Adam Lambert Featured in this week's Star Magazine
Filed Under (magazine scans ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Scan credit: baking4fun
Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!
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So glad I can go the grocery store wearing my sweats and nobody cares.
I like how Adam always changes it up with different looks. One of the most photogenic people on the planet.
the captions are true about the other two, but not Adam!! lol I always get a kick out of this section of the STAR.
Where's the story about the water charity? Dont mind the snarky comments in magazines IF they'd just bother to print something positive once in a while.
I'm going to go and pick up a copy of Star....I'm not familiar with it. Is it a tabloid?
OOPS... I see it's a magazine!
I agree that they should talk about the CHARITY. Why aren't those so called publications talking about the IMPORTANT things?
On the other hand, when Justin Bieber cuts his nails, it's all over the press. This world is so unfair.
Entertainment Weekly article: Idol Career Report cards...
Here's an examiner article I posted in a previous thread in case you missed it about the Grammy's-there still may be a chance of some sort-even if it's just presenter because of Adam's vocal fans:
OT - just read that in honor of their 10th anniversary, American Idol is releasing a CD with songs by all 9 winners plus Clay A., Chris D. and Adam!!!! It's to be called The Hits and comes out March 15th. WWFM is Adams song. Cool!!!!
This isn't Adam's best look imho but it's great that he's featured in this magazine. :)
FANTASTIC news that Adam's WWFM will be included on the American Idol CD! :)
I don't care for the poncho but I thought Adam looked really cute with his longer hair. I kind of miss it now.
Don't know where else to post this, but Adam just tweeted this 3 minutes ago:
Adam Lambert
On Thursday 3rd February 2011, @adamlambert said:
For all those who are asking, no, unfortunately I'm not performing at the Grammys. Also, I don't think my category is televised. I AM, however, going to have a great time! :)
Drat, but have a wonderful time Adam! We WILL be looking for you on the red carpet! Hope you WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vote for Adam , now is #2
I just read that tweet too. Was kind of expecting it.
I'll watch the red carpet for a glimpse of Adam, but I don't think I'll watch the show. Really don't want to watch willow and Jaden smith, and Gwyneth Paltrow singing with a load of muppets!!! And out of all the others I only really like Katy Perry (and she can't sing live), and Muse.
HK fan
Voting for the GRAMMY only works for MJ. Votes for ADAM are not counted, he had already exceeded 50% while back and now has 39,745, is only going to decline. ?.....
Re his tweet: to be expected and disappointing but leave it up to our Adam to end everything on an upbeat note! :-))))
Re Star pic, not his best look and clearly not the best pic taken of him. They picked it on purpose to get a reaction from the public. People who don't follow him as we do might snicker, but one:he's in the news, albeit tabloid news, and it's always good, and two: we all know how great he looks 99.999% of the time! Lucky guy.
and as P!nk would say:
So what? I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
I've got a brand new attitude
And I'm gonna wear it tonight
Keep on wearing it, gorgeous!
Now I will watch Adam on the red carpet but I still watch the Grammy NEXT YEAR!!!
Correction: 39.74%
The TV show, Fashion Police, which is hosted by Joan Rivers presented this as 'Worst Dressed'.
It bothered me so much that I tweeted Joan Rivers: "Don't B so hard on Adam - he was attending RuPauls Drag Show in support of a friend. He is not a drag queen. What to wear??"
epic fail by the Grammys in not choosing Adam as a performer :/
sucks that his category won't be televised either but at least he's looking on the bright side like always.
Hopefully his second album will garner him more success.
Haha.....sorry but I have to agree w star on this one. But it's all in fun. It's just an outfit that doesn't work in my opinion. He did say in an interview that it was a hand me down from an old famous drag queen (he mentioned the name) so sounds like it had sentimental value which I can appreciate.
I'll be watching for Adam on the red carpet, of course. I'm still hoping that in light of the fan outcry they received (which they acknowledged! They DO hear us sometimes!) that they'll let him be a presenter. That would be great! I still haven't given up hope that he could actually win in his category. I'm an eternal optomist. In a strange way, I somehow think that since he has only on nomination, he may have an edge. Just wishing.
