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Jay Leno mentions Adam Lambert's 6 million Dollars

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 28, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, July 28, 2011


Anonymous said...

I loved it when Adam was on Jay's show, I hope he gets on there again, maybe after his next album comes out.

Anonymous said...

I hope to see Adam on Jay's show for his new single promotion. When he gets mentioned like this means he is definitely making name for himself. So happy for Adam....indigo.

Anonymous said...

That was great but I think there was a small hesitation before the applause for Adam because ..... ooooo, I hate to say this ..... he may be fading from the memory of a lot of people. Come on promoters!! Get that album done and OUT THERE!!!! Can't let the World forget that beautiful voice!!!

Anonymous said...

9:31 Oh please , the audience was probably waiting to see where Jay was going with that one.

Anonymous said...

yep agree

Anonymous said...

OT But this is a very touching story about Charity Water donation campaign.

Anonymous said...

I think the audience knew who Adam is. His name is out there whether you're a fan or not. No worries about "fading."

Anonymous said...

OT....will Adam be doing the Glam Nation Tour in Canada tomorrow????? or is he going to surprise us???

Anonymous said...

I noticed he didn't mention Daughtry. I think Jay really likes Adam.

LP said...

As far as anyone knows Adam will be doing a repeat of the Moscow show. Glamnation is all put away, except for the songs. Adam said he has moved on from all the glitter.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope it is a repeat of Moscow....loved the more natural look and hope he retains it for his next our. No more glitter!

Anonymous said...

I also noticed the pause, but think some of it may have been that people were surprised that Adam made so much off the first year album/tour. I know many fans (myself included) were pleasantly surprised, so makes since that the audience would be as well.

Anonymous said...

I, too, noticed the pause and at first I had a negative thought that the people couldn't remember him! Then I realized Adam is really becoming much more well known now with lots of mentions in different media and by other celebs too(remember the The Voice/Adam Levine fiasco when he dissed our Adam?) He ended up having to apologize to the media for doing that!) It was all over Twitter and talked about everywhere. Let's not forget that Adam is a Grammy Nominated Artist with a voice that everyone agrees is one of the best in the music industry today. Yep, Adam is well-known now. The fact that Jay Leno mentions Adam is also very important. He proved he has not forgotten Adam. He loved Adam when he was on Jay's show and I'm sure he'll be happy to have him back when Adam starts promoting his new music....and I'll be glued to the TV when that happens.

I'm patiently waiting for the vids from Canada and so excited to see the Vh1 BTM special !!!


glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:01 AM
Thanks for posting the Charity Water story of Rachel Beckwith. I've been following it since it started a week ago, as I'm from the Seattle area. Rachel's life was cut short tragically, but she leaves such a legacy of hope for the lives of so many people in Africa. I've actually sent the her story to Adam via twitter, but I doubt he has seen my tweet, out of the many tweets he gets every minute of the day. I wouldn't be surprised that he has been made aware of it however.

This is her Charity Water page:

I would encourage everyone here to go to the link above at @Anon 10:01 AM and read Rachel's story. It's been seen everywhere, after it first appeared on a Seattle TV news broadcast. She gave up her 9th birthday celebration to give to Charity Water, with a goal of $300, which she was $80 shy of at the time of her birthday and then her death. After her tragic death last week, the account was reactivated, in hopes of achieving her goal, in her memory, and as of right now, the total donated to Charity Water in her memory is $572,502, and still rising as more hear of her story.. What a beautiful and unselfish little girl, with 28,625 people (as of this moment..)in Africa who will have access to clean water as a result of her unselfish and loving birthday wish. As I said in a previous thread where I posted this story as well, it gives me hope for the future of humanity and makes me cry every time I see her story. What a beautiful, inspiring, and meaningful legacy Rachel leaves behind.

glitzylady said...

@Anon9:31 AM and @Anon9:45 AM
Yes, I watched the Leno show last night, heard the pause and at first thought "hmmm" but after thinking about it for a minute, I realized that the audience was waiting for him to say something more about Adam, perhaps a joke, because he was doing his monologue, and there is always a joke in there someplace..Fortunately the joke was about Sanjaya Malakar and not Adam...and then they realized he was simply reporting that fact.( Some might have been a bit surprised to hear that Adam is doing so well.) Nothing to analyze or worry about. Jay is a big fan of Adam's and always treats him with respect, and I love the fact that he mentioned Adam. Adam is DEFINITELY not fading into the woodwork!

glitzylady said...

