MTV Thinks Adam Lambert and Kesha Got Snubbed at Grammy 2011
Filed Under (Awards ) by Admin on Friday, February 4, 2011
Posted at : Friday, February 04, 2011

From MTV:
There were some eyebrows raised over the single nomination for "American Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert, who had a solid and creatively rich hit album with his debut, For Your Entertainment, but just a single nod for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Whataya Want From Me."
With Perry strutting into a number of top categories thanks to her light-as-air pop confections, it was a wonder that another pop tart with huge digital sales and big chart hits (things the Recording Academy likes to see), Ke$ha, was completely shut out of the game. Greenblatt thought the Lambert dis might fall into the same Gaga territory, with the Academy being a bit freaked out by the singer's out-and-proud persona and over-the-top antics, but when it comes to Ke$ha, she said it's probably a different story. "She had a huge impact, but I think the Grammys think she might go away, and they've chosen not to legitimize her," she speculated.
Source: MTV
Thanks glitzylady for the tip!
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Thank you, MTV. There were at least 6 "air worthy" singles on FYE by Adam Lambert. But without any independent media left in the U.S. and no airplay, it is no wonder that this international star has been stifled here at home. e3fan205
Who nominates and who selects? Are they a bunch of "old" suits? I don't mean old in age but old in music philosophy. I think KP will go away, or maybe that's wishful thinking. I am just so tired of her. Trite crap. Don't like Kesha either. Love Kelly C., Gaga, Xtina, Rihanna--people who can really sing. JMO
e3fan--loved your statement.
With Adam's talents, he should be the best selling male artist of the year. Not Bruno Mars.
Bruno Mars is a troublemaker. I heard he's going to jail for possessing "illegal stuff".
It's great to see that internet medias are either reporting that Adam is snubbed by getting more Grammy nominations or predicting that he should win as best male pop vocal performance. Does anyone know when is the last day for grammy voters to cast their votes?
"Academy members are to vote based upon quality alone. They are not supposed to be influenced by sales, chart performance, personal friendships, regional preferences or company loyalty."
Based on above Grammy's statement, Adam should win as Best Male Pop Vocal.
It's funny that MTV thinks Adam was snubbed. Didn't THEY snub him at their awards show???
Grammys are the most prestigious music award. They base their nominations on vocal ability and technical ability - so cds sold are not a factor. I'm so happy for Adam that he got the recognition and after 2/13/11 we will all be celebrating his Grammy Win!!
I thought the Grammy's were about talent, not sales...not about legitimizing or not...not about being afraid of someone being TOO out-and-proud.
*fingers crossed the Academy will get it right*
To the Academy - Don't be what's right.
Adam is on the rise, every music outlets want to share his fortune in the future. Look around the globe, who else has so many top radio singles in so many countries with the first and only one CD? Adam is here to stay for a long time and hope he win.
Bruno is on court today. Can he still on the Grammy if he find guilty? Just ask.
Adam brings the highest quality vocals to the Grammys. We know that. Based on that criteria, he should win, but we know it's more than that. It's all kinds of politics. The voters need to vote with INTEGRITY and COURAGE. They just may surprise us for once. Adam is not a short-timer or a light-weight. He's here to stay with talent to spare. Remember, voters: INTEGRITY and COURAGE.
From RCAEd:
Meeting was very productive. I can't reveal anything yet, but we're all investigating a few different concepts discussed, but I'd put this on your obsession back-burners for a while. There's something else we've been working on for much, much longer that we'd like to focus on next week, pending a few final confirmations, and don't want this song to get lost in the shuffle.
What can I say - I'm paid to be coy. And let me also say that you guys are so lucky to be obsessed with a workaholic artist who's always dreaming up new goodies for his fans. Few are so lucky.
If his country can't give him the credit that he deserves, it's THEIR loss not ADAM'S. Yes Anon 10:36, ADAM should be the best-selling male artist of the year. But with this unfriendly atmosphere that he is surrounded with, how will this happen? Do people really prefer Auto-tune and talent less singers to Adam? Who is the most talented and magnificent singer and performer since Freddie Mercury? I just don't get it. Someone please help me!
I want to change a subject for second.
Just came back from dentist appoitment. It was WWFM on radiostation (what happend in our little town!) My dentist said that she loves this song a lot. Also, her 9 years old daugher loves Adam and wanted to go to the concert. But my dentist thought that it might be to much "excitement":) for little girl!
So, what I want to say that 30 years old girl and her 9 years old daughter absolutely crazy about Adam! Did somebody talk about age of Adam's fans? How about from 9 to 89?