For celebrities one of the most importatant facts to appear in any kinds of magazines or shows! This is mean press pays attention, recognises them. For us this retorical phrase "No news better than bad news" changes for celebrities as "Bad news better than no news"
Actually, I mention once that I don't like this outfit and never like long hair which cover Adam beautiful face. But i got many bad comments on this post:)
@7:24 How do you know if the grammys acknowledged our outcry of him not performing?? I never hear them say 1 word about him on thier official home page. they talk about all the others however. Do they read anything we say??? Do they have any idea millions of us will tune in because of adam? I don't think they are aware of anything? Could be wrong however, and they just don't care.
@anon 8:21 AM I didn't read GRAMMYS off page, but WWFM was included in GRAMMYS CD. Also, they didn't include this little troll in CD (I mean Justin B) and it makes me very very very happy!
Does anybody know if Adam gets any profit from all of these CD wich include WWFH and IIHY?
Just be patient, most of the Grammy performers won't last a few years. Adam is here for a long time. Legendary singer last 20-30 years in the music world until they retire. He has plenty of time to build his empire. Love seeing him in the red carpet.
Why wouldn't the category Best Male Vocalist be televised? It seems like a pretty big category, I guess more time for muppets, grrr...
he said he was going to have a good time and I certainly believe him on that one!!I'll watch the red carpret and have my son-in-law dvr it for me and watch it the next day. Wait! could he still be a presenter?
anon 9:04 am Your post is so correct. Let's enjoy Adam enjoying this day and don't forget he is going to be on THE TALK FEB. 9TH. Does anyone know how long Sauli is going to be here?
I don't know why Adam's category would not be televised, hopefully it will be so we can scream when he wins. Always think positive. Yes, Adam will be around for a very very long time unlike some others. No need to mention the names. I bet they put the camera on Adam's beautiful face all night long, just wish we could here his beautiful voice too.
If Adam is not performing and his category not even televised, why would I want to watch the show? So I can help them get high ratings? I'll help them get high ratings when they have him perform which I believe will not be for a long time if ever. Know this is a negative comment but it's how I'm feeling.
In answer to an earlier question, as the artist I would imagine he will receive royalties, plus Pink, plus Max Martin, plus RCA and Sony...and on another note, I love his outfit. I'm enjoying the leather poncho. I like his hair extensions. He is a master work of art. He lives and breathes artistic freedom and does what makes HIM happy. It is so refreshing.
I'm with you on that one..
HK fan
well what can we do it sucks eh!!!!!!!!! Just trust Adams instinct and it will get better......
We just have to wait then........
The next Album will be a riot for sure and I'm excited already...........
I'll be nwatching Adam on the red carpet charming all that he meets. funbunn40
This wasn't Adam's best look or photo, but one out of millions isn't too bad! As Adam said about the poncho, it's great for a car wash! lol He'll make up for it on the red carpet! OT...2 yrs after Chris Brown beat Rhianna, Chris Brown will appear on SNL, Feb.12th. Can't imagine they would do any skits on domestic violence, as I don't see any humour at all in it, unless someone beats the cr*p out of Chris.[not really!]Guess 2 yrs is the magic "time out #". funbunn40
To you guys who say "Why watch if Adam doesn't perform, etc". Watch to see him win of course and because his peers nominated him. What's so bad about that? It's his first year really. Guess we can't expect it all. Or can we? I'm proud of what he's accomplished against the
many odds and I'll be watching to hopefully see him on the Red Carpet or in the crowd.
Adam does say "I don't THINK my category is televised". "THINK being the key word. Don't give up guys. Besides there IS a chance that he could present based on the fans outcry. Either way, I will watch to see if they show him on the red carpet at a minimum.
@slmc and daydreamin.
I read that this catagory has never been presented during the show, so don't want to have to watch the whole thing for a seconds view of Adam in the audience. If there is a glimpse I'll wait and hope that it gets posted here.
HK fan
That's why I'm taping the show ... in case I have to leave the room & I MISS ADAM if they put the camera on him in the audience. Otherwise ... gonna MUTE the sound ... and just observe ... only turning the sound on IF ADAM presents or is on the Red Carpet. Just think ... a year ago ADAM was asking everyone "WHO are you wearing" and this year ADAM will probably be asked that same question. Can't wait to see our STAR on the RED CARPET!! I just know I'm gonna cry!! Love 'n Light
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