New Tweets 4/13/2011
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It all started with a tweet from a radio personality on NY's Pulse 87 by the name of Abel Sanchez.

He linked to this article, while insulting Adam.
And here is Adam's response on Twitter.

Adam's tweets are the Top Tweets on Twitter! (Screenshot Via @feraltwirler)

UPDATE: Adam responds again:

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I am so sick of all the homophobia crap going on these days.
Adam's response is FULL OF CLASS, as always. I love him and I feel bad that he has to endure so much discrimination.
You said it, Adam. I really do admire you - you have incredible beauty, brains, talent and HEART. If only world had more people like you.
Adam's response was so classy, as anon said above! Just told the truth!!!!! In this day and age to not know that sexual orientation is "nature not nurture" bespeaks of the ignorance of this homophobe. We all suffer from gender roles placed on us from society - we women sure know all about that! . . Adamluv
Abel Sanchez - Loser, douchebag, ugly.
Adam Lambert - Classy, Lovely, Handsome.
I find it funny that two tweets from Adam is enough to answer this. Abel has been tweeting non stop for hours, defending his bigotry and closed minded ass.
If nailpolish supposedly has this much power we should also apply it to other elements of society as well!
Adam's responses are strong and to the point.This society is truly suffering because off these limited views, The Love that radiates between the mother and her son in the ad should trump everything else. Love is the Higher Law.
Lizard Eyes
What an idiotic subject to waste time with. I guess I was lucky that wearing my male cousins hand-me-down overalls when I was four and five didn't "turn" me! And thank heaven my daughter did no lasting damage to my grandson by painting his fingernails all different colors when she was teaching him to recognize red,blue,green,etc.
I suppose I should worry that the "dress up" box that was in the classroom of pre-k class warped the little girls who wore the ties and baseball caps and the adorable little boys who clumped around in heels and wore the elbow length baby blue gloves!
Adam I am in full agreement with your statements.
I also agree that we can't afford tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires!!!!!!!!JAK
How many presidents are women in the world? How many executives in big banks are women? Why do women need to do most of the housework after a long day. Adam you say it perfectly in your last tweet about genders, races and ages.
Wow, our boy is very smart, he has the power to move the whole fanbase and the power to top the president. No wonder so many people in US want him down. I bet they are really scare of him. Boy, go and fight your basic right. Love you!
@Jak - amen to what you said. I remember K teacher friends of mine (both male and female) telling me that the boys were just as excited to play dress up and play in the kitchen as the girls, and the only time there were problems were when the adults stepped in to tell the boys that wasnt appropriate for them! Not much has changed since they told me that 20 years ago! . . Adamluv
I love Adam more and more each time he says something on Twitter. <3
And personally, I never played with dolls ( much to the disappointment of my mom, altho in reality I think she bought so many since she wanted them - LOL!). I was always playing with the boys, playing in the dirt with my little trucks and cars, could out run any boy in my class and yet, lo and behold, later in life, I loved and still do, make up, hair, nail polish, clothes etc. and all those things associated with being a woman! My parents let me play as I wanted as a child and for that I will always be grateful! Sorry so very very off topic! . . Adamluv are correct with your 1:27 statement.
When are people going to stop all the bull about gender? To begin with most kids like to play dress up, boys and girls. My grandson was always painting his nails and toes, and would get in his mothers make up. Most of the time he looked like a clown, but we told him he looked beautiful. He was about 7 when he stopped, he is 14 today and worries about clothes and colors. He has many girlfriends, and told me he has had sex. Now what bothered me the most????
Having the sex, of course. As his grandmother, I had to give him the "safe sex" speech, as I knew I wasn't going to stop him.
Children don't know at a young age who or what the will be, that comes when the hormones come, around the age of 12 or so.
I was always a tomboy. Kinda still am. My hubby liked me as is.
Adam is so right. Society needs to be better educated. So many more important things to worry about, than a kid who likes to wear nail polish.
We are such a divided society! That is the truth. Humans are supposed to be a species that evolves. We use so little of our brain and this closed minded, insane topic is just an example. I'm sure that many people would feel better if in the photo, that mom and her son were shooting plastic guns and playing war. There would be no conversation. As I said, old brain thinking, sick society. So little time on the planet, so much stupidity to deal with.
Adam, you are so precious and wise! So beautiful inside out! I'm so proud to be your fan. I love you dearly! Sanni
I think Adams Army is at it again. This Dj Abelsanchez is in trouble, twitter exploded. He´s trying to defend himself.
"@adamlambert FYI For your fans jumping all over my case it wasn't meant 2b malicious, it was supposed to be witty thassall"
Adamluv - I like the example you that you provided. I really wish more adults would be more open minded when it comes to gender issues.
Now THERE is a mom who truly loves to play with her son. Like you said Anon 2:15, change the pink toe nail polish to pink war paint on his face and "there would be no conversation". Totally healthy and normal for a four year old to want to KILL things. Like you said "SO VERY SAD".
That mom ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the mutual love!!!
Adam is just beyond the classiest, most beautiful soul. Lay into em' fans! He deserves this for his stupidity. And this his Sanchez's idea of being witty? He was probably the biggest bully at school. What an idiot!
Go get em' fans! I don't twitter but he needs to be fully exposed. And I don't mean naked.
It's a new war every week.
Actually believe it is Justin Bieber who is selling and pushing nail polish, not Adam. Don't see this Neanderthal knocking Bieber. This guy trying to get his 15 minutes, WTF is he? Never heard of him, but isn't he the guy that sells reused toilets out of the back of his pick up?
This problem made it to the news on TV. They had 2 experts on there, and they pretty much said what Adam said. Adding that most children don't understand about sexual gender, until the hormones kick in around 12, or 13.
Adam Lambert, you are one smart, classy, self-aware individual. Every little thing that is done nowadays becomes an issue, has to be politically correct. I am tired of it. I am sure that nail polish on a young boy's toes is not going to affect him as he grows up. There are more important issues to be concerned with in today's society that need love, understanding, acceptance and respect. And homophobia is one of them. Hopefully with Pepole like Adam responding with such integrity and intelligence, society will be better educated and more open minded.
When will this hate and fear end?
AGAIN, Adam takes the high road and responds with style, class and intelligence. He, along with all others who are part of the LGBTQ community, should never have to deal with this abuse. I SO admire Adam.
