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Paul Grein Discusses Why Adam Lambert Was Not Nominated For Best New Artist

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, February 14, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 14, 2011

Yahoo! Music has done a Grammy overview where they have their rock critic, Paul Grein, discuss the nominees and near the end he discusses who was not nominated, but who should have been, for New Artist.

Fast forward to 3:00 in the video.

Source: Yahoo Music

Thanks Merrick for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Interesting. I've always thought the "stigma" of American Idol would be a hurdle for Adam to overcome. I have no doubt that he will jump that hurdle eventually, and win the respect of the industry. It's so strange to me that being discovered on the internet is somehow more respected than going through the rigors of a show like idol, but whatever. Adam will prevail in the long-run.


Anonymous said...

what does reality competiton have anything to do with having a great singing voice? The Grammy awards needs to get over themselves. Adam Lambert was voted on by the public for his voice and talent on American Idol. Public has no say in the Grammy vote, which I think that should change. Who are the snobs that vote for the nominees and winners? Adam Lambert is the best thing to EVER come out of reality television.

Anonymous said...

that his cheap analyses/jealous and bunch of prejuduce-thats the facts about sold out tour-got al his gold-platinum -double platinum is not enough to make him the ebst new artist?and the winner is a cocaine bus in vegas?plus dint have a good voice like adam?bunch of hogwash.we keep buying all adma lambert music all of them -all over the world will buy adams sng.the winner wont exist anymore its a wrong winner anyway u know who.

adamluv said...

If you can sing, it shouldnt matter where and how you are discovered. Absolutely ridiculous if this is the reason. I think it's due to other factors however. And we all have our own theories, dont we?

Anonymous said...

Celine Dion competed in a world singing competition and won Grammy awards for her talent, so I don't see it being any different for Adam. Adam was on a world stage on American Idol and won the adoration of fans everywhere. The Grammy people are full of it. I hope Adam sweeps the Grammys the next time he is nominated.

Anonymous said...

I think this is all bull sh*t! So it's OK to come from Micky Mouse club but not a "talent" show. Totally crazy. Award just lost all creds for me if any portion of this is true. Yes, 6:46, they are full of it.

Anonymous said...

Shit, there really is a strong stigma associated with American Idol. By what this critic said, it seems that because it falls under the category of "reality tv" its somehow not real and the singers aren't really "artists" I guess is the assumption? But in Adam's case I really think that is an unfair assessment because it is public knowledge that he was a seasoned performer long before Idol. AI was only a platform he used to get some recognition and opportunities that would have otherwise been unavailable to him. Also, hasn't Daughtry been nominated for a Grammy?
I just don't think this argument holds up. sadly, I still think what hurt his chances was the AMA debacle. Susan Boyle has a great voice and sold a lot of albums but she is hardly an "artist". She's sung nothing but covers and is rather unstable when it comes to live performances. I just don't understand how people who are supposedly professional music critics fail to make these types of assessments.

Anonymous said...

Carrie Underwood was awarded Best New Artist Grammy in 2007 and she is from a little show called American Idol. This man should do his research. Adam Lambert has the goods and he delivers! I think there is just so much more to why he wasn't nominated and it has nothing to do with American Idol.

Anonymous said...

Carrie Underwood won, Fantasia won 2 Grammy's this weekend, Jennifer Hudson has an Oscar and they all came from AI

Anonymous said...

I think some music industry people, as well as a segment of the public, view Idol as a shortcut to success, and they resent it. Country music seems to be more receptive to artists who come off of Idol. (Perhaps country music fans love the "small town girl/boy jumps from obscurity to the big time" story that is the Idol stereotype.) Adam, on the other hand, is an edgy pop/rock performer, and I think those genres have a more difficult time accepting an artist that emerges out of Idol.
It does suck that the industry isn't embracing Adam more quickly, but I really do believe that our boy will gain their respect and adulation in time.


Anonymous said...

I realise it's no compensation, guys but the same stigma applies to artists who come out of Australian Idol. Time and time again they're snubbed at the ARIA Awards (Australian equivalent to the Grammys). What they can only hope to win is the Highest Selling Single and/or the Highest Selling Album because they are a no brainer.

This whole Idol stigma sucks big time and yet, Carrie Underwood has won 5 Grammys (did she win again this year - not up with all the results). Maybe she wins because she's the pretty, All American girl although I realise that sounds very shallow but then the whole Idol stigma is very shallow.

Adam was by far the best vocalist in his category, and for my money, he should've been nominated for and won Best New Artist and Best Album but then that probably makes me sound biased. Just my point of view.

