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Video of Adam Lambert at Red O in Los Angeles

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 6, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, February 06, 2011

Adam has a lovely dinner with lots of laughs with friends while showing off his new hair style, We're loving the hair Adam its awesome!


Anonymous said...

At least the whole mood was jovial, he looks
happy and relaxed.

Anonymous said...

I guess it comes with the territory....

Anonymous said...

He looks really good, laughing and joking. "Do you breathe?" :)
And now I think I´m gonna use the word that just popped up in my head: GORGEOUS!


Anonymous said...

That was funny. I love how Adan took it all in humor. He has the most adorable contagious laugh and of course the questions were so silly. He is a superstar, so glad he can deal with the paps so well. Adam is always a class act and I never loved his look as much as now----hot!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Adam is really looking good! GORGEOUS is more like it! He really looks like he doesn't mind the paps taking his picture and shooting out questions. He's so gorgeous he can't help it if he is a magnet that just draws everyone's attention! Who wouldn't want to get a picture of Adam up close.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a class act even when the pap are in his face. This is the downside of fame. He looks beautiful, and he is remarkably cool about everything all the time. Love you, Adam!

Anonymous said...

In this age of texting, why do they come out before the car is ready and waiting? Glad to see all the laughter!

Anonymous said...

he is very smart and articulate human being. Just ignore the parasites and it will get better and better eh! Focus on the prize indeed.

Let them beg for your answer baby........ Let them suffer until they learn how to behave well in front of our wws.........................

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Loved how his friends were trying to shield him, and one asked if he wanted to back inside until the car was there.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

adam do you like answering stupid questions

Anonymous said...

ZOOMING in to the car should be illegal - look at Adam's eyes, expression at 1:53...

Sorry to be a downer, but vids like these make me uncomfortable and sad...The paps sound like dogs barking, shouting tens of different, mostly stupid questions. Love Adam, love his pics, but can totally live without vids like this. Off to see Super Bowl!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam- What a class act. Laughing and smiling through the ridiculous and annoying questions from the paps. He looks terrific and I love how protective his friends were of him. We all know this intrusion into your personal life comes with the fame and success, but he handled it extremely well. And anyone who knows anything about Adam Lambert would never have asked him about the Super Bowl and his choice. Come on now!!

Anonymous said...

Another Enigma video with the gorgeous one.


Anonymous said...

Adam knows very well what to expect everytime he steps out. He needs this attention for PR purposes and for ego purposes also.
Everyone seeks attention and artists more so than anyone else.

glitzylady said...

Adam looks absolutely fantastic, truly handsome and happy...but gosh those paps ARE annoying! But, it would be even worse if they no longer cared...they are a barometer of his newsworthy-ness and success, and their intense interest means he is HOT in every sense of the word! (And THAT he is!)

Fan4fun and Icon said...

We love to hear you laughing, Diamond Boy! And when we can see you doing it, it's even better...

Anonymous said...

I hate the paparazzi too but it's a good thing they follow Adam like crazy because if they ever stopped following him that would mean his career's dead.

melissa toronto said...

Thanks Eva, that video is HOT!!
Anything & everything about Adam is hot & beautiful, like everyone saids: absolutely gorgeous.
Any news about Adam is good advertising.

Rebecca said...

got love that he can keep his sense of humor through all that

Anonymous said...

Looking good, and what a great smile and laugh. Love you Adam!



Anonymous said...

ok, Perez, which one of those friends (guy, two girls) is Adam dating now?

Anonymous said...

I want that shirt, preferably with Adam still inside. But I would take it sans Adam also. He looks so good after that long hair. He looks younger and happier. Long hair IMO made him look sad and old.

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:29 pm Absolutely agree with your omment about hair. Adam in his best shape and look happy and relax
Like the idea about shirt. Also, I like that jeans!OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS!LOL

Anonymous said...

I liked that he decided to just laugh off the paps this tough as that must be...jeez, the questions...DUH!! Do you like Jersey Shore? WTF??

Adam does look great - relaxed and happy.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

In my opinion Adam has always laughed off the paps and handled them well. The only time he closes off is if they are rude and call him names and I don't blame him. This way they learn to behave a bit. I remember seeing a video when he left a celebration just after idol finished. He was trapped in a parking building and they really hassled him (but they didn't call him names) and he was the perfect gentleman. Actually, it was quite scary.

The Dark Side said...

Adam, Adam, Adam, don't tell the world you're not into football, they will never ask you to sing the National Anthem at the Superbowl. Does have the most beautiful smile in the world and getting out a lot these days with lots of different people. Enjoying the good life, and we are enjoying this video.

