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Adam Lambert Spotted in Whole Foods!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, March 01, 2011

From KatieSor:
"Just saw Adam lambert in whole foods!!!! Love it!!!!"



e3fan205 said...

What!!? Adam Lambert buys groceries???? OMG...who knew???? Nice pic. Is there a bad picture of this guy.

Anonymous said...

I was just in Whole Foods! But in Vancouver..
Was this LA? Maybe he didn't fly anywhere after all.. Adam looks great, looks like he has been working out, GB still there haha Whole foods is mostly all organic so good to see he's staying healthy. Must be nice to be out in a Tshirt - we have snow here! OK paps, keep watching the restaurants.

Anonymous said...

Probably out for a salad bar run. Like he did on Oprah. They have great little places to eat in there.

Can you imagine just running into him while at Whole Foods? "Clean up in aisle 7!"

Anonymous said...

Lucky Lucky! He looks - well there are no words to describe this man!!!

Anonymous said...

Eating healthy - staying happy. Salute the GB.

Anonymous said...

This is Denver.

Love the blue shirt, the blue jeans, and how nice of him to always bring along the GB. See what a generous guy he is? Tee Hee.

Anonymous said...

Imagine seeing that in Whole Foods, Yum.

Anonymous said...

He's whole alright

Anonymous said...

Are you in Denver or is Adam in Denver, sorry I'm so confused..
That is a whole organic food if I ever saw one!
Still laughing at the clean-up in aisle 7 post.

Anonymous said...

mutha effa


ps. comments are so frickin' funny, I'm howling at the top of my lungs... clean up in aisle 7 indeed... we love your other-worldly talent BB, we really do... by why you gotta look so damn delicious all the time, it just aint our fault we go the shallow route here and there ;)

Anonymous said...

This must be longest Adam has gone without a change in hairstyle lol but I love it this way.
He just better not be hiding a sleeve tat behind that girl!

Anonymous said...

Someone said they saw him on a plane to Denver. Ryan Tedder has a studio there so people think that is probably were he is

Anonymous said...

Adam is in Denver. Glad you all liked my "clean up in aisle 7 " line.

Would it be because I exploded when I saw him?
Or, because I spilled my salad all over?


Anonymous said...

Adam looks good, healthy and happy. He may be working on his music.

Anonymous said...

Aaaand, someone just casually shopping next to them. Unaffected by the glitz, the glam,the sheer awesomeness next to her.

Anonymous said...

I am still laughing too.. Adam Lambert fans do have the best humor in the world! So funny

How can you know adam is in Denver?

Anonymous said...

Shit he looks good! Has he been working out? :) Anyways he's hot hot hot!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam's looking Adamlucious, he's the hottest thing on the menu in Whole Foods !!

Anonymous said...

That girl lives in Denver.

Anonymous said...

to KatieSor who posted the picture: Where did you take this picture. Is it in Denver????

LIVA said...

My friend's in Denver. Better tell her. lol. What city is that girl in?

Thanks detectives!

VJ said...

Oh my glambulge, my awe is inspired. @_@

*blink blink stare*

Anonymous said...

Just imagine being lifted or pinned by those gorgeous arms, ahhhhh!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Ryan Tedder and Adam making great music again this time in Denver!! BB looks sooo out of this world gorgeous!! He does look BUFF!! Rock it out ADAM! LOVE you sooooo very much!!!

Anonymous said...

VJ, thanks for mentioning the glambulge. I almost missed it lol.

Anonymous said...

Can hardly wait for another Sleepwalker which Ryan Tedder wrote for first album!

Anonymous said...

If I saw Adam in a store shopping..I would be embarassed because my eyes would probably go straight to the GB

Anonymous said...

He looks gorgeous! Lucky girl! Now we know he is working! Love his jeans and what it's showing! LOL!

Anonymous said...

his abs look tight! damn! what's that boy been doing? maybe Brooke Wendle is giving him an ab workout! wowwieeee!

Anonymous said...

maybe the woman shopping thought Adam was the hot boyfriend of the girl hugging him. I would stare him down if I was near them. shit!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many Glambulances were called on the scene?!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

The Aisle 7 was genius. Thanks for the heads up on the GB, would have missed it...not likely. Hope he is making beautiful music in Denver. I do believe we have taken stalking to a whole new level. Yah!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many mistakes the girl made after her encounter with the Glam God and his GB? She probably put the wrong price on all the items. oops sorry!

