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Adam Lambert and the Glam Troupe Photo Shoot from Japan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, February 15, 2011



Anonymous said...

What a nice family picture! Of course, the latest Glamily picture of the same group of great artists was the one taken at headmaster Adam's birthday party!

Anonymous said...

Is someone missing from the picture??? I don't remember who but I noticed someone is missing.

Anonymous said...

NIiiiice pic!!! Dang, this should be included in the DVD package... =D (or is it?)

Beautiful. I miss those days. What a treasure to have youtube to see them again...

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture! Love it! I really miss them too! Can't wait for the CD/DVD to relive all the wonderful memories!

Anonymous said...

such a cool shot of the Glamily.

Anonymous said...

God dang, this picture made my jaw drop. It is so sexxxy! What a beautiful bunch of people! Great lighting.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Terence (Terance?) was quite fierce looking and in my opinion the absolute best dancer, always in character. It was obvious he had theater experience.

I do miss staying up past midnight to see their tour performances.....hope I'm still around for their next tour.

Can't you hurry that new album Adam?

At my age I have no time to waste!


Anonymous said...

Loving this Photo....what a bunch of cool cats..meow!!
Brooke looks Gorgeous love her outfit and slim body and she gets all the fun of body rolling with Adam..lucky girl..just added this to my Adam gallery its a must have,
yeah i agree with JAK missing all the late nights at the Glamnation via web..and it was even later for us UK Fans...hey Adam autumn's a long wait for the new Album!!!!
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! What a gorgeous bunch of talented people. This is a great shot with the richness of the colors really showing! Wow!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:44, it's Longinue (spelling, sorry) that you are missing. Issac is in as the drummer in this photo.

Anonymous said...

Gosh dang! Adam has the LONGEST most beautiful legs! Faint! then there is everything else.
Thud! that's me again, fainting.

Anonymous said...

Adam was in a photo staring at Brooke and her bare ass on the beach. Bicurious boy? She is hot and he has a great band behind him. The look all glamified!

Anonymous said...

Adam and his glamily look glamtastic!

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys..has anyone seen this OOAK Adam Lambert Doll that someone from the US is making and selling on Ebay...she,s sold glamnation dolls and if you go check her feedback out you can see all the OOAK Adam Dolls shes made..i think they are very good...go see
heres the link
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

As much as I love Adam & really enjoyed this concert...gotta say I REALLY did not care for the top hat & cape look. I'm hoping he stays more in line with this year's Grammy look. I also think that the "glammy" look did not enhance his image in a positive way. Toned down or rocker look bring out his natural beauty.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam should go full out in leather on the next tour! Sexy leather from head to toe!

Anonymous said...

I agree with above poster. The prob isn't that he's gay but he made himself look super gay right after idol. U could tell he was losing people. I don't think he's ever gonna be a major player. Plus at his age he should have been more prepared with self written songs and be ready to put out his own music. He wasted to much time and now is getting run over by bieber and Bruno and all of the black singers. He went from a sure bet to a joke. Sad cuz he has killer vocals.

choons said...

Anon.9:44 - Missing (and missed) is the fabulous drummer Longineu Parsons of the flying dreads who plays on Adam's acoustic recordings.

Anonymous said...

Keep it leather and Rock and Roll! He could be a major Rockstar!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who did not like some of the costumes....I personally only like top hat,tails and cane on Fred Astaire and Jiminy Cricket.

I was kinda hoping the Voodoo outfit and the dancers baggy pants would get lost at the cleaners on the tour.

At the risk of being stoned by fellow fans I too think Adam's glammy gay look turned off many fans he had gained at Idol performances.

I am perhaps the only one who winced with every Tommy kiss. I know, I know, you loved it but it reinforced the image. And it can't be excused as ROCK AND ROLL...I was there when R n R kissing!

I am very glad to hear him say he's toning down the glam, he needs to be taken seriously. He's
not a novelty act like GAGA. With his voice he's a true artist and needs to gain the respect of mainstream music fans.

I wish him well. I want to adopt him.

Anonymous said...

AHhhhh! It is the GlamFam!!! I miss them.

Anonymous said...

I love all Adam's him

Anonymous said...

Note to JAK...YES! I think Adam has gotten the message. Says that new cd and presentation will be less rhinestone and more leather, less

I like the less stage make-up look, we know you have acne scars sweetie....we don't care. And..a note to those of you clamoring for a no shirt's not gonna happen, he has the same problem a lot of us have, a slightly chubby tummy.

Who cares?-----------------KW

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot, JAK
Loved the Astaire and Jiminy Cricket reference,
you are showing your age (probably near mine) but you left out the spats...though Adam was the only one of the three with spiky spats!

The very young Glamberts (I'm sure there are some) may not know what spats are!

I'm so old!--------------------KW

Anonymous said...

Love and miss the glamily. Every one an integral piece of the GNT. They all enhanced Adam and we were able to connect with them and appreciate their own individual talents and get to know about them in a personal way. He chose them well. You could sense their closeness and loyalty to one another. It's tough to be in such close proximity, spending so much time living on a bus without it getting hairy at times. They made it work and it showed in their performance and in meeting with fans.I really miss the flying dreads and drumsticks of Longineu too. Isaac a great addition, but LP is an incredible talent and good on bongos too. Hope they will all tour with Adam again. Just the right amount of dancers. Gaga and some others have too many on stage, overkill for me. Adam'd dancers supported the songs, were visible, but focus always was on Adam, as it should have been. Really got attached to themand wish them well and a quick return! funbunn40