in trash:( Call me troll whatever you want, but this is another f....g sh......... which they put in Adam's portfolio forever!

Anonymous said...

come on 24/7 do you want to hurt adam??? some pictures you just don't publish...for adam's sake choose wisely. we've got the grammy's coming up... we don't need bad publicity.

Anonymous said...

As far as these pictures are appeared on twitter, Adam doesn't have to complain if he will lose some of his fans! Sorry, may be pictures #1&#2 are okay, but everything else?! Please, don't be upset or mad if Adam will not get some recognitions in US again and again and.... Somebody put these pictures on twitter and Adam got more sh............ in his portfolio!
@ZZ By the way, Adam just got 1,000 votes sience 2:00 PM. I hope he will get more even after each of these pictures will reviewing 2,000 times each!

Anonymous said...

I don't find these pics disturbing, and they just seem to be posing. They don't even look drunk or anything.

Anonymous said...

that guy in the blue is cute!

JakeL said...

Look at sutans eyes in pic #3, I can't tell if he's trying to wink or it he's SUPER drunk lol


Anonymous said...

@anon 7:36 pm Do you think that pictures #3 &#5 are not disturbing?! Most of us think that AMA wasn't disturbing! Did anybody care what we think? Yes, they are deff not drunk or anything. Actually, Adam looks like this is another show and fun and all of these is not for real!
However, they just published the post that somebody made DVD of GNT without Adam or suz permition. Do you think Adam would give permition to put these pictures on twitter or on this blog! Previously somebody tried to protect 12 years old teens who are on this blog. Just because this stupid fight about stollen articles, apologies, etc. How about these pictures? Does this person have to worry if these 12 year old teens will see these pictures?
Again, call me troll, whatever you want, it was big mistake to post these pictures on 24/7 blog.

Anonymous said...

Lots of boys like Adam are watching him every move on the internet. Adam is just to be himself in the pictures and there are nothing wrong or being ashamed of. I always think he is born to be more than a singer or entertainer. Remember how he was scare when he found no one like him in his childhood. These pictures MEANS much more than a Grammy for a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

delilah5, I'm pretty sensitive person myself and I have criticized Adams stage acts, but these pics are not the worst of Adam. The pic #3 is not for real. Blame that guy who put his head down there. Besides, Adam doesn't care about the teen fans, he cares more for the older fans and the milfs and that's more disgusting.

coloforadam said...

It's just the same old crap - if these were pics of hetero playfulness, kissing, hugging, partyin' together .... it would be "aw, aren't they cute". This world needs to get a grip!! Would Adam be any more beautiful, talented, sweet and personable if he had been photographed or photo shopped with girls???? It is this wonderful diversity that makes the human race so amazing and absolutely unique in the universe and we keep sneering at it and trying to squelch it??? Thank you, 24/7 for ALL the photos and statements and hairstyles and costumes and friends and acquaintances of Adam that you share with us. It is his uniqueness and complexity that are the stuff of his unforgettable music and the mesmerizing beauty that shines on his face.

Anonymous said...

I want Adam to be a success in the US and become fabulously wealthy. I want him to have his Maserati and all of the clothes he wants. Whomever posted a couple of those photos are not helping his career. I think he would have posted these photos if he wanted them on the Internet. I think he should be the one to share his personal life. I do love Adam Lambert and want him to receive all the musical accolades he deserves.

Anonymous said...

This is a blog to support Adam Lambert. We are HIS fans. Photos of tranny Sutan with a guys face in his crotch do not belong here, and may be detrimental to Adam. Grammys, anyone ?? Use some discretion to not put Adam in a bad light, please.

Rebecca said...

all the pretty yummy

Dinah-mite said...

For what its worth,I also think this was not done in good taste. And yes, not great timing either. And I am not a troll. I am a big AFL supporter, check out all of my posts... I'm sure we ALL have pics that are better off not being posted on a website. Particularly if we are in the public's eye.
Sorry but I don't feel this is doing Adam any favors, much to the contrary. And by the way, he IS a singer and a FABULOUS entertainer, first and foremost. It is very possible to be true to yourself without putting everything you've ever done on display, not necessary. Actually, I feel sad that someone felt the need to put these on here. Glad my so called "fans" don't publish some of my moments... Smarten up people!!!

