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Adam Lambert at Mr Black club on July 19, 2011 during SUPERMAN Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, July 24, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, July 24, 2011

Source: Mr. Black's Facebook


The Dark Side said...

Think this is the club where the waiters bare their behinds. LOL LA has some fun clubbing.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks wonderful as usual. Glad to see he's enjoying his youth. He'll be 30 soon.

Anonymous said...

yup it is. bare behinds--some really cute. they are only open on tuesdays. it's like gay pride up in there, really fun place to have a few whatever.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I don't like the person in between!!! Scary!!!! Pardon me guys!!!! Just my opinion he!he!

Oh Adam Oh indeed!!!!!!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Mr. Black is NOT a club. Its an EVENT held at Bardot on Tuesday nights!!


Urethra_Franklin said...

12:35 the "scary" girl in the middle and her X friend are classic club kids. i adore the lot of them! fabulous imaginative creatures.

Anonymous said...

Is it "Superman" night or "Batman" night? Cause the girl is wearing Joker's makeup.

Urethra_Franklin said...

I think it was "superhero" night.

Anonymous said...

Not too pretty but Adam stands out no matter what.

glitzylady said...

Been to Bardot but not on Mr. Black night: no bare cheeked waiters that night! (Darn..)

Anonymous said...

I didn't know there were clubs (restaurants?) that had "dress up" nights. I live on the drowsy coast of Fla......

It did rekindle the memory of a night in the late 70's when I was coerced into going to the local University's every Saturday night midnight Rocky Horror Show viewing bash. I was the guest (captive) of my daughters and college pals and it was a blast! Thank God no photos are in existence....we were all in costume of course.

Not a bare "cheek" in sight!..............JAK

Fan4fun and Icon said...

Glamily in Paradise

I'm in a hurry, no signs of Internet where I am (another island), this is a miracle I got some now. I've missed so much but I AM OK and ICON IS WITH ME... I'm working for some days (you know I'm «unemployed»). Nelio, one of the golden couple living with me gave me this tip... only some days. I'm working as a crazy, feeding this small island... But Icon is having the time of his life. We'll be back soon with news.
Take care of our «diamond couple» (sweet Adam + Sauli) for me and Icon. Thanks a lot.
We miss you guys, we sure do!

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun and Icon, Glad you touched base and all is well, look forward to having you back.

Anonymous said...

Superhero night? - OK I see that Adam just has to come as himself!

glitzylady said...

This is an older GORGEOUS (IMHO) picture of Adam that I posted on the extremely fun "Weekend Style" thread but I thought I'd post it here too..its worth being posted twice..(found it on twitter today) Adam looking very FINE with no make-up...I'll just let you open it and see. ; )

Anonymous said...

those two clown faces were scary looking. EEK!

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun very happy to hear from you and finds you well. The Glamily of paradise, waiting impatiently for your creative comments excellent work being done on the island, but do not forget health care, hope you are under the supervision of your caregiver, the versatile Icon !!!!. Azores wanting to return soon, keep everything flowing positively for you and those around you. Friend is moving that through this blog we join (Glamily) in such a brotherly affection, only through the word, thanks to your sweet Adam, who gave us a new meaning of life and movement to his art! Pure and real happiness to Adam, along with the people you love!

Anonymous said...

Hey Fan4fun, my friend in happy to know you are happy and Icon must be having a whale of a time on the island. By the way, are you talking about Hawaii? You know I can be pretty slow with riddle talk, like about pulling Icon out of the picture!! By the way, is Icon still pestering you about going on a plane to LA...LOL! :) Wishing you all the best!!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, good to hear you found a way to reach us and that you have some form of employment. I am anxiously awaiting your next adventure story!


Ronnie said...

Hello @Fan4Fun and Icon-boy!!
Nice to hear from you!!!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun & Icon:
I wrote this last night, but fell asleep (luckily NOT on my keyboard) before I posted it...