I wish I had the love in my heart that Adam seems to find when he is attacked or is the brunt of a homophomic joke or comment. He is truly a class act.
I just came out a few years ago to family and friends. (I am a grown woman. Coming out is terrifying and can be lonely and isolating. Please don't ever assume otherwise. It's the most difficult thing I have ever done and I am strong and a risk taker.) And doing so. I have crossed into becoming the recipient of predujice, hate, and inequality. You can't walk the street holding your partners hand. You can't lean over and touch their face gently. You can't kiss them gently on the lips. You can't dance together. You have to be aware of what parts of the country or city you are in. Unlike others who can do that anywhere and anytime.
In order to live life authentically most LGBT people congregate together in community. It is because of the hate and predjudice that this is necessary.
Would anyone really make a CHOICE to be the recipient of prejudice, oppression, and hate crimes?
When I was a young girl I wanted an chemistry set and an erector set - to build structures. I wanted it desperately. Every year I asked for one and every year it never arrived. "It was a toy for boys." How did I become lesbian WITHOUT those male gender specific toys!?!? Just as I am lesbian WITHOUT having been raised with stereotypical boy's toys...a young boy with pink nail polish is not going to become gay because of it. And what if he did.
Sadly, the hatred and fear continues to run rampant. We, as a world community, need to open our hearts and live from a place of love.
I know I am not writing with much eloquence at the moment, but I feel empassioned to write something here.
I am so proud to be an Adam fan. And I am so proud to see the opening of hearts on this site over time. Many were already open, but others needed time. Some have written that Adam has opened their hearts and minds, and that they are more accepting. They are learning that love is love. I just want to say that I am SO proud to be part of this community of fans.
You all rock!
(I don't know why, but I am crying as I write this.) I just want the hate for all people who are different in whatever way, to end. It is time for love to overcome fear. Truly. It is time.
This guy didn't say this as an insult!! Why do Adam's fans have to get freaked out every time something is said about him. Especially something as trivial as this!! Yes, I am a big fan of Adam's and he is a big boy, so let him fight his own battles. If needed then we can jump in to his defense.
You know my very first thought when I began to read this page?......Adam's "It Gets Better" vid.
He is still being bullied but is strong enough to
move on and away from ignorance.
Is it born in some people to want to hurt others?
I can't believe they have to be taught or learn by observation.
A wave of kindness needs to sweep this nation clean.....when did we become so mean to each other? .............................JAK
You just don't get it. It's more than just about Adam. There is something much bigger being discussed here. It is about human rights. It is an important discussion. And it was triggered by these tweets. This is all good conversation. Keep it coming!
Welcome Sister, your comments bought me to tears.I agree with the positive comments here. We are all born to be who we are, and people should be free and able to be who they are, such a cruel narrow minded world at times. Hopefully I feel it is changing, bit by bit.through people like yourself and Adam.
Just another point I have 5 grandsons all have played with their Mums at different times and had their toenails painted, no drama, just little kids being little kids and as has been said this has no bearing on their future sexuality. It does seem here in NZ on the whole we are much more liberal than other countries. As I watched our early morning TV Breakfast Show this morning I was watching our lovely Gay Weather guy who is engaged to be married and everyone has wished him well. Then last night one of our top News readers who was maried with 2 kids is now living with her female partner and nobody turned a hair, so thats all good.
Sister you can come here anytime and vent, we welcome you
Jadam NZ
Sister - Great post!
Hey guys he didn't tweet it as an insult. He was being sarcastic. What he was trying to say was it doesn't matter if the kid wears pink nail polish or not it wouldn't make one gay. He was trying to say that Adam probably never wore pink nail polish as a child but yet.... Adam fans need to question someone motives especially on twitter before they go BSC. I am so sick of the mob mentality for every slight against Adam. Please choose your battles wisely. Adam is a grown man and a smart one, if he feels he needs his fans to make a statement he will let us know in his own way. I never thought I will say this but this fandom is starting to look more an more like claymates.
You were quite eloquent and consider yourself hugged XXXOOOXXXXOOOO RAKKAUS......JAK
My dad said men should act like men and not wear makeup and nail polish. Some men think that it is taking away from their manhood. Everyone has opinions and should be able to express it.
Some fans worry too much what other people think about Adam.
The question would be if this J Crew ad had a girl dressed up as a boy would it have been a controversial issue all over the news media?
I'm glad Adam retweeted this guy's tweet trying again to open up our minds. Also, giving this guy a little taste of Glamberts for 2 hours before letting him know he's fine. Again Adam played it strategically without hurting anyone. Opening up minds and starting conversation amongst us and others. Adam should be a politician for sure. Love you Adam so much! What a class act!
In some countries a man wearing makeup and nailpolish would be looked at as a disgrace. Everyone is brought up with their own belief system. Feminine traits show up in boys at a young age as masculine traits show up in girls. I think it takes looking beyond the physical and making more of a mental connection with someone would make the world a much better place.
That guy said what he said knowing the kind of response that he would get. He's a radio personality. He knows what publicity is and how to get it. It also brought attention to Adam. If Adam did not want attention for being gay, he would not include certain things in his performances. He's a big boy. His response was appropriate.
Excatly. NOTHING is going to change people's opinion who already think this way. Like all things in society it's parents teaching their children acceptance that will slowly change society. Attacking people won't change anything. Black people have more freedom and rights BUT there are still millions of people that hate them. Concentrate on your own family and educating your friends who are open minded and in return they will pass it on. The world will never be free of all ill. The more you attack the more you piss people off. Like MLK said educate the ignorant with kindness.
I think Adam handled this beautifully. This is a conversation we should have. When I taught 6th grade, I often gave my class a chance to "act" out scenes from the books they read. I had boxes of costumes and had the students pick what they wanted to put on. Boys and girls put on wigs, boas, whatever! At the end of the year students told me how much they loved that opportunity to express themselves. My favorite picture of my son is one taken when he was 3. He has on a blue teddy of mine. His "girl friend" has on an executioners vest, is holding a sword, and wearing a Harpo Marx type hat. They are both smiling brilliantly. No one has told them that they are having a "gender confusion" moment. They just think they're having fun.
Proud of Adam once again!!
a woman on a Billboard wearing a pair of overalls would be considered sexy to alot of people as long as she looked feminine. A feminine looking man on a Billboard would get criticism. it's really a double edged sword.
Hi glamberts in Paradise!
