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Adam Lambert: Happy Monday!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, July 25, 2011

Posted at : Monday, July 25, 2011

Adam Lambert tweeted Happy Monday to his fans. He also wished his brother Neil a godspeed trip from LA to Boston.


Anonymous said...

@Eva, I left you a post on the Kirstie Alley thread.

Happy Monday and Adam and all my Glamily here! Glad to hear from you Rakstar!


Anonymous said...

Happy Monday to you too Adam. Have a great concert in Canada this week . To all the fans going please enjoy yourselves also. I know I sure never had any trouble enjoying myself at one of Adam's concert. Godspeed to you Neil.

Anonymous said...

I just love how Adam is so positive all the time. Such a nice thought to wish everyone a good Monday, and a productive creative week to all of his fans. Just made my day and others also. Thank you Adam, we all love you.

Anonymous said...

Love his happy nature and how he can make my day too. It's funny when Neil is complaining about the airport Adam says Godspeed. This just cracked me up like Neil is going on a long dangerous journey. Love Adam's sense of humor. These two brothers are a good example of the nature vs nurture debate. Both being raised by the same parents yet one so positive and Neil a bit on the negative side. And no, let's not debate this on here lol.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to some vids from Adam's appearance in Canada at the end of the week. It will be interesting to see what he is wearing(how he looks:hair, clothes style,etc.) and what he chooses to sing. Maybe it will be similar to what he performed in Russia. Whatever it is, can't wait to see any comments, pictures, or vids from that show. These two brothers really do care for and support each other no matter how different they may be. Happy week to both of them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for telling me before the thread went down the rabbit hole.
I´m so sorry about your brother. He was in Sweden about the time I was born. He thought you should come here and of course you should, if it´s possible. You will love the "white nights" in summer, the nordic light, especially if you go to the north of Sweden, where I was born. Of course it´s not the best country in the world to live in. We all know that´s Finland, just a couple of hours away on the Viking Line. :D

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what Neil's occupation is? Just wonderin'.

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday to all!
I will copy again, this beautiful public link HK Fan. Thank you very much! in a previous thread. Let's refresh our day with her ​​smile of gold!


Anonymous said...

Does anyone think he may sing one of his new songs. I wish he would sing Can't Let You Go. He sings that with such emotion. I would love to hear it live.

LP said...

Happy Monday, it seems that Adam might not have been aware that Adams Glamily trended on twitter for over 3 hours yesterday.
I was especially touched by his message to Neil. "Godspeed", he usually does not use the word God, he says the universe. I am wondering if Sauli has inspired him to believe there is a God. From looking into Sauli's life, I think he believes in God , and Adam being jewish he should also .Just an observation.:)
They should be leaving any day this week for Canada, and Godspeed to Adam, Sauli and all the team.

Anonymous said...

Adam said in an interview that he believes in God.

The Dark Side said...

Read somewhere that Neil did some teaching in New York at one point. Not the best of times for anyone just getting into education, but not second guessing anyone/thing. My opinion, Neil belongs in politics or reporting it in some manner. Wonder if Political Science was on his college menu. Happy Monday back at ya, Adam, and thanks for the thought!!! Weekend can't come quick enough, I am bored to death without Adam news.

Anonymous said...

@ The Dark Side

Neil's college degree was in Political Science.
I echo your thought that he will be either in politics or reporting it. I'm crazy about him.
We share an affliction....he and I are both pessimists, he's a crabby one, I'm a cheerful one!...........JAK :-)

Urethra_Franklin said...

Neil is the bees knees!!

LP said...

@ anon 3:28
I believe that was on the Oprah show, and she asked him, if he believed in God, and his answer was God, Universe same thing. She also asked him if he prayed, and he said he meditates.

Anonymous said...

Universe or God at least he has faith indeed!!!!

I'm not religious either but I was born as a Catholic!!! No matter what you believe in, as long as you don't hurt anybody that's good for me....

That's why I adore him so much!!!! Much love !!!!

