Grammy Guide: Who'll Win Best Pop Vocal Performance?
Filed Under (Awards ) by Admin on Thursday, February 3, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, February 03, 2011
From Yahoo! Music:
On February 13th, the music biz will celebrate albums and songs that came out between September 1st, 2009 and September 30th, 2010 at the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards. Who will win, you may ask -- and who should win? You've come to the right place. The Amp is breaking down each of the 10 biggest categories every day until the big event.

Category: Best Male Pop Vocal Performance
Nominees: Michael Bublé - "Haven't Met You Yet"; Michael Jackson - "This Is It"; Adam Lambert - "Whataya Want From Me"; Bruno Mars - "Just the Way You Are"; John Mayer - "Half of My Heart"
Who Will Win: Bruno Mars
Who Should Win: Adam Lambert
Why: Mars is the record industry's pet project at the moment -- everyone looked the other way when he was busted with cocaine in Vegas, and he performed at the Grammy nomination concert like a billion times (beating Britney for Number One on the Hot 100 doesn't hurt, either). But Lambert's bared-soul ballad was one of the best moments on his debut album, and one heck of a vocal take. None of the other nominees come close to the acrobatics on Lambert's track, but people haven't exactly been lining up to get him onstage at awards shows since his AMAs debacle.
Who Won Last Year: Jason Mraz's "Make It Mine"
Who Won Five, 10, 20 Years Ago: Stevie Wonder ("From the Bottom of My Heart"), Sting ("She Walks This Earth"), Roy Orbison ("Oh, Pretty Woman")
On February 13th, the music biz will celebrate albums and songs that came out between September 1st, 2009 and September 30th, 2010 at the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards. Who will win, you may ask -- and who should win? You've come to the right place. The Amp is breaking down each of the 10 biggest categories every day until the big event.

Category: Best Male Pop Vocal Performance
Nominees: Michael Bublé - "Haven't Met You Yet"; Michael Jackson - "This Is It"; Adam Lambert - "Whataya Want From Me"; Bruno Mars - "Just the Way You Are"; John Mayer - "Half of My Heart"
Who Will Win: Bruno Mars
Who Should Win: Adam Lambert
Why: Mars is the record industry's pet project at the moment -- everyone looked the other way when he was busted with cocaine in Vegas, and he performed at the Grammy nomination concert like a billion times (beating Britney for Number One on the Hot 100 doesn't hurt, either). But Lambert's bared-soul ballad was one of the best moments on his debut album, and one heck of a vocal take. None of the other nominees come close to the acrobatics on Lambert's track, but people haven't exactly been lining up to get him onstage at awards shows since his AMAs debacle.
Who Won Last Year: Jason Mraz's "Make It Mine"
Who Won Five, 10, 20 Years Ago: Stevie Wonder ("From the Bottom of My Heart"), Sting ("She Walks This Earth"), Roy Orbison ("Oh, Pretty Woman")
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If Adam wins, would that be considered an UPSET?
Wow!! An actual HONEST review of Adam's incredible talent. Since the Grammy is supposed to be based on overall excellence in performance -- I really pray that the Grammy's hold true to this. Adam absolutely should be the winner -- no contest at all!
Interesting too that Bruno's Vegas fiasco was buried quickly, while Adam is still having the music industry have a bias to his AGE OLD AMA performance.
It will speak VOLUMES if the Grammy's award for TALENT TALENT / PERFORMANCE!! = ADAM!!
Adam will win of course. I believe in him.
The Grammy's aren't over with an article on Yahoo Music. I think if the industry, who votes, does it based solely on skill, talent, vocal ability...then Adam is the winner.
It ain't over til the fat lady sings. :)
mycharity water campaign just went over $270,000!!!!! Only $20,000 to go to meet the goal. Please consider donating to this great cause if you haven't yet.
Why do the AMA's always have to be brought up. Well I guess a guy on guy kiss is worse then getting busted for drugs. Doing drugs can be overlooked in our society but Adam's AMA performance will forever stay with him? That is crazy. This award is for best vocal performance and Adam has without a doubt the best vocals. If the music industry votes properly Adam will win. Let's keep our fingers crossed and think positive thoughts.
So happy they think Adam should win. We still have a chance!
The fuse poll numbers have not moved in the past hour MJ is way ahead I think there is something really wrong with the poll. I don't think it will have an affect on the grammy win, but hate when things are not fair. I gyess we can try to still keep voting.
i'm a firm believer in miracles happening
nice article and true!!
