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New Old Picture of Adam Lambert from the European Tour of 'Hair the Musical' in 2003

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Credit: @AlreferenceThanks to Alreference!


Anonymous said...

Stunning facial features, stunning body, beautiful soul! Oh and I guess he is talented too!

Anonymous said...

Woah! THUD!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the great picture ALreference.Like his hair color so much better now.

Anonymous said...

He walks in beauty! THUD!

Anonymous said...

Cute then. HOT now! Beautiful all around.


URANUS said...

What a beautiful blonde boy.

Thx Alreference

Anonymous said...

Is that his natural hair color?

Anonymous said...

Now that I have picked myself up off the floor from this picture I have an OT comment - was just reading for the Voice (winner announced tonight) that each person (caller) is allowed a maximum of 10 votes. That seems like a better method to me and I'm sure Adam would have won Idol based on that method. Also the dancing shows have the judges deciding half of the vote. Oh well, it hasn't slowed Adam's career down anyway! If anything, all the hoopla of him not winning probably worked in his favor..

Anonymous said...

Are those natural curls? I would love to see him in his natural ginger color with that hair cut.

But, love him anyway for so many reasons.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From blonde youthful look to dark haired sex god!Beautiful both ways , but I think the dark hair looks more rocker and brings out the color of his eyes more.A great pic one that I don't recall seeing before. Thanks for posting it.

Anonymous said...

Handsome then and now. I spent this morning catching up. I start back to work next week, but I come here to spend a little time...that turns into an hour or so. Well, you all understand..
We were given a chance to vote about a month ago on what kind of music a person would like to hear on the new album, but will we be able to give opinions on the album cover? I love glitzy's idea that it would be a "reflective" pose hopefully done by Cherry.
IMO the first cover was a business mistake. I can tell you on more than one occasion I would take his albums that were somewhat hidden and put them with the others (Susan Boyle etc) when it first came out. I think the metal fngers over the face was a better choice. The adrogenous thing was a little too wild for some..and in business, you try not to lose any customers right off the bat! I love his look, his lighter hair...I will always love his voice and personality...sigh. Now I need to get back to work.
Wish we could have met, Sister! I did get to meet glitzy at the concert last year :) We Glamberts have a spiritual connection, though, so all is well.
A little OT, but I just ordered a tshirt that I am wearing to my installation meeting. It says (in rainbow colors) " evolve already". It's political. ( Obama said he is evolving toward same sex marriage..and this is my answer to that, even though I know he has done a lot.)Day dreamn' called me a warrior so I just wanted to live up to


Anonymous said...

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever:
It's loveliness increases;
It will never pass into nothingness......"

Thank you John Keats for writing Endymion (1818)
Thank you Miss Richmond, 9th grade English teacher for making me read it!..........JAK
......beautiful boy!

Anonymous said...

@ lmb

You are fighting for a "cause".....sounds like a warrior to me! Daydreamin was entirely correct.

Love the tee shirt message "evolve already".
I voted for Obama, I still think he's a good man,
but I'll admit I want to jab him with a pitchfork on a daily basis!!!!.........JAK

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry we didn't meet as well. :) The crowd was just so crazy, and to make myself heard was an impossibility. ha. (I wrote you on an earlier thread where you and Glitzy were talking about the Seattle Pride events. Don't know if you saw that post.) I agree that we are all spiritually connected, and Glamberts even more so, for many reasons. Where did you buy your "evolve already" Tshirt? It sounds great!

I think I would agree with Glitzylady that a "reflective" pose for the album cover would be great...or a real leathery rocker stance (think some of those AI Tour shots that were so rocker hot).


Anonymous said...

What a pretty blond boy. I agree that the dark hair brings out the eyes and now he is just rip-roarin' sexy!

Anonymous said...

....Underneath the black shock of hair....
....A ginger man is hiding, we don't care.
....Black, blond or red, it's all the same...
....He has the power to set heart's aflame!!!!

Just messing around on a dull day..^o^..JAK

glitzylady said...