Anonymous said...

Universe, G-d, it is the same thing. One is just some men's name for the other. Meditation is prayer, when you're not praying to anyone specific.

HK fan said...

Adam beat Jared Leto with 76% on the Mix sexiest man poll. He's now up against Rob Thomas (whoever he is) in the last 4. Voting is on now until wednesday.

HK fan said...

Here's a new pic of Adam from NYC

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan

Remember when Adam sang with the Idol group on the finale..with Santana? The song was SMOOTH,
Rob Thomas was the featured singer of that song
on Santana's video and cd. He's a talented singer, but of course..No Adam!!!!........JAK

Anonymous said...

Re: Adam's concert in Canada.
I checked twitter. Horrific discussions. There are still some Adommy crays and they don't accept Sauli going to Canada with Adam. One example:

Lisa :)
I swear to god if that fuckwad goes anywhere near Canada I will personally kill him with a spork."

They are hurting Adam deeply with that insane behaviour. Tommy should take some action. He's the only one who can stop it.

Anonymous said...

I believe Neil lives in NYC or he used to anyway.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:12PM This ImasleepwalkerX sounds like a psycho. Hope there's security for Sauli as well as for Adam. Tommy needs to come out and tell these delusional fans that he and Adam never were or ever will be a couple. Adam has done so several times, also saying Tommy is straight. She threatened there had better be a Tommy kiss and I doubt very much that will happen, not only out of respect for Sauli, but because of these crazy, out of touch with reality threats from these fans. What was just a fun treat from Adam for fans has turned into an ugly, threatening scenario. It has to really disappoint Adam and cause Sauli to question their sanity and maturity. So sick. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I think Neil was teaching political science in Korea and Thailand at a children's school. Think that is where he met his girlfriend, Elisse. Adam probably wished Neil Godspeed because he has bad airport Karma! lol He had a nightmare of a time coming back from Hawaii last year and seems to run into a lot of delayed flights and other problems. Wonder if negative energy has anything to do with it... Hmm Maybe he has a good job opportunity in Boston. Hope so. I really like Neil and he's very bright and talented in his own right. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra_Franklin, Yup!! ,,,@ HKfan Thanks for the link! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Did Adam kiss Tommy in Russia? I doubt that he will in Canada, sort of hope not. Unbelievable that Sauli would need protection in such a liberal country..

tess4ADAM said...

How big of a venue is the concert in Canada? Is it similar to the other one ... umm ... the Balloon Festival that had a humongous crowd??

Nope!! No kissing in Russia Adommy-wise ... saw the vids on Ytube ...
Happy Monday to you too ADAM & the rest of the week as well, Luv .... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

The Adommy cult will live for some time without Adam ever kissin Tommy again. About 100 kisses during last tour was enough. I've been investigating this Sauli hate and the worst places are Germany and the US, maybe some in Canada, but not in Quebec. What do you think? It's normal to dislike someone, but these people completely deny the fact that Sauli is Adam's regular boyfriend. I'm not a fan of Sauli, but I like him because he's got good sense of humour. I also like Tommy and I hope he stays in the band.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:12 We can only guess why Tommy doesn't do anything to stop that insane. Perhaps he is afraid of loosing his fans he got through Adam?

Anonymous said...

Someone ask here before that why some Finns are saying that Sauli please come back home. I think like that when I read some comments of those Adommys who seems to have lost touch with reality. They are freaking me out.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Finn and I saw that Sauli come back home comment. It was probably just a joke, or someone was pretending to be a Finn. I didn't take it seriously.

Anonymous said...

@Eva, thanks for your kind message. I would LOVE to visit your beautiful country AND Finland someday, somehow!

Neil went to University of California, Santa Cruz (Northern Calif.)


Anonymous said...

The imagination of Adommys has no limits. Now they claim RCA forcing Adam to be with Sauli for five years. They say that it is included RCA contract. And that's why Adam is so unhappy nowadays. They can read it in Adam's eyes....