CNN's Showbiz Tonight mentions Adam on its report on Top Idol Earners (Video)

Shiggles said...

JAK - Referencing your last comment at 11:11 am on the Sam Sparro thread:

I'm crushed! I write an homage to you using all the Jack names I can come up with out of my shriveling brain. You pick my entries (Rappinanaflappin and Limpinanapimpin) as your rap names. You write the funniest country rap song ever as my prize. (Can't wait for the raunchy one.) We've been posting back and forth now for what...ten days? Yet, only today do I learn that the "e" is silent in JAK? WTH? Who knew? Who could possibly know that the "e" in JAK is silent? I'm so confused. (Picture Vinnie Barbarino in Welcome Back Kotter.) I'm overwhelmed. However I must admit that I've never, ever in my entire life been whelmed.

Waiting anxiously for an explanation to this coverup. I remain :))

glitzylady said...

Here's a Twitter List to follow for Adam's show in Quebec tomorrow night, put together by @LAMBERT_LIVE on's a list of people who will be there and will possibly be tweeting what's happening, as it happens. I followed the list the night of the Russia concert and it was a hoot! Yes, I stayed up QUITE late, but it was the end of the concert everyone here in the US was pretty giddy and tired, but it felt like we were there. In fact it was pretty hilarious. Not so sure I'll do that for this one, but if anyone is interested, here's your chance.!/LAMBERT_LIVE/sainte-agathe

Shiggles said...

To our Aussie friends:

I come to this site daily and have never read an unkind post regarding Aussies. If there has been one that I missed, it had to have been posted by an Anon. We glamberts, glambrits and other fans from all over this globe have always commended you for your staunch support of our beloved Adam Lambert. We were ecstatic when FYE went Gold in Australia. I venture to say that no one who frequents 24/7 daily would call out an Aussie in a non positive way.

All 24/7 fans: If you see ANYTHING negative posted about an Aussie fan, please contact Admin immediately and ask that it be removed.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a loving person, and always took the time out to write to us via twitter no matter how busy he was. Lately, he's become indifferent. I know you guys are gonna tell me he's busy working on his album, but mind you he always took time out even while on tour, while traveling, while recording his first album, during anything and everything he did, he communicated with us, his loyal fans. We even made him trend worldwide this past weekend and he has not even acknowledged us for it. I just hope he doesn't start to change :(

Anonymous said...

He probably didn't see it because it was early morning in LA when we trended that.He was sleeping.

Anonymous said...


Never been "whelmed"? It's right in between overwhelmed and underwhelmed, I would describe it as sort of a bland, pale, "eh!" feeling, believe me you don't want to seek it's as close to nothing as you can get.

When I first found my way to 24/7 and gave myself a tag I just lazily used my initials which pronounced aloud...J..A..K...had always caused my friends to call me JAKE. I recall mentioning that once on a thread....which I assume everyone missed. If I'd thought about it
longer I would have come up with something more "colorful". But now that I'm entering show business I will use a different tag for every genre of music I indulge in. You so kindly supplied me with a RAPPER name, which I love and am sure will bring me good fortune.

However....I'm thinking my first album will, like Adams, be a variety of genres, the better to showcase my talents. You've awakened my Country Music side so my brain is busy working out the debut of "Dolly Judd" and her jug band!
Watch out ! I can hear you working out an introduction ..."and tonight the Jay Leno show presents Dolly and her jugs!" Don't go there, this is going to be a class act, I'm in meetings with wardrobe, makeup and the lighting specialist
especially the lighting specialist, at my age I need a really really dim light to hide the ravages of time which has marched across my once fair and dewy visage.

Further announcements will follow...........JAK

Anonymous said...

Smile for today

The instructor stands before the class and tells them to write a sentence using the words "pink," "yellow" and "green." It is stressed that these words may not be used as colors.

The papers are submitted. When finished reading all the papers, the instructor asks one writer to come to the head of the class and read the paper.

The writer reads aloud: "The phone goes, 'green, green, green' an I pink it up an say 'yellow?'"