Sorry, I have to hurry up, my house is full of people for my birthday party. We are playing non stop FYE and GNLcd-dvd. Some of my aunts and uncles are now in the living room drooling over sweet Adam and my mommy's TV.
A very sweet thank you to all of you, my adorable aunts, I've seem all your adorable «happy birthday» wishes to me since yesterday, aunt delilah5 gave me links for kitty fun and «bitchy aunt GGD Gal» sent me a beautiful poem (mommy will frame it for me)!!! I feel beloved in many languages, even in Finnish, yay! Mommy's bed is full of gifts I got all day long, I'll tell you more tomorrow.
Sweet Adam is so right about freedom for kids. We loved his responses. Hey, homophobics, I'm a male cat, have here a big «Hello Kitty» white coconut birthday cake, my teddy bear is pink and I just got a «Hello Kitty» set for makeup and a pink blanket full of little green and golden hearts!!! Guess what? Mommy let me feel free and happy!!! Meaw-ha, meaw-ha-ha! Happy Birthday to me!!!! (my kultamussukka PingPong is licking my neck now)!
@ Ida-the ladycat, please sing with me:
Happy Birthday to me(meow-meaw)
Happy Birthday to me (meow-meaw)
Happy Birthday to myself (meooooooow-meaw)
Happy Birthday to me! (meow-meaw)
RAKASTAN SINUA AINIAAN, dear aunts in Paradise!!!!!!
Have people went back and read this guy tweets. He said he likes and admires Adam. Adam retweet tells me that he also didn't see his tweet as an insult but thanks for posting that article because it opened up a discussion. I am someone who thinks before I react and I read that guys tweet to the article as saying how ridiculous the article was. His sarcasm may not have translated well on twitter but I got it.
You are a brave person, I hope with Adam opening so many minds, that things get better for you. As I said before, I have a gay brother, but being a teacher, he stayed in the closet. We grew up with a very open minded mother, I am so thankful we had her, because we had all sorts of friends. I never cared about color, age, gender, etc, etc. It was always how the person and I got along.
Yes, Adam takes care of himself very well. He always knows what to say, reminds me of how my brother is with the knowledge and humor, no anger.
I am so happy Adam is in this world. I hope "A change is gonna come".
Have read all the tweets and come to the conclusion now, that 3.18s comment is correct. We did jump the gun abit. But in this case I dont think this guy was being mean. But still stand by my comments above (2.48)
@3:05 In some countries they cover up their women in black sheets from head to toe and if their men look a little feminine with their hair and looks they shave their head and give them slashes in front of public. Here in the States we have Sarah Palin that shoots animals from helicopter and plays a role of a macho man but it doesn't become a controversial matter of gender bending. Although if women take higher position as corporate CEO or in politic they are ridiculed in public media forever. For some reason we are now in 21st Century and still role of women in the world is being looked down on.
If this little boy wants to wear her mom's pink nail polish I don't see anything wrong with it. It shows the natural bond between mother and son. I don't see anything wrong with that J Crew ad. The radio guy tried to be a douchbag and Adam called him out by retweeting his tweet and after couple hours of getting #tweettsunami (as he called it)from Glamberts, Adam let him know that he is fine. Adam is a class act for sure and I love him for it!
adam lambert the man-his good perosnality and his class act this type mof attittude-personality should become becoem our usa president besides adma lambert is a helpful-generous guy. omg iwant adma lambert the usa president.nice if we have a president just lkike adam alambert attittude.
p;s tax breaks for the rich maybe not but obama -republican and demoxcrat are milliuonaires-they pretend not too?shame of themselves both partiesd those guys are millionaires pilose s husband is billiopnaire i think clinton and others too.
p;s w epick soemone next time a good one - not a fraud opresient. a simple guy not a millionaire -
maybe tax break for obama?rich republican?and democrats..
The comments of the guy wasn't so much the issue as the comments on TV and little boys having pink nail polish on, like it was going to make them grow up gay. He could have played it safe and not used Adam's name. He knew what he was doing. Adam's comments opened us up to comment on that topic. Most of us got it and talked about being children and dressing up. With a topic like this, you will always get diff. opinions. I just hope it makes more people think, people are just people.
Boys are taught that you should play football and Girls are taught to be in pageants and cheerleading. I would want my child to choose what they want to be in life. Artistic expression is something I hope they possess. Boys could be dancers, designers, hairdressers, and makeup artists just like women. Girls could be a pilot, astronaut, doctor, or lawyer. I fully understand what Adam was saying.
Go to the Today's poll and vote on your opinion of the J Crew ad.
Oh fellow glamberts!! I just got Adam's acoustic cd omg!!! It's adamazing!!
Happy birthday Icon!! Many meowishes to you sweet furball!
You know what? When you believe in something, especially when you know it's the right thing, it's good, it's positive, and if it has to do with LOVE, you will fight for it, standing up being proud and not let anyone tear you down for what you believe in, and it is nothing but goodness. I believe in Adam Lambert!! No matter how many people are against his lifestyle, I will fight, even if I have to do it from within myself. (cannot explain)
I will fight for what I believe is true, honest, and good!
And Adam Lambert is good!!!
Mwah!!!!! K
2:41pm- how do you know this was not meant as an insult? I don't see another way to interpret it besides rude, poking fun, etc. I certainly don't think the DJ decided to put out a tweet to get people to think deeply about the issue. it was made to poke fun, so called 'humor'. it's not funny and if you stick up for it you'd fail most companies trainings on sexual harassment and sensitivity.
@Jadam NZ I have a friend who lives in Aukland. She has said what a beautiful country it is, filled with beautiful people. You represent your country well. :)
@2:52 Thank you.
@JAK Thank you for the hug! I really needed it. You rock! RAKKAUS, right back at ya. :)
@P.A.S. Hopefully, a "change is gonna come" and ALL people will be able to live their lives freely and fully. Because, as a human race, we are all connected and when we hurt one, we hurt many.
I think I will finish today off with a nice glass of Merlot. My toast will be to all of you...because you are who you whatever way you choose to express yourself.
Here's to our global community living authentically! Cheers!
Thank you for sharing your story, it was touching and made me cry.
I have a wonderful son who is gay but he didn't come out to me until he was 29. I kept asking him why didn't you tell me sooner, he had to know his sexuality wouldn't matter to me, I never felt that homosexuality was wrong or should be hidden. He kept telling me that it wasn't me it was him, and it took me awhile to understand that because of society and how homosexuals are made to feel like they are second class citizens he just couldn't accept his homosexuality and was in denial.
