For Those Who Love Adam's New Hairstyle, You'll Enjoy This Performance!
Filed Under (performances,video ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, February 01, 2011

This performance of 'Starlight' was from the Good Morning America' show in Central Park. (From way back in 2009)
Edited Photo credit: Sarahx3
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Oh, I loved when he sang this live. Beautiful song by a beautiful man. aaaaaaaaaah.
Thank you 24 / 7 for this wonderful performance, one of my favorites !!!!!
OMG!!! That is one of my FAVE songs ever by Adam. And I LUV this hairstyle on him, also one of my FAVES...
AFL overload today--
Give you my F F FEVER- thud***
WOW! I've never seen this before, he sounds and looks incredibly amazing‼ ;) I ♥ this song, basically all the songs that Adam sings... period! :) Woooooooooooow‼ *♥explodes*
I never saw this performance! This is suberb! The song is amazing! Adam, you are beautiful<3
Adam did this song on the american idol tour only not acoustically. You can look it up, it was my favorite song. I really hope he does something like this on his next album the way he did it on american idol tour. It is by his favorite band Muse,and gave soaked to him for his fye album. They are amazing, but I think Adam sounds even better. but in my opinion he has the best vocals of anyone today!!!
Never seen this. Thanks!
This hairdo rocks.
That performance was as stunning as any thing he's done. This song was a heart stealer.
I actually saw the show on tv the morning Adam performed this song. He looked terrific and sounded fresh, so happy, so talented. Also, check out his Early Show appearance of Nov. 25, 2009 after he was canceled by ABC due to the AMA performance. He looks terrific..great hair, great style, marvelous smile. There is a wonderful interview, he sang two songs, and was absolutely mesmerizing. This was Adam at the beginning of his journey to stardom. For me, this is one of my favorite moments so far in Adam Lambert's career.
I just love him
Listen everybody, it's serious, I'm not kidding! My cat Icon, who is crazy for Soaked and had never watched this «Starlight» performance until now, is literally attached, totally glued to my laptop, staring to sweet Adam, kind of frozen! I've tryied to move to other threads but all I've got were bites and scratches... (Ok, Icon, lets watch it AGAIN, the 19th time?) Good night all, hope I make to come back here tomorrow and... (OUGH, Icon! Stop it, can't you wait? I'm talking to our Glamily, for cat's sake!)
Thank you for posting this. I love this performance so much! (even the soundcheck videos for it) Look at the size of that crowd in Central Park. I had SO wished that the Today Show would have included Adam & his crew in their concert series last summer. I didn't understand it. Tried to write to Today Show about it. No response, of course. Think of the exposure he would have had to sell even more FYE albums. Could have pushed him into Platinum.
I hope he is scheduled this year. I truly believe Adam alone would draw a similar huge crowd all over again--maybe even larger. That would make news (Are you listening RCA?)
Kentucky Fan
I have this performance saved on my DVR it is also one of my favorite looks and performance of Starlight. I also enjoy his performance of Starlight on the Idols Tour but this is my all time favorite and his looks are to die for.
Beautiful performance and I love the Idol clip that comes up after "Starlight" finishes with Adam singing "Want". How gorgeous was that as was the footage.
@7:06 PM That is so funny!!!
I had a fun experience yesterday in my office. Was trying to finish a written project for a mom who brought her 15 month old with her. He was all over the place--and fast! So to help get control of his behavior, his mom said he loves to dance & suggested anything with a beat. Thus, I clicked on I-Tunes on laptop and played Music Again, Strut, Sure Fire Winners, & Fever. He immediately started dancing and grinning. Very adorable. But then he kept reaching up to me to dance, too (and who can resist that?). So--still didn't get done very fast LOL.