The instructor pats the reader on the back and announces to the class, "Please congratulate our newest Call Center Customer Representative."

How many of you have actually spoken with this person? I know I have and at several different companies!

glitzylady said...

An article from Renee Snider about the latest announcement about Adam's appearance at the DoSomething Awards:

By Renee Snyder:
Adam Lambert to Participate in VH1 ‘Do Something Awards’
July 28, 2011 has just informed Adam Lambert's fans that he will not only be attending the awards, but will also be part of the show. Upon tweeting a list of several artists who will be performing at the ceremony, was asked by one of Adam's fans if he will be performing as well. They have previously confirmed that he will be attending the ceremony and today responded:

Yes. Adam will be there and is part of the show in a non performing role.

So what does this mean? Maybe Adam will be presenting an award? Only time will tell. If Adam's fans have their way, he will not only present, but will also receive an award. To this end, they are voting feverishly for Adam to win the "Music Artist" award. Some fans even worked with Adam's favorite charities to organize a campaign for donations in honor of his Do Something Awards nomination.
Although Adam Lambert will apparently not be singing at the awards, there will be some great performances by artists such as Demi Lovato, Foster the People, One Republic with B.O.B. Unless gives further hints on Twitter, fans will have to wait until the show airs to see just how Adam is participating in the awards.
In the meantime, you can continue to vote for Adam by clicking on the voting website. Have you been voting for Adam? Are you excited to watch the Do Something Awards? Be sure to tune in on Thursday, August 18th, 2011 at 9/8c on VH1.

Anonymous said...

Totally ignored Daughtry??

Anonymous said...

@JAK I'm as confused as Shiggles. J A and K all rhyme, so J and A should have silent e's as well as K. Should we think of you as JeAeKe? Perhaps the A wouldn't have a silent e as it is a vowel which leaves us with JeAKe. Let's put it on a poll. Jack or Jake? Which is it?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the article Glitzylady. I don't think Adam will do much performing on tv until his new album comes out. JAK I am applying for a back up dancer position, some people have told me I dance like Sasha.( not) lol

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to agree, Adam did not acknowledge the fact that we made him trend on twitter. And even if he was sleeping at the time, he would still know about it because we've been directing messages to him, telling him how his loyal fans made him trend. He cannot forget about us. Without us, he wouldn't be where he's at. I hope he doesn't forget that.

Glamitup said...

What I find funny about the comments here is that we all seem to think along the same lines alot. When Jay said Adam Lambert, I found myself holding my breath for a split second and thinking "clap people, CLAP!" Then I let it out as soon as they did! haha I think there are borderline obsessive fans like us (admit it cause it's true) that are just so protective of Adam and don't want to hear the gay jokes and the AMA crap anymore! We just SOOOOOO want him to be rewarded for being the singer and performer that he is. Believe it or not, I have run across a TON of people who never watch Idol and don't know who Adam is!!! It's true and I hate it!! This second album I know is gonna bring Adam to the forefront! FYE, although good, was thrown together in such a short time and didn't do his voice justice. This next one has Adam's stamp of approval and he is gonna knock it out of the park!! I remember watching Idol right before a performance and thinking "Oh no Adam, what are you doing?" But once the music started, it was just magic!! He never let us down and he won't on this album!! I hope it gets the recognition it deserves!! Well I am rambling!! sorry! Just love him so. What in the hell did we ever do before our Adam? lol

Anonymous said...

@ 3:33

I got to go for Jack. My uncle's initials are JOC and he's always been Uncle Jock never Joke.

Carlos said...

Leno is such a Glambert. I love him now haha

Anonymous said...

@glamtrip your annoying lol

Anonymous said...

I think leno is a Glambert too and I also think Ellen is too. Love them both. Ok folks SYTYCD time is almost here. Say a little pray for Sasha and hope we are very happy in 1 and 1/2 hour.bye.

Anonymous said...


Before Season 8 I had a life. I watched Idol since the beginning and enjoyed it very much. Season 7 I would cry watching Archie because he was so virginal and his voice so pure. He was sweet and I adored him, but I never voted for him or anyone before him. I didn't freak out when he lost to David Cook, I just figured he'd catch on when he got older. It doesn't bother me that he hasn't.