As an alternative to the "Reflection" one, how about this for the new album leather, but WTH...Its obviously photoshopped but still would get some attention.... @HK fan and I both posted this on the Coptic Markers thread, in response to a comment that @P. A. S. made there...but its an old thread, so thought I'd bring it up here...Hope I don't get into too much trouble for this... : ) Just a little "eye candy"....

It should also perk up @JAK's dull day....still doesn't show that ginger hair underneath tho.......(yep, I'm in trouble for sure now....)

Anonymous said...

P.S. Try not to think about the fact he said he did the full frontal nudity scene in the play.
Try....not to think about that!.......JAK

glitzylady said...

Oh, by the way..Sauli just tweeted: He's back in LA..and everything is right with Adam and Sauli's world. Awe! So sweet!

@saulikoskinen1 saulikoskinen
The sun shines is a beautiful day. I love Los Angelis I love this time! :)
6 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

Can't get the link to work for I'm having to use my imagination.....It's working perfectly, I've always appreciated my imagination! day has brightened considerably.......JAK
Welcome Sauli!

Adamluv said...

Never seen this before. Yes, very handsome blonde man! But have always been drawn to dark haired guys (since kindergarten) so prefer dark haired Adam. @lmb, really like your T shirt saying! ... Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Try this link: Same picture as the one as at 12:24 PM, different source.... : ) You shouldn't have to rely on your imagination for this one. It will just enhance it....

Anonymous said...

HI JAK, just remember the Ginger Man is still there and with Sauli now back in LA the Ginger man will come out to play!!!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Yay, glad to hear Sauli has arrived! Many smiles all round I'm sure. Thanks, glitzylady for the info -I had been wondering about it. You are such a good source for the latest news.
Now where were those peeps at the airport? (Maybe he took a cab to avoid recognition..)

Anonymous said...

Beauty,Brain and Talent. Adam Lambert has lethal combination in equal proportion.....indigo

Anonymous said...

Was so glad to hear Sauli was back that I leaped out of my chair to tell somebody and then realized no one was home haha

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzlady & HK Fan

I left a message on Copic Markers thread for you. Thank you again for the link.

JAK the link worked for me the second time. It is a sight to hold......sorry that should be

Adam looks good no matter what hair color he has, because this guy has the "it" factor and looks to go with great hair, and body.


Anonymous said...

Yea! Sauli is back. Minor earthquake tonight in LA. HAaaHAA.


Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert
wow adam cute

Anonymous said...

OT:I Just started voluntering at the animal shelter and they wanted new names for the kitten/cats/ect. So I came up with this long list (yes funnbunn, I used icon) Anyway, I put in adam and then lambert underneath. (OMG 4 people there looked at my sheet and all 4 of them said together Adam Lambert yes, I love him, saw him on his GNT in hardrock fla. Well, that put such a smile on my face.( I didn't know these people at all) there are many glamberts out there, but never would of expected that Yeah (they are going to become my best friends) lol Bottom line I thought I was the only glambert in fla. lol except JAK dear.


glitzylady said...

LOL!! Left you a message back there on Coptic Markers thread..I'm going to be laughing the rest of the day! ; )

Yes, we'll be listening for many minor earthquakes...over the next few days, I would guess. A lot of "tension" built up down there in LA.....

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

I am cursed.....still can't see picture....first link says search is wrong (nope, letter for letter). Second link takes me to page that says
DAMN ADAM...Who's talking about damn Adam?
When I click on I get a page of tweets....none of which have a link that led to a picture!
Well I only tried about 20 and I think there are a hundred....I gave up!

I guess it was not meant to be!......JAK :-(

Anonymous said...


Glad you found a nest of Glamberts.....I'm mostly alone in this area, with the exception of the sweet Asian manucurist at the shop where I get my hair permed. I gave her my autographed photo of Adam so she has sort of adopted me! It sits on her table so I get to visit it occasionally.

Please name an orange kitten GINGER!......JAK

glitzylady said...

Okay, I'm on a mission now...I'll figure it out..

Anonymous said...