I'm happy to say that he is in a loving relationship with a wonderful young man, who I love and admire. Yes, my prayers were answered that my son would find someone to love, someone he can make a home with, do things with as a loving couple. It brings me so much joy to see how happy he is now, and I couldn't have asked for a better future son-in-law. I love him as if he were my own.
Sister, 2:35,
now you've got ME crying. what a beautiful post you wrote. thank you for being so expressive because it taught me some things. i had never thought about all the things you described that you can't do. i am appalled because you mentioned such simple, such necessary things and it makes me hate this society that robs you of that.
i hope this world is changing. in the meantime you sound like a beautiful, lovely human being and i'm glad to get to meet you through our darling Adam.
love, Glamma
JAK, 2:44,
i think you're right -- some people do seem to want to hurt others. a wave of kindness is needed, and i am grateful that i can feel it with you and with adam and all the fans at this lovely site.
@4:59 I'm not @2:41 This is how I look at it. Obviously, this guy could have just retweeted the NBC tweet. But he didn't. He added his own statement by including @adamlambert to the NBC tweet. Why he did that? Who knows? I totally find it offensive if he had my name there. His tweet was about 10 hours ago. I assume Adam lurked around and studied fans reaction and his reaction then six hours later Adam retweets this guys tweet following with his two tweets. After 3 hours Adam tells him that he is fine after this guy getting tweettsunami from Glambets. Adam is really really smart and he played it strategically without hurting anyone. But I'm sure Adam found this guys tweet offensive.
Ignorance with malice is rubbish indeed...
Yes Adam is a big boy and he can handle anything especially now that his fans around the world will not abandon him.... Just keep on going to the right path and focus on the prize Adam.....
We are always here for you dear...
Mom from Toronto, Canada
A bit from the twittertzunami:
@Abelsanchez ummmm... Why are you tweeting with sexy @adamlambert? I'm jelly!
5 minutes ago via Echofon in reply to Abelsanchez
@Lorena510 LoL... Long story... But totally have a new found respect for @adamlambert ... Not that I didn't before. He's cool ppl
1 minute ago via Twittelator in reply to Lorena510
and more...
@Abelsanchez my thoughts R if you allow kids freedom of expression/play they grow up to be creative and successful ppl like Adam Lambert
2 minutes ago via web
Adam's spirit flys!!!!!
Mwah!! K
Whenever the BAT SIGNAL appears in the sky......
Adam's Army leaps to attention......I wonder if that amuses him or distresses him?
I hope not the latter..............JAK
@Sister and @IreneRose - thank you both for writing such heartfelt comments. They certainly help to open peoples minds and hearts. So happy to know you and to know how much you love and admire Adam. . . . Adamluv
I kinda agree with 3.18. When I first saw this guys tweet I didn't take it as an insult, my first reaction was that he'd read all the awful comments on the article and he'd tweeted, implying that this is what 'Adam' and others like him must have had to put up with from the beginning. Maybe I 'read' it wrong, if everyone else took it as offensive.
@4.27, i just voted on that poll that the advert was adorable. I find it mind blowing, and not in a good way that 43% find it inappropriate...There was certainly times when my boys had nail polish on their toes, and dressed up in tutus and feather boas. I don't know any boys that don't do that when they're young. I remember my mum being quite surprised when I brought my son a toy cooker and playfood for his 3rd birthday, because it wasn't a boys toy, and a little pushchair and doll when he was 2.
@sister, very moving posts, it really makes you thing of all those little acts that most people
take for granted.
Way to go, Adam!!! And way to go glamberts as well! Loving the conversation those tweets have generated here...
Ok, so... I'm gay, as I'm sure many of you already know. To add my two pennies worth to the conversation, I'd like to tell you a some things about my upbringing and how it has NOT affected my sexual orientation. I grew up with loving parents who didn't force-feed me any “normal” gender roles BS. They simply let me be a kid and do whatever I liked. So I climbed trees, played with Barbie Dolls, did ballroom dancing (for over ten years), played soccer and learned how to shoot at empty soda cans with my dad's old BB gun. I had short hair and long hair. Sometimes I played dress-up using my mom's evening gowns and then there were times I paraded around wearing my dad's safety helmet and protective goggles while also wearing his work overalls which were a gazillion sizes too big. In short, I did all the things *I* chose to do.
I think being gay is definitely due to nature and not nurture. As a young adult, I consider myself to be a kind of girly girl, i.e. I love my high heels and make-up. However, I'm also just 'one of the guys' wherever I go; back at school, these days at the workplace, in a group of friends...
I really don't get why so many people feel threated by gays. We're not any different. We just wanna go about our lives as OURSELVES just like everybody else. I don't go around asking straight people to tell me for whom their heart beats and what they do in private with their husbands or wives like it was some dirty thing.
I'm glad I live in a society that is at least semi-open to the idea that not everyone has to be the same where sexual orientation is concerned. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in one of the countries that say homosexuality is a crime punishable by death or life in prison.
Finland is pretty good when it comes to equal rights. Take for example politics. For the last eleven years our president has been a woman. A woman, who at one point in her earlier career was the spokesperson for the country's biggest LGBT organization (though she's not gay herself). Also, the prime minister, as well as 55 per cent of the government ministers, are women. Not bad going, I'd say.
Ok, that's the end of my ramblings... Love, love, LOVE Adam for not being afraid to speak up on issues he feels strongly about.
Each time he would tackle this topic he would rise above it all with brilliance and grace.
When it comes to gender sensitivities i bet one can never win any debate with ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT simply because of what he has been going through his life. Those must be solid learning experiences which made him resolute with his convictions.
GO GO GO Adam tell it like it is and keep on educating those who are so confused and narrow-minded. Keep on engaging people to discuss sensitive issues until they become clearer and hopefully more understood. You are doing such a fine job in making people think and take a stand instead of avoiding the topic. It is a very healthy mental exercise. Intelligence is definitely one of your strongest assets and you keep on earning my respect each time something like this happens. YOU ARE SUCH A TREMENDOUS POSITIVE FORCE!
@Sister - i want to hug you right now. I admire your courage. Thank you so much for your post.