Season 8 put an end to my life as I knew it. I didn't care what or how anyone sang but Adam. I'd wait with my heart beating in my throat in anticipation of just a glimpse of him in the group numbers and the Ford commercials. When he sang alone I sat on the edge of my chair with every muscle in my body clenched and then when each time he was again perfection I needed a muscle relaxer. I was drained. I damn near wore out my remote pushing stop, reverse, start
over and over and over.

Season 9 and 10 I watched. That was it, just watched. No commitment to anyone. I could care less if there is a Season 11.

I've bought everything Adam I can get my hands on. I'm on the new computer I bought to save EVERYTHING 2 hours a day searching for news, pictures, anything. I've lost 20 pounds because I forget to eat. My friends are worried about me because I'm 5'8" and a size 2.

I confess. I give up. Put me in a 12 step program right now. I'm addicted to Adam. I don't understand because this has never happened to me in my life. You can take all the Hollywood hunks and Pro Athletes and Singers and take them all to the dump. I just want to see or hear Adam. I need help!

Needs an intervention

Anonymous said...

@ Glamitup

As your intervention counselor I assure you that you are in the right place. In this company you seem completely normal. I do encourge you to eat though.....Adam would recommend ice cream!...JAK

Anonymous said...

To All.......

I have always assumed that my two friends who hung the JAK (JAKE) name on me arrived at it from the Jay Aaa K (as in kuh) sound. But if you want to ask them they are pretty busy and might not get back to you for awhile.

One is a Federal judge for the District Court and the other is a Professor Emerita....Dept of Urban and Regional Planning. "Show offs" !

A long way back the former danced so hard to repeated playings of Bill Haley's Rock Around the Clock at Sophmore beach week she fainted and chipped her front teeth. The latter used to buy a giantic sour pickle at the refreshment stand in local movie theater (I don't know why they sold stinky pickles but they did) and when we sat in the balcony she would drip juice on the heads of those in seats below us!

They have both given up this type of behavior and made something of themselves.....this proving that there is hope for your children and grandchildren you may be worried about.

Would it help if I changed my tag to Snooki?

Adamluv said...

What a coincidence that we see this clip of Leno today. Last nite was at City Walk in LA to see The Voice tour. It was their first show and very good IMO. Before the show saw a crowd of people so went to investigate and there was Leno doing his "Man/Woman on the street" bit. Everyone was very polite and kept their distance. Leno looked just like he does on TV. My friend reminded me that exactly one year ago we were in Costa Mesa to see our first GNT concert. "Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end." ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Anons. 2:07 PM and 4:08 PM

I sent my son a birthday gift in March and have not received a thank you card, should I disown him?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Glamitup...I read your blog and it's EXACTLY how I feel. I could have written it word for word myself. AI began and ended for me with Adam, although I watched the show in earlier and later seasons. I am an addict and loving every minute of it, even the times when the fandom kinda drives me crazy. The best part is that I feel like our Glamily will be together for a long time, through thick and thin. I have said more than once that being an Adam fan is not for the timid or the faint of heart. So, if this group is CRAZY for Adam, well then, so am I.

Anonymous said...

2:07, 4:08, what? people are actually complaining that adam did not acknowledge a trend. please, this seems so petty, he's presumably packing and getting to montreal. Support him because you like/love him/his singing, not because you need something in return. {this drives me crazy so I don't come back here often.)

Anonymous said...

Yippy do da day! Sasha made it thru. Man I am so tired living under this pressure, I'll be glad when this season of sytycd is over. Glamitup I could have written your comment but just the opposite about the size thing. I had a life dam you I had a life!! From the movie GHOST,( I think.) lol

Anonymous said...

Exactly the same for me, Glamitup!!

Anonymous said...

Ease up on your expectations of attention from Adam please people. He has just found a true love and is making an album - I'm sure his thoughts are on these things right now.

Anonymous said...

Go to this link to watch and listen to Jay Leno mentioning Adam in HD at 1:55.

Anonymous said...

Haiku for diehard Adam fans like myself and all at 24/7

Diehard Adam fans
Not for the faint of heart!
They hit it out the park

-Lam my

glamitup said...

