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Sony Music Says Adam Lambert is one of their 'Renowned' Artists

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 7, 2011

Posted at : Friday, January 07, 2011

In a new press release dated January 7, 2011, Sony Music compares Adam Lambert to the likes of Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, and Santana. Check it out!

"Sony Music has an enviable roster of music and artistes on board that include a broad array of both local and international superstars. Some of Sony Music’s renowned featured artistes include Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Shakira, Santana, Usher and Adam Lambert amongst others. The music company also boasts of a vast catalog that comprises some of the most important recordings in history."


Thanks to Adamholic!


glitzylady said...

I LOVE this! Saw it earlier today and just felt so proud of him, to be in that very elite company of artists..So guessing they are going to start taking our boy more seriously now! Superstar!

Anonymous said...

Oh hello, it's that picture again. Some people just can't give up..

irish1139 said...

Didn't we always know it guys? Right from the beginning, when he sang his first song on AI, we all knew Adam would be a world famous entertainer. Sony better love him. He is the greatest.

Anonymous said...

Niiiiicccceee! Adam is in an elite group of artists! Yes, we all knew he was someone that was super special from that first moment of his audition and from every moment since then.

C'mon RCA, please a little more promotion for our superstar Adam???


Anonymous said...

With that photo it's not going to be a pop/rock album, not even acoustic.

Anonymous said...

This is just fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Great news, this is fantastic news.
@CT Absolutely agree with you. Does anybody can wake up RCA? What are they waiting for?
@anon 8:42pm This is picture from AI. I beilive, this picture was made when Adam perfromed "Mad World" first time. I would by DVD with this picture cover:)LOL

coloforadam said...

Renowned!!! You ain't seen nothin' yet, RCA/Sony!!

You are right, the pic is from AI but it is "Tracks of My Tears". Adorable but I love the ragin', glittering, hot Adam of TODAY, thank you.

Anonymous said...

delilah5, I watched AI, but I don't even remember this style on Adam. Would you buy a Tango album with this cover? Sony wouldn't put that photo with this news, unless Adam is changing his music style. RCA is different. I wonder who are the Adams management team at the RCA.

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah‼ good on you RCA/Sony for recognizing what you got‼ :) You got yourselves a gold mine and a treasure‼... and we all ♥ & adore him‼ :)
I love this picture of Adam... his vulnerable side. *hugsbb*

Lily said...

SONY has thousands of artists to promote yet they decided Adam is powerful enough to be mentioned along the lines of Michael Jackson!!! Wow! Grats Adam!

Anonymous said...

Those of you who complain about this picture probably hadn't watched all the episodes of AI8. This song solidified his versatility and set in motion all the talk about Adam being like Elvis. I believe Simon even commented about him being a star at this point and in subsequent weeks referred back to this performance as being more popular than some of his more rock type performances (not that I agree-nor did a lot of his fans). Smoky Robinson gave him a standing ovation (first of the mentors to do so)and Smoky even adopted Adam's version of his cover.

Anonymous said...

Can an artist put out just a new single for radio play or do we have to wait for a whole new album before they choose a single from that?
It would be good if Adam had a new single out sooner than later (could it be a release of Can't Let you Go or something like that) to keep his name on the charts.

glitzylady said...

To the poster at 8:42 p.m. who commented about the above picture of Adam, which is one of Adam's many looks from AI: this has nothing to do with his new album! Sheesh! (Please) Lighten up and rejoice! Adam has arrived in that rare place to which so many aspire, but few actually be mentioned in the same sentence with the greats of music! \0/ Yay! And I have a feeling that RCA will be promoting Adam quite a bit more from now on!

Anonymous said...

RCA knew a long time ago they had a superstar on their hands....but sometimes we wondered why they seemed short sighted, but saying that, they knew exactly what they were doing.
I worked with MJ and I knew the first time I met ADAM how brilliantly talented he was. ADAM has an aura that surrounds him....just as MJ had...and yet both amazing individuals who rule the planet!

Anonymous said...

I also believe RCA knows what they are doing. It's called pumped up supply and demand!

Anonymous said...

I love this incredible compliment to Adam, mentioning him in the same sentence with truly outstanding artists. That being said, what the heck has Sony Music been doing for all these months? Their promotion of Adam hasn't been much. If they feel he is so iconic, then they need to get the word out, BIG TIME! The public has a short attention span. We die-hard fans are here to stay, but we need more to come on board. C'mon, Sony. Help us out!

glitzylady said...

