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Adam Lambert's Thoughts on New 'Idol' Contestants

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Anonymous said...

did Adam call Jacob Lusk sister? that is so funny! Jacob can Saaannnngggg! Werk it out!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam on both counts. Jacob is amazing and I can see how Adam respects such a voice! Durbin is not my cup of tea, but it's nice of Adam to give him good feedback. Adam doesn't have a "scream," though. He's got such a mastery of his voice, that even his so-called screams are gorgeous notes!

Anonymous said...

I agree @anon 10:29. I always respect Adam's opinion 'cause he's usually right on. Adam always finds a way to give positive feedback even though his point is easily understood.


Anonymous said...

Durbin was sloppy & kareokee! I hear laziness in the voice. JMO!

Anonymous said...

Love Jacob's voice. Like I said on another thread re: Durbin tho, he did sound better last night but is this all he can do? Heavy metal? That may get tiresome. Also, the difference stylistically between Adam and JD is huge - no comparison. But I'll try not to be too judgmental and wish them all well. It's just that there will never be another ADAM.

Anonymous said...


The show is called American Idol, not FIND ANOTHER ADAM. Cool it, give the kids a chance.

Anonymous said...

@11:08 I agree with you. Don't think James can sit on a stool and sing Tracks of my Tears. What really bothers me more, because he can sing the rock pretty well, is his cocky attitude. He is not humble like Adam and does not have a likable personality to me. I didn't feel anyone connected to the audience like Adam did. Guess we have to realize Adam comes around once in a lifetime. No other artist has made me feel the way I do about Adam and always will, so hard to compare objectively at times.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert set the bar so high during season 8 of IDOL that it is not difficult to make comparisons. Adam is in a league of his own and these contestants have to find their own unique style and voice. I know the producers are looking to find their next big superstar to give the record industry a shot in the arm, but time will tell if it is going to happen this season. I don't think Lee or Crystal did it last season, but there are some interesting voices out there in season 10, so who knows? Let's see how the ladies perfrom tonight.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I´m pathetic but this still makes me laugh, even after seeing it XXX times! "Peter Griffin reacts to Adam Lambert losing American Idol"

Anonymous said...

It's the differences in attitude that gets me the most. James comes across as too arrogant and I don’t think Adam has an arrogant bone in his body – always humble and gracious.

Anonymous said...

After such a lackluster season last year of AI, I was looking forward to seeing the new group of contestants for season 10. I have mixed feelings overall. I think Adam Lambert spoiled it for me during season 8 and I find it hard to view these young men and women without making comparisons. There are some good voices in the group, but is anyone really unique, different, or so talented who can be groomed into a superstar in the music industry for today's audience of music listeners and concert goers? I suppose as they get down to the Top 10, then we will be able to tell who the truly talented singers are as they perform each week to win our votes. I think that humility, charm, and confidence have to be part of the entire package in order to reach some degree of success in the music business. So let's see what happens in the weeks to come before the final selection of the next Idol.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a loving heart both in singing and the way he sees life. He is unique with vision that only possess in his wisdom. When he sings, I can feel a lot deeper under all his makeup and that's all matter to me. Durbin has a very nice voice in rock and he made a good show last night to most viewers. Jacob has a big voice as Adam, no wonder he praises him. However, no one can never replace our Adam.

Anonymous said...

one adam lambert in america nop one can have adam lambert golden voice fine and solid and the best in american durbin just ok but he dont have adam lambert acts and voice period.durbin is an ordinary singer.

Anonymous said...

@11:24 thanks I needed a good laugh! Never saw that one hehe

Anonymous said...

anon 11:24, LMAO! Ya'all tell me what was wrong with that finale winner announcement? I'd really like to freakin know! There are things in life you just know instinctively as a human being, that it is just WRONG! That moment in time was one of those things I just felt, after not hearing it for a long time, something was not right about that!
Go on AI keep finding an "American Idol", keep trying to make $ off of something that just doesn't matter anymore, your wheels are spinning, AI, you're not not going to have S8 ever again! & you blew it!! Ok, I'm going to say it , one last time, Adam Lambert should have WON!
MWAH!!!! K

Anonymous said...

James did a good job on this song but we'll see if he has versatility. Dude has no sex appeal IMO which is kinda a standard requirement for rock stars. But I still see him as front-man for a rock band, and he may make a decent living at that.