"@Fan4fun - How are you? Where are You? This site DESPERATELY needs YOU! I miss you and your posts!!! I miss Icon and his posts...(lol)"

MYSTERY solved, missed you and Icon so much - Thank You for sending the good news, Island Girl!!! And Icon, take care of your Mommy, don't let her work too hard!!!

GGD Gal, hoping for your quick return to 24/7 Paradise...

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix - Where are YOU? When are you coming back to see our SUPERMAN (pics above)?

Want to thank you for remembering me back in one of the Jul 12 threads… (have had so many news and threads to go through) - loved your phrase ”nice to see you RESURFACE from time-to-time…”, cause that’s EXACTLY how I feel...I come here for AIR, Adam Air… :)

GGD Gal, hoping you’re well (and Adam-fixed)

Anonymous said...

Second pic - having almost a tongue-in-cheek moment there, Mr

Anonymous said...

middle person is obviously dressed up or made up to be Joker....which the character is creepy on purpose...adam looks fab...!!

Anonymous said...

love Adam, but don't like these faces, wish Adam would find some nicer places to have fun in.

Anonymous said...

My new 2 pound kitty is named icon 2. Already introducing her to adam's videos. lol

Anonymous said...

Way OT... Or not! :-))

I (absolutely!) HAVE TO share this with you!

In the animal world, the joke's on the (master) male. In humans.. the joke's on females (lots of them!)... as the 'mimicking thing' is not for them at all! Aren't females so much happier in the animal kingdom?! Darwin was a lunatic!


PS: Btw, seems that the most masculinized females out there are hyenas.
This new information calls for a... meditation... (or should I say medication?)

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:25am: Absolutely agree with you. Love Adam also and wish he would find some other places to hang out and have his picture taken. Drag queens, costumes, weird makeup, club kids, drinks in hand,etc. get to be a bit much after a while. Now don't jump all over these comments. Just saying that with the upcoming release of his second album, and perhaps wanting to expand his fan base and thus sales, sometimes these pictures don't create a positive feeling for those still not certain about this singer Adam Lambert from American Idol. I was a fan right from the beginning and will continue to be because he is just such an amazingly talented performer. But sometimes I am just turned off by his choice of clubs and those pictures taken there.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you, that was fun:D and something for the macho men to think about.


Anonymous said...

It seems they always have to make a weird face or stick out their tongue for a picture. I agree that a mix of clubs would be good - obviously these are the places that Adam likes but it would be nice to see him in just an ordinary bar as well (not dress up,etc).

Anonymous said...

Adam just twitted looking for a productive, creative and happy week. OH! Quebec concert this Friday. Can't wait to see him sing again. <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

@9:25- Nicely said- I agree with you also. We are all die-heart adam fans and we all take him for exactly who is his. BUT, we all want him to be an icon and for this, he does have to cater ( for better lack of words) to mainstream america. I still run into peope that think he's the sole image of the ama awards- It's just so sad, but 1st impressions to stick with narrow minded people!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:50 AM
Mr. Black's is usually pretty "regular" as far as club experiences go..looks like they just had a special theme for the night. The actual place where Mr. Black's events take place (because they are "events") is at Bardot, a VERY nice bar in Hollywood (as I said above: been there). Adam has been working hard and he has certain places that he goes, has frequented since before his Idol days..I think he most likely feels relatively "safe" and comfortable going to familiar places.. I think its great that he can relax, feel relatively "normal" (as opposed to being the celebrity in the room, which he definitely IS for sure!) and is probably surrounded with friends and familiar faces (and in this case, a few scary faces!). We all like that from time to time.. I love seeing him having fun, and for that matter, just SEEING him! No worries, I think!

Urethra_Franklin said...

I thinks its great that he hasnt turned his back on these "weird" places. "Weird" being the overall perception, not my word. What "normals" deem "weird" is actually the most creative stock of humans youll ever meet. And contrary to judgments based on their appearance, they are usually some of the nicest, most outgoing, loving and accepting people on the planet. Its because of these friends and environments that he was able to become HIMSELF. If frequenting these places causes him to lose fans, than so be it. If people are uncomfortable with it, then OH WELL...