To all who replied to my post, thank you!! I think my family first thought i jumped off the deep end but they have now come to accept this fascination that i have for adam. It truly has become this addiction for me! I swear, i think about him every day, several times a day. Its comforting that i can come here and know that i am not alone!! I have come to the conclusion that i need aa ( adam anonymous)! Haha thanks for being here friends, wherever u are! Please come back tomorrow! Gnite!

Anonymous said...


I got to loving Adam because I got sick, had to quit working, and life was on its way down the drain. He was such a treat to hear and see each week on Idol. I spent many hours on computer reading, looking and listening to anything Adam.
I never followed anyone before in my life, but than again, I use to have a life. I know my time with Adam is limited, and I may never see him in person, but I am thankful he came into my life. He has no idea how many hearts carry him with them every day. We all love him, because he is the one and only Adam.

Yea Sasha,.............JAK when do you start your tour?................ Jay Leno feels comfortable with Adam, it shows when they are together. Most people feel comfy with our boy, because he makes them feel that way.

Glitzlady: May Rachael rest in peace. I use to worry so when my son was young, I still worry, but not like I did when he was little. My heart goes out to her parents.

I met two new people here where I live now, one knows about Adam and his powerful voice, the other never watched Idol and does not listen to music. She never heard of Adam Lambert. I will change that for her, she is in for a treat.


HK fan said...

if you're lurking, happy birthday! Hope you get to enjoy Adams special birthday concert just for you..

Anonymous said...


I am not Glamitup, I am Needs an intervention @5:00 pm

Anonymous said...

JAK a question for you. How would one pronounce the letter K other than kuh? It's not like the letter C that can have the kuh sound or the suh sound ie., curtain and certain.

Anonymous said...

dear 3:14/Smile for today
Very interesting use of colours in such a funny way. "yellow" for hello, is quite common. In Singapore, a certain dialect uses "ya law" to agree about something eg. Someone says: This is so expensive and a friend agrees by saying: "ya law...". There was a joke made about it. It said: What law? (in English).
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Contd from my above comment: Recap..."ya law" means yeah...
Setting: campus (Singapore)
Student A: So you are going to study psychology.
Student B: "Ya law" in agreement
Expatriate looking slightly confused... So is it going to be psychology or law? :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

It is true man! I remember no matter what Adam was doing, no matter how busy he's been, he ALWAYS took the time to communicate to us and let us know what he's been up to. I think he owes us that much, since we the fans have given him the recognition he's received. We the fans are the ones he always thanked for the success he's obtained. That is what made him so special, the fact that he still wrote to us regardless of his fame and busy schedule. If he starts to change, he'll just become ordinary like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

P.A.S. I hope you are feeling and doing better these days. Yup, Adam did me in too. He has taken over my life. I am happy he has been able to help you over your trials and tribulations. He has no idea of the effect he has had on us. He would be happy to know he has helped you especially. Can't wait for the Canada vids!


Anonymous said...

@ Glamitup, Think you described all of us enraptured Adam obsessed Glamberts! Like 5:ooPM we all are in need of rehab, but don't expect it to ever happen! I intend to wallow in my addiction, looking forward to my Adam fix of the Quebec concert tonight! Death by Adam is a great way to go! I noticed that Jay didn't mention Chris Daughtry that was tied with Adam, earning 6 million. Glad he has the right priorities! Ricky Minor must also be so proud of Adam. funbunn40

Bing said...

@Needs an intervention - i loooooooooooooove your post because you reminded me of my entire AIS8 experience. I can relate with everything you said and it's so funny how similar our reactions were.

And all i can say is that this is the addiction that i don't wanna get cured of LOL. I will just go with the flow and enjoy the rest of Adam's journey wherever this may lead him.

I had a blast reading your post and it brought back a lot of wonderful memories from that show. I will forever be thankful to AI for giving Adam the platform he needed in that phase of his life.

If you are new here, a warm welcome to you and please stay with us because you'll surely enjoy this site. Just learn to ignore the viruses that attack us every so often. But feel free too should you choose to retaliate hahaha!