JakeL said...

Tranny sutan? Yeah, you can GTFO. Seriously, that has to be one of the most offensive comments here. I think you guys are overreacting just a tad, they're just having fun, not a big deal...


Anonymous said...

Come on people, Adam is trying to gain mainstream/Grammy creds, and one of his own fanbases is posting old pics with Sutan, who has questionable good taste, and a face in his crotch. How can this helpful to Adam. It only satisfys fans who want salacious photos. Very disappointed in 24/7.

Anonymous said...

I think that these pics are nothing compared to those pictures that were leaked on the first week of American Idol.

I doubt these pictures will become any HOT headline news anymore. The world isn't shocked by these pics. I mean, look at Miley Cyrus. SHe takes pics like these all the time.

What I see in these pics is that Adam is having fun.

Anonymous said...

We all know that Adam has lots of "eccentric" and "artistic" friends from WeHo. Interesting and colorful to us, but Mainstream USA is not ready for the reality of that. However, Adam is working his ass off to convert as many as he can to open up their minds. In the meantime, I want BB to win that F***in Grammy, and to gain mainstream appeal. Photos like this ain't gonna help.

Christina said...

Can someone please tell me EXACTLY what is wrong with these pictures???? All I see are Adam and his friends having fun at a club!!! There's nothing remotely wrong with these pictures.

Please don't tell me because of those Sutan pictures! If you think there's anything wrong with Sutan then you're' just transphobic.

Lady Gaga poses with transexuals, crossdressers etc ALL THE TIME and she is the world's biggest star!

coloforadam said...

I don't think Adam would want the fabulous wealth or Mazeratis or pretty clothes if he has to compromise, deny and cover the core of who he is. Of course it would be nice if people only focused on the talent and quality of performance, but they don't. We seem to want every detail of Star's lives down to the toenails. He looks so young in these photos - could not be more than 22 or so. Stuff about every moment of his life is going to keep coming up and out and he has no control over it anymore and he certainly has NOTHING to be ashamed of - he was a grown up with grown up friends that he loves and loves being with and if they took pictures as part of their fun at the Clubs that are designated for fun, WHAT are we clucking about!! There is a line in that song, No Boundaries, that always clutches my heart when he sings it "...I never was safe, I always knew why...." If there are people who will walk away because of these pictures, they were probably just looking for some self righteous reason to walk away anyway and.....GOOD RIDDANCE!!

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong with these pictures!! These pics and people in them are part of Adam's real life, he is GAY, Yayy!! and is not ashamed of his orientation..Deal with it!! If you are at all disgusted by these pics, then Adam is not your Guy, go support Kris Allen or something.#AdamyoumustalwaysbePC..that will never happen!! Let him be. F*#ck mainstream if they have a problem. He is not hurting anyone, just having fun with friends. Acceptance peopl..acceptance NOH8!! Just saying. BTW, the guy in blue is cute and the first pic is real and hot. You Go Adam!! I love you unconditionally.

Anonymous said...

Just in time for the Grammies !1 Very poor taste to show these Its just cheap with the crotch tasting and WHAT THE HECK ARE THOSE THINGS THEYRE USING ? yuck course Adam never saw fit to delete these so I guess its all just part of his lifestyle Must this sort of behavior be public ??? This will cost him and I know I will be called a troll or worse but this is just wrong

Anonymous said...

delilah5 - I liked reading your posts here on 24/7 but I'm going to disagree with your position on this topic. I think these pictures are safe and 'fun'. I don't see any harm in showcasing these pictures on the blog.

I wonder how old was Adam when he took these pics. I'm guessing around 25.

Anonymous said...