Hair--one of my favorite ever musicals. Someone out there must have taken the nude shot at the end of the play. Come on, let's see it.

The Dark Side said...

Do blonde have more fun? Adam has talked about this time in his life, and I do believe he was having lots of fun. Did I hear nude shots? Must be hearing things. Hair is a very young person's musical. Pretty sure Adam would think twice about appearing in it today. That doesn't mean that just young people go to see it...well this is getting complicated.

Anonymous said...


Do you teach English History? I just read the Sauli and Niko thread, I want to be in your class. You actually made it interesting. Henry the eighth was a s-o-b.

Anonymous said...

HOLY SH*T!!!! I just saw that pic!'s settled. I am no longer lesbian. LOL!!!!!

Let's just say I had a minor in art in college and I LOVE the human form. HOLY SHMOLIES!!!!

Make sure you have your phone nearby to call 911, your heart meds...


Now...THAT was fun. Heart be still.

This was the link that worked for me...


Anonymous said...

Yes, I think there will be more than one kind of fireworks this holiday weekend for those two!

glitzylady said...

@The Dark Side
I get what you mean when you say its a young person's musical... meaning you'll get a lot more interest and audience if there are younger people in it..."dropping trou" and all...I saw it earlier this year in Seattle, the National Touring company production, and there were of course lots of not-so-young people there...many who were from "back in the day" of the late 60's and early 70's and who could definitely identify with the theme and the time setting, but wouldn't be caught dead up there on stage full frontal nekkid...I also saw some young children there and I wondered what they thought about the nudity..and wondered if their parents had any idea what was going to happen...There was a moment of silence at that moment..I'm not sure if people were sure if they should clap ...or what..But everyone recovered and clapped enthusiastically....Loved it!

I think if Adam were to appear in Hair today (which he would probably never do now of course..), there would be riots breaking out, outside of the theater, of people wanting to get in NOW, and thin and haggard but happy looking women camping out in their cars waiting for the next show, it would run for years, and those front row seats would sell to the highest bidder on E-bay, for thousands of dollars.....We'd all be mortgaging our homes and selling our firstborn to get those front row seats...So its a good thing he did that when we didn't know who he was...It's hard enough getting good seats at his concerts, as it is...Whoa! But its a nice thought! ; )

glitzylady said...

So I take it you liked it??!!! ; )

The power of Adam! LOL!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...


LOL! I guess I was just so completely surprised when the page opened. I really didn't expect to see such a vision.


Magiclady said...


Adamluv said...

@lb, thanks for the great story! Nice surprise! And thank you for volunteering at a shelter - a difficult and heartbreaking job. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

SHAME SHAME on you all.......the picture finally popped up and startled the heck out of me!

I think what happened, is that DELL-A knew I was too old and feeble to "handle" this (pun intended) and tried to protect me!

I seem to be holding up well. Perserverance paid off!..............^o^.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam has always been beautiful. He just looks more like Eber, who is a beautiful guy too.

staygold said...

I agree stunning facial features and really a heartbreaker. Look at all the people who WANT him and can't have.His blonde hair is just as striking as the dark. It is his soul and his features that are mesmerising. Can't wait for the next tour....even though very broke from the last one,but we have the glamtroupe to keep us engaged until Adam's new music.

Anonymous said...

My gosh Adam you looked hot in this picture and handsome like your Dad....

Since I saw your younger pictures I love and adore you already....

glitzylady said...

Little embarrassing secret: I agree that Adam is SO very handsome with any color hair..But that isn't my embarrassing secret.

I've looked at this picture a number of times today (not saying how many..) and I just NOW noticed the REALLY BIG "Hair" Banner on the marquee behind him..So what that proves is this: Adam can have ANY color of hair and he is still pretty much all I see in a picture, or on the stage in front of me, or in videos, or on TV shows...etc., etc. He just draws the eye to him...and it is almost impossible to look away.