Adam should be the winner, just like he should have won Idol. Idol has had a hard time since then. Why don't they just admit it. People get tired of people being ripped off and not getting their due.I am a 62 year old grandma and these awards should be given to the real winner and not what may suit some as politicaly correct. Where were the AMA rating at this year? Go Adam, hope you are laughing all the way to the bank.
Let's not complain too much yet, Adam just might win!
MJ's song was not one of his stronger performances and should have never been nominated
This is kinda of like shutting the barn door after...obviously Adam should have been nominated for best new artist and album, he wasn't. It makes the Grammy people look a little slanted in their thinking, which I believe is not the case, Adam hit the music scene with such an explosion, no one knows what to do with this stick of dynamite. Same with Keisha in a lesser way. So they take the easy way out--Bieber, safely marketable, Perry same safety net. Mick Jagger performing for the first time on the Grammy stage. Anyone, but me remember the bad boy Stones, and how they scared everyone, and embraced the Beatles, who is fact were just as wild, if not more so than the Stones. History has a strange way of repeating itself.
delilah5, your dentist friend most certainly could have taken her daughter. I took my 7 yr old and her best friend (born same day) to Atlanta and I have never seen either one of them have a better time. My daughter's friend is quite shy and introverted. Not that night! I saw that kid come out of her shell and have the time of her life. It was her first concert and I'm so glad it was Adam. She, and we, will never forget it.
SDS, I certainly hope the Grammy's don't make Adam (and us) wait as long as they are making Jagger wait to perform. That would be a travesty and an outrage.
Alittle off topic. But I read today Mick Jagger is performing for the first time at the grammys. He's 67 years old,been performing for 40 YEARS and they are just having him perform. WTF- If this is the way they operate, which I feel they are, I'm really afraid for future acknowledgements of our BB. When they are going with muffets (puppets route whatever those toys are) something is very wrong! I'll tune in to see mick now and adam on the carpet and skip through the rest. The grammys are a joke with thier romper room line up this year. Sorry, I'm just really mad at having a actress Not a nominated singer)gweneth paltrow get a spot over Adam. Lost all respect for grammys! If they are such cream of the crop in music regonition, why don't they have some real talent on. Lots of people got snubbed, including adam.
Adam Lambert is in a great place. He has been nominated for a Grammy by his peers. He isn't going to perform, and probably won't present either, so this gives him the whole experience to enjoy and take it all in. Hope they show him on the red carpet. He'll be in the audience so you better bet that I'll be watching for that glimpse. He'll be at the after parties because he intends to soak it all up and he deserves every special minute of it. He is going to win. It just feels like it. If by the long shot that he doesn't - then we all know we will be seeing his name again and again on the Grammys nominations because Adam is in it to win it. This is his shot, his career and his dream. He is focused and ready to stay on the pop/rock scene for a very long time. Can't wait till 2/13/11 because Adam is going to win that Grammy and all of his worldwide fans will be partying along with him! Yeah, he's got this.
I know everyone always says it is an honor just to be nominated. This is probably true, but it is so much better to win the award. The choice should be made on talent, vocal performance, and in a perfect world, it would be Adam Lambert. The Grammy show has become one filled with inarticulate speeches, inappropriate gestures and behavior, lip-synching, and talentless performers. If Adam does win, the award won't even be presented on stage. I know all his fans are hoping he will win, but even if he doesn't, he will be on the music scene for a very long time with the success and fame that he so deserves.
The Grammys got it right about Kesha. Her meaningless bubblegum pop songs will fade quickly, and she has no singing or performance skills. I can totally understand why the Acadaemy would not want to validate her, whether she is the top seller or not. High sales do not equate to real talent these days. And then there is Adam. Isn't he somethin' ?????
Anon 4:31, same thing applies to the pop princess of the moment, Katy Perry. No comparison to a person of real long lasting talent like Pink, whose songs and lyrics have real meaning for intelligent fans.
@ justpeachy @delilah5
I agree with justpeachy...I have two young girls in my family ages 11 and 9 at the time of the concert which the entire family went to in Sept. (Puyallup Fair) and it was a lot of fun for them, and he was appropriate for the audience, which was "all ages". The high energy level, the dancers, etc., made it fun for them and kept their attention (mine too...!!!). They were thrilled to go because they love Adam, sing his songs in the car and blare his music outside while jumping on the trampoline, etc. , know the words by heart, etc...(not that I had anything to do with that of course....) ; ) ....He does "step it up" a little tho for 21 and over audiences. Just really a judgement call for each family tho.
@ Anon 11:57 AM
And wondering what RCA Ed is talking about???!!! So... a new project, a major appearance on TV, a movie part????....What??!! Can hardly wait to hear! I truly hope its something that gets Adam out there in the public eye in a positive and BIG way! (Since the Grammy's "powers that be" has decided to keep him under strict supervision with their "no performance for Adam" policy..sorry just feeling piss-y about that right now : ) Gotta get that fabulous man out there for people to see and realize what they've all been missing!