@Icon - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! There it goes, i was singing while i was writing this :D So glad you're having so much fun. And kind regards to @Fan4fun :D
Love thru Adam, Bing
@Elli, so enjoyed reading about your life. Thank you! And as far as Finlands government and the number of women in positions of power, I say Long Live Finland!!!!!!!! And sounds like you had great parents that just let you be a kid, whatever that meant for you. I did too! And we know our beautiful Adam did! . . . Adamluv
Sister you are MY sister. Cudo's to you and your thoughts.So many just do not understand. It is getting better but we have a long way to go. My son puts up with crap too. Stay strong you are loved by many and by the way alot of us out there care and and have your back. Adam is leading the way and when he turns around alot of people have his back too.
when I read the tweet I felt like it was sort of a low blow to his Mother. I'll go read it again. There are some beautiful messages here.
The idiot was trying to be funny at Adam's expense. Yes, Adam did take the high road like always. The doctor on Fox was a disgrace telling people that boys need male toys, etc. only. Fox is causing way more problems than putting nail polish on a little boy. For heavens sake. What is the big fuc*ing deal?
Boyfriend said when he was a kid, his sister was putting on colorful nail polish, and he wanted some too. Didn't influence his sexual orientation I'll tell you :))) Sexuality is hard wired. It's like saying Tommy having the most delicious kisses with Adam made him gay. Not.
@ Adamluv
I don't know what it is about Adam but he is definitely making a difference on how people perceive homosexuality. I think how he is just so comfortable in his own skin has a lot to do with it. I see it in my son and his boyfriend, but it saddens me when I see or hear people making fun or putting people down because they are gay or perceived to be gay. I appreciate this website because there are a lot of wonderful, loving and intelligent people here who seem to make a difference in real life and it doesn't matter if you are gay or straight, tall or short, skinny or fat, none of that matters, because everyone seems to respect and get along with each other. Some may disagree but that's what makes life interesting, as long as its done with respect. Sorry didn't mean to go on a tangent.
@Elli, Finland sounds like a wonderful place to live. I believe America will eventually be more open minded, as long as there are parents who are willing to teach their children and show by example that there are many different types of people in this world and not to judge or make fun of someone who is different.
@ Adamluv
Aww... *hugs you* And yes, Adam has great parents too :)
@IreneRose and @Elli- thank you for sharing your personal stories with us too. Who knows, there could be posters here who could benefit reading about your inspiring posts including that of @Sister's. I really love my 24/7 Glamily and i have no regrets being a part of this wonderful site.
@ IreneRose
Finland is indeed in many ways a great place to live. But we still have a lot of narrow-minded bigots. The smaller the city or town, the more homophobia you'll encounter. But I hope it's all slowly changing for the better, not worse.
You are so right in that we should teach children to accepts all kinds of people. I'm glad my parents did that because it just meant that there was less trauma when I came out.
Ok time to move on.. enough said.
new video with Monte Pittman
I want to marry this man! Sauli is one lucky guy.
OT. Got to see some cute old picture
This thread may be dying, or dead, but I just want to throw in here that Leila and Eber are modern day heros, to me anyway. I've said that before... and I'll say it again I'm sure. Leila and Eber, not perfect I'd imagine, as nobody is... but in my eyes, heros of the very best kind - everyday heros...sort of quiet ordinary heros, who will see the most extraordinary results from their everyday heroism and strength.
Elli dear
I wish you only happy hoppy plot bunnies tonight!
5 grandsons!!!! How can your heart hold all that love? My heart is so filled with my one grandson sometimes I think it will burst. You are such a lucky lady.................JAK :)
Like Tommy said at the end of the GNT DVD to Longineu, put your make up on and be a man!
Lizard Eyes
Hermana, su comentario es muy real y hermoso, contribuyendo a crear un CAMBIO DE ACTITUD, dejando sentado que lo importante en la vida es que cada persona, pueda ser autentica y que pueda expresar lo que quiere, lo que siente, no dejarlo encerrado en su interior, provocando una carga mental y emocional negativa, que unido al acoso y maltrato implacable que viene de afuera, le quitan a las personas el sagrado derecho, de gozar de una vida y sexualidad sana, por tener una preferencia sexual diferente, hecho totalmente condenable, hay que dar todo el apoyo necesario y perseverar en superar este equivocado concepto, porque todos tienen el derecho a vivir, de manera positiva, respetándose a si mismo y aceptándose, aunque esto implique, estar en desacuerdo con los demás, es un respeto a la vida. Hermana comparto sus lagrimas, que estás se transformen en amor y bienestar para usted.
El Cambió tiene que llegar!!!
Grandma JAK,
The plot bunnies have been nice and fluffy lately :)
Just finally got here to this thread (West Coast time frame, work, real life, all that ....) and I just want to add that I love, and have been so touched by, this thread for its heartfelt comments and the love expressed, and especially to @Sister's and @Elli's sharing of their stories. I happened to be born the way I am, which is a straight female. I could just have easily been born gay, but I am what I am..I was "born this way" as well ..As a straight female, I have never known the feeling that I need to hide who I am and I cannot begin to imagine how difficult it must be to "come out" to friends, family, and the world, although I have friends who have done so.., and then to endure the restrictions placed upon them by American society in general. One of my favorite recent vacations included Provincetown, Cape Cod, Mass, where Gay, Straight, Bi, Trans, are all comfortable being open about who they are, and can kiss and hold hands in public without stares...Maybe someday this will be the "norm" throughout the nation..One can hope....
I so appreciate Adam's example as a proud and gently outspoken gay man, and I also am happy to hear your stories and am even more happy to share this fandom with you fellow human beings in our many beautiful variations, whose lives have been touched by Adam in so many positive ways. I admire (and adore) Adam Lambert so much, as we all do here, and know he will change hearts and minds in the years to come (as he has already...) by teaching by example that we are all worthy human beings, and that gender identity can be very fluid if left to the child's imagination and inclination.