Anonymous said...

If singers from reality shows don't stand a chance of winning Grammy awards, WTH are they nominated in the 1st place. Not begrudging Adam's nomination at all .... it's absolutely wonderful that he was nominated but for him to be overlooked as winner because he came out of a reality show is beyond plausible, especially when Carrie Underwood has won a stack of Grammy awards.

Anonymous said...

Well too bad that the Academy voters can't take their own creative minds and actually listen to the MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ridiculous! Don't worry, Adam will go on to win year after year after year. He is just getting started. They said Kelly Clarkson's second album was her biggest.
And by the way, Congratulations! to Fantasia for winning a Grammy. She was the only other Idol that I felt as passionately about in terms of talent as I did with Adam. Both times, first viewing, just BLOWN AWAY!
Can't wait to see what Adam will come up with.
Get ready ya'll!!!!

Anonymous said...

There are so many great people in the music industry that know the genius that is Adam Lambert. Adam will drive his career in a way that will garner world wide admiration as he grows as an artist and a man. It will unfold as it should.

Anonymous said...

I think the music industry awarded Bruno just so they can pat themselves on the back for supporting a african american artist, It is political statement, like it or not.........indigo

glitzylady said...

So...after listening to this man discuss his "guesses" for the awards, and now we know some won, some didn't , I find it interesting and rather encouraging to at least have him bring up Adam Lambert as one who was passed over for Best New Artist nomination. (Adam was mentioned SO many places recently as an artist who should be given more credit by his peers and by the public at large.) It perhaps means he felt Adam should have been included in that category but was not because of the perceived stigma against "reality contestants", although as others have pointed out, that doesn't always mean anything, and Adam has worked for years to hone his performance skills and his voice. And right at the end, he said it appears that the Grammy awards are perhaps given to those who the Grammys feel will be "around 20 years from now", which I'm sure most, if not all, of us here would certainly believe will be true for Adam. I do just wonder if the nominating committee in that case did not do their homework to actually see what Adam has done this year, what he has accomplished with his album and tour. Perhaps they see him as a flash in the pan, an artist with a narrow appeal, a novelty whose popularity will come and go quickly (HA!). Or perhaps not enough really knew what to make of him. Hard to say. But at least he was brought up as an example of one who might have been selected to be a nominee. It was also very interesting that Esparenza Spalding won..someone that so many people were totally in the dark about (including myself), so you just never know! Guess its just kind of a "crap shoot" be honest. I think the Grammy nominating committee will be falling all over themselves the next year or two with Adam Lambert nominations, and they will most certainly not be ignoring him as a performer on the Grammy show. And it is very true that there are many popular and famous artists who have never won a Grammy, so I still think it is pretty darn cool that Adam got a nomination this year. Fabulous really!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you glitzy. There ARE many great artists who have never won a Grammy. I couldn't believe that Mick Jagger had never performed on a Grammy show until last night. A lot of it is politics, but tonight I watched two fashion police shows...the one with Joan Rivers and another one (sorry, I don't know exactly who the other people were, but they voted Adam one of the best dressed at the Grammys. They said he looked like a real rocker and that everyone was saying how great Adam Lambert looked. One of them said " Adam is back". Well, I thought he never left, but he had been getting some really lame press lately...nothing but criticism about his looks. I think the page has turned for him. As for losing... Gaga's album, The Fame didn't win... Arcade Fire Adam is in good company. He's just getting started on his LONG career.


Anonymous said...

Is Bruno Mars an african american artist? I don´t think so. Many african american artists get lots of well deserved Grammys and other awards and certainly not because of race.


Anonymous said...

Bruno Mars is partly Asian?

Anonymous said...

Adam is a force to be reckoned with in the industry. People want him out, because of all the damage he can do with that voice! ha! Who would want to compete with such a powerhouse? Alot of the great singers of the past were Grammy snubbed. They can't blame it on American idol, they just know what they are dealing with.

Anonymous said...

Do you know what you got into? Can you handle what I'm about to do? I guess the Grammys can't handle Mr.L!!!! hehehehe

Anonymous said...

Not buying his reasoning. Look at Kelly and Carrie. They came from the same reality TV show....Kelly has 2 Grammys...Carrie,5....and now Fantasia has one (not sure about the other Idols). That's proof that Idols are Grammy-worthy.

Sorry Mr.Grein,but your logic fails. Now if you said it's because the music industry is still shallow and homophobic,I would say "Hey,there's truth in that!"

Cheril said...