OMG i can't contain my excitement anymore for the concert tonight. It's almost 5:03PM (July 29)in this part of the world and the anticipation is sooo excruciating. I can't focus on my work because my mind is you know where teehee. Ok i gotta go, will just have to finish some task but will definitely BRB.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzylady for the info and to Adamluv for your adventure! Always love hearing about what you've seen. Really wishing I lived in LA, so close to surprise encounters! Hope next time you'll be bumping in to Adam! Enjoyed reading this thread! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Bing and HK fan, kindness as always. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

so excited for the concert, can't wait and I'm not even going to be there, lol

Anonymous said...

@ 8:34 PM ......aka Needs an intervention

OOPS ! Read too fast, assumed your comment was headed Glamitup said....

I plead stupidity or senility...Sorry!......JAK

@8:42 PM

I pretty much pronounce K with a kuh! Unless of course it's silent as in "Kneel Knickered Knave Knight Knock Knuckles!!! And yes, sometimes pesky "c's" are a problem "Come cutie cupcake camper cuddle closer cookie!

English ain't easy!........JAK

Anonymous said...

@ 3:49 PM

I appreciate your offer, however I am only auditioning male dancers for my Rap performances so to quote Adam "unless you're hiding something under that skirt".......JAK

Anonymous said...

Speaking of auditions and show grandson auditioned at Universal Orlando as he does each year to work at Halloween Horror Nights .
......they asked him to take off his shirt and handed him a chain saw to hold during the interview...???..."I see you've worked the show since you were 16 and you're 23 now?.."Yes sir"..
"You have no objection to working shirtless?"..
"No sir, I've done it before".."Would you agree to be painted green?".."Yes sir!".."How about having fur glued to your body".." No problem at all...I've done that before!" "Is that saw getting heavy?".."No sir it's fine".

"Okay Jamie, you're hired, we'll let you know which character you will be cast for."

He called me this week, so excited (and 16-ish)
and said "Grandma, I'm working Horror Nights again, I'm hoping maybe to be the HULK, when I was the wolfman it did itch and that saw would be pretty heavy to carry around a whole shift"!

Are all men 16 inside?...JAK

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK, what about this title for your rap poem...Boneshakerjak; you mentioned something about aching bones. I know the first prize has already been won; I am just vying for a consolation prize...any chance? :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Hey Glamitup! Just read your post about your Adam addiction and count me in too! It all began for me the day Adam auditioned on AI8 and I haven't been the same since! I completely related to everything you posted and the intensity I feel even now is continuing to grow day by day. I appreciate so much all the posts here on 24/7 to help me with my addiction. I can't go to sleep at night without checking back here for the latest info, pics, headlines etc. on our dear Adam. No one ever affected me as Adam has. I just love him so much. So, you are not alone in your addiction. It seems there are so many of us. What a very special Glamily we all are. I'm so proud to be part of it. Hugs to all!


Anonymous said...

@5:00- your not alone- I feel the same way, except I wish I could lose the weight part LOL.

Boy, we do think alike- don't we- I was like why didn't anyone clap for adam on Leno, geez- I still don't get it.

@glizylady- thanks for the link for our fellow Quebec twitters- will def follow.

Well, 1 more day and we will see BB performing. I wonder how many people will be there? and if he will sing a different song, like can't let you go or broken open? Can't wait.


Anonymous said...

I paused after Leno mentioned Adam, only because I was waiting for Leno to say "and Daughtry". I didn't think Leno was finished with his phrase. Adam did get as much a clap once the clapping started, so I think it's all good!

Anonymous said...

agree w/ most here about clap - truly think audience was just waiting to see where leno was going to go with it, no harm no foul imo

Shiggles said...

@ -Lam my

Boneshakerjak is a great rapper name. I give kudos to a fellow JAK fan. Since JAK graciously granted me first prize for Rappinanaflappin with a nod to Limpinanapimpin for a later "raunchier" release, I would be happy to share my prized country rap with you. If country rap isn't your genre, I'm sure you and JAK could work something out. She's very easy to please and great to work for.

My best to you in your future endeavors.

Shiggles said...

JAK - Great news about your grandson's Halloween gig.

In answer to your query: Are all men 16 inside? I would have to resoundingly say "YES!"

I've said for years that I have a 17 year old mind trapped in an aging body. And what person on this site wouldn't agree that Adam makes them feel 16 or 17 again.

I love that I can feel childlike at times yet not be childish.