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking the same thing, but hesitated to post it - for fear of being "negative" on an Adam site. I wish he would hang out occasionally with the Young Hollywood crowd. All for purposes of promoting the 2nd album. He is an astute businessman. Hope this occurs to him and he acts on it. He will always have the Glamberts, but for this 2nd album, it will take more. Godspeed, Adam.

glitzylady said...

So true..Adam is the interesting and creative guy that he is because he has surrounded himself with so many likewise creative and "not-your-average-Joe" kind of people and friends for many years. And as you say, some of the nicest people as well: It's just make-up after all, in the case above. And the most interesting and quite often, successful, people out there, including some I know, are not mainstream in many ways and don't "color inside the lines": Why be average?? Plenty of that out there. : ))) He is loyal to his friends and the last thing I would wish him to do, just for the sake of "appearances" and for the approval of the mainstream, would be to give up his friendships or his vast network of people who have believed in and supported him as a performer in his more anonymous Pre-Idol days. He loves and feels at home with edgy performers, because he's one himself.. And spending time with his creative friends and others probably gives him the energy and inspiration for some of the aspects of his career, not to mention his life. Case in point: Zodiac Show them! Definitely outside the box. We may not see those types of performances for awhile but they too are part of what made Adam "Adam", thank goodness! The above event/pictures are no different really. He's doing fine...

Adam also has a very distinct advantage over other new celebs who arrive in LA/Hollywood without a built in support group. Its a huge plus in the dog-eat-dog world of Hollywood. And instead of it being to his detriment, which it is not, it is a distinct advantage. Helps to keep him "grounded" to a certain extent, which is a tough thing to maintain as a celebrity in Hollywood. Adam attracted me and many others with his Voice, but also his unique "I am who I am style". If he were to become too PC, too middle of the road, he wouldn't be the same Adam..I like him just the way he is. Pictures like this are just amusing, nothing more. Adam relaxing and having fun, his way. He has said he will be slightly different with his "look" with his next music, more leather, not as much make-up or glitter, but underneath he's still the same Adam, he's just evolving. I think he's doing just great..

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:40 PM
Just say your post after I posted mine : )

I don't think what you're saying is wrong at all, and isn't negative by any means. I think its absolutely true. I think he's enjoying his little bit of time out of the public eye, because that's going to end soon.. Guessing he does that sometimes (we just don't always hear about it..), but I think he also goes places he feels comfortable so that he and Sauli can feel free to be themselves: ie dance together, hold hands, kiss a little.. just be a couple, so they go where that's nothing unusual. He's also been working hard, and some of those "see and be seen" venues are hard work too! Paparazzi to smile for, always being "on" is tiring.. I would think he'll be doing many many more "public" and more "intentional" appearances out and about in the better known clubs and venues, where people go to see and be seen, but for his private, "going out on Saturday night (or Tuesday night) wanna dance with my boyfriend date night", he has his favorites..I'm guessing we'll be seeing him EVERYWHERE in the months to come..And, WOW!, am I looking forward to THAT!

glitzylady said...

Ooops! Meant "Just SAW your post.." : ) at 3:40 PM

Urethra_Franklin said...

" And instead of it being to his detriment, which it is not,..." Glitzy

THIS!!!! Why oh why does everyone always assume that its to his detriment or its gonna end his career to BE as he has ALWAYS BEEN!?!?! Makes me nuts when people place these judgments on this crowd. I do take it personally cause I straddle a fine line in this world. Im "normal" by day because of the career path I have chosen but I am full on club kid by night. I have many friends who have both feet firmly implanted in that world and kudos to them. Im kinda jealous cause I have to wear "work drag" everyday. They are GOOD people! Its time people got past there own hang ups on people who look different.

Shiggles said...

glitzylady @6:23 pm

You did it to me again. Heart stoppage that is.
Yowza that's one beautiful man.