Kentucky Fan
@anon 6:53pm Like you said this is terrific performance and after this comment you mentioned AMA. And instead of moment of happiness for new Godfather it's becoming a moment of sadness and this is deffinitely wrong time for bad mood. May be it was wrong idea to put it on 24/7. Because Adam lost his chances of appearance like this one in Central Park and on many big TV shows, performances, and events after AMA:( Please, don't say no. And now RCA wants to put in sh....... Adam' carrier, don't release singles, don't make any music video........ What do they think about? May be they think that all Adam's fans such crazy as 24/7 blogger. Unfortunately, nobody likes to wait for months for next CD or single or video. People want it all and want it now! Whatever RCA trying to do without as less one single release, Adam has chance to be forgotten.
Adam will NEVER be forgotten. :) He is just now beginning his rise to super stardom. It will only get better for Adam from this point on. The world is already in love with him.
No sadness. Only celebration! Grammy's coming soone!!!!
A video of that would be fun! Can you get one up on youtube and let us know. It sounds hysterical. I would love to see it. Thanks for sharing such a fun story!
Beautiful song. Hats off to Adam for getting away with what he was wearing on his right hand on National TV and showing his personality.
This is my all time favorite! When I saw it the morning it was really on, and heard that incredible voice, I sat and cried thru the whole performance! His look,once again is stunning!
Great performance, wonderful look(hair, clothes) and there is something so refreshing about Adam in this appearance. His personality just shines through. It is one of my favorite videos. So nice to watch it again on this cold, snowy, icy winter evening.
@fanfunn4 my cat Goober 16 years old 22 1bs love of my life , my only child would love to meet icon lol My goober also gets on my computer,phone,where-ever he can get my attention I forget he's really 198 yrs old in people life (is that possible)so god bless him and icon 22 times 9 is 198 can't be anyway, when my goober is gone , I'll be gone (not really but so too speak)
Amazing, wonderful, stunning, beautiful...all these and more describe this GMA performance. I remember watching it that morning and realized that this was the beginning of the journey to fame and success for Adam Lambert. It brought tears to my eyes and I knew I was a fan for life.
sorry, I got caught up in the goober,icon thing forgot to say, this is one of my favorite songs ever by adam . Love this look, love this song and love him! Seen it a million times but still love it.
I love this look on Adam...the hair style and very little makeup. He looks so handsome and this performance of STARLIGHT is one of my favorites. I sat there mesmerized in front of the tv as he sang it and it just gave me chills. I think the viewing audience and those in the park realized that we had just witnessed a very special moment by one talented and stunning performer.
Me too. One of my fav performances. So light and sweet. Love his range from this to fever.
One of my best performances of Adam. Love it so much. I love MUSE too. Actually, I loved them before I discovered Adam. But I love Adam more now. Whatever hair do Adam does, I adore it. He is stunning in any hair do. Loved his long hair as well. He is one gorgeous performer. Adam, your true fans love you no matter what you do on and off stage. We are like dogs. Love our master unconditionally.
7:28 PM I don't think Adam will be forgotten. That's why I think if he were in a free Concert like the morning TV shows have, he would draw an enormous, even news-making crowd. Maybe that is what scares (in my opinion right-leaning) corporate media owners the most about Adam. He is a pied piper with a glorious voice. He is shaking things up.
According to my dictionary: in a German legend the Pied Piper rid a town of its rats by piping. When he was refused payment, he led the children away from the town, too. I think Adam is luring a bunch of us away from TV to the Internet. Not just the children, but all the women,too. LOL.
Kentucky Fan
I also LOVE this performance,too..and the hair..I'm so glad he has it the way it is now!!beautiful voice,man & hair( my fav style on him)
@Kentucky Fan Power of Adam voice scares all American Music Industry:) Adam had enough power to keep attention over 50,000 people in Quebec if you remember. Adam just needs to get better management and something else-BIG RICH INVESTOR! I mean some person, not such idiots like Sony or RCA. I read this legend about Pied Piper. Yes, you are right:)Adam take us away from TV! I didn't watch my favorite show tonight! First time forever!
@7:28pm This is not a good time to remember AMA. Adam has brilliant future!
Kentucky Fan - love that analogy! It's so true. Adam - the modern day Pied Piper. HA!