Sutan in one of Adam's closest frients right now, and has always been, he is part of his Glamily and his personal life, he is not going anywhere anytime soon, whether you like it or not, so hating on him is senseless. Reading these comments, one would swear that you guys want to put Adam back in the closet!! That will never happen, He will never live up to anyone's expectations/rules, that's Adam for you, one of the reasons we love him. I think you are all not his fans, his fans know that He kisses and hangs out with guys and they do not have a problem with that.It's not his career you are worried about, but yourselves. CONTROL FREAKS!!

Anonymous said...

I am not a troll. I am not transphobic. But I repeat. Adam is striving for mainstream appeal, he wants that Grammy with his whole being. one of his fansites working with him by posting photos with the likes of Sutan with a guys face in his crotch? Adam learned a hard lesson from the AMAs, and to quote one of his interviews, he said "homo don't play". Adam knows. Sadz, 24/7

Anonymous said...

Looks like the third picture is deleted..thanks to all the complainers....(NOT!)

Ugh. I think people are overreacting to these pictures.

24/7 - There was no need to delete that pic :(

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:04

Totally agree with you!! I find the pictures fun, no harm done. Adam will def not lose fans over this. I am a teen and I don't find them offensive at all. Loosen up Old People!

Anonymous said...

You can't compare these pics with the AMAs because these are just pics from a party. AMAs happened on tv and I remember he said he changed the coreography without telling about it.

Anonymous said...


I love you!! I think people should losen up! Why all the judging and parenting! It ain't that deep!! I love all these pictures, Cute Guys.

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:04pm After I read all of these comments I guess 50% of Adam's fans are agree with me. These are bad taste pictures, published in the wrong time. All of these remindings about Lady GaGa and other celebrities don't make any point. Lady GaGa is BIG celebrity. And she even can afford to appear naked on the stage.
I still hope these pictures are harmless as 50% of us try to prove and they will not cost another problem for Adam
By the way, thank you for the compliment. English is my second language and hope you forgive me for some mistakes I make in my posts:)

Anonymous said...

Adam's private life is put on display without his permission for what? To make the gay lifestyle more acceptable? Sacrificing his career for your agenda is taking it backwards. Trying to equate this with heterosexuals is silly. It's been a while since I saw Taylor Swift and Katy Perry with a guy's head in their crotch on a blog. So saying it's acceptable if it's a girl is just crazy. This is not ok on a blog and the blog editor needs to exercise responsibility.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Today is crazy day from the "7 songs Adam Lambert should cover" thread to this one. What a day what a day.
Re-this thread, it is not that deep people. They are just having fun. First of all if these pics were as bad as some of you guys here say, Sutan wouldn't have posted them on his twitter. Sutan is a very good friend of Adam. And secondly Adam is proud of who he is and I am sure he doesn't mind any of these. This is all fun. I wish I were there with them in drags, I would have showen then some fuckin good time LOL


Anonymous said...

Btw, I do not agree with the phrase "bad taste", sorry. "Bad taste" for who? Bad taste for me, bad taste for you and other people? WHo cares about what people would say and think. If Adam feels acting this way, let him be. If it is of a good taste for him, let him enjoy it.Again, this is just my opinion.


Dinah-mite said...

Thanks whoever took off the one picture that would cause most backlash from mainstream America...
Agreed these other pics look like friends just goofing around and partying, no biggie! And yup, AFL looks quite young, still a cutie! And guess what? I LUV the way Sutan does Adam's hair and makeup. And I welcome any of Adam's friends, we should all be so lucky!
Let's face it, we all want our BB to succeed. The man has so much TALENT he should have ALL kinds of supporters. Now, lets all make up before Adam has to call us out like he did those "kitties" in Italy!! Peace and LUV to all....

Anonymous said...

Thank you 9:47 PM. Can't equate Adam with heterosexuals, same rules do not apply to him , so sadz. But he's working on it with the help of fans like us. Sutan is welcome to have as many guys in his crotch as he wants, but we don't need it on an Adam Lambert fansite at this time. We want BB to win that f**king Grammy!!!!!
Thank you to blog editor for removing Sutan crotch photo.