Uretha - You're opening up in a way that is very interesting and you're enlightening us at the same time. Thanks

Everybody on 24/7: Adam needs to be where he likes to be, with young creative and happy people. He is who he is and we love and accept him. Can you just imagine the headlines if he started hanging out with the cool young crowd in Hollywood. He'd be faking it and it would be so very obvious. That's not who he is. How many of us have said one of his best traits is his honesty. He's happy...I'm happy.

Anonymous said...

I know some of Adam fans left him after they found that he is gay and AMA performance. But hey loyal fans stays and super growing everyday and that's the reality right now!!!! No one can stop him being true and honest to himself .

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! That's hard Yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra_Franklin

Everyone's "normal" is different. To many of us the club life we have for the first time seen since we've been following Adam is as if we are seeing an alternate universe. Not a worse universe just almost beyond our comprehension.
I would not wish Adam away from where he is comfortable and accepted whole heartedly. And I accept your description of these friends of his as GOOD people and I don't think The Young
Hollywood group in some instances is something to aspire to. There are some pretty shallow people in that group!!!

Adam is always going to take some flak from people, that's a shame, but that's a fact. Because he's not going to change, "What you see is what you get" to quote him, "take it or leave it". He's never going to be mainstream and those of us who sometimes wished he were, need to get over it. But it was with good intention, we didn't want him hurt or his career to be in jeopardy. We are eavesdropping on his life because something in him has spoken to our hearts and we don't want to let him go. He is, to me, almost the personification of joy. That's a rare thing and I wouldn't change a hair on his head, no matter what color it is, no matter if it's standing up or lying down.

He has a good heart, a great voice, beautiful eyes, spectacular legs and makes me remember being in my twenties!.....................JAK

Urethra_Franklin said...

Shiggles thats cause I like you.
That and....theres no one that really needs any hardcore bitch slappin these days. lol But that never lasts long round here...


Anonymous said...

Adam has already proved he can sustain his career, earning millions with his last tour . I would not worry about his career and AMA anymore. Success of US and international tour say it all. He has every reason to be happy in his own way.

Anonymous said...

I admire Adam because he has not changed who he is and what he stands for. I think he is a great person with a kind heart and a great mind. I understand what @JAK is saying, because what we saw on Idol was a very toned down Adam. Some folks were surprised to see that he is so fierce and sexual on stage.

With all the hate and comments he has heard, I think if he wanted to change something he would. I say just love him and let him create. So far I think he is doing great, being himself.


glitzylady said...

I just wanted to post an "addendum" to my comment at 3:40 PM:

When I said I agreed with @Anon 2:40 PM that Adam will probably on occasion hang out with some of the "Young Hollywood" crowd in the coming months when his album promotion starts, I was thinking more in terms of him making appearances to do just that (promote his album), and to be seen at some events, as I'm sure he will be..In reading my comments later, and the comments of a few others, I realized that mine might have been interpreted as saying that I think he should be someone who he is not..and that could not be any further from the truth..As I said in my other comment at 3:17 PM, I respect and support Adam to be the person he has been all along, an honest, creative, genuine, generous, loving, intelligent, inclusive, charming, talented, well-spoken man who has the right to be who he is without having to give up his previous life and friends just because he is now famous, and for the sake of appearances. He is perfectly fine the way he is, in fact far more than perfectly fine. I also get what @Anon 2:40 PM was saying. He may very well show up at the same places at the same time as other young actors, singers, etc. I think he has Hollywood friends who would fit that description. But I doubt he will hang out with someone just to appear more "mainstream" or acceptable. .He isn't too keen on people who aren't "real" and I'm sure he wouldn't want to be one of those himself. Maybe I just made myself even less clear, but hope this makes sense!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Adam would ever really hang out with some of the Young Hollywood crowd. From what you read and see, most of them are losers, famous for absolutely nothing. Poor Paris Hilton, washed up at 30! She can't even give a decent interview and gets insulted if asked what she really does. Look at Lindsay Lohan. She's wasted her life and her career with alcohol and drugs(allegedly). These individuals are not real in any sense and Adam would not want to be grouped in with them or appear to be "mainstream" or acceptable in the public eye. He is who he is and that's why we love this talented, articulate, witty, intelligent, and very sexy man.