Ooops! What I REALLY meant to say in my above comment at 10:48 p.m. was SONY Music!!! Silly silly me! Freudian slip?? Dunno, but anyway, the rest still stands! The important thing is, he is doing very well, and no matter what the plan is from now on, he has worked so hard to get where he is in Jan. 2011, sort of under the radar for a good percentage of the population, but for those of us who stuck with him (Yay!), and for those many who discovered him along the way, a very good year indeed, with his Glam Nation touring the world, and those many opportunities to see Adam live (another BIG Yay!). Perhaps strategically planned and we just don't realize it. A year of laying the foundation for his arrival at where he is now, a Grammy nominee, and poised to join the legends of music, as Paula so correctly stated close to two years ago on Idol "You will be Iconic!". One year ago, too, things were a little shaky for him, and perhaps this past year of "rebuilding" was necessary. Whatever their plan was, and I would assume they had one, it seems to be paying off, if nothing else, due to Adam's tireless work and undeniable talent. I would venture a guess that as we get closer to Adam's new album release date, and certainly before the first single release, which will occur before the album comes out, Sony will be pulling out all the stops. I can hardly wait!!! Now..if we can just tough it out until then....

Anonymous said...

@ dalilah5

No, honey, this pic is from «Track of my Tears»' performance on Idol! Want a bet?


Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady

You are so rightin your words ... and under this impecably beautiful picture of sweet Adam that important day for him on Idol. Do you remember? «No eyeliner, no nail polish, very very classy, very handsome!» Yeah... Also Paula was so right in her words, wasn't she?


Anonymous said...

I hope that whatever the marketing strategy for Adam is, that it will work for him. I DON'T want him to become a one or two-year flash-in-the-pan that disappears after a short time. If the slower, steadier marketing of him works best, then that's what I want. I see Adam growing older and staying in recording music, but ALSO getting into acting, the stage, etc. He's far more multi-talented than almost any other pop singing star. His other talents will take him farther than many of the others. So, if it takes longer, so be it. I'd rather savor him along the way for a LONG TIME, than watch him flash and burn and never be heard from again, which is what happens to lots of quick-rise performers. He's a gem, a diamond. We need him around for a LONG CAREER.

Anonymous said...

So great.

Anonymous said...

Hey Glitzylady!! So great to see you here! Had a GREAT time in LA at Bardot with you!! :D
Yes, the photo is from Idol, when he did "Tracks of My Tears" but when does he NOT look gorgeous?? I love that Sony is FINALLY admitting what a HUGE talent they have in Adam!
And for anyone who may worry that he is a "flash in the pan", RELAX! He is WAY too mega-talented for that to ever happen! Plus, he has such a WIDE and diverse fan base, world wide, that he isn't going anywhere but UP! I'm just grateful to be along for the ride! WHEEEE! GO ADAM! Muuuwahhhh! (Glam Hugs and Glitter Kisses to all my Glamily!) :D xoxoxoxox!

Anonymous said...

Ok , I'll put it this way, with that look he'll have a shorter career.

Anonymous said...

So Proud of anything he can't wait to see him on the "The Talk Show" in Feb.talking about the Grammy's ...Now if he would only sing on them I would love it...How about him singing on The Talk Show? I love Can't Let You Go!!
When will he be on GLEE??And how about Ellen's birthday or Adam's Birthday? Where are his people? I need to see more of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Just my point. His "people" nned to step it up. He needs to be seen (and heard) on LOTS of shows. As for that pic. It's gorgeous. Don't know why anyone would think that that look would hurt him. He has HUNDREDS of different looks. ALL of them good.

Anonymous said...

@Anon at 10:42AM - ditto on his people need to step it up.

I remember an old poster here saying that Adam is his own publicity machine and that he is very good at it. I will have to agree with that too because Adam did a pretty good job in staying on top of people's minds whether in a good or a bad way. In advertising if i'm not mistaken, it's called product retention and for them publicity, good or bad is still publicity. To his credit, Adam single-handedly did it by himself, getting people's attention that's why he is THE BEST LOVED TOPIC IN SOCIAL MEDIA IN 2010.

It is really refreshing that SONY recognized Adam in the best way possible because he is most deserving to be included in that category. Wishing and hoping that they would do more than that now to promote Adam's brand of music. He has proven his worth already not only to them but to the world and it's about time that he gets the support he needs specially in radio airplay. I hope that it is possible to release another single from FYE while we are waiting for the second album ;-)