It's always refreshing when we get the RARE article written by someone who actually gets Adam and can articulate why he's the best. Seems like mediocrity wins out too often. So true that the AMAs never seem to go away. Other artists seem to be able to commit lots of so-called "sins" and they seem to overcome them quickly or they're even rewarded for them somehow. Go figure. I'm still hoping that the Grammy voters will use their brains, surprise everyone, and vote for the best vocal performance by Adam. If they have the GUTS, that is!
Keep only positive vibes going about the Grammy win for Adam! I'll be glued to the TV for the Red Carpet moment to see Adam!
Back to voting on Fuse Poll...maybe those Grammy voters look at online poll results (rumor I've heard), you never know!
Yeah, what's worse, kissing a male if you're gay or being busted for coke!
Not to take more time on this, but I think Adam's mistake to the network was doing some things that had not been planned and so he is seen as being impulsive therefore scary.
I'm thinking...maybe...just maybe...because the Grammys are being voted on by Adam's peers...they will stand up for what is right and just...and give Adam the Grammy Award he so justly deserves!!!!
Adam attended Cavalia show last night with Taylor and Carmite. See the pictures:
As I said on another thread, Adam is still doing pennance for Ama's, but I think if he wins the Grammy and is his fantastic, charming self, media and other performers on the red carpet will notice and be reminded how real and magnificent he really is. His current look with the latest trimmed hairstyle,less makeup is so flattering. He always is so fashionably and elegantly dressed at award shows. The anticipation is killing me. Can't wait! Dying to see him on The Talk, Feb.8th too, charming the ladies! This will be Adam's year! I really believe the past sinle blight will finally fade after some good exposure. He's building a solid foundation and the world is slowly seeing what a decent, caring man can do to make the world a better place. Adam will prevail! Really appreciate this article and hope Grammy people see it . funbunn40
Sure would love to see the mycharity water campaign goal met by Feb. 7th so it can be mentioned on The Talk on the 8th. That would be awesome!
Anyway the Glamberts can make one more big push to have the goal met by the 7th?????
IMO, Adam should win The Grammy as the best pop vocal performer. I listen to the CD and by far his voice way better than the other nominees. Sure he is an underdog in this category but let's be real and unbiased, his voice is unbelievable. Please Grammy voters base your vote on vocals and don't let other things waiver your judgment!
I'm glad that Adam is not performing at the Grammys. He has had ONE HELL OF A YEAR, and is thrilled just to be nominated. He can go the show and after-parties, no pressure because he is not performing, and just celebrate what he has accomplished. And party hearty with his fellow artists, many of whom he truly admires. Don't give a flying f**k whether he wins or not. Its all political anyway. E. from Canada
@11:55 Thank you for Cavalia show link. Poor guy doesn't look too happy to be photographed. How do these paps find him? They roam the streets of L.A. day and night hoping to encounter celebrities?
I so agree with anonymous at 11:19 comments. Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in the music industry today and yet mediocrity is the norm and accepted. Bruno Mars gets a slap on the wrist for the cocaine bust, will probably perform on the Grammys and according to one poll in PEOPLE magazine, will probably win in that male vocal performance category. And according to a tweet from Adam, the award will not even be presented during the actual show. Will that AMA performance continue to haunt Adam for his entire career? Come on now!! Just take a look at some of the videos out there now and listen to the lyrics/words of what the young crowd idolizes in music. Most of these performers cannot sing live without lip syncing or need all kinds of electronic embellishments to hide a weak voice that can't carry a tune. I am very frustrated as to what passes for music today esp. when someone as talented as Adam gets the cold shoulder from the media and other venues. By the way he is appearing on THE TALK on Feb.9(not Feb. 8) as I read unless it was changed. If he wins that Grammy, I will be so elated as will all of his devoted fans. If not, I still will look forward to his next album and any appearances he might make on tv. Where are Ellen and Jay Leno who supported him in the past? Would love to see him again on these shows.
I agree with 11:19, too. The Grammy voters need to have GUTS. Vote for the best. You know who that is. Don't be skeered!
I'm with y'all, sisters & brothers! Yes, good little piece, the writer "gets it" and says it exactly as it should be said. Wish someone here in the US would -- even it is has to be Perez! Like Anonymous at 12:06 said, I too have been on these boards and, not trying to drag out the old skeletons, but just making clarity of the situation in that the damn Hollywood executive elite (and that, in a large part, includes Disney) are really blacklisting Adam in a big way as far as these award show appearances. You can say "it's just a damn awards show" but that is where some of these artists get their biggest exposure. I actually was hopeful that Adam could perform -- and at least have his category presented on TV (wtf? a big award like that NOT on the telecast..? wha..?!) -- and I thought that would help overcome some of the AMAs BS. It now sounds a bit underwhelming and disappointing. But I'm glad he's gonna have fun -- and, hell yeah, I hope he wins and then will be doing great! If Adam doesn't win, I'd much prefer MJ to win -- that will sort of make it all neutral -- instead of giving everything to darling boy Bruno. Funny this is, I really LIKED Bruno initially, I thought he was the only good in that "Nothin' On You" song whereas B.o.B. is a no-talent. But now, with all that's gone on, I could care LESS about Mars!