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:24am this is hilarious! Thank you a lot:)LOL
Love Jacob Lusk. He is amazing. Just one think-he is too emotional. Yesterday I watched Jacob after his brilliant performance on yotube. Boy was crying. He coudn't stop himself. He alsmot fell down on his Mom. How old is Jacob? Does anybody know? If you want to win, you have to be strong. Weakness never helped anybody to reach the goal.
About JD. Now he is trying to copy every Adam's move. I even coudn't finish to watch his yesterday's performance video.

Anonymous said...

We can't even begin to compare anyone to Adam but Durbin did well for a rock singer and I wish him the best. Nice of Adam to give him credit.

Anonymous said...

I think Jacob Lusk has an incredible voice.. and hope he is one of the finalists. I think James has talent too,but I don't really enjoy listening to him. Where Jacob's voice is like velvet,James is tension producing,rough edged.. So I think rock/HM is his thing. IMO Both singers can not be and shouldn't be compared to Adam. Adam is totally unique with a voice that can sing anything, amazing charisma and good looks that makes him the WHOLE PACKAGE.

Anonymous said...

No sound on the Lusk video, but unfortunately on the Durbin video. How can anybody say he has a good voice? How could JLo say he sings from "the right place"? It´s so calculated and cold. Like delilah says, he´s even copying Adam´s moves. He´s got necklaces, chains from the back pocket but he still can not hit the right notes, so it´s painful to the ears. He is an Adam fan. He has studied him and probably performed in front of a mirror, but no, please no! He has to do his own thing if he is to succeed. If THIS is his thing (copying Lambert) he wont last, and the judges should point that out.

Anonymous said...

@Eva you are absolutely right! Durbin deff performed in front of a mirror! I got this idea from his first addition.
You can find last Jacob Lusk on youtube. It is beautiful. I even want to buy it from itunes if it possible.
Okay, lets wait and see if Durbin can do songs like "Track Of My Tears" or "Mad World". I mean any song which doesn't need his "rock" voice with screamnig and jumping on the stage.

Anonymous said...

Durbin reminds me of Bruce Springsteen and I can't stand Bruce Springsteen.

Anonymous said...

I think it is ridiculous that the judges praise these people and tell them they have it all and will be stars when they don't and the judges know they don't. They are just trying to keep people interested in the concept of this show. Can't believe they are selling out to the music business by these comments just to get their salary.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, my $ is on Lusk! But is he what todays listeners want? R. Studdard, how's he doing? Don't hear much from him, & he was really good, on AI. Don't watch AI, never, ever will again after our Grammy nominee & International star, Adam Lambert!!!! MWAH! K

HK fan said...

Well, I must admit I thought James did much better last night than during auditions etc, but at the moment I just don't like his arrogance, just not very appealing. And Jacob Lusk, don't know if I can watch him while he sings because of all the weird facial expressions. I actually want Stefano to go through, think he's the cutest, although wasn't the best last night. I really liked Casey in the auditions, thought his song was awful last night, and he needs to get rid of the beard. The one that did OMG was terrible, Jovany was Blah, don't like the Asian guy, Brett was OK, bit quiet, but no star appeal. none of the others stood out.

Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying Adam's tweets about AI.This will be fun for the coming weeks if he keeps it up!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

I love Dubin's Judas Priest performance, and I think Adam did too, or he wouldn't even have mentioned him. I have room in my musical heart for many singers. I can't believe the level of vitriol thrown at this young man.

Anonymous said...

I hope he (Durbin) gets through so we can see what else he can bring. It's nice to know Adam agrees.Idol is making sure everyone shines this year. Stage is great, of course Steven Tyler brings credibility to the judges opinions and they are not really live, the show is edited before we see it. So far I am liking it.
Still on team Lambert for anything Idol. He is the best in AI history.

Anonymous said...

I've tried to get into AI this season but all it did is cause me to go back and listen to Adam's American Idol CD again. I really tried to watch the show last night, but have to admit that I was bored after five minutes. I mean no disrespect to the contestants for I think they're all good singers and good luck to the judges because undoubtedly, in my opinion anyway, I think any one of them could cut a record. But would I buy it? Probably not. I know that we, the fans, owe that show everything because it did after all bring us Adam. But I never was much of an AI watcher to begin with. I was only flipping through channels when I first caught a glimpse of Adam singing Black or White, and I've been hooked ever since. Now I do ralize that I am after all simply a consumer and Adam Lambert is simply an entertainer who's only job really is to deliver good music. And on that he has delivered 110 percent! For two years now I've hit replay on his outstanding vocals and I continually devour every song he sings and savour every perfect note he hits. I further have to say that I've also relished in watching the video and listening to him sing "it'so hard to say goodbye to yesterday" at Mt. Carmel High School, so his additional sexy strut and steel blue eyes have only hightened and further added to his "it" factor a million fold. So yes, I will try to watch American Idol this season but it will probably only be the last few shows leading up to the finale, just to see who wins the "big crown", if you will, but the show itself entertains me not. I do wish all of the contestants well as I know they are all talented and I do hope they do well. So adieu to you all, as I'm off to purchase the Glam Nation Tour DVD which I anxiously await the release of this month.
Love and Peace to you all.