Anonymous said...

Who are the dopes who put these pics up at this time? Haven't you got any common sense?

Anonymous said...

@ZZ Want to change the subject back to myyoutube. I just checked votes and Adam is doing really good! He got 47,220 votes! Almost 1,500 were added from 2:00pm. However, one think made me very upset. for some reason, only Adam's fans have problem to subscribe! I read few comments and nobody knows what to do. I sent them the message about Google Chrome. But still confuse, why none of the troll's (JB:), Selena, etc fans have this problem to vote?

Anonymous said...

lalalalalala lighten up

Anonymous said...

@Delilah5, I know he is doing wonderful...soon we will be able to catch up with Shakira and Enrique and bump him up to #8 YAY! Re:the difficulties to subscribe, so far I have talked to some people and a lot of them were able to do it with Chrome or Firefox. I wonder if some of these people having difficulty are using a new Google chrome window? I am gonna research this further and see if there is anything that we can come up with. As for the JB fans, the kids know their way with the computers I believe. THey are the ones who are known for texting and blogging. Maybe I should sneak in to one of their fan sites and pretend as a "Belieber" and get some scoop...haha . Btw the JB fans are called "Beliebers"


Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter what we, Adams fans think. Mainstream America takes offence with photos of the like posted on this blog by the editors. WE WANT ADAM TO WIN THIS GRAMMY! Thank you for removing the Tranny Sultan crotch shots. Should never have been posted here in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anonymous 10:22. You summed it up in 2 short sentences, Elzabeth from Canada

Anonymous said...

Okay I read a few comments that mention AFL. But can someone tell me what that means?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One said the pictures must be ok because Sutan put them on his Twitter. :D. Isn't he the one that got in trouble for leaking Adam's spacesuit picture from the album photoshoot? Yup, I think that was him.

Anonymous said...

This looks like Adam having fun with his friends. Gasp, a man with his face in Sutan's crotch. Big deal. The children see more explicit images with less fun and playful spirit on billboards driving down the high way.

On another note. I believe Sultan is a femme gay man who plays with gender sometimes and does drag a lot. Meanwhile, Adam's friend Joshua/Rahab is more complicated. He/she seems to be gender queer, which generally is someone who is not fully comfortable with male or female, but identifies with elements of both even more so than a butch lesbian or a femme gay man. But I don't know specifically how Joshua/Rahab identifies, although Joshua talks about his personas as two different people, brother and sister. A little ambiguity makes life more interesting in my opinion. The beautiful woman with the dark hair and black and white top looks like she might be a transwoman, but maybe she just has a really strong bone structure. Either way she's gorgeous.

Trans women are people who are born into male bodies but have a female identity. They might chose to simply dress and live as female, or they might take hormones and have surgeries to make their bodies more female. Transmen are the opposite. Female bodies and male identities

Someone might have mentioned this earlier, but "tranny" is an offensive word used to describe trans people, usually transwomen. A friend of mine is a transwoman and she uses it, but I think its the kind of thing that someone whose part of a group can use, but the rest of use should stick with trans, transwoman, transgirl, or when appropriate transman or transboy. Similarly, I wouldn't use any of these words, but as far as I'm concerned a lesbian has every right to use "dyke," a gay man can use the word "fag," and a black person can use the word "nigger." These words are offensive when they are used by people who do not belong to those groups because they are words that have been used to oppress those groups. Meanwhile, for example, when a transwoman calls herself a "tranny" it can be considered reclaiming the word. When a cisgendered (that is the opposite of transgendered. In other words most of us. Ex: Female body and female identity. Male body and male identity) sees a picture of a transwoman and calls her a tranny it is a vile and oppressive usage.

Anonymous said...

OMG such a fuss! Adam is not mainstream and never will be!
These are old pictures of him having fun with his friends and be respectful to that!
What the hell is wrong with everyone?

Anonymous said...

