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'Sure Fire Winners' by Adam Lambert is a Pre-Game Ritual

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 02, 2011

'Sure Fire Winners' by Adam Lambert is a Pre-Game Ritual at the Utah State University softball team.

According to Utah State University's website....

"Kaneshiro also enjoys the pre-game rituals that her team and coaches perform before every game, some of which include a nice hotel continental breakfast and getting her hair done in the hotel room before piling on the bus with the rest of the team. While on the bus, the whole team keeps loose by singing and dancing to the pump-up mix tape their coaches made. A few standout tracks, according to Kaneshiro, are Adam Lambert's "Sure fire winners" and Kaneshiro's own personal walk-up song "Remember the name" by Fort Minor. After the bus ride, it is just getting warmed up on the field."

Thanks to GlamRockGodUK and LambertUK!


Anonymous said...

I'm going to take another look at the Knoxville videos. Whew! He was looking good and very energetic.

I'm sure the girls are ready to play after that bus ride.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Smart ladies.

and good idea JAK, Knoxville always worth another look. Frick I just enjoyed that SFW vid, thanks for posting! Damn that shit just never gets old... not the audio, not the visual, not the glitter, not the moves, not the shoulders, not the vest, not the ...pants, not the anything, and especially not the voice!

Okay, back to RL now

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. GB made a special appearance in Knoxville!

Rebecca said...

very cool

Anonymous said...

OT: I guess you cannot comment on Matt carters Examiner page anymore without going on facebook to do so. Yuk, I loved reading all the comments, no more. (there isn't any)

Anonymous said...

yeah, I noticed that too about Matt Carter - bad choice Mr. Carter, IMHO

Dinah-mite said...

Hello AFL! Who the hell COULD get tired of looking at such a FINE boy??? Not me for damn sure...



The Dark Side said...

Adam hot hot in Knoxville.

Anonymous said...

Ah la la! Just when I thought I had tamed that Fever in me, 24/7 and you ladies have to Pick It Up and throw me in the Sure Fire (Winner) again! :-))))

So here's another one of my neverending stories. One night, some weeks back, I had nothing better to do but to revert to my crazy teenager obsessive ways and decided I was going to print a list of all the cities Adam performed in during his tour and watch every-single-SURE FIRE WINNER performance and download the one I liked the best. (I had done it previously for Sleepwalker, my fav song, but that's another embarrassing confession for another post ;-)

Anyway, needless to say, I couldn't decide on just one. But I finally picked two. Knoxville here was the runner-up because Adam looks great,(pompadour look is my favorite), the vid is clear, the sound is very good and so is Adam, uff curse. BUT I picked Albany as my favorite of all. Sound is not as crisp and I don't like the shaved hairdo but OHHHHH! Laaaadies! The moves AND the last few seconds of the vid?!!!


Can't believe I am writing this stuff. Can you really be a respectable career woman and post crazy teenage stuff like that? But this is all in good fun and I know you all are on my same page so why the embarrassment.

Here it is, judge for yourselves. Isn't this a piece of ART or what. ;-)


Anonymous said...


I looked it up and watched it....twice.

Shame on you!...............JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks Parisiangirl I just saved it to my favorites.
Will have to watch it a few more times. ha ha

Anonymous said...

Parisiangirl Thanks for contributing your link to our fabulous entertainment.

Anonymous said...

My fave was the Washington DC SFW vid where ADAM chased away the security guard & yelled 'Go ahead & take my picture bit**** ... lol ... ADAM was really FIERCE in that one ...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thank you @Parisiangirl...Don't be embarrassed! You've made me smile and feel a lovely warm-hearted empathy (since I've pretty much done the same thing and have an entire youtube playlist devoted to my favorite GNT performances).

I love that you are letting your respectable career woman self do crazy teenage stuff. Isn't it nice to feel that alive again?! I love having this much fun!


Anonymous said...

p.s. Agree with @Adamluv too. That is my other favorite! (and sometimes is my #1)