I've said this before, but I am sooooo grateful to Suz526 and others for their videos that they post on You Tube because even though I have been to some of his concerts live, I miss a good percentage of what's happening on the stage except for whatever Adam is's very handy to have those...otherwise, there might as well not be much else happening, because I'd miss it..but do love his band and dancers so its nice to watch after the fact to see them.

Anonymous said...

The pic is in front of the Promenadenhof in Linz, Austria.

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

I certainly understand Adam's "draw" he's like a magnet. I spent some time this afternoon watching Am.Idol Season 8 tour vids (I have a project underway). He was undoubtedly the STAR,
during the group number he drew every eye even though he didn't try to steal the top spot from Kris.....he just did!

I'm so grateful to all the people who provide those of us who haven't seen Adam perform live
a chance to "almost" be there.

He does look remarkably like Eber with his bleached blond hair!.........JAK

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady,HK Fan, Sister,JAK

Here is the link to a nice pic, you requested HK Fan and any one else who may be interested in seeing Adam abloom in red tights.

There are several here of others caught in awkward situations. Adam is next to last pic. If you read the comments (27 of them) they give you another nice one of GNT. It isn't anything new for Adam to get these. I noticed a lift in the pants on Idol, and discussed this with hubby. He said yes it happens to athletes often.


Anonymous said...

His Adam~ness shines through no matter the hair, the clothes, the geography . . . Adam is Adam is Adam is Adam . . . Adam just is . . .

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S

Strangely enough that link went thru without a hitch! I remember both those performances....
well that's a silly thing to say, of course I do!
......JAK......p.s...I miss s-l-o-w dancing!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 2:19 PM

No......just fell in love with 16th century England when I was a teenager............I have slight family connection to the old s.o.b.

Anonymous said...

I think once Adam truly found his groove, he never had an akward boner again.

Lizard Eyes

HK fan said...

well that was certainly an interesting site.....kind of felt a bit weird seeing the pics of JB...

Anonymous said...

@HK fan

yea, JB wasn't there when I saw Adam's pic before. It kind of surprised me, but the caption was real funny. They added a few others also. The one with Miley was interesting.


Anonymous said...

Hair is a great musical. Classic depiction of the 1960/70s and the flower children. Nudity was part of it, and sexual liberation. Everything was good. We have regressed as a society in terms of creativity and tolerance. Too bad as this was a very fun time. Not a musical just for "young" people. It is a musical for all. The nude scene is essential to convey the times, and it is brief and usually in dim light.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious comment about how we'd all be parked out for days to get tickets in the front row haha

I agree too with the embarrasing secret - I didn't notice the hair banner either or the flowers or the cars or the buildings until you mentionned it!

Anonymous said...

I took my daughters to see the film when they were 20 and 17 and we loved it. When we left the theater I said "I would love to have been a flower child,but I was about 10 years too late". My girls burst out laughing....
"Yeah, Mom, you would have been a great hippie,
a non smoking, non swearing, non drinking, non
pot,white glove wearing virgin Sunday School teacher college coed hippie!" I guess I was better suited for the mid 50's instead of the 60's.........but my inner flower child was a hippie!................JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like a totally different person w/blond hair and no eyebrows - wow! I prefer the black hair, w/defined, dramatic eyes/eyebrows...mmmm! Although this picture scores points for showing us his sleek physique - and my, what a flattering shirt that is, Adam!! :-P

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so slim and and lanky and that smile never misses. Very good-looking body and face, no wonder he was given to do a nude pose/scene. Looking back, if Hair or Wicked had granted Adam's wish for a lead role, he might just have stayed on and missed the Idol boat which springboarded him to stardom; and most of all we might have missed knowing this Rockstar. I love this Hair closing song which the cast sang on stage and Adam was in the audience cheering them on, just about after Idol, when he attended Hair. Can't find the song, though I searched on internet.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Nice photo but I prefer men with black (ADAM!) or very dark brown hair.

Has that photo of Adam in "Hair" been photoshopped or is it for real???

Here's a link to the lyrics of the song "Hair" .....

Anonymous said...

