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Adam Lambert on Clive Davis Grammy Pre Party Red Carpet

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, February 13, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, February 13, 2011


Anonymous said...

Ooooooh he look FABULOUS!!


Anonymous said...

You work that carpet Baby Boy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I watched the livestream for this and they didn't show Adam but what I saw certainly didn't reflect all the passion I'm hearing from the photographers in this clip. Adam is a SuperStar!!! I hope and pray Adam receives the Grammy, he is so deserving!!!

adamluv said...

Read that Mr. Davis gave a shout out to Adam, calling him a "bright new star"! Dont know if that's true but if so, yay! Not being true refers to if it was said or not, not that it might not be true about Adam being a bright new star! lol!

V. E. Rosswell said...

Ad astra, Adam! You are all by yourself a brilliant galaxy of stars.

Anonymous said...

Loving the Ad astra, Adam comment

Anonymous said...

"all the passion I'm hearing from the photographers in this clip.."

wow, that´s a nice way to put it.. Before I read your line I was just thinking what why are those lunatics screaming like their lungs out.. :)Now I know that better :)

But Adam lookes very sharp and classy :)

Anonymous said...

WoW! Do you think he can see after those flashes. Geezzz, he is super enormous. The press people is shouting louder than the glamberts in concert. LoL

Anonymous said...

Adam always causes a photographic frenzy wherever he goes LOL! And why not looking so stunning and striking on that Red Carpet....Thud.


Anonymous said...

what a beautiful man,,so ..words escape looks so him

glitzylady said...

I too heard that Clive Davis gave Adam a shout out at this gala, calling him a "Bright new star". Pretty sure its true, as I heard it from many sources. YAY! And coming from Clive Davis, who is Chief Creative Officer with Sony Music and is pretty much a big deal in the music industry in general, that is truly an indication that Adam is held in high regard by Sony Music and so many others in the music biz. Exhibit A: the Grammy nomination. Apparently this event was attended by 900 of the biggest A-listers (again, yay! Adam) in the music world and it was quite an honor for Adam to be invited. Here is a little article from the NY Times about the event. Nothing about Adam, but it gives an idea of how prestigious this invite for Adam was. Two years ago we were just meeting him, and now here he is with the giants of the industry. No one can deny that he has arrived.

And oh, yes, he looked fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looked smashing last night at CD's Party. So at home there with all the movers and shakers of the music industry. #ADAM GRAMMYBERT

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I watched the live stream of Red Carpet also but no Adam in sight. When interviewers were inside everyone was tweeting about Adam and Ben G. (interviewed Adam after Summit)said that he saw Adam go by on the carpet. More tweets to stop yacking back and forth and go find Adam at his table but no...they kept yapping to each other about how exclusive it was for them to be inside and so missed their opportunity. About 3 hours of my life I'll never get back. Booo!

However on a happier note... Adam looked amazing and what an honor for him to be included and recognized by the giants in the industry. The photographers on the Red Carpet were very enthusiastic and Adam sure knows how to work a crowd...Lordy Lordy!!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could see more of what he was wearing, that little bit not enough. Hopefully, more picts will be turning up. Love the little I am seeing.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 11:16

I feel exactly the same way! Spent hours watching last night and no Adam. That Ben guy was not an effective interviewer at all. I watched most of the big names either by-pass him completely or grudgingly give him a few seconds. Next year I will just go to bed and wait for Adam to be posted here. I wonder if the Grammy planners will bother with this stream next year. People last night seemed annoyed that cameras were actually in the party room, panning as they ate.


glitzylady said...

@ anon 12:31
Go back two threads, several pics of Adams outfit at the Clive Davis event...

Rebecca said...

thank you for this

Anonymous said...

EYE SEX them like they've never been EYE SEXED before!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it anon 1:39!!! You bet!!! GOD does this guy have it ALL!!!!!!!! EVERYONE must have fainted to see him walk in!!!!! LOVE THAT SUIT, LOVE THAT GORGEOUS MAN!!!!! He is just such a shining star, I bet everyone wants to be near him.

Anonymous said...

I have Dots in my eyes just watching. How does he walk away from that and see for the next 5 minutes.
Looking good Adam!

Anonymous said...

was thinking the same thing, how can he stand all those flashes, he's not even blinking.
Looks beautiful, perfect outfit for that event.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

thump. he's smashing. my chest aches looking at him he's so gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Also thought that the grammy live interviewers[the only ones allowed inside] were more concerned about their twitters and conversations than working the room. I understand not disturbing eating guests, but before, Ben G.who had been on the gold carpet and not supposed to be in the room, was more concerned with running his mouth. He seemed immature and self serving. She made a better effort and when a tweet asked about Adam she could have made some attempt to at least check out where he was as well as any celebrity. They just stayed in one spot talking to each other. Jackie Collins posted a beautiful pic of Adam and her on twitpic. They almost look like they could be related. She also has a beautiful smile and is very attractive.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Heck, The Grammys was so dull with the exception of GaGa and Muse. It even took and classic rocker to get everyone up and going, being Mick Jagger. At times I thought it was The Country Music Awards? But most of all to have the brilliance of Adam in the house, who totally outshone everyone in a class reserved purely for superstars,makes me realize just how much The Grammys missed out big time! If Adam had performed he would have blown everyone out the water and put them all to shame! Not a negative comment, just the truth! Adam is such a beautiful soul!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I find it differcult to find the words to express how much I respect and adore this man and the amazing entertainer he truly is. It's something that sits in my heart that will akwats be so special to me.

Anonymous said...

Work it baby!

Anonymous said...

They couldn't have ADAM performing at the Grammys and then ask people to actually BELIEVE that Mars should be the one to GET the Grammy in their category! ADAM would have INvalidated Mars Grammy as soon as ADAM sang ONE note ... no Mars didn't WIN the Grammy ... it was GIVEN to him ... why I'm still trying to figure out!!

BTW ... Anyone know who Esperanza Spaulding is?? Was she in the wrong caregory??


Anonymous said...

Oops! I mean ..category ..

HK fan said...

Never heard of her, although my 22yo has. I did read somewhere that her 1st album was released in 2006, not sure how that would make her best new artist though! mind you I thought that with beiber too, he seems to have been around for at least 3 years...