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New (Old) Picture! Red Haired Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Anonymous said...

mmmmmmm Punky Adam....Like It
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

That red hair is sizzling HOT!!!

Anonymous said...

congratulations to Adam. He won 3 awards on Australia POP republic tv for Best Male Artist, Best single IIHY and Best Tour


Anonymous said...

HOT pic the spiky look


Anonymous said...

Why post pics like this? Geez. Is this a fansite or not? Adam wouldn't want this pic out. Hot? Really?

HK fan said...

@anon 8.01
why wouldn't he want this pic out? whats wrong with it? its just Adam in one of his costumes, maybe at zodiac or something.

Anonymous said...

Very early Bowie!

Anonymous said...

wow, good stage makeup and hair, red nails too.

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the update on poprepublictv poll ... I was wondering what the outcome of that one was ... voted faithfully everyday ... Congrats ADAM!!
BTW .. this pic not one of my faves of ADAM ... but so what ... it's still ADAM and I LOVE him no matter what!!


Anonymous said...

Well, if Adam is really vacationing on the other side of the world, we'd better settle for pictures of the past until he gets back. May as well start now. Thank you 24/7!

Dinah-mite said...

Very cool, bring it on!

Edgey BB...

Just another of the many faces of the Alien from
Planet Fierce


Anonymous said...

his hair looks like a flaming something or another!

Anonymous said...

the girl looks like a blonde Rose McGowan.

Anonymous said...

Such a hawt picture. Love the spikes and burgundy-ish hair. Make up, nails & clothes all compliment the look.

@8:01 There's nothing wrong with the picture. Adam is experimental, edgy and fashion-forward. And it works for him. If you want safe, go follow Kris Allen.

Anonymous said...

Terrible--weird--lets not go there

Anonymous said...

@ZZ Thank you for link! Thank you, Australia!
Adam lookes very hot on these pictures!

Anonymous said...

Unlike lots of stars who look pretty much the same all the time, our guy is full of surprises past and present. He's always changing, re-creating, pushing the envelope. Nothing "safe" and run-of-the mill. I love that about Adam. It's one of the reasons I'm fascinated by him. This photo shows him in one of his many looks, maybe at a party or a show, etc. It's part of who he is. I wouldn't want him any other way. He is incapable of being boring!

Anonymous said...


Perfectly said!

LP said...

Looks like Cheeks with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Very 70s David Bowie.

And thinking that Adam would want to supress his old pictures surfacing.. Think again! He has always said that he has nothing to hide, so as long as pictures don't harm his privacy (nude pics or the like), it's a fair game. During Idol it was the whole different thing, but it been two years now!

Anonymous said...

anon 8:25, let's hope Adam will be back.
Every day I wonder & worry when Adam will go into hiding & never surface again. I don't want to lose him. He's not just an idol/fav vocalist of all time for me, he's like a brother, just a very dear close friend. Since I can't be part of his circle of friends, he's always welcomed in mine.
Safe journey Adam, may your dreams of true love begin.

Anonymous said...

Adam and the Osborne ladies:


Anonymous said...

MASSIVE CONGRATS to ADAM on winning all 3 PopRepublic IT Awards (Australia) for which he was nominated!! You're THE BEST, BB!! :D

Rebecca said...

ok i can deal with this one

Anonymous said...

Methinks he looks HAWT!!

Anonymous said...

The friend is a guy in drag? Looks like it. I do think people should stop posting the drag-pics. That was then, this is now so, people should move on.

Whomever drags up these old pics seems to want to remind Adam's fans of that part of Adam's life all the time. The guy is trying to build a career to the future not re-live the past.

Anonymous said...

The past is a big part of who Adam is as a person, and its nothing that Adam is ashamed of nor most of his fans.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a punk rocker, yes! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is in theater setting, you can see his intense look at young age, no wonder he can sing out of his heart, very expressive.

Anonymous said...