Anonymous said...

it looks like she met him near the pastries? I bet she went and stuck her finger in a doughnut from the sheer excitement of it all! yummyumm

Anonymous said...

Adam looks deliiiiiiiicious! Love hair, love jeans!
@anon 2:00pm Did Adam got sleeve tattoo?! How do you know about this? Adam doesn't look like sleeve tattoo person. His skin so beautiful!

adam luv said...

Aisle 7 comment is!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG...He is such a HUNK!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would've been fondling the salami! oops, did that just slip from my tongue? I'm guilty as charged!:-)

Anonymous said...

For anyone who loves music and hates current radio, try I wrote in fever and got two Adam songs in five minutes,Ryan Tedder ,etc.

You can do show tunes,anything you like to listen to,If you like ,thumbs up if not thumbs down.. I wrote in Adam Lambert and didn't get very many songs,but FEVER is totally awesome,just heard' Pick you Up' and' One' I do all my exercises to Pandora,son-in-law told me about it.Unfortunately it doesn't go outside the United States yet.

Anonymous said...

'Sure Fire Winners' now.. hopefully the internet will win out over those awful five song radio stations... I'm done

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many phone numbers he got before he left?! hahhah

Anonymous said...

Does this work for you in the US? You can add the artist of your choice. For some odd reason, I have Adam Lambert on my list.


Anonymous said...

@Eva Yes, I have grooveshark downloaded in my computer at work. This is great. I don't need to buy so many songs from itune anymore! Except Adam's songs:)

LP said...

There is a Whole Foods in West Hollywood and also in Denver CO. From the way he is dressed I would say West Hollywood, cuz there is snow in Denver.

Olga said...

As a friend of mine noted, if he is in Denver, then where is his coat? It's freezing there now. And everyone else? Do they have a coat rack for everyone? Our Whole Foods dosn't... I don't think this is a fresh picture... Doubt, doubt, doubt.

Anonymous said...

he cleans up nicely!

Anonymous said...

Maybe his coat is with a friend? Or maybe it's on the back of his chair, or maybe it's in LA, or maybe it's an old picture, or maybe it's in his cart, .....

Anonymous said...

Or maybe he's so fucking hottttt he doesn't need a coat?

Rebecca said...

Damn this boy looks good any chance i could trade hubby in for

Anonymous said...

Adam is not buff, he said so. He said definitly not buff. He looks to me like he has put on 10 lbs. His t-shirt is too tight, his pants are too tight, and he has love handles. He is definitlt sucking in his stomach.I am a fan, not a troll, He needs to excercise, or maybe now he is settling down to some healthy food. Seemed like for the last month he has been eating out a whole lot, must have been in Bora Bora and before that when he had Sauli with him, and also he had several birthday parties. Since Jan. there have been constant parties and gatherings since he came back from his tour.As soon as he starts up with his album he will get excercise and he will drop those lbs.

Anonymous said...

You guys are hilarious!
Ok, detective work - the text with the picture said "just saw Adam in Whole Foods" or could the whole thing be an old post?
I agree it doesn't look like Denver weather. But can you imagine being next to him on the plane (wishing the flight was longer haha)

Mils - I am going for the exploded option. Or possibly a slippery floor from dripping fluids wink wink..
Delilah - I remember there were tweets back and forth with Tommy with Adam talking about getting a tattoo like that. Hope he didn't go ahead with it

Anonymous said...

This is her tweet. It says she´s from Denver. It doesn´t say if the shop is in Denver.

Just saw Adam lambert in whole foods!!!! Love it!!!!
about 4 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone


Anonymous said...

Totally hilarious posts! Yep, Mils "clean up on aisle 7" comment is the best ever! Really looks like Adam's in L.A. 'cause of the tee shirt and no jacket. It's beautiful here these last few days. He likes to shop at Whole Foods and there have been other photos of him in the past shopping there.

Whoever said his clothes look too tight, I definitely don't agree! The tee-shirt and jeans fit perfectly in all the important places LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hey gals, comeon with common sense...look at the hair. That's a current picture. He MAY look a tad heavier because he is not in dark clothing, but he looks just great!!! I can oly imagine what the blue in his eyes looks like with all the blue in his clothes setting them off...speaking of getting off...oops, did I say that?

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:00.....Perfectly put!!!!! I totally agree!
She is one lucky gal!
I would have passed right out if that were me, and he'd just HAVE to catch me. Then i'd wake up and i'd be in Adam's big gorgeous arms with those baby blues looking down upon me.
A girl can dream, can't she? Damn!