PS - please consider Lam my's "Boneshakerjak."

glitzylady said...

@Glamiitup @5:00 PM
Better late than never to this "Adam Intervention Party"! I'm in the same position, except that while I might NEED an intervention, I would refuse...Because I don't want to miss a thing!

If anyone had told me I'd be a hard-core, dedicated, and yes, perhaps a tad bit obsessive fan of ANYONE, I would have said, well, pfft! that's just ridiculous. I haven't been this enamored with a singer since I was 12. Or, even crazier, that I would find a way to go to 9 Adam Lambert concerts, 8 of them in one year, including 6 GNT's with only 3 of the total 9 within driving distance. The others required airline travel..The the question I get all the time is: "WHY would anyone want to DO that anyway, I mean, haven't you already seen 1 GNT already???" (comments I heard from a couple of non-Adam friends until they gave up and just shook their heads, raised their eyebrows and rolled their eyes..and gave me that knowing "oh you poor thing, I'm sorry you're nuts" look). Of course others thought it was great that I was following my "muse", at least those who had their own obsessions to follow, and have a sense of adventure, fun, and know life is too short not to follow your heart. I never really "got" the "Dead Head" followers thing, but I do now! I used to tell myself and others I was going to see Adam live, because I wanted to show him my support as a fan, after certain events in 2009. That is definitely one reason I go to his live performances. The other reason is a profound inner NEED to see and hear him LIVE, because there is nothing else like it/him, especially live. Nothing/no one. The Idol performances were where I became acquainted with him, and even then I was dumbfounded and spellbound within the first 2 seconds that I saw him perform "Black or White" (missed the auditions..real life kept me busy)..and like you, couldn't wait for the next week, to see what he would amaze us with that time. "Must...Watch....Adam Lambert"...And he's only gotten better from there. His singing voice grabbed me but his personality and his 'being" is what keeps me coming back for more. I have a good friend who has met him several times (she lives in SoCal), always situations other than meet and greets, and she swears he has a visible aura about him that is just impossible to ignore: he literally shines. She also says he is one of nicest celebrities, she has ever met, and she works in a situation where she meets quite a few of the rich and famous. Like most who see Adam in any context, I can't take my eyes off of him. He is just special..I've not yet officially met him, but he touched my hand at a concert (flail!!!)..Very special moment indeed. Maybe next time around. I know this sounds just silly, weird, and embarrassing to people who have not "connected" to Adam the way that many of us have, but it's impossible to explain, rationalize, or ignore. So I'm just going with it. And enjoying every minute of it. The good thing is too, my husband understands how special Adam is, and is a big fan as well. He thinks Adam is very talented and the nicest, and most well-spoken guy ever. Makes it easier to flail about Adam: he has shared 4 of my concert experiences, and is right there next to me, smiling that goofy smile that we fans wear whenever Adam is around, either live or TV, and dancing and singing along..Its just one big Adam Love Fest around my house, so no there's one to turn me in for an intervention! PHEW!!!

Anonymous said...


This is 5:00 (Needs an intervention)

Some of my friends and family may think I need an intervention, but I know from this site that we all do in some way or another, so I feel in very good company. If anyone tried this drastic measure, I'd fight like a tiger to keep my hands on my keyboard or mouse to stay in my Adam addiction.

I'm also very lucky to have a husband who appreciated Adam from the getgo. Though he's not a fanboy, he enjoys hearing about Adam's popularity growing and his stardom rising. He also enjoys the fruits of Adam's labors. I cannot remember the number of times he's called out to me "Hunny, it's late and I've got Sleepwalker on." So it's a win win situation for us all around.

Thanks for sharing your feelings because they totally mirror mine.

Anonymous said...

@ Lam my

Two consolation choose!

