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Adam Lambert's "Aftermath" is #6 & "Sleepwalker" is #4 in Finland

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Good chart news from Finland! Adam Lambert has two hit songs in Finland simultaneously. "Aftermath" is #6 and "Sleepwalker" is #4 in Finland's NJR music chart!


Thanks to 4evrmomof4 and Aquarius_Girl2!


Anonymous said...

Finland has good taste, that's been proven by recent happenings, Bora Bora, etc.

I will never understand why this variety of songs are not played here in the states. Like the rest of you, my sisters, I can't stop talking about Adam. After my last two perms my hairdresser who had never heard any of FYE finally said "I give up, bring me his cd we'll play it here in the shop"!

When I went to pick it up she said all the clients and operators loved it and she had tried to buy a copy but couldn't find one.

This is a big city how can it not be in the stores????????JAK

Anonymous said...

Love that Finland has embraced Adam! Just like so many other countries in the world who know brilliance when they see it. I pray that Adam's next CD will get the US fanbase onboard and growing! The US seems to be the place that needs a kick in the butt when it comes to knowing a star when they see it.

Anonymous said...

Guys, this is not the official chart, it´s the NRJ TOP10. It shows that Adam gets lots of radio play. On the official singles chart FYE was nr 11 at the highest, WWFM 3, IIHY 9. Let´s see how Sleepwalker does...

Anonymous said...

It wasn't easy to find FYE, especially the US version, in the shops here in Finland in the beginning either. Had to complain about it. Lot's of Gaga's etc. albums available. I said customers are obeying and eventually buy what they are told to buy, i.e the CD's that are most available and advertised.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a request chart, not download chart, but you get the link to buy (osta) the track too. They have a new chart every week day after 6 pm, when they play the top 10 at

Anonymous said...

@Anons above - Finnish (?) fans, don't be too modest or spoilsports - radio play is very important!
RADIO PLAY is what Adam is SORELY lacking in US and in some other countries...

Sleepwalker - love all the different versions I've heard Adam perform (CD, acoustic promo tour versions, Leno Show, GNT); such a powerful, heartfelt and passionate song!!!

Anonymous said...

The availability of the UK version of FYE was better in Finland I guess. My friend told she saw a copy at the village store. :D

The Dark Side said...

Can certainly understand the Glam God's appeal in Finland for all the obvious reasons. Most important is that fabulous voice. Saw a number of copies in stock this weekend. Live in Calif.

Anonymous said...

Another local Finnish music channel Voice also plays Aftermath every day. It is one of their favourite songs. With Sauli or without our Sauli, Adam would be on charts anyway!!!! Adam is really a Glam God!!!! I love him sooooo!!

Anonymous said...

Sleepwalker was #1 today and Aftermath #5, still going strong. :)

Anonymous said...

Keep it going Finnish fans! You're the best!!! funbunn40