This post is right on, although I think it is a toss up between Mars and MJ. I believe the Grammys could not have ignored Adam as the other award shows did, as they have more integrity. That said, the AMA's is fading slowly, and Mars is the 'it boy' to counteract the Bieber thing. WE never thought this would be Adam's years for Award shows in the US. The fact that Mar's drug arrest is swept under the carpet and the NO.1 song is F**k you, I think it is all moot anyway.
This is how scary the music industry right now. I am in Canada and sick of JB everywhere on TV trying to educate young ones to chase their dreams and giving kids delusion how easy to be successful without real "talent". Rant done.
I have a problem with someone who was busted for a serious drug even being allowed to perform or be nominated for that matter. bruno mars should be in jail.
Seems to me like Adam needs to be sponsered (that spelling doesn't look right) by some rap artist to get anywhere. The Grammy's like to pretend they have catagories of music, but in reality it's this rapper's music (in any catagory but country and classical), that rapper's protege, the other rapper's label/producer. Maybe if Adam schmoozed up to Diddy, the industry would take him seriously. Otherwise, I think he may be doomed. Either that or commit some heinous crime, they would love him then!
Yes I agree about Bruno Mars, anyone else would be put in jail, I mean that is not famous. What kind of role models do our kids have today. Just listen what is sung about on the radio. Adam on the other hand beside being an amazing talent is a good role model, kind, be proud of who you are, honest, giving etc. I would love my daughter to someday marry someone with Adam's qualities. The looks wouldn't hurt either. I do have every belief that he will be around for a long time because the industry cannot ignore his talent and Adam will work hard to get every wonderful thing he deserves.
If only adam had apologized after his AMA performance, maybe?? he is alright now. he should have listened to his father's advise. water under the bridge but it is a fact.
Adam Lambert for the upset!
There was nothing to apologize for. Adam did nothing wrong. He did say he was sorry if anyone was offended by his performance since that wasnt his intention. The only thing Adam is guilty of is being a very sexy, sensual, masculine, alpha man. Oh, and he's gay too! He must scare a lot of straight men since they're going to extremes to keep him in his place, and not giving him the platform he so rightly deserves on which to showcase his trememdous talent.
Wow, I thought for sure MJ was going to take this and now bruno mars is in the picture. Of course adam should have it and bruno's up for 7 more, so why don't they give him a different catergory win than adams? Or better yet, have it a tie and give both MJ and adam the award. Solve all problems and upsets lol
there is nothing wrong with adam lambert, nothing wrong with any of his performances, nothing wrong with his life style, nothing wrong with his choice of friends, lovers,cohorts or family. his exceptional beauty, kindness, generosity,talent, and loveliness is a lesson for us all. look at the good. adam lambert is the power of love.
@3:11 PM
YEAH! Right on! He has nothing to apologize for. He did nothing wrong. It is the narrow minded ignorant people that has to wake up to 2011. They can´t blacklist a man for being gay, that is discrimination.
@Adamluv and @Eva I agree with you Adam didn't do anything wrong and I'm glad he didn't apologize. The AMA's started at 8 PM and almost all the performances from the start were either sexually charged or songs about violence and rape, there was not one protest against any of these acts. Adam's performance showed gay sexuality and the 1500 people out of millions who watched the show were offended, give me a f___king break.
I think I would have lost some respect for Adam if he apologized. He didn't do anything wrong in my opinion and I would like to thing that there are a lot of open minded people who feel the same.
I just got back from errands, listening to acoustic "Soaked". I challenge ANY current artist to match those vocals and I will gladly hand them any award they want, personally!
@V I absolutely agree with you about "Soaked". I already wrote about it once that "Soaked" would be the perfect music video. Because this is very important to see Adam face when he sings this song. Only what they need this is Adam wearing his long coat, singing on the stage, and hire as much as it possible camera men:)
Also, I am agree about rap artist. Katy Perry is very good example of this sponsorship! This littly troll JB has "OLD BROTHER USHER" but I am positive many rap artists are invited in carrier of this f.......... "Canadian sensation"
Well, who WILL win and who should ABSOLUTELY WIN, there is NO question: Adam Lambert. The rest of the world needs to wake up and get behind Adam. It's only a matter of time.
Adam Lambert is the vocalist to beat. The music industry knows it and I believe his competition and fellow singer/songwriter peers know it as well. So in my opinion it's all good!
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