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Finland Daydreamin, or anyone who is interested :) You can find travel info about Finland on these sites:

Also videos from Finland on YouTube at VisitFinland.

Anonymous said...

All celebrities probably have some delusional fans. Something that comes with fame I suppose. I trust that Adam knows how to handle things.

Adam seems so happy about this week and he seems so happy in general too! :) It must be exciting for him to perform if Sauli's watching in the audience or backstage. I hope they'll have a lovely trip together, they're such a sweet couple.

Anonymous said...

Thanks anon 2:45!!! I will watch them!


Anonymous said...

I came home after a hard day’s work yesterday and read Adam’s “Happy Monday” post. Wow, reading those few words, I felt like I had just walked into the ocean, dove under a wave, and emerged cool, refreshed and cleansed in body, mind and spirit. His positivity is infectious. I work in a large corporation where there are many complainers and whiners….you know these people, you run into them on Monday morning and they are already sighing, “is it Friday yet?” You know what? Friday may never come. How well I know that as I recently lost my husband to a brief, brutal battle with lung cancer. Friday didn’t come for him. But Adam Lambert came into my soul and helped me heal. I told him that when I met him last summer at a meet & greet. I have always been a positive person as much as possible but now even more so with Adam fused into my soul forever. I tell those whiners not to live that way but enjoy each day. I spread my message far and wide with everyone I meet.

Proud to be a Glambert, proud to be a part of the Glamily, only wish I was younger so I could share more years with Adam than I have. Kill it in Canada, and videos coming from Suz, too! Life is Good!

Adam, you are a breath of fresh air in this jaded, cynical world. You prepare. You create. You love. And we love you back.

Peace and Love,

Aquarian Glitz

Anonymous said...

@ Aquarian Glitz

I've read your comment several times and many things seemed familiar to me. Some years ago my first job was in the company of complainers and it can really drag you down. Which was easy in my case since I am basically filled with gloom and doom. Fortunately I married an optimist and he said "when are you happiest" and I said "with children"....that did it. I spent the next 20+
years with over a thousand 4 and 5 year olds and was filled to the brim with joy.

I think that's a quality we see in Adam, the joy and friendliness and excitement of a child.
I wish I were younger so that I would have more years to watch his success grow. But I'll take what I can get and love every second of being part of his supportive Glamily.............JAK
It's nice to meet you!

Bing said...

@HH - how are you my friend :D It's a pleasant surprise to see you again. I've been missing a lot of our regulars here and i'm glad that i somehow get to see them posting again one at a time.

Thanks for another lovely post in a previous thread HH. You know there is this saying by Plato, "At a touch of love, everyone becomes a poet". Whenever i read your comments specially those translated by @Fan4fun, it's as if i'm reading poetry. They make me feel your pure love for our Shining Star whose brilliance is like no other and whose talent is overflowing. Thanks again for those wonderful posts despite the language barrier HH.

And i'm really happy that you shared here this link that you got from HK fan. Now that is what you call instant gratification for me \o/ \o/ \o/

Tener buen cuidado de ti mismo oy mi amiga. Un gran abrazo para usted. Por cierto ¿Se puede saber de su cumpleaños

Love thru Adam,

Bing said...

@Aquarian Glitz - I could just imagine how draining your kind of work could be. I admire what you do for a living and also your perseverance. Being able to help others gives us a special sense of fulfillment that money can't buy. I absolutely agree when you said that Adam's positivity is simply infectious because he has exactly the same effect on me. That's why i need to be here whenever i can because i also feed from his energy. Just seeing his photos brightens up my day. Plus the fact that we have so many exciting people in 24/7 whose comments help me get through not only with my Adam fix but also with my life. And i'm so envious that you got to be that close to Adam, that must be heavenly!

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. And i would like to thank you for sharing this with us. Nothing i'll say can ever take away the pain but at least i can pray for his eternal repose.

You stay well and safe Aquarian Glitz because Adam's journey is just beginning and we should be with him for as long as we can.

Love thru Adam,