Always beautiful!! Magic, Adam still keeps the charm of her smile!!
Glitzylady, grateful for his monumental enlace.Gracias!

glitzylady said...

Hmmm. In reading back my comments about Hair @2:44 PM, I'm a little concerned that I may have sounded as if I thought "Hair" is a only "young person's" musical. I REALLY need to clarify that: NOT what I meant to convey at all in any way. Yikes!!! What I MEANT to say was that young people are in the roles of the musical because it is indeed a depiction of that time in the 60's and 70's, the time of the "flower children", "free love", utopian societies, idealism, and unfortunately, the ever-present Vietnam War that was always looming in young people's lives. It is/was their story. Almost all of the characters in "Hair" are young, late teens and twenty-somethings. The message it conveys is still so completely relevant today, and speaks to everyone, at least to those who are willing to listen. There were people of all ages at the performance I attended, with many in the audience from that 1960's and early 1970's generation, who could completely relate, and loved it. As to the nudity, I would much prefer to have the children in my family see a little quick, relevant, and tasteful nudity than the violence they are most likely exposed to in today's society, which is apparently preferable to sexuality, in some people's minds anyway.

I also agree that our society has regressed in certain ways from that time. Two steps forward, one step back. I have no problem whatsoever with nudity, but I know some are just very offended and upset by it. We've come a long way, but we have also as a society reverted back a bit. The 1960's and 1970's were a time of change, optimism and hope, something we are lacking a bit today at times.

I think so many of Adam's fans are "hippies" and flower children at heart, and why we have this powerful connection to Adam, partly at least because Adam truly has the heart and soul of a hippie/flower child. His video for IIHY has a classic late 1960's feel and look, and is also so evident in his love of The Burning Man Festival, the Zodiac Show, his gentle and peaceful soul, and his emphasis on Love being the most important aspect of his philosophy of life. He has said many times he has a great fascination with that time period. He would have fit right in. Of course he is also mega-talented and damn sexy, which is another reason we kinda like him: Again I digress. ; )

glitzylady said...

"Let The Sunshine In.".
The final song from Hair; It is traditional these days to invite the audience up onto the stage to sing along with the cast nudity required!

Adam singing "My Conviction" from Hair
...For those who are not familiar with the musical, his part in this particular song is a man masquerading as a woman..just a small but very memorable part of the show, and very very funny. He would have had another part as well. This really shows his amazing range and versatility as a vocalist. If you haven't heard this song before, prepare to be amazed, and a little surprised!

Anonymous said...

I have listened to my conviction over and over again..he is amazing...wonder if he can still sing like is incredible..he is incredible..cannot wait for his album...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I'm not into blonds..but I will make an exception for him.

Icon said...

@ Aunt lb

Did I understand right you're using MY name ICON to name kitten/cats from the animal shelter you are working for? Good!!! I feel iconic, so does my uncle sweet Adam (the Icon Senior).
Ping Pong is here and says it's OK to use his name too, if you wish. But mommy Fan4fun is kind of worried and asks you please not to use «Sexotic» or «Singing Bird» to name any of them. Those are 2 unique «names» that sweetly describe her sweet Adam Mitchel Lambert. The only and the one! Deal? Shall I calm her down?

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot glitzylady for Let The Sunshine In...mesmerising.
Thank you dear 10:35 for the lyrics of Let The Sunshine In.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...


I hadn't heard Adam sing My Conviction in a while. He really can do anything with his vocal instrument. Thanks for posting.


Robbie Mahmutovic said...

OT:I Just started voluntering at the animal shelter and they wanted new names for the kitten/cats/ect. So I came up with this long list (yes funnbunn, I used icon) Anyway, I put in adam and then lambert underneath. (OMG 4 people there looked at my sheet and all 4 of them said together Adam Lambert yes, I love him, saw him on his GNT in hardrock fla. Well, that put such a smile on my face.( I didn't know these people at all) there are many glamberts out there, but never would of expected that Yeah (they are going to become my best friends) lol Bottom line I thought I was the only glambert in fla. lol except JAK dear. lb