HK fan said...

Forgot to mention Scotty, got really fed up with his one and only song during all the auditions, but thought he was one of the best last night, don't think he can do anything other than country, but I think he will have a solid career in Nashville whatever happens on Idol. (although my youngest did say why does he look like a boy but sound like a man!)

Anonymous said...

Jacob who? The only voice I remember so far is James Durbin's. People are such followers......

Anonymous said...

Poor James Durbin, he's getting so much heat from everyone... I just hope these youngsters don't read all the put down people write about them... He's a kid, isn't he, 21 or so? I think he's got undeniable talent, a powerful voice that still needs a lot of work. But he is rough, not as classy and refined, even wordly as our Adam. So why compare the two?
Different guys, different season. Let's move on and go for this ride.

I was wondering who he reminded me of and I found it: Ronnie Dio, from Black Sabbath! Don't you think so? Not the best pleasing voice, but powerful!
Funny thing is that I found a Ronnie Dio song sung by Durbin on YT. (Rainbow in the Dark) Wasn't a very good rendition. But the power is there. I think Durbin needs to get more training, his voice is not steady. I don't want to worry about a singer when I see him/her on stage. I want to know he or she will hit all the notes. Not sure he can ye, but I just cannot trash him. It is not a nice thing to do and I won't be supporting or promoting Adam in doing so, so what's the point.

Anonymous said...

Jacob, Jacob, Jacob. You bring it. Thrilling voice. Johnny Mathis with Paul Robeson with so many other tremendous voices. I am overwhelmed playing his performance over and over.

Anonymous said...

Durbin is good and exciting. I need to hear him sing a ballad that showcases his voice outside the rock genre. I just can't get a handle on the voice, and that's what counts to me. Nice kid with a lot of positive energy.

Anonymous said...

James Durbin is an Adam wanna be. He will never be able to match Adam's voice, charm, stage presence or energy. Jacob Lusk is wonderful! I will enjoy Idol as long as he is in it. However, i will never vote again since Adam came in second.
Jacob is like Adam. How did these two never get recognized before Idol?

Anonymous said...

These judges are not listening to some of these performers from last night. Randy caught most of it, but Jennifer and Steven are sorta just taking the money and running.

Anonymous said...

Lusk had a great voice and I hope he gets better songs in the future. It was a bit old fashion, at least the bit I heard.


Anonymous said...

I think Durbin is copying Adam in so many respects, but he does have talent. He just needs to find his own identity. It reminded me of Danny Gokey in VIII admitting he watched some of the successful guys on Idol. James, just do your thang son.

Anonymous said...

Lusk is out of his freaking mind talented. What a voice. This year I might have to see the Idol concert if Jacob makes it. Love the song he sang. Just a perfect classic. They recently did it on Glee recently.

Anonymous said...

comparing this guy (I refuse to say his name in the same sentence as Lambert SOrry!) to Lambert?? WTF!! NO,NO, NEIN,NYET,EI,NON,NAH,LO,NDAK,YANDA, NEI,NEJ,MAI,NADDO,NAO,NOMO,NEEN, OCHI..... BIG NO! (In case u're all wondering, I am saying NO in all languages possible)


Unknown said...

I think everybody should give the durbin guy a chance instead of tearing him apart

Rebecca said...

i've liked Durbin

HK fan said...

@pg and all the others who think people are being hard on Durbin. As I said before, AI is a singing competition, everyone who auditions and makes it through to the finals, know they are going to get judged, not just by the judges but by the public. And although it is mainly about vocal talent, looks, charisma and personality also comes into what people are looking for in their Idol, so they will get judged on all of it. That is what people are doing on here, we all like different people for different reasons, and there's nothing wrong with stating our opinions, good or bad on the contestants.