Anonymous said...

So, this is the kind of pics you want to see? Adam chest to chest with the übertalented Paris Hilton. This will certainly boost his career and we can feel comfortable with his choice of people to get photographed with.
Oh, wait! Isn´t that woman kind of weird?


Anonymous said...

There really is no such thing as "normal." It's all relative. To Adam,in his world he and his friends are "normal". He will do the usual promoting and interviews as he did before, probably more leather and less glitter because he's already done that and has moved on to a new look. He will always gravitate to his friends and clubs that are familiar and accepting of him as he is of them. He and Sauli can be themselves with no judgements or prejudices. He can still enjoy that creative, free aspect of his life during his personal time, as well he should. He's not going to be some one he's not, but he is savvy and knows what's appropriate for whatever event he is attending. At the Grammys he was elegant and edgy, well groomed and dressed with glam for the occasion, but not boring or over the top. He's a mature man that I think will sensibly choose his battles, compromising when it is of little consequence to him and at times blending in with mainstream when necessary. He's learned a lot and isn't a naive kid. He knows what he wants and now knows how to get it. He has never hidden anything and has always been honest. I trust him to make the right choices for himself in his personal as well as professional life. They are afterall his choices. He's come a long way in the past 2 years and has experienced more than most would in a lifetime. I like who he is and who he will grow to be. It won't be boring! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4funn and Icon, Thanks so much for checking in and giving us an update! Sounds like things are looking up and Icon must be thrilled with another island to explore! Will look forward to your adventure sharing when you are able! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ GLB and HK fan, Thanks for the links!! funbunn40

Urethra_Franklin said...

3:15 not to be argumentative but Im a freak and I assure you we do not think we are "normal." That implies we are like everyone else.


oh and for the record Paris Hilton can eat shit.

Ronnie said...

My blood pressure has rised and lowed during this thread. So my blood pressure is "normal" for a guy who is pissed. Otherwise I don´t like the word normal, at all.

Maybe it is because as younger mom used to expect me to act as "normal young boy" = no face making, running crazy, weird friends, loud music, sexy pics on walls, black hair, leather jacket etc. Mom wanted me to be a silent zombie average-Joe with chinos&shirt. Gosh! Never wanted to become one!!!

So I admire and appreciate to heaven Adam´s honesty to be himself and go to places where he feels comfy. He is just the Adam he is! Love him so much for that!!

I mean, it would be important for all and everyone to become him/herself and leave that average-Joe shell behind.

Artists are mostly "weird" and "freaks" cos they are creative and have found their inner self. We have lots of "weirdos&freaks" on this site too!!:)

So let´s not be worried about Adam´s reputation or anything. True fans never leave him!!!!! And he is gaining more and more every day!!!

@Eva<3 @glitzylady<3 @Uretha_Franklin<3 @JAK<3
@funbunn40 @P.A.S.<3 @Shiggles<3 LOVE YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Ronnie dear

It would be a boring world if everyone was a cookie cutter copy. If everyone that society had at sometime considered weird had never lived what kind of world would it be? Dull and colorless. Imagine...No Da Vinci..Thomas Edison..Frank Zappa..Picasso..Van Gogh..Galileo..Columbus..Dali..Michael Jackson..Steven Spielberg..Einstein..Hitchcock..Michaelangelo..
and Johnny Depp!

One day's weird is often another day's genius.

glitzylady said...