Anonymous said...

There is only one part look tight to me, hahahaha! Wow Love to see him reappear, miss him so much. If he is in LA, how come he didn't go parties on the weekend.

Anonymous said...

all adam fans to the deli

Anonymous said...

@4:40 Maybe he doesn't want to party without Sauli.

Anonymous said...

How does he sit down in pants with such a shallow crotch? No wonder there's a GB, everything is crowded up in there.

Anonymous said...

I don't care where he is right now!!!!!!!!!!! Omg the GB is so ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

If I have a power no one ever can touch that other than me Ha!ha!ha!ha!

Anonymous said...

@March 1, 2011 4:14 PM

I was immediately thinking "fluids" in relationship to the whole brilliant clean up on aisle 7 joke... if I'm being totally and completely honest

Anonymous said...

Adam arriving at Denver airport on Sunday night (pic w a fan)

Anonymous said...

Adam arriving at Denver airport on Sunday night (pic w a fan)
The whole history is on AO

Anonymous said...

That's the kind on jeans that keep sliding off TommyJoe.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I am laughing at the reactions to my post, "clean up on Aisle 7" really just meant that I would need help. After falling down, dropping my coffee, my salad, etc. Okay. Maybe a hose down to cool off. Maybe a shower to refresh. Ahem.

He is so not fat. Looks slim and trim.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not fat but he is thick, that's where that glorious voice comes from and if he has love handles so much the better.

Personally I've always found them an advantage for "holding on".

Anonymous said...

I saw the picture from Denver airport and he is so fucking handsome. Clean and no makeup indeed.... Sorry about my word but I can't help it...... Forgive me guys..

Toronto fan base, Canada

Anonymous said...

Oh yumm! I'll take two Adam's please. One for dessert and the other for midnight snacking!

Anonymous said...

WHole foods...where.?...all i see is...the glambulge...oops sorry....where is the whole food again .....?? all i know is i love !

Anonymous said...

Cant understand all the negative remarks, all I see is a beautifully preportioned human being. Photos aways add pounds to people, apparently in the flesh he is very very slim.

Anonymous said...

Just saw this tweet:

mindchnger mindchnger
\o/ :DD RT @binkleywtf: the woman in the airport confirmed that adam is in Denver to work on the album \o/ :D
5 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Anonymous said...

Denver, Colorado or Denver, Indiana or Denver, Iowa or Denver, Kentucky.... which one are you talking about?!?

Anonymous said...

nice broad shoulders and chest! damn I love Whole Foods!

Anonymous said...

i say Let's eat!

adam luv said...

It's been very cold here in L.A. too the last few days. Down to freezing in the valleys. Doubt he'd be out dressed like this even at home.

coloforadam said...

Damn!!!!!! I live in Colo Sprgs - wish I knew where to begin to cop a sighting in Denver (only 4 million strong). Thought the air seemed more electrified around here this week!! Guess I could just move into DIA and wait around but that place is a bit large too! Just dream of what Adam and Ryan T. can come up with this time!!!

adam luv said...

to clarify, I mean freezing overnite, not during the daytime. For the Oscars I heard the women were very cold in the 50 degree weather.

Anonymous said...

Adam is in Denver see link below - fan was waiting at airport for her sister read rest of her story
at adamholic hope link works never did this before.


Anonymous said...

Adam seems a bit thin to me.. But totally gorgeous

Dinah-mite said...

I'm not sure if you are looking at the same pic I am! If so when was last time you had your peepers checked?? 'Cause what I see is LOOOOOKING GOOD!!
Seriously, I'd hate to see what you call in shape! LOL...

Maybe the guys you know have that there "Adonis Gene" like Charlie Sheen or something...

'Cause from where I sit Adam seems to be in FINE shape... Jus sayin....

Peace Out

Anonymous said...

the chest is looking nice and tight!

Anonymous said...

all customers to the meat department! 100 percent prime choice!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys crack me up!
I wonder if Adam ever leaves his house without wondering to himself if he's going to get his picture taken at some point that day..
I went to our local Whole Foods today in my baggy sweats with a hole in them..

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:11 no offense but you need to go the eye doctor 'cause you are blind. He look fine to me. He is so cute and charming. How many famous ones out there would take the time to get a picture with a fan? Nada! Again get to the doc right away before you miss anything else OK?