Anonymous said...

i am surprised adam is watching. he has said he doesn't watch til the top ten. durbin is good but not as good as our bb.

Anonymous said...

Give the guy a break. He has turrets and is autistic which I know, very well, it is not an easy thing to deal with (my brother is autistic), yea he's not Adam but he isn't talentless. I'm not saying James is amazing but I'm not going to hate him just because I feel he's not as amazing as Adam. Besides its not like if there WAS someone on Idol that was within the same talent range as Adam, we weren't going to stop liking Adam, so why does it matter?

Anonymous said...

I just watched Idol..girl's night. This is first time I've watched this year...there are several good singers but I'd vote off the judges. Jennifers sticky sweet seems to praise almost everyone as if they could be headliners immediately....Stevens, well Steven and Randy is as usual, very limited vocabulary DAWG.

I actually miss Simon and Paula!

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:37pm I watched AI tonight also. I think few girls have good vocals, but last girl vocal was absolutely amazing!
I miss Simon. Last year I watched AI only because of him This is great Simon is gonna start X-Factor on fall.

Anonymous said...

I am rooting for James Durbin, my close to home-town boy. I think he knocked it out of the park last night and Adam and the judges agreed. Give the poor guy a chance. You may not have seen it on television last night. BIG difference between here and on television especially with my cool new wireless headphones. He really was amazing. I am also keeping an eye on Stefano but mainly because he is my son's friends' couzin! For the girls, I like Pia (the last girl)for now. Jacob is terrific also for the guys. Interesting season! I actually am enjoying the guys more so far. They are more unique compared to the girls at least at this point.


Anonymous said...

I haven't watched AI yet this year but recorded last night's show (here in Oz) so I'll be watching that and all the shows from now on.

I did see a clip where Pia is singing and she seemed to have a lovely voice.

Maybe JD could be the front man for a rock band like INXS. I can see/hear him doing that.

Anonymous said...

I miss Simon too. He gave us his honest opinion every week whereas these guys seem to sugar coat it somewhat. I miss Kara too - I thought she was great, and I thought she was honest too.

Anonymous said...

I hate to think of loosing some of those wonderful girls to accommodate 5 guys... the girls are more impressive, vocally, than the guys, by far IMHO. "Packaging" can always be worked on, but vocals have to be innate, and I think the girls are a great groups this year excepting only 1 or 2, as evidenced last night... and I really hate to lose some of them to evening it out w/ guys when I think only 2 to 3 guys are equal to most of the girls... I'm actually hoping that the judges pick , wkth their wildcard slots, TWO girls. I can not be the only one that thinks the field of girls is so much richer than the field of guys, anyone...anyone????

Anonymous said...

@Anon March 3 4:14am,
I too thought Kara was absolutely fantastic, and spot on 98% of the time!! Really irks me that more people didn't see that. I guess that's conceited or ballsy of me to say, like I know better, I don't, I assure I don't, it just always seemed so OBVIOUS to me that Kara was doing a good job and right on the money most of the time.

Anonymous said...

james was amazing. a lot of guys that have overcome adversity in their lives. more power to them. i like 3 of them the most. i also like 3 girls. will watch to see if these 6 make it to the top ten. love steven tyler he is an icon. jen ok and good old randy. he's becoming simon for this season.

Anonymous said...

This thread is probably dead - don't know if anyone will be coming back and reading... but young Jacee Badeaux gave another stunning performance on "Ellen" this morning. Check it out if you're so inclined, absolutely beautiful (and sung by someone who seems to be a lovely human being as well, just like someone else we all know and love ;)).


Bing said...

Jacob's voice has a very good tone and he is another song stylist just like Melinda Doolittle and Adam. And i agree that he sounds like Luther Vandross which i believe is a big compliment.

James on the other chose a song that showcased his forte so it was all in all good for him having a blast while performing. @daydreamin good luck to your boy and i think he will make it to the top 10 or even the top 5 if he will be able to strategize well and be consistent in his performances.

Hi @MGF, i like Jacee Badeaux sooooo much and his voice is soothing to my spirit. I hope he comes back in a year or two where he would be more physically and emotionally prepared for AI. His weight isn't that of a big issue to me but I just want him to be healthy for the rigorous schedules of the show. He is such a darling and i just want to hug him all the time. I admire the way he carries himself for his age and he looks like a very good and responsible person. I really can't tell but there is something in him that makes me like him a lot too. LOL i'm his fan now. You stay well @MGF and kind regards :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bing!