There is no reason on this earth that there should be a "stigma" attached to American Idol or any other international Idol show. This is just a prejudice that is in the making. Stop it. There have been singing competitions for years. It is a legitimate competition. It has produced great singers, Adam Lambert, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Hudson, Fantasia, Kelly Clarkson and more. Any stigma associated with American Idol boils down to bullying. I suggest that the powers that be stop with the "stigma" prejudice. Great singers are discovered wherever they are discoverd period.

Anonymous said...

To @Cheril

IMO,the best singers come from American Idol.....not from a Youtube video....not 'out-of-the-blue'(although some are discovered by happenstance),not manufactured,overproduced robotic prototypes that are flooding the airwaves at this moment.

The AI alum are naturally talented artists who don't have to rely on vocal 'enhancement' machines to make them sound good/better. Have you ever seen Kelly,Carrie or Adam lip-synch (other than on the show during those cheesy group numbers....not their fault!)??

Maybe that's what everyone is afraid to admit.....that a reality TV show produces better and more Grammy-worthy artists,PERIOD!!

Anonymous said...

Many of the artists who appeared on AI have had very successful careers whether they won or not. Perfect examples are Chris Daughtry and Jennifer Hudson who even went on to win an Oscar. Most people when they talk about season 8 of AI always refer to Adam Lambert and almost forget that Kris Allen was the winner that year. Exactly what is he doing now? Has he headlined a national and international tour as successfully as Adam? For me, Adam Lambert has the best voice in the music industtry today, no lip synching, auto-tuning etc. for him. Just listen to his acoustic album and it will make you a believer. Who knows why Adam wasn't nominated as best new artist? At this point does it really matter? He is well on his way to superstardom with such devoted fans that in years to come most of those nominated in this category will have been forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Bruno Mars apparently comes from Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Australian Idol had a fantastic singer a while back ...Anthony Callea. He was a child star here in Oz too. He has an amazing voice and should have won without any doubt. He too came out a while back. He also played in 'Wicked' here in Oz. He was indeed ripped off at the finale too....check him out singing The Prayer. The stigma of Idol really didn't help him at all and yet he is still I reckon the best male Oz vocalist of all time! Beautiful guy!
ADAM has to put up with all this AI crapola too. It was a stepping stone for exposure, and it paid off because he is the most talented singer on the planet! Still though he has to endure the snubbing but nothing phases the genius entertainer he is!
The world watched AI too but I really believe we have moved on and see ADAM for who he really is and AI is all great but history! Wish the US would move forward!

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone! I've read all the posts and took notes, so here's my 2 cents:

Indigo 10:50 - Bruno Mars' real name is Peter Gene Hernandez and is MOST DEFINITELY from HAWAII. He is of Pueto Rican and Filipino descent. We moved to Oahu end of Nov. and I'm literally suffering from radio overkill. He is a Roosevelt H.S. graduate local boy (born and reared here, which means a lot as this island is a revolving door). Anyway, they are extremely proud of him, even though he seems to be falling into bad habits, which apparently seems to disturb no one on the Grammy panel.

Anyone remember where Miranda Lambert came from? A little reality show called Nashville Star, which was the country music equivalent to AI from 2003-2009. She was on there in 2003 and came in 3rd. The country music industry has no problem with the "reality show stigma" which has apparently left her as well, as she is poised to unseat Carrie and Taylor as the country darlings this year, 8 years after the show.

As far as not knowing what to make of him, I would buy that theory more than any other (not withholding lifestyle). Anyone remember Eva Cassidy? She died at 33 from skin cancer selling cd's out of her trunk on the brink of being plucked from obscurity because record execs could't pigeon-hole her. Her posthumous debut outsold any Beatles debut with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" in Britain, no less. There are A LOT of very talented people who are overlooked by the "machine" in the industry. Adam was smart to get out there on AI, but still suffers because he can't be pinned down to one genre. The fact that he is multi-facited just adds to his fan base and appeal. The people who overlook him because they can't figure him out are one-dimensional losers.

The fact that Mick Jagger is just now getting his due by the Grammy's at his age is a travesty of justice to me. He didn't even get to sing one of his songs. It proves that the Grammy's is not the music and moral compass for the universe. Jagger was just as, if not more, controversial in his day than Adam is now. I don't think that will happen to Adam. He is fearless. He is well on his way to easing other people's fears where he is concerned regarding live tv performances. The Grammy's will be a hurdle, but they can't dismiss him forever. He and WE will make sure of it!

Can't wait for People's Choice Awards. That will fix them all.


The Dark Side said...