Coloforadam - I really agree with your post at 9:00. You often have well-expressed posts, thank you.
Why can't someone win a Grammy if they love who they are programmed to love? This has nothing to do with who is the best singer!

Anonymous said...

One of our former prime-ministers (I'm from Canada) said something like: government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. I also think Grammy awards have nothing to do with what is happening in the bedrooms, grow up people!
It's like an academy award goes to the best actor, period, regardless of lifestyle details.

Anonymous said...

@ 24/7 Admin. Please don't post all the juicy subjects when I'm crazy busy! :-)
I wish I had seen the ’damaging photos’. I bet they were not Photoshoped.

@ Jan. 7 5:53 PM & Jan.& 6:07 PM Right on!

Sorry, but aren't we a little hypocrites? I'm talking about those who are flailing over the picture of Adam with the microphone-phallus in his mouth and him showing how it’s done, but otherwise offended by his private photos. I, for one, do not agree with /understand some of his ‘statements’ on stage, but I have absolutely no problem with his private life! As for these private pictures being posted over the Internet.. He went through this several time and survived just fine. He’ll be OK.

People, I know you all love him, but please, take a moment and think over it... A LOT. He is not a gay person, he is a GAY MALE ENTERTAINER from LA – the fucking Hollywood!! Why would he be offended by any of these pictures when he showed you himself what he is all about. Please go back to WLL Amsterdam. The ending of that performance knocked me in the head. He told ME that he can be the stage rent boy/ gigolo for any person in his audience...just for fun. In Indio he made love with everyone, in Amsterdam he fucked them/us all. That’s his type of entertainment. (Backstage, he does ..things to only a few selected ones. "He's not a [real life] whore", right?). Sure, he might had been a little high in Amsterdam but, regardless, ‘that’s who he is!’.. No one in his circle is a nun or a monk. That doesn’t mean they are not absolutely great people. Some of you have already met them and liked them a lot. And yes, there are inconsistencies in Lambert's 'statements', as lmb said, but I have no time now to go there... Therefore, I say only.. Take it or leave it!.. I mean.. TAKE IT.. but, for God sake, keep your eyes (and heart and brain!) open all this time!!

I’m out of here.. for the time being. Don't fight! Have fun! I mean it!


Anonymous said...

The guy in the blue top is quite cute!
adams initials are AML, but many fans use AFL which means Adam Fucking Lambert, a term of endearment.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

some of those photos don't look real to me.I am glad no pictures of me were ever posted on the internet when I was at some of the parties I went to when I was younger.EEK!Fun days but glad they are over.

Anonymous said...

Just look at all the comments in reference to these early pictures. Adam Lambert certainly stirs up a storm of controversy. Is this good for his career or does it just add fuel to the fire from all those who post/write negative comments? I am a huge AL fan since his first appearance on AI, but I don't necessarily like all I see and read about his early personal life and activities. Adam is an awesome performer both musically and visually and his audience connection is pure electricity. Let's focus on that and not the sideshow that seems to go on around him. If he intends to appeal to a larger audience with the release of his next album and future tours, these negative posts/pictures do not help at all. Perhaps he has to be more "careful" regarding his actions and social life now only because it will appear somewhere within minutes to the delight of those who are Adam haters. I hope he does win the Grammy award next month because he is the best vocal talent in the music industry today.

Anonymous said...

@ZZ 10:32PM Don you know that in Russian "Belieber-da" means nonsence, rubbish:)!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I don't see anything wrong with these pictures or the one that got deleted!!!! Sometimes fans read too much between the lines with Adam pictures, videos, and opinions.

Anonymous said...

This is very educational but I often hear that the heteros need to open their hearts and minds to the gay community. This should work both ways. Some fans need to understand the way the mainstream perceives pictures of certain behaviors. I believe Adam wants to have mainstream success,otherwise why go out for American Idol? He was successful at the Zodiak Club and in "Wicked". The timing of these pictures before the Grammys tells me that some people are afraid that if Adam becomes uber famous he will either leave them behind or won't be available to be their poster boy. Actions like this could hurt his career. He is a singer and an entertainer first.