MTV needs to STFU and not be so judgmental of the Grammys since they themselves COMPLETELY snubbed Adam at this year's VMAs. They just want hits and attention guys, don't give it to them.
Just sayin.
@ Anon. 6:14 PM
Yes , you are correct they did snub Adam at the VMA's...HOWEVER..., I prefer to think of this article as being positive for Adam. As long as it brings positive attention to Adam, I will give them the hits and attention. The comments accompanying the article are positive as well, and the author calls his "FYE" CD a "solid and creatively rich hit album". If they want to promote and acknowledge Adam, even in a small way, I'm all for it. Maybe MTV is "coming around"...I hope so. If they want to use Adam for publicity, and what they have to say is nice, I'm happy.
[One of the comments on the article did address your sentiment by saying "Pot, meet Kettle.." which refers to the "pot calling the kettle black", for those who may not have heard that old expression. It certainly is true in this case, so point taken : ) .]
Anon 6:54, ITA that its great he is getting all this support (all very good press) and I'm all for it especially since they are specifically focusing on his voice and his music rather than any controversial gossip b.s. but what bothers me is that they didn't stop at just complementing Adam and saying he should win the award but centered the article around the idea that he was "snubbed" which went ahead and criticized an establishment that at least gave him some recognition through the nomination. We shouldn't be so quick to forget what they did just because of one positive article. I'm not saying we should be bitter and write nasty/disrespectful comments to them I'm just saying it would be smart to ignore them until they show support for Adam in a more substantial way. After all, the fan base he has is very dedicated, loyal and savvy when it comes down to it, so it pains me to think that MTV can coerce us through one little article that, while positive in some ways, is also downright hypocritical.
Granted, the person who wrote this article may not be directly associated with the VMAs and just happens to work for MTV but he/she is still representing a network and in doing so is exhibiting an extremely hypocritical attitude by being oblivious to something that is public knowledge. Its insulting to the reader's intelligence because it seems like the person didn't even stop to think for one second about the implications of what they are writing, and that, to me, is downright disrespectful as well as a piss-poor journalistic attempt at validating an idea with a skewed perception of what went down. Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse but I am just fed up with MTV and their schemes.
Just sayin.
How about this, my ladies! Nobody snubs anybody!
All of these performers except Mick Jagger who had to wait for 40 years to perform on GRAMMYS! have they sugar dadies, old brothers or whatever they are named in our time! Mick Jagger doesn't have anybody and this is the reason he had to wait until he will be choosen by the talent not by the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Okay, I give up...My point here was this: I am happy that the music industry is giving Adam some props, and I don't care who does it, and for what reason. Maybe he was snubbed, maybe not...whatever....I just wish him success and every little bit of support, whatever the source, is fine with me.
@glitzylady Thank you, darlng. Finally, I read good post which is for real. We happy for our boy, don't care who rules in this f.. American Music Industry. But Adam will get all awards and recognitions very soon.
Lord bless him.
And Lord blessed you for your love.
The remark,"the Academy may be freaked out about Adam's over the top antics"probably holds some weight, although it was ONE tv performance out of many, Leno, Ellen,etc. The only other one that I wasn't thrillewd with was when he was a co-presenter with Sarah Silverman and Adam wasn't objectionable, or in poor taste, I felt she wasn't funny, just trying to hard to use Adam as a straight man for shock, crude value. Just didn't think it was the place for her type of humour. It may have been the Peoples Choice a year or 2 ago. Can't remember but thought at the time she really didn't do Adam any favors. He was more naive at the time and think he just went along with what she wrote, but think he'll be more selective and vocal in how he's perceived now. He was very new at the time and think he's more savvy. funbunn40
OOps, please excuse typos above.Didn't check. funbunn40
Just out of curiosity, I looked up the Sarah Silverman/Adam thing you referred to and it was the 2010 Critic's Choice awards..Adam looked fabulous! The joke was a little much for sure, and went on just a BIT too long. And Adam was a very good sport. Yes, I'm sure he will be more selective in the future...I'm still hoping to possibly see him as a presenter at the Grammy's at never know! (Ever the optimist!) Also REALLY looking forward to "The Talk" next week...We need more Adam!
Yes, that's really what we all want: Adam's success! It will come, I'm sure!
ADAM did win GOLD status in the 2010 MTV Video Play Awards Worldwide for his WWFM video. Here is the link to the article:
There's also a link to the source with all the info ....
@ Glitzylady, Thanks for finding where Adam/Sarah was presenting! It was nagging at me. I agree that sarah went on too long and wish he had more input. Thanks for the link, Tess4Adam. funbunn40
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