At least he was nominated for a Grammy wasn't even mentioned in the other award shows. Think AMA had more to do with it than Idol. They want to knock this upstart down, no matter that he out classes most of them. Look at the lock out of Keisha--it's not her music they are censoring. Personally think the Grammys lost it on some of their picks of artists nobody knew. Go figure. BTW Mick and the Stones have been icons since the late 60's and won every award there is. I thought it wrong that Mick was asked without the Stones, but Mick & Keith are feuding again

Anonymous said...

Everyone here has validating points as to why Adam wasn't a winner or why he wasn't a new best artist. I can't believe these people who have supposedly been in the biz for years, you'd think they would know an artist from a commercialized product such as beiber. Didn't they understand what Adam was trying to do with his music? or where he was coming from?
The AI excuse ,well, that's just downright bull!
What's wrong with people ? they're like a herd of cows, they all have their asses at the intake of the blows of wind. They're so afraid of different or change.
Adam is good enough but not? It has bothered me all this time people have been praising Adam such as Clive Davis, but yet he did not recieve honors of these appraises. I guess this one grammy nomination will have to do for now.
IMO, Adam is like a breath of fresh air, so exciting, & so spiritual lifting. "Broken Open", was mentioned by a fan on the Jun & Xena vid, that it was the most beautiful song ever!& it is!

Anonymous said...

The panel is messed up!
There's absolutely no logic in the way that the Grammy performances are set-up. Adam said that he didn't think the category, "Best Male Vocal Performance" is not televised... and that's really stupid 'cause who wouldn't want to hear a performance from the BEST Male VOCAL?!
Yeah, I agree, I don't get the whole internet discovered is better than being 'discovered' (not really 'cause people who go on actually make the EFFORT to audition) on Reality TV. On Reality TV you have to EARN the RESPECT of the Judges and Fans alike. Without the judges approval, obviously it's harder to build a fan base because you're no longer on TV.
Is it the Judges?! that the panel doesn't agree with and don't want to give credibility to? I don't get why they are looking down on people who come from a Reality TV competition. Why is the panel anonymous to most, anyways, are they scared fans will take them down or something?! They should make clear who actually chooses the winner and what their background is/ what makes them credible
I just gotta say that some people are missing/ failing to recognize some kick ass music and incredible talent!
I'm just happy to be able to see Adam perform live and that he's going to be legendary!

Anonymous said...

is televised*

Anonymous said...

I'm going to do whatever it takes to let Mr. Paul Grein know just exactly where the bear sh**s in the woods. This will be done in a kind and gentle manner, but to the point. Maybe someone else on this thread would like to join me.

Anonymous said...

@ Justpeachy, Agree with your post and also love Eva Cassidy. I have her "Live From Blues Alley" album, especially loved her "Fields of Gold"track. Wish she could have lived to see her vocals recognized. I think Adam being nominated and being so visable on the red carpet, schmoozing with media, celebs and in general, being seen as the handsome, charming,classy man that he is, dispelled some of the flamboyant,over the top,general perceptions that were so one dimensional and not totally accurate. Adam has many facets and his stage performance is an exaggeration of one part of his persona. As Adam said, "He's feeling more leather than glitter lately." There's more to him than meets the eye and he had the opportunity to show another dimension at the grammys that will serve him well. He's laying his groundwork smartly and I think this will be a breakout year for him. It's going in the right direction. He looked absolutely elegant with an edge, easily the most magnificent looking man , hands down! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I think Adam will be more classy this year in many ways,the glitter and glam is over.

Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

A lot of the dolts criticising Adam now will be so glad he does not hold a grudge. He will be so famous this time next year they will be smooching his lovely backside just for a little nod from him. Of course he does not have to hold a grudge - some of his fans will do it for him.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the glitter and glam is over for Adam, just maybe moving on to another part of him for a change. Becoming 30 sometimes sparks new avenues to try and "having been there,done that," also can be a factor. Think more leather will be a good direction for him this year. He definitely can rock that look. Still in awe at how devastating he looked at the grammys! All eyes had to be on him. Loved that look and how great he's looked lately. Hope he retires the poncho! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

More leather for Adam in the future...great. For those of us who were around then, remember Elvis in his black leather pants and jacket and the concert he did on that small stage. It was the best he ever looked. And the slicked back hair. Adam has that same look and could really rock it the same way. In fact, my screensaver is a parallel black and white picture of Adam and Elvis that may have been from Adam's concert at the Borgata in AC, NJ. They could be brothers, the look is so similar. Somebody put this side by side together and it looks fabulous.