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam we love you so much! Noone wants to listen to unintelligent wish wash...especially you. The joys of hitting fame. Plus ensure the car gets there quicker next time.

Anonymous said...

If those guys had half the class ADAM has they would be so lucky! This is one hell of a beautiful sincere man.

Anonymous said...

These guys need to get some darn respect for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam's a pretty good sport and has a sense of humour. As long as they ask good natured questions he's ok. He shuts down when they get insulting. They'll get a lot more with honey than vinegar. This wasn't too bad and friends were considerate of him. At least he can still go out to dinner with friends. Hope he's not bothered in the restaurants and can eat and converse in peace. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

although I love seeing the every day Adam and know how he's doing, I think the real fans should ignore these videos...let's give him some privacy and discourage the paps who follow him like this

Anonymous said...

Couldn't hear the questions properly. Did I miss anything meaningful? He handles the paps so well.

Wonderful to see Adam happy, smiling and laughing AND looking as drop dead gorgeous as ever. :)

Anonymous said...

If it weren´t for these videos and pics from paps we would never see Adam, as he seems to be blacklisted from other media. So I don´t know why we should ignore them and why we should feel uncomfortable and sad watching them. Paps are jerks, but as long as they don´t call him names and behave as good as they possible are able to, It is in Adams favor. I think he knows that. The paps are not journalists that want answers to their questions. They want reactions from celebs and this time they got beautiful smiles from this gorgeous man.


glitzylady said...

I have to agree with @Eva..I feel that I am a "real" fan (indeed...) and I think its fun to see Adam occasionally, even if it's a paparazzi vid. Even tho the paps are silly and ask goofy questions, as long as they are reasonably respectful and don't call him names, its just part of being a celebrity in LA. Pretty sure he is used to it, and doesn't get overly affected one way or the other. He is a hot commodity, a Grammy nominee, etc., so he would expect this attention now. It took only 2 minutes out of his day.. and its actually rather flattering..When the attention stops, a celeb will know they are in serious trouble. I'm pretty sure he knows how to get actual privacy when he wants it. In the meantime, he looks gorgeous, happy, and rested..and its great to see him smile!

Anonymous said...

Yes glitz, I think if Adam wanted to have dinner in private with friends he would not go to a celeb restaurant. He wants the attention. He´s smart. This dinner was with someone from Mac Cosmetics I think. Perhaps business related. Mac certainly owes him for all that endorcement(is that the word?)Adam has given them.


Anonymous said...

The really sad thing is that ,given even the slightest chance , Adam can give such a good interview . Smart, charming , and of course always gorgeous . It really hurts me to see him treated this way . A little respect would go a long way in getting some exceptional footage that could be most profitable to everyone . THINK ABOUT IT PRESS PPL .

Anonymous said...

Adam can give good interviews, yes, but these guys are not journalists. They want pictures to sell, mostly to gossip magazines. Unfortunatly paps seem to think that a pissed off, angry and violant celeb is da shit, like the Miami incident with Adam. The paps in this video are annoying but at least they don´t scream obscenities. They seem to think of themselves as comedians as they laugh hysterically at their own stupid questions. Perhaps they would have prefered a pissed off Adam but they got a friendly smiling one. And the footage was pretty good.


Anonymous said...

Eva thanks for setting me straight . I'm just an average fan , not nearly as knowledgeable as you regarding how these show biz things work . I just thought if these paps were to ask intelligent & relevant questions and be a little more respectful Adam might just surprise them by stopping(as he actually did for a bit ) and having some fun and informative exchanges and they might come away with something really valuable for everyone

Anonymous said...

We could wish that paps would ask intelligent questions in a calm and respectful way, but do you think it will happen any day soon? If they did, I´m sure Adam would answer in an intelligent and respectful way, but as things works now it looks like they want celebs to take a swing at them or do something violant and stupid so they would look bad in the pictures.


Anonymous said...

Adam looks so so handsome here, happy & well rested.
Yes, love this hairdo too, this look reminds me of Adam in AI clean cut wearing a white suit singing " A time's gonna change"
Awesome vocals, charisma & good looks!!!
love U Adam Lambert the Superstar!!!

Anonymous said...

The paparazzi are not journalists. They are just out there to take pictures of celebrities and usually annoy them in the process. I think at times they get wonderful pictures and then there are the times when they would do or say. anything to get that "money shot". Adam was so gracious during this entire episode and handled it very well. Unfortunately this is going to be the norm for him now any time he steps out into the public. His personal life will no longer be private and as long as they don't antagonize or insult him with stupid and annoying questions, he will just have to handle each situation the best he can with charm and humor. Such is the price one pays for success and fame in today's media oriented society.