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Adam Lambert Featured on MTV 10 on Top

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 19, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, February 19, 2011


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Adam being nominated for Grammy!

Still Adam never changed, very chatty with sense of humor. The MOST CHARMING MAN on earth lol!

Anonymous said...

Looks reallllllllllllllll good!!!

and he is so funny....nice to hear him comment on J-Lo thought he was HOTTTTTTTT
love the rings.....did he buy or where they donated for the night??? Party on dude

Anonymous said...

Replying to Adam's next album being a hit, well, it doesn't matter what he sings, his voice is the most beautiful & most powerful of them all! I will buy anything Adam Lambert puts out! oh, that didn't sound right, I meant anything he sings I will buy!

algalhi said...

Nice piece, MTV! Showing our Adam as he is - gorgeous, funny, adorable. Loved it!

Anonymous said...

enjoyed this very much! now who designed those beautiful rings?

Anonymous said...

He was the hottest and the most beautiful artist at the Grammy awards! Love him!!! As a musician I think he deserved the award. I wish him success for the Grammy 2012!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that MTV finally noticed him. If they only played his videos! But Adam is not hip-hop or rap singer, so we might never see him on MTV.

Anonymous said...

What a doll!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, what a treat this was, so happy I popped in for a minute. Thanks for posting 24/7. (How he looked, ah, um, I can't even deal... HHH).

Also, I mentioned this on the next thread (w/ that FOOLISH comments section, buried way in) but Adam had a nice little mention on VH1 Top 20 countdown this morning... basically having to do with being a fan of SIA, who was #14 on the countdown today with her song "I'm In Here", and they even played a quick little clip of AML's WWFM vid - nice little burst of free publicity, I was kinda excited. Thought some of you peeps might want to know, so just FYI.


Anonymous said...

He is flawless.

adamluv said...

Looking gorgeous as ever!! Good place for networking.

Anonymous said...

Adam just oozes with personality and charm! Plus he is so gorgeous to look at, I can't take my eyes off him to notice anything else. I'm so glad MTV acknowledged him for his Grammy nom.
Very nice clip, MTV!

Anonymous said...

He looks gorgeous. But the reason I love these little posts is to hear Adam talk. He is so genuine and funny and can laugh at himself, like the MJ comment about him being a living legend. Adam is so adorable I want to eat him up ,yummy!

Anonymous said...

This is the way a true Superstar does it. Nobody does it better! Class Act baby.

Anonymous said...

@10:24 Adam said the jewelry was loaned to him. It's elegant and he wore it so well on his beautifully manicured hands! He's so funny and cute! They should do an add with Adam in his tux displaying their jewelry in a high end fashion magazine or a video, playing it on the local tv channel at finer hotels and resorts. Good exposure for Adam and no one better to promote fine jewelry! Love it when he laughs at himself and doesn't take himself seriously. He's just so natural and so handsome he would stop traffic! Glad he has privacy and having fun, but sure would love to see what he and Sauli are up to[beyond the obvious,lol] funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Wanted to post this gif again as it was buried in a random threat and it's so cute:

Anonymous said...

I mean thread not threat sorry

Anonymous said...

Thanks 1:37. WOW. Sometimes he stops my heart.

glitzylady said...

"..beyond the obvious.." LOL!

I also absolutely LOVE seeing and hearing Adam just speaking, smiling his beautiful smile, and being his cute, funny, sweet, ( gorgeous, but don't want to be shallow ; ) .... well okay why not? ), and not-taking-himself-too-seriously self. He is just so personable and upbeat,etc...., that he needs to be heard a LOT more than he is now. He needs more exposure to the general public, and I think so many would just fall in love with his personality (like we did on Idol..), without even hearing his singing voice, which goes without saying needs to be heard more too. It would be very smart of his management to find ways for this to happen more, even though he will be busy working on his new album, he could fit in some other well placed opportunities. Honestly, if Justin Beiber can do a guest starring appearance on CSI, why can't our experienced actor Adam do something similar?! It doesn't take that much time to do and would get him OUT there...Dreaming again....Or perhaps guest host on some show, for instance Jay Leno, or even Regis and Kelly, people can see how smart, witty, , (handsome...), and what an all around nice guy he is. And yes, not to mention the possibilities for modeling and promoting products....And then again, maybe some of these things are in the works! Wonder what "The Blonds" big Adam-related announcement is..hmmm

Anonymous said...

Adam is perfection in every way!!!

Anonymous said...

SO real, intelligent, charming, funny, gorgeous, classy and just has it ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a great human being above all other gifts that he has.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful clip :-) and I love the gif you posted Anon. Feb 19 1:37PM - huge thanks for that - Adam has such a beautiful smile. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh that gif - if you enlarge, it fills out the whole screen and if you cover up the bottom half, you see he smiles with his eyes as well... thud

Anonymous said...

adam lambert shoudl a full time male model also have one make-up line and clothing line evetybody buy his clothes(brand name adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady,So agree with you!! Adam should be scooped up for more TV appearances! He's such a natural, so funny and real! He's the cutest when he laughs at himself. Just wan't to hug him to pieces!Saw your tweet, but wasn't able to reply. Some error on my page. Have to laugh at how similiar are our thoughts and you express them so well! Love the gif,@1:37! That smile and face melts my heart! funbunn40