Anonymous said...

He is even dressed like a rock star while grocery shopping! the hair always needs to be in glamtop shape!

Anonymous said...

It is oh so fitting that VJ should comment on the glambulge.

Anonymous said...

does all good-looking rock stars shop in Whole Foods? guess I found a new hangout!:-)

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam bought? I bet there was wine in his bag and he looks like a guy who would eat a nice cheese with his wine. Wine, cheese, and maybe some fruit. Grapes?

Anonymous said...

ALL good looking rock stars? Which other ones are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

Who was that masked man?

Anonymous said...

Who is cold in 50 degree weather. Up here in Northern Idaho when it hits 45 the sweaters go back in the drawers. Its Summatime and the livin is easy.

Anonymous said...

I want just him with my wine, just him

Anonymous said...

Adam is gorgeous boy, beautiful, crazy deliciooouse, still can't make a delicious what I like more tiramisue or Godiva white chocolate rasberry ice cream:) I think Godiva is more like Adam and more delicious,yuum!
Anyway, what is the problem about Adam shape? Sorry, but I never like Arnold and Stalone men. I prefer Pierce Brosnan, Johny Depp, or..........Adam Lambert! Crazy eyes, killer smile and lips to dye for.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I mean "lips to die for"!
Okay, now I have to go to sleep. And I don't have tiramisou in my fridge or Godiva ice cream in my freezer:)

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is the luckiest man & we are the luckiest fans in the whole wide world!!EVER!!!
Adam does look terrific! &yea, POWER TO THE GB!!
All of those people in that store, they don't realise they have the glorified "VOICE" within their reach. & the girl is right there next to the most powerful GB!!!! MWAH! K

Anonymous said...

OK, this thread is SO good, and so funny, it needs to be we can go back and re-read it and laugh for many years to come!

So - is it bad to confess that, when I looked at this picture, this is what I saw: the GB, oh wait, quick, drag eyes up to his face...ooh, his hair is puffy...does he always shop in his sunglasses?...GB, again, draws my eye...ok, tear eyes away, back up top again...necklaces, you always know it's Adam because he loves his necklaces...GB...damn it! stop it!, oh!, he's wearing blue, my favorite color!...lookin' good in the tight t-shirt...oh crap, there's the GB again!...and is that a studded belt?...where's his coat?...GB...where is he?...LA...could he really be in Denver, like people are saying?...GB...oh for god's sake, OK!...let's linger on the GB. Wow, the rise in those pants is sure short...wonder if that hurts?...looks mighty fine though...drag eyes away again...oh look, there's a girl standing near him...wait, is her arm around him? BITCH! That shoulda been ME!...oh yikes, what's gotten into me??...GB...that's so great, that sweet girl got her pix taken with his Holy Hotness...hope she is obsessed as his "true fans"...and there's the damn GB again...calling my name!! Surrender...stare at it...who'll ever know how long I let my eyes rest there? Nobody...that's who...dear god, better click to another topic now...starting to break out in a sweat....

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Irene Rose it worked perfectly! You did great and thank you for that great link! Keep up the good work now that you are a pro!


Anonymous said...

Adam Fix ,LMAO!!! c'mon now be nice to the girl, we all love that GB effect,it always takes good pics! MWAH! K

Anonymous said...

Adam is a hunk of burning love...He looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha K/12:40AM March 2... yes, the GB is always ready for it's closeup isn't it? LOL

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! The glambulge is in fine form in this pic.

Anonymous said...

Looking good...melt my oh man..Adam you are such a handsome dude

Anonymous said...

who would want to feed the Glam God grapes with his wine and cheese?

Anonymous said...

did he go to his hairdresser before his Whole Foods escapade? The voice within their reach is correct!

Anonymous said...

The kosher knockwerst can be found in isle 1. Thank you God

Anonymous said...

He thinks these sunglasses are a disguise. Really???? Better read some of these blogs.... cause ya need a better disguise.


Anonymous said...

he needs a thick furry moustache. maybe that will throw people off.

Anonymous said...

Really? Trailing GB in a food store? 107 comments? Adam Fix, you know I love you, but, girl, your hubby needs some time off from work and both of you.. a vacation away from Internet. No Bora Bora, Hawaii or any of the GNT stops! :-)
A Group Detox Program is much needed here! ..And a reminder of a(n old-fashioned) thing called 'private photo'... Then again, the 'civilized world' is soo over it... Privacy, that is. (This goes for the airport picture/girls too).