Anonymous said...

Some people's idea of freedom of expression is to put someone else's pictures on the web. Yes, the web is viral. When these people who profess to love total openness put their own pictures on the web we'll talk.

Anonymous said...

where can i see this picture that was deleted. I want to see what the fuss is all about.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous Jan.7, 9:11PM

Are you right or are you right? I'm pretty sure you are right!


Anonymous said...

My comment above is at the FIRST Anonymous Jan.7, 9:11 (there are 2 of them, posted at the same time)

Anonymous said...

There are many gay artists that are already mainstream, so thats not the problem. It's the very selfish older women that are the problem. I'm a heterosexual middle aged woman myself, but I've made this observation of the fandom.

Anonymous said...

Why did you delete the pictures???? I came in late and didn't know what everyone was talking about. Are we in Malaysia? Are you all politicians? You're learning well from them. Is Adam running for office or are you? No wait, if he was, he probably wouldn't mind being completely honest. So it must be you!

Anonymous said...

What in the world could possibly have been on those pictures that would be THAT shocking???? I've seen a youtuble video of Adam on stage singing "Kiss and Tell" where he dry humps one of the back up dancers.

What was in the pictures????

Anonymous said...

what is that beige bulb syringe/ catheter looking thing near Sutan's thigh and in the removed crotch photo near Adam? It's odd looking. Is it some kind of sex toy? Just curious'cuz I have no idea what it is.

Anonymous said...

Count me in as one of the people who is a huge, huge , huge fan of Adam's, and it goes along with my now being a fan of his Glamily. I wish them all only the best and much success. I saw the deleted picture last night and just wondered to myself, WTF? Who would post that? It's not nice to post something like that on the internet. It never goes away. I thought this was a fansite. Not a hate site.

I just hope that people who love Adam, and his friends,because they are one and the same, grow up and realize that this could hurt his career.

Mainstream conservative America eats this shit up. Adam deserves our love and support. He always says he has nothing to hide, no apologies, etc. But, he does have feelings. He is trying to win a Grammy BTW.

Anonymous said...

Are you people going to "kill" all Adam's friends that you don't like around him? I cannot believe you would do this and you call yourself "fan". This close minded thinking is the reason behind all the gays being pushed in one corner in US where they can survive and find love. Amazing that such an advanced country with so many people have that "Right" mind.
Adam has the most beautiful eyes and stand out among all of them in the above pictures. When he is in the mainstream, he also has that beautiful confidence to outstand himself as well.

Anonymous said...

It's a very tough line that Adam is walking now. He wants to just be himself. He wants to be with his friends, have fun, relax after working his ass off for over two years. Even longer if you count Wicked, Citizen Vein, and Zodiac Show.

He is who he is. He does what he does. I am a fan and love him, and all that he does. I respect him for being so open and honest. I respect him for being so available to represent a nice gay guy to the public. I also respect him for being able to represent a gay guy who goes to clubs and has fun.

Unfortunately, he also needs to sell himself, sell records, and win a Grammy. Now, the voters are in the biz. They get it. But, in terms of public attention, that crotch picture, and some old pictures just don't do Adam justice in my honest opinion. They never go away, and eat at his privacy. If a "fan" posted it, I question the maturity level of the "fan." Not everything is funny. Some things hurt.

And, what does Sutan say about the pic? Is he laughing? Or, does he have feelings about his privacy being violated? After all, the guy with the head in his crotch wasn't Adam. This time.

The Dark Side said...

Always amazing that ppl cannot express an opinion without being trashed. If we all thought alike I would probably want to live elsewhere. This is, in my opinion, Adam. It is who he is. He isn't hiding it so why should we? Just asking, save the tar and feathers for someone else.

Anonymous said...

Jan. 8, 12:06 Does Sutan have a problem with the pictures or his privacy being violated? Apparently not, According to ZZ, they were found on Sutan's Twitter account.