Fan4fun - love the story about Icon! You've got a fiesty little guy on your hands there. Sounds a lot like having a kid. :)
- Adam Fix
OMG - I am not making this up - just as I posted my comment (above) my Pandora station randomly played "Peter Piper" by Run D.M.C. - no joke! An old skool classic, if there ever was one. :)
- Adam Fix
adam knows what he is doing, he is very involved in shaping his career and making decisions with his management. he is not a puppet, he is fully invested in the direction his career will go and will continue to do so. he has been living this life for a long time before he took the idol stage and he does understand the business side of entertainment. he just signed with kobalt- for international management of his business. he was invited with only 999 other people to attend elton john's private fund raiser, and the list goes on. we do not know the day to day life of adam lambert, nor are we privy to all of his thoughts and decisions he makes. do not make assumptions about him and his management choices. i am certain that if he does not like the way things are going he will move on and find a team that is better suited for him. adam will be around for my lifetime and i am so glad i will be able to enjoy his artistry for a very long time to come.
This IS my favorite hairstyle on Adam, too. And Kentucky Fan, Adam has lured me away from TV. Only watch a few shows now and then. Now I watch 24/7, read all the comments, etc. Then I vote for Adam on any polls that are running. And if
I'm lucky get to bed about 2 or 3 in the morning.
Check his twitter, AdamLambertOfficial fan site
& Adamquotedaily blog site. When I started this in 2009 there weren't many places to find info about Adam. Now the list is almost endless - thank goodness. glam4lamb Indiana Fan
boy, that performance brought back the beautiful performances i watched every night during the american idol tour. adam lambert is the power of love.
@Kentucky Fan 9:08 PM
LOL!!! so true..."leading us away from TV to the internet"! Exhibit A: here we are! Although I have to admit I did watch TV for an hour tonight...watched the rerun of Glee and its version of Rocky Horror. Missed that one somewhere along the way...I think I was in Hawaii watching Adam. I know, off topic, but all things lead back to Adam..again your point exactly..the Pied Piper of Glam!
I do hope to see Adam back on network shows again soon. I am just as frustrated as the rest of you that he has been absent. And yes, I love this performance ! I finally had to delete it from my DVR (to make room for more Adam..) , so nice to see it again...And a brief and related funny story: Immediately after this NY performance, David Cook came to Seattle to perform, my husband and I went..He joked that he had just been performing on this show, and he said, ..."and you know I was on the show with Adam Lambert , and well, I know you'd really like to see him, so......" (long pause and a mass intake of breath from the audience...) " Ha ha, thought that would get you", or something to that effect..He knew mentioning Adam's name would get everyone's attention. I knew Adam was on the east coast with the Idol Tour, but I'll tell you, there were some who were definitely HOPING for a second, you could just tell...and then, less than a year later, Adam was at the same venue in Seattle, and it was a MUCH bigger deal by far. David's show was fun but low key, Adam's was a day and night long party that started for some at 6 am and ended after 1 am when the buses finally pulled out. Ah, memories!! Can hardly wait for the next tour, so he can lead me around again, like the Pied Piper! This year was but the beginning...
OT...Fan4fun, you and Icon are hilarious! Would love to fix him up with my cat, Mollie!Icon has very discriminating taste!! Loved your post, Ky Fan reminds me of my daughter and grandaughter driving with my 3 yr old great grandaughter with FYE playing in the car. My grandaughter turned it down and my great grandaughter got very upset and said "Adam wasn't through singing and you hurt his feelings!" Loved thes pics of Adam with Riff Cherry! He's a natural Dad! He looks so comfy holding Riff with those protective arms and Riff seems so content and secure. In one pic he seems to be looking intently at Adam's face, probably wondering, "Who is this beautiful man that smells so good! This baby will be so surrounded with love! Everyone looks sooo happy and enraptured with this precious new gift! Bet this will stir some paternal feelings in Adam! He will be such a loving dad one day. Maybe Alison Porter would be a surrogate! lol I hope one day Adam will have a family of his own. He has so much love to give. I just love these photos and the sweet look on Adam's face. funbunn40
you are so right. we are feeling his absence now, but soon he will tour again and we can party with him every night on the internet and see him in person in as many cities as possible. the Glamily that plays together stays together.