Anonymous said...


Aisle 7, and anon @ 4:00... LMAO

Someone please call a GLAMBULANCE for
Adam Fix.... (was she in aisle 7???)

lol Cindy

Anonymous said...

IDAHO's question

Who's cold at 50 degrees? I am, here in Tampa Bay, Florida that's jacket weather, long sleeved nightgowns and a blanket.....sometimes all three at once..........JAK

adam luv said...

@JAK, thanks for the answer to that snarky Anon. comment about 50 degree weather. Here in So. Calif. it's also heavy jacket time!

Anonymous said...

Oh GLb, c'mon, lighten up...thanks for the concern, but sometimes humor just doesn't translate online.

That post was all in fun. I never ONCE even looked at the GB. OK, well maybe I peeked at it for a second, but just in the name of research! Really, I was trying to be funny. Never actually laid eyes on it.


You all believe me, right???

- Adam Fix ;)

Anonymous said...

@ Adam Fix :o))

Yup, I also (try to) use (a lot of) humor whenever I want to say ‘an inconvenient truth’. It’s a much ‘safer’ way to be...blunt (as I usually am). This way, I can be pleasantly surprised when people take it (and respond) in fun or put the blame on their lack of humor if they get upset. :-)

Btw, I got it... Your humor...And I remember the hubby’s happy with the outcome of... your surfing on 24/7 (and Adam’s) waves. :-)


Anonymous said...

DANG...would it not be amazing to be working and have him pop in....omg...the rest of the day would be a total waste...would not be able to concentrate.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG Adam Fix and all(the crickets part especially had me ROFL!)-I love you guys! What a great thread. I cannot even imagine being in Adam's presence suddenly like this soooo lucky girl, let alone ge able to have the presence of mind to strike up a conversation!

Wouldn't that be fun if we were all working in this store when Adam walked in!! I could just hear some of you , no, all of you jumping in on the loud speaker (Mils) "Clean up on isle 7!") or the person who said "The kosher knockwerst can be found in isle 1" or the "USDA Prime Choice in isle 3".

Then one of us would approach him "uh, are you Mr. Lambert?"

"Yes, I am"

"There is a phone call for you in back...follow me please"

Suddenly there are no cashiers on the floor, and no employees to be found. There is a lot of comotion coming from the back of the store.

Adam Fix to a customer peeking in to the backroom "NO, WE'RE NOT COMING OUT!" "Take what you want and leave us alone!"


Anonymous said...

Just a silly note, my neighbor's 17 year old daughter is a parttime cashier in a grocery store. A few months back the band 30 Seconds to Mars was playing in town...for those who don't know, the actor Jared Leto is lead singer.

Cheri, my neighbor girl looked up, saw him and fainted flat on her face....broken nose, blood everywhere. He held her head while they revived her and cleaned her up. She said it was the happiest day of her life!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Oh, Adam Fix from march 1 at night, the long post on the GB - that is SO funny, I am reading it over several times and still laughing. We have all been there... haha

Anonymous said...

Hilarious thread indeed!

@Adam Fix, Mar 1 11:25PM - That post of yours SHOULD BE PRESERVED, not in amber but in something more transparent with a high magnifying power (visible to read over and over for the ones with poor eye sight, too). Your ”confession” was so much fun to read and a very accurate description of my thoughts when I layed my eyes on this picture...And the rise in those pants sure IS short...LOVE IT, jeesh…is that fever rising again…

People please, don’t give me a hard time about concentrating on something else than his VOICE - the GB is there (thank you Universe!) and it is there for appreciation and admiration, just like the whole GORGEOUS package of nature’s most exquisite art, that AFL so beautifully represents!!! I’ve been pining in my bed (with this awful flu!) for a week and I’m still a bit wobbly… so if watching Adam (what ever part of his GORGEOUS trunk) lifts my spirits and gets me out of bed, I salute it. Hope you do too, lol.

So Adam Fix, I salute you! Only one thing I disagree - the girl (lucky bitch!) in the pic should’ve been ME… cause already last year in early Dec in one of the threads discussing about us following Adam I posted something like this: ”I would be satisfied seeing him everyday buying his salad & "that green stuff"...I'm sure that would vigorate my life tremendously…” Right now I definitely need some of that green stuff!

GGD Gal, pining in all kinds of deprivation…lol