Heck, when I was playing "Roy Rogers" (that dates me a bit..) as a young child (back in the day..), my younger brother was always Dale Evans (the "girl" part), and my parents didn't seem to have any inclination to suggest it wasn't okay..And my favorite birthday gift at about the same time was my fancy rawhide jacket, cowBOY (not cowGIRL) hat and my fancy holster with my toy six shooter, and my sheriff's badge, (I have since disavowed any interest in owning a gun in any shape or form..) No one told me I couldn't be the boy part, and doing that didn't turn me into anything other than what I just AM, (I'm now kinda girly) and my brother is straight all these years later, in spite of my insistence that he be the girl, which he was apparently fine with (he eventually started to realize he had a say in what part he played). And my son, Adam's age (and a fan..) and straight, wore nail polish when he was a preschooler: he liked mine, and wanted his nails painted whatever color I happened to be wearing, usually some shade of pink, although once he started school the peer thing took over. I see little boys wearing nail polish, pink included from time to time now. No big deal. I'm am not going to comment on Abel Sanchez's tweet..but am glad that it prompted Adam to respond to it. And I totally agree with the comment above about Adam becoming President, or King, or Prime Minister, or Emperor, or whatever...I think World Peace and Equality for all would break out everywhere! ( A girl can dream..)
The intelligence of ADAM puts others to total shame! It's pure class v ignorance!
It's sad so many lose the plot! Time to get some education prehaps!
Love you ADAM more and more. You are a shinning light in this world of judgmental morons! You are a total inspiration worldwide!
Ball returned brilliantly back to the other court.
Forgive me if someone has already given you guys this link. This is where you can respond to the real critics of the JCrew ad. They are complaining about this ad that is "blatant propaganda celebrating transgendered children". Well, I celebrate all the transgendered people I have the pleasure of knowing. There is a petition to sign.
Adam has a beautiful mind. And it's wrapped in positivity, love, tolerance and empathy. I just ADORE him more and more, by the minute!!! Is that even possible??
@sister - thank you, thank you, for your touching post. Where do you live? Just need to respond if you don't want to. I just love how "global" this blog has become.
@elli - thank you for sharing, too.
When my sister and I were growing up, we were treated like tomboys (I think my dad wanted boys - LOL!). I remember getting a sling shot for my birthday, and boxing gloves. My sister practiced archery for a bit. My dad piled tin cans up and handed us a bb gun to do target practice. Barbies? Yeah, I had them. I'd give them mohawks, tons of black eyeliner (with a sharpie) and skewer their head with a giant safety pin.
I remember my dad saying he'd give me $5 if I gave someone a bloody nose (! he was a total teaser), and I finally did...many years later...a pesky drunk guy who couldn't keep his hands to himself. Got my 5 bucks!
Lo and behold...I am not gay! How on earth did that happen? I was not a girlie-girl at all! To all the narrow-minded's not your's your brain/being/soul that determines who you are attracted to. You just can't "turn somebody gay". If so, we'd have a gay army of all the little boys mentioned above, who played dress up with girl clohtes. Sorry people, but girl clothes are just more fun to dress up in!!
Hugs and kisses to all the brave fans on this site.
- Adam Fix
I so admire and respect Adam Lambert. His intelligence and ability to handle any situation with such class and integrity is amazing. He is my hero, that's all I can say.
Adam yet again you are one class act! I am sick of AL supposed fans or non fans saying that we shouldn't get up in arms when AL is being dissed or insulted etc. Why not?? Yes he can fight his own battles but a little bit of support from his fans is something I am sure he appreciates. We are fans and if we feel the need to support our boy then we should be able to and this is freedom of expression. I am proud to be a fan and proud of true AL fans!!
I agree Loulou, you said the right words, thanks.
Girl from Finland
as I tweeted back to adam as a mom I felt what he said was spot on and it's what i try to do for my son just let him be let him be creative.
From Adamtopia. Uproars in the past:
Hey Sister! Love is here!!! We're here! We're here!
Cheap shot...Abel and you know it!
I see Adam and Neil as the Ying and Yang....
Adam is one of the most intelligent and tolerant human beings ever. I so admire his integrity and courage. His tweets were exactly right. The world would be such a better place if everyone could be as open minded as Adam. People take things way too seriously.
good post ANON 4:11am and LouLou
We have to start teaching that sexual orientation begins in the womb..not with nail polish! It's absurd.
Are other fan bases always filled with such drama and controversy? I've never followed anyone as closely as I follow Adam, so I can't compare. It's difficult at times, but it's really exciting and stimulating. Not easy sometimes, either. He really gets us to stand by our convictions. Adam gets so much discussion going about so many things. Never a dull moment.
yep, it's nature not nurture... but a little extra nuture sure would help things once nature has done it's thing... a little bit of Adam's point I guess... sexy sexy brains that many has
I enjoyed everyone's contributions to this thread, thank you. Have a good day y'all.
@Icon!!!! Darling male-cat!! Meaow!!
Yes, I was singing along with you meaow meaow happy B-day song to you/me!!!!
Love RAKASTAN you!!!
Thank you for charing your story here so openly. It brought a tear to a man´s eye..
Above should read: .. for sharing your..
Kiitos tuhannesti ihanasta tarinastasi!
Thanks so "million" much for your lovely tale!!
Olet rohkea ja hieno ihminen!
You are brave and a fine humanbeing!
still baby-Sanni
@ Sanni
Aww, thanks Sanni. You're a wonderful person as well *hug*
The people complaining about that ad are the worst bullies of all. They are the ones who worry day after day about their "BOYS" being gay. Boy are they in for a big surprise when later in life when they least expect it their son calls them on the phone as says "Mom I have something to tell you!" or their daughter says the same. Why not just let the kids be kids and not try to premold them. If parents love, nurture, and raise strong responsible children every thing will be fine. In the end the love for your child trumps everything. I know I have been there, I am not speaking merly on speculation, in my life 15 years ago it became a fact. We delt with it and guess what we lived and we loved and we respected each other as human beings. I am glad now I lead with love and not gender bending attitudes. It has opened the eyes of so many around me how stupid and silly these feelings of fear are. To all who support gays,etc I thank you for that ;from a Mom who really needed to just be a Mom who loves and supports her son. My son is a very successful business man with whom has many friends and the respect in his circle. He is happy and why because of the support of people like you and familys too. This bullying has to stop!
Some time ago I remember reading that Adam said he did not want to become the poster child for the gay population. And that is understandable; he wanted to focus on his music and his first album and the GNT. However, intentionally or not, Adam Lambert because of his intelligence, integrity, and understanding has opened our eyes to the issues of bullying and homophobia. His message is one of respect, love, and acceptance. He will speak out when it is necessary to suppport or clarify a sensitive isssue or comment from someone. Adam is surrounded by loving family and friends. Many others are not. I think he is opening the minds of many individuals to a more accepting and positive way of thinking. My admiration for Adam Lambert is so strong and I am proud to be one of his many devoted fans.