I missed this original performance and always loved this song, sung by Adam at Idol concert. Thought this was written by Bowie and was part of Adam's Bowie medley.He looks so good here and so natural, my fave look for daytime. His smile lights up the universe and lifts me up! Love to see him happy, enjoying life. The most beautiful man in the world! Also loved Want, the thumbnail and wish he would make a video of both of these songs! funbunn40
Thanks so much for posting this vid. I don't know how I missed it before! Starlight is also one of my favorite songs Adam has performed. When I saw Adam on the Idol Tour Live and he sang Starlight, I was completely mesmerized (well actually I'm always mesmerized watching Adam do anything!). This acoustic version is lovely and showcases Adam's angelic voice. He looks breathtakingly beautiful in this video! I love the comment one of the posters made about Adam being a Pied Piper....what a great way to describe the personal magnetism he has.
I was incorrect at my 10:35 post, thinking Starlight was written by Bowie, when it was written by Muse. These pics of Adam and Riff have me swooning all over the place.Every time I was pg with my kids I worked as an infant nurse in the newborn nsy and seeing these pics of Adam and baby reminds me of their sweet baby smell and little bodies. Such joy seeing them come into the world and the wonder in their parents faces funbunn40
For those of us that prefer Adam's emo hairstyle and the amazing Adam rockin out version, this is my absolute favorite Starlight Performance from Charlotte. The vid is more deteriorated from it's original and I can't seem to locate the HD version as I know it was taken down for a time.
or this one from Philly which is a little more clear:
A MUST watch if you never saw this vid from the AI Tour when Allison picked up the hot pink feather boa and handed it to Adam and the remark he made!:
i missed that performance so thank you AI tour also but this one
and Adam once again thanking and
acknowledging the band...class act!!!!
Mi creativa Fun4fun, Icono es un inteligente felino con un gran oÃdo musical y que sabe apreciar la buena música y cuando vio a ADAM interpretando maravillosamente, Lluvia de Estrella quedarÃa extasiado.Eres muy afortunada que Icono
comparta tu amor por tu dulce ADAM. ahhhhh
HH's 8.54AM (above) said:
«My creative Fan4fun, Icon is an intelligent feline with a great musical earing, he knows to appreciate the good music and when saw ADAM amazingly performing «Starlight» was in ecstasy. You are very fortunate that Icon shares your love for your sweet ADAM. ahhhhh» HH
@ Yes, indeed! Icon was born last April, when sweet Adam was preparing the GNT. Grew up watching him performing and talking in interviews, seing thousands of his pictures. I'm pretty sure Icon thinks I am his mommy and sweet Adam his daddy. LOL!
@ Adam Fix:
We CAN «convince» a kid but not a cat, except when the kid has sharp teeth (lol)
@ Kentucky Fan:
Great story, better than mine and with a better end. So, I forgave you for calling me by the time I posted (7:06) instead of by my tag (HAHAHAHA!)
@ lb
My best lough when above you called me «fanfunn4»!!!! What a mess, but it's OK, I've been called «Adam4fun» more than once by Glambrit IOW/UK, that nut girl... where is she? I miss her so much! Now, seriously, isn't so great to have a cat as the best friend? It's a shame their many lives are all so short.
@ Funbunn40: You are trying too hard! You are lucky your cats recognized you when you came back home! Anyway «boy»Icon got a «boy»friend, his name is Ping-Pong! (lol)
@ Anon. Jan.1, 7:40PM
Sorry, video cameras are like umbrellas... we never have one at hand when we need them...
PS: I guess I have 1 or more comments from HH to translate from that thread where Glamberts had a horrible argument because of a «thank you».
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