Summer Day.....Running thru the meadow
...............I clasp beauty to me
...............Reaching out to the sun
...............I catch happiness

or..Haiku......Silver moon
...............Rides the sky
...............Gone too soon, gone too soon

That was fun!..JAK

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for wanting to share your first prize with me; that is really generous! I wish someone had offered the same kind gesture to Adam. And your recommendation for Boneshakerjak to be considered got through! :)

Thank you so much for the two wonderful consolation about awarding me both since the competition has already ended. I love both of them a lot! Difficult to choose. :)

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@ Lam my

They're yours! Am working on Boneshakerjak!
Should be ready by Monday...I have so many underway at the moment...Country Music song is ready to debut but I think I don't want my music to compete with Adams so will hold it at least 24 hours........Love and Lollipops...JAK

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK, here's my 1 cent worth; not necessary to include it in your version. :)

Boneshakerjak goes clickety clack
Tall and lean cuz she eats no fat
Strutting her stuff on her platform heels
Hickory dickory clack :)

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Cont. verse 2

Boneshaker Boneshaker Boneshakerjak
Spends her time doing rap rap rap
Scrolls up and down just to get a catch
Of Adam's beautiful cute rucksack :)

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady, As always, we're on the same Adam wavelength! Think you'll need to play Outlaws in the dentist office. It will keep them in an altered dream state,nice and relaxed! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Lam my

I can't improve on that! We're starting a poetry club on this blog...I bet that's a first!

My compliments to the author......JAK

Anonymous said...

Really? JAK! My first rap poem approved by the master... :) Whoa!
-Lam my

HK fan said...

love and lollipops, ha, ha, I used to sign all my kids birthday cards with that when they were cute

Anonymous said...

For JAK and HK fan+kids

Cont. verse 3

Adam Adam Adam
Loves and adores his fandom
Be careful though dear Man!
We shall be there at hand

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Replace last line with: We shall be close at hand

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Cont. verse 4...dedicated to Adam

Adam is the beacon light
Shimmering in the depth of night
Guiding weary shippers right
Into the harbour of delight

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 5...dedicated to Adam and Outlaws of Love

Well Well Well
How could he rot in hell?
Look into those eyes
Can't you see the smile?

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 6...dedicated to Adam's myriads of diehard fans and to my daughter Meimei...Happy Birthday 3 Aug !!

O sexy man we love you so
Your heaves and thrusts and body rolls
Thrill us to bits to our very own soul
Sexy man, it's you we wanna hold

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 7...dedicated to Adam and Sauli

No need for marriage
Nor horse-drawn carriage
Love is all that matter
Tying the knot, the latter
The minimal fuss the better

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 8...dedicated to Adam's worldwide fans

Near, far
Wherever you are
Adam will always be
Our Superstar!

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 9...dedicated to Boneshakerjak and me

Hey Adam
Boneshakerjak just called me
A sweetheart peacekeeper
My cup runneth over

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 10...dedicated to Singapore cadets Tampines 1, Rakiongm, Kathryn17 and Admin:

Singapore cadets
Really loved that
Precision skill
All in good will

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 11...dedicated to Sister

Cute cute cute
When in dispute
Never bows out
A hero no doubt

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 12...dedicated to Peace and Adam

Handsome Adam
Throws no tantrums
Peace be with you
Let's start anew

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 13...dedicated to Adam and Sauli

Adam's eyes mesmerise
Cast his gaze far and wide
Hoping to find the love of his life
Lo and behold he caught his eye

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 14...dedicated to Adam and Sauli at Burning Man and also to Finn Anon who inspired it.

Building castles in the sand
Adam with Sauli close at hand
Sunrise, sunset, rainbow bands
That was special Burning Man...

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 15...Adam's 2012 second album

Just you wait Glamberts just you wait
No room for tantrum, fret nor hate
Adam's spunky album will be great
Sales through the roof to celebrate

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 16...hardworking Adam

Diligent Adam in full control
Not to worry, he knows his role
Back from recharge and full of zest
To conquer the world cuz he is the best!

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 17...Adam and Sauli...their journey of love...

Adam and Sauli
As happy as can be
Their new found love
A stroke of chemistry
A tap on the shoulder
A twinkle of the eye
That was all it took
For magic to comply
Adam tells Sauli:
You're the apple of my eye!
Sauli tells Adam:'re mine!
Walking hand in hand
Across the desert sand
Saving all their love
Till the very end
Hope his album drops
With a loud galactic pop!
And propels dazzling Adam
To a dizzying frenzied top!

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Verse 18...Adam's multi-faceted talent...

Born to sing
Multi-genre pop-rock king
What's there that he can't sing?
Nothing...I think :)

-Lam my