I believe that love is the answer for all the prejudice in the world. We might not always agree on the decisions of others, but we should learn to tolerate them.
Not only am I fan Adam's but he has opened my eyes to so much..when he travels...I look the city up and learn and when he talks about bullying I listen and do research....and the conversations on this blog are interesting and educational...he has made my life more interesting and I still can't get over his amazing VOCALS...
Adam is right to comment when from his vantage point he deems it appropriate. Not only is he concise and to the point, he educates and thus elucidates and opens dark, shuttered minds. We fans come to Adam's corner whenever there is a perceived slight not so much for Adam, but for ourselves who need to express our growing admiration, our pride. And this forum allows that expression that we cannot stifle. Adam does not need vindication. It's much like the image of a mother clutching her child--the mother's eyes says it all--the extent of her love, because of an overwhelming need. I think I have transcended the bounds of a fan because of how much I need someone like Adam who is above all of his artistry, he is a rare modern day hero, as authentic and life-fulfilling as they come. As for this community of fans on this site, I am proud to be among you, bright, passionate fans that to match the caliber of their subject Adam Lambert.
Why is it that people can learn to hate so quickly and it takes centuries to unlearn?
After reading all these comments I am convinced the Messiah has come!! ;)
@JAK Your comments on the subject matter at hand are spot on. Your comment about tax the rich is so inanely stupid I cannot believe you have lived as long as you have and gained no insight into economics/politics.
@12:50 Apr 14
Why are you attacking @JAK? Shame on you. If you are going to be mean, at least sign your name.
Here we we really want to go there..........
This is such a beautiful thread of loving comments. Shall we just keep it as such? :)
Anon: 12:50pm
This is a fansite about love and entertainment. Take your politics somewhere and don't ever call out our lovely Grandma JAK like this. There is no room for mean post!!
Fan from Canada
@ Sister [Hermana, in Spanish]
«Your comment is very real and beautiful, it's a contribution to create a change of attitude, making clear that the important in life is that each person must be allowed to be authentic and to express their wishes, their fellings, not to leave them locked in their inners to provoke a negative mental and emotional charge. [That] united to bullying and the implacable bad treatment comming from outside take away from people the sacred right of enjoying life and sane sexuality, for having a different sexual preference, «a totally reprehensible thing». They must have all the necessary support and keep the positive, repecting and accepting oneself, even though this may mean to be in disagreement with others. it's a respect to the very life. Sister, I share your tears. May they turn into love and comfort to yourself. The change has to come!!! HH»
Translated by Fan4fun
This abelsanchez guy played Adam on his radiostation. Glamberts from all over the world tweeted him and he tweeted a lot of them back, a bit overwhelmed that Adam had fans around the globe. I think Adam got himself a new BFF:-)
I look forward coming to this blog each day not just to learn the latest about Adam, but also to read all the comments that are put on it. It is truly educating and informative about so many issues. People are passionate about Adam and his career, but also become involved with supporting specific attitudes, feelings and opinions that appear. It is wonderful to read about people changing their minds about something and opening their hearts to a new way of thinking or believing. Adam Lambert seems to have become a "guru" in the entertainment industry sending forth his message of love, understanding, acceptance and respect. He truly cares about others and is also involved in charitable causes. He is a man who has intelligence, integrity, class and compassion, qualities we do not often see in many entertainers. One person can make a difference and it seems that Adam Lambert is on that path.
Gracias por las palabras tan bonitas. Yo no hablo perfecto. Por favor, disculpame. :) Es la verdad, lo que tu dices...toda la gente tiene la derecha y es una derecha segrado. Tus palabras son perfectos. El cambio esta aqui ahora y en el futuro estare' mucho mas mejor por todo le gente. Comenzar con nosotros, dentro de nuestros corozones y crecer dentro de los corozones de otras personas. Abrazos HH.
Y gracias Fan4fun para tranducirlo.
Thank you for sharing yourself and your heart here as well. :)
I don't believe in guru's, but I did like Metal Guru.. <3
Abel Sanchez is one of the good guys. He played WWFM Fonzerelli Remix and that proves it. If he had played the Acoustic WWFM he'd be the bad guy. :)
Good ole' US of A.
I too love the global community that congregates here. We have so much to learn from each other.
@Elli Thanks for your sharing. I so want to travel to Finland someday. It seems like a wonderful country and, clearly, from your posts and others who are from you country...really nice people as well. :)
@12:43 Apr 14
We do love our boy, don't we? :) It's because he radiates love and sings like an angel.
@Irene Rose Thank you for sharing your story. You son is lucky to have you as a mom. :)
@6:56 Apr 13 Anon
Hey Sista! Thank you for your kind words. I wish your son well. "It will get better."
Anon 12:50, are you rich? Then pay your fair share. Shame on Bush for that repeal. Read the stats anon 12:50 how that mistake places a hugely unfair burden on lower and middle class. Thanks @JAK! Sorry for politicking but I could not help myself.
Don't forget, it's the people with millions and billions that make the huge donatons to the hospitals and museums for all to reap the benefits.
Well I just read this page, thank you to my need for Anon to identify herself, we've tangled before. Let's just face facts I'm a liberal democrat, you are a conservative republican and I suppose never the twain shall meet. Pity, a little civil open discussion would be so beneficial....but not here, in Congress......................JAK
Tomar en las manos, la defensa constante de sus justos derechos a través de la paz y el amor, experimentando una verdadera y feliz aceptación, viviendo en libertad y armonía con el universo, que nos ama y nos protege a todos por igual, sin distingo de raza, credo, color, clase social o preferencia sexual.Un saludo sincero, a toda la gente autentica y hermosa de este Blog.
Gracias Hermana, por tus amables palabras, comprendí muy bien tu mensaje en español, mantengamos todos, una actitud optimista y positiva ante la vida, nosotras tenemos el privilegio de contar con alguien tan especial, que nos alegra y nutre a diario ADAM LAMBERT y que promueve estas fraternales convivencia, entre sus fans. Un cordial saludo.
Icono, te deje un saludo de feliz cumpleaños
y un enlace para que lo vieras con Fan4fun y tus amigos. Te gusto?
Dale las gracias y mis saludos a tu querida mamá.