<3 to you too!
I agree: "normal" is highly overrated and in fact can be interpreted in a multitude of different ways. It just depends on your perspective. I prefer to recognize and celebrate the diversity, and deviations from "normal" ("average"), of us all. Could you, for instance, imagine a gathering of the 24/7 commenters (I hesitate to say "regulars" because one interpretation of that word would be "normals"...LOL!)! We'd probably look at each other and say "Is that really YOU??" because sometimes our outward appearance belies who we are inside, which to me is much more important. We can express ourselves with changing our outward appearance to reflect who we wish to be perceived to be, or even hide behind our outward appearance, to "blend" with "normal" (in this context: "socially acceptable") society around us, but of course we are still who we are inside our hearts and souls. I would assume that's one of the reasons Adam did not "win" AIS8 (but of course he did, really), because he did not fit the definition of "normal" in many peoples minds: he is "different". (I won't use the term that is the definition of "not normal"...because it implies something negative, and in this particular case is not true in the least!).

Last year, in one of the threads, we were sharing some very deep and personal stories. One of the "commenters" (okay, regulars..) here shared that her son had recently come out to the family and was struggling. I shared my example of the seminar I had gone to (I'm in Dentistry) that was taught by a pedodontist (children's dentistry specialist) who said that when parents express concerns about their children's teeth, and ask if that particular situation is "normal", he tells them that yes, its normal, on a wide spectrum of "normal", and is what is "normal" for THAT particular child. I always try to preface my comments to parents with "yes, its normal for your child...". [In that particular blog, I applied it to the spectrum of Gay/Bi/Straight..but that's another topic for another day..] Obviously, that is a very broad statement and example, but I think it applies to people too, in who we "are".. Most of us aren't dead center "normal" (in this case meaning "average"). "Normal" in that case, implies that we are "average" and very few of us fall right in the middle..And as I always say, who wants to be "average"??!!!! I would prefer to be described as "exceptional"! Which I think is a much better term than "normal", or that dreaded and often ugly term when meant derogatorily, (Ok, I guess I must say it..) "abnormal". Its all in how you look at it: I think "exceptional" applies to most of us, and I know that Adam Lambert is definitely "exceptional" in the true sense of the word.

(have to finish below.. in Part 2) : )

glitzylady said...

Continued from Part 1 above: (12:31 PM)

Oh, and by the way, all the things you described as being "you" as a younger boy: loud music, leather jacket, black hair, running crazy, weird friends, etc..., sound pretty "normal" to me and I mean that in a good way, and not negatively. I hope that's still "you"..sounds "exceptional" and fabulous to me! Especially since the "silent zombie" in the chinos and the shirt (assuming collared button-down) wasn't who you wanted to be on the outside because it wasn't who you are on the inside. Although we moms can be a little weird sometimes, about the "running crazy" part! And who among us hasn't done a little of that in our "formative" years, to one degree or another.. Some just do it at different times in our lives! For some, the time is now.. ; )))

Enough of that..I just want to tell you, Ronnie, how much I appreciate you coming here to celebrate and flail about Adam with us, and share a little about yourself. This blog, and our love for Adam, makes the world a very small place indeed. And again, my thoughts and prayers for the people of Norway. Hugs to you. : )

Ronnie said...

@glitzylady! Hugs and <3 You put words again so well!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Ronnie!! WORD!!! <3

Anonymous said...

@ Ronnie,<3 LOVE U TOO!!!Life is so much better with hugs! @ GL, I've never been "normal", but a free independant spirit, soaking up life's diversities, hoping not to miss a thing and haven't missed much! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me how to register to comment? I'm tired of being an anon! - Thanks.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:23 AM (soon to be renamed!)
Next to the "Comment as:" click on Select Profile, Go to NAME/URL, click on that, It will bring up EDIT PROFILE, Type in a NAME of your choosing (ignore the URL box), Click on CONTINUE, and and your "name" should appear in the "Comment as:" box..

The next time you comment, do the same thing: type in the first letter of your "name" in the NAME box and it will automatically appear. Proceed as above..Easy!

Or you can just "sign" your name at the bottom of your comment. Either way works..And welcome to the "non-Anon"'s ! : )

abby said...

Thanks glitzylady!