Adam is never boring but if he wants to be highly successful, these pics need to stop surfacing. Why the DVD is showing his shaved look, I'll never know. Love him but do not always agree with choices.

Anonymous said...

Anon @6:16, these picture will never go away, the more successful he get, the more will come. We as fan has to embrace it and stop worrying. Sometimes I think Adam make the right choice to show his OTT GNC footage (actually, I like those in Europe)so he can start with a fanbase with people actualiy like his voice and music rather than a whole bunch of idiots only take his good look. A pure and heart felt voice like Adam can conquer the world in no time.

Anonymous said...

@6:16 AM
The DVD shows his shaved look because he had the shaved look in Indianapolis where the DVD was shot.

Ebbtide said...

I think Adam looks HOT! The boy is talented with the fashion/makeup. Thank the gods he is part of a culture that has allowed him to express himself and develop into the ROCK STAH he is today. Just WOW. He got nominated for a grammy, and even though he didn't win his category, he got just as much post media buzz because of his LOOK. Love it?!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks very sexy in this pic. Very experimental, very Bowie, very Glam.

Also, is it just me or does Adam's hair in this picture remind you of how Allison Iraheta used to wear her hair before she dyed it black?

Anonymous said...

I loved the comment that "he can sing out of his heart." We can't all be ordinary people with ordinary jobs like me - thank goodness for theatre people, etc who spice the world up a little bit. This is what gives Adam the intensity and passionate spirit that we love.

Anonymous said...

It's always good to focus on what the person is doing NOW, such as those gorgeous picture at the airport. Pictures from the past help us to get to know someone but they really are who they are NOW.
I am who I am today, not who I was at a party 5 years ago or how I looked in a previous yearbook picture. (God forbid, haha)
Adam is a Grammy nominated singer with impecable taste in fashion and warm, loving personality. And we love him!

Anonymous said...

Read on AO that The Blonds are designing something special for Adam, fashion-wise. They say it's still a secret. Wonder if that means he'll be (or IS) in New York for that show. He was there last year. It's a big deal in NY.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering too is the NY fashion week still on. My bet is A and S are in NY.

Anonymous said...

Just ordered My gnt DVD....yay I'm on top of z world suckers! Hehe....and I added adele's new cd to my order. Can't wait for the 22ndof march. Zz

Fan4fun and Icon said...

THEATER, you've got your guy!

Anonymous said...

Maybe NY but my bet's on Bali!

Anonymous said...

If they're in Finland Adam needs woollen underwear, it's -20 C here now.

Anonymous said...

He IS a red head. Born that way. I love it. In fact, I wish he would go back to his roots. I love red heads. What's wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

OUCH...........oh well. Boys????will be boys!


Anonymous said...

Don't understand all the worrying about his looks. Bowie is his Idol... Bowie did some of the most bizarre things and is now absolutely Iconic. Bowie never compromised either or was afraid of other people's opinions. Remember True Artist are not run of the mill kind of people.

Lizard Eyes

adamluv said...

Adam looks very young in this picture. Wild and free - go for it Adam!

Anonymous said...

I know the DVD has the shaven look because it is in Indianapolis...what I was saying was, it wasn't my favorite look. I love Adam, but didn't agree with his choice for the DVD. I like hair, and lots of it. His shaved look had a lot of people taken aback frankly. I may not even buy it now. Yes, his music is wonderful, but why the look for a DVD release? C'mon, there has to be someone else that is disappointed with this choice.

Anonymous said...

Adam chose Indianapolis because that is where he was born. You want him to go back and be reborn in another city where you liked his look?

btw that's exactly how Liberace's mother died. Some fool told him to go back where he came from and he tried to take his piano.

Anonymous said...

He said they chose that city because it was a beautiful venue and it does look great with all the balconies, etc.

HK fan said...

nope, not disappointed, just glad to see a DVD being released, don't care where it was filmed.

adamluv said...

@HK, amen to that!