Anon 12:50
The art museums are necessary to feed beauty to the soul, but they do nothing to fill an empty belly. Hospitals can treat and even in some instances save your life but without a health care program if your job has been sent overseas and you are not working you will not be able to receive treatment beyond the emergency room. No medicines to keep you alive to fight cancer and other diseases that you can live with if you can afford treatment.
Even some billionaires have stated that the tax breaks for the extremely wealthy are unfair. That corporations like GE which paid not a penny in taxes is insanity.
Our country is in trouble, my husband and I live on my salary as a teacher's aide and his military medical discharge pension....if it would help I'd be willing to have my taxes raised a smidge. We are fortunate we own our home and don't use credit cards. We planned ahead.
I'd like to debate you on the pros and cons of the new proposed Republican Budget Plan. Choose whomever you wish for your team (no government people allowed) I'll take JAK and Neil Lambert.
And I'll sign my name Jessie Lucille Lynn.
I thought we talk about Adam twitts, gender confusion, and how to protect our children from bulling.
Sorry, hate politics. And believe me, I have some reasons don't talk about politics at all.
Some of you know that I am from Russia. So, I think you can understand that politics it is not my department. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" -this is the rule #1 in Russia!
I like to make my donation for Clear water and for schools. Our goldenheart boy askes us about this. And this is for real!
Hugs and respect, sister for your eloquence and trust, to share this very special part of yourself with us, so beautifully and real. Elli, you too bring us your beautiful, authentic self making us feel like a real community of one. Irene Rose, lmb,you bring your humanity to this site sharing your love and strength as well. You and so many of you on this site nourish my soul. If it weren't for Adam I never would have the opportunity to get to know so many of you in so many distant places. Adam in an interview said that straight people have no idea how painful it is to live in a society where all movies, songs, media are geared to straights and he, growing up had very little with which to identify. It had a profound effect on me, as I for the first time put myself in his place, imagining how difficult and lonely it would be for me if I were gay.. My uncle was gay and I had gay aquaintances and friends in my life, but never had any real conversations about these feelings. We'd talk about crushes or everyday things, but thanks to this site and Adam, I look at life thru' new eyes, really seeing things in a more personal, stripped back way. I like the comfort and sense of caring of so many on this site. I could name you all individually, but I think you know who you are. I've become attached to the brilliance, humour, silliness and comfort of all of us loving this beautiful soul that brought us all together. Even the differences in our opinions give me something to think about and look at a different side that often opens another window in my mind. This really is an exceptional site with the best administrators and the very best people, gay, straight, old,young, conservative liberal, with the best countries represented. The best of the best! Thankyou all for the gems and links you share! funbunn40
Well said Jesse Lucille Lynn.
Here is a great article from 2009 but I just heard the exact same numbers on the news just yesterday, so the message is still the same. It says "The bottom 90 percent have been saddled with 73 percent of all debt." There is more if interested...
anon 12:50, your comment to @JAK "Your comment about tax the rich is so inanely stupid I cannot believe you have lived as long as you have and gained no insight into economics/politics. " There is plenty of info out there disputing your claims. @JAK is obviously up on her politics because what she says is exactly what I have been reading about in the news. I would read up on my facts before posting such a hateful and incorrect comment...just sayin. We are all friends on this site and I for one want to keep it that way. Now...back to all things Adam.
Just have to say "Ditto" because you said it all! Perfectly.
@JAK, Jessie Lucille Lynn, Neil Lambert
I sign in with you any day.
Adam is very much about politics. He´s not just voice, hair and sexiness. The question about civil rights is politics. Some said that right wing religious groups have bought the radio stations in US. Do you think they will play Lambert music? That´s politics.
(If rich people and companys paid their fair share in taxes to society, hospitals and museums wouldn´t have to rely on donations Sorry, couldn´t help myself either. Someones attacking my fav granny makes me grow claws).
Awww 11:36 that was so sweet! I too am proud to have all of you here as a big part of my family.
Sister and Elli, your posts here were truly amazing. Thank you. You are amazing ladies! I am so sorry for the hatred and ignorance and pain you have had to endure. I hope this is a place you feel you can always find comfort and acceptance in.
I'm up early for a date with one of my favorite eldest daughter is going to push my transport chair with me in it around Home Goods. Our favorite it's gonna be a good day.
And now I find a new favorite person...Jessie!
I'm sure you are someone who has been around awhile on this site and didn't just stumble upon this catfight...please excuse me Icon, that was an unkind thing to say since you are nice guy... anyway I hope we can drop this political crap. I should have realized that agreeing with ANYTHING our President said would be "fighting" words.
Eva, you are a Sweet Swede...Sister you rock...and funbunn40...may daffodils dance on your doorstep. Jessie....Neil was a masterstroke, along with Adam I also want to adopt Neil as a grandson.....ahhh the spirited talks we would have....Now please can we all go back to the business at hand?
Gender bias and civil rights and sexual orientation....that's enough drama to last for days. Bless all the little girls who are clumping around in their daddies shoes and the little boys wearing a feather boa from the dress-up box!......Peace!...I'm off to SHOP!....JAK
One of the little boys in my class was walking round today with bright red toenails, wearing a tutu, cape, crown and football kit, saying he looked like a pretty princess, it was very cute. I thought of the article, and how so many people were offended by the advert and wish they could have seen this little boy. He was so cute and having so much fun, gender sterotypes mean nothing to kids that age..
Do you remember the episod from "Everybody Love Raymond" when his twins got "little angel princess" part in scholl play?
Actually, Ray's Mom and wife didn't have any problem with this. They found that twins look adorable in white leggins and tutu with little wings:)
But Raymond and his Dad were very upset.
It was very funny episod:)
And some of of the little boys become glamrockers. Here's one finnish glam rocker who tells about his makeup routines in a womens magazine. He's a straight dude. I don't want to advertise finnish bands too much, but I'm so happy that we have these guys here in Finland. :)
O looked up that site,,,,,,,,,,,whew,,,,,,,,,
didn't hear him sing but I have a whole new respect for the beauty of Finns!.........JAK
@ Sister, funbunn40 and daydreamin
Oopsie, I hadn't been back to this thread so I completely missed your comments... Sorry guys. If you do come back to read this, I just wanted to say that you're all amazing people, and I'm honored to belong to this community of fans with all of you.
@ HH and Glamily in Paradise,
I've just come back here and only now I saw the second comment HH posted in this thread. I'm going to translate it in a recent thread, ok?
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