Anonymous said...

The deleted pic was not even that racy, OMFG! Like, not at all! For reference, my age bracket is 35-45, just so you know when you think about the fact that I found the deleted pic to not be racy at all. 20ish year olds having fun and being silly at a club/party, OMFG. I don't think my 60ish year old mother would have found that pic offensive, nor her 90ish old mother! Being quite serious.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts are homophobes and judgemental cows, they are the ones who will ruin Adam's career, not these pictures. Don't you all have husbands and children to controll? Oh wait..your husbands left you cos you're too controlling. Adam is GAY and the pictures are a reflection of his lifestyle, Sutan is his very close friend..DEAL WITH IT!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

You people are fucking psychotic. NO ONE gives a shit about that pic. Get the fuck over it and stop trying to control every aspect of his LIFE. YOU people give this fandom the fucked up reputation that it has.

Anonymous said...

Uretha_Franklin..Could not agree more!! Psychotics is an understatement. They think they own Adam and his career. Where do all these people come from? Do they even have personal lives? There is nothing wrong with these pictures!! The "Teens and Grammys" are not obsessed with Adam's personal life, they are interested in his MUSIC. PERIOD

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:38

YOU ARE Mainstream Conservative America, you are already "eating this shitup" stop hiding behind pictures of beautiful Gay people. FYI Winning Grammys is about singing, private picture are NEVER part of the criteria. Get a life!!

Anonymous said...

Correction Anon 2:56: Glamberts are not homophobes and judgmental cows. Speaking of judgmental, where do you get off describing a fan group that is very supportive of everything Adam. I doubt that you know any Glambert personally. If I recall many of the early on blogs, there were a lot of Adam haters and they were best self-described as gay (however, since I don't know any of the haters personally, I can't claim for sure that they are gay). Early on a gay mag editor claimed Adam wasn't gay enough. Sounds like almost anybody other than a Glambert is out to sabotage Adam's career. Think twice before name-calling. This blog site is supposed to be a supportive site for Adam fans. Every Glambert I know and those I've met at 7 GNC's love Adam as he is and were very friendly with Sutan at the autograph lines (Sutan mingled with the fans and signed autographs and was loved and respected by all that I observed).

Anonymous said...

Followup clarification of the term Glambert: any fan of Adam Lambert. Almost every interviewer refers to Adam's fans as Glamberts. It is true that early on there was one particular group of fans that were Glamberts but lately fans of Adam are called Glamberts. The original group is alive and well and works very hard to be very supportive of all things Adam and I'm sure welcomes all the help they can get in this endeavor.

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry, was there anyone else in those pictures?
I am glued to only look at Adam!
(Didn't notice anyone else in the live show either lol)

Anonymous said...

Anon January 8, 2011 12:41 AM - thanks for that informative post! Will sit the rest of this debate out, except to say - I was not offended by the picture that was removed...just some people having drinks, having fun, gettin' crazy and being silly. Haven't we all been there? Jeez, I know I have, and have the equally hilarious/drunk antic pix to prove it.

- Adam Fix

Summer said...

WOW~~ Come on people..THINK...THIS IS NEGATIVE! I get that as a whole..the USA is still uneasy w/ gays making out..BUT IT IS WHAT IT IS..OK!! Adam wants so much to SING..we want him to SING and bring us awesome music that is PLAYED ON THE RADIO & AWARDS GIVEN TO HIM for his phenomenal talent..WE LOVE HIM. When you LOVE protect them, take care of them, have their back forever!! Adam needs to earn respect. Us fans need to help!
Adam says~ "I like to stay in the positive side of things". Let's Love Adam by NOT giving fuel to a FIRE THAT WANTS TO BURN HIM AT THE STAKE!!
NO..THESE PICS SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSTED..AND U ALL KNOW IT..Did they release more songs from FYE..NO...are they playing him on your Local radio nonstop..NO...IT'S UP TO US..TO REQUEST..VOTE...BUY..AND NOT DAMAGE!