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Listen to the piano instrumentation of "Outlaws of Love" by talented little girl

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 30, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, July 30, 2011


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful and makes me regret quitting piano lessons so many years ago when it got "hard"! What joy one must feel to sit down alone and surround yourself with music to suit your mood.......that melody is going to haunt me in such a lovely way. I can't sing at all but I'm a good "hummer"............JAK

Anonymous said...


Adam's latest tweet & pic - MAGIC FOREST!!!

Magic Forest

GGD Gal, late for the party

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful love song. Life affirming, in that out of such pain can come such beauty. Gives us hope. This piano interpretation brings out the song's incandescence. I can hear Adam's heart behind it. atm

Anonymous said...

This child is inspired. Even without seeing her face the signature black nails lets us know she's connected with our BB even before the first note is struck. Then the hauntingly moving music comes, and we are entranced. The song is a backdrop to so much of what we all go through--rejection, abandonment, betrayal, cruelty. A paean to pain's survivors, the roses amid the thorns.
Those who denigrate the song have not yet opened up to its possibilities. atm

Anonymous said...

That was truly beautiful. I can hear the melody clearly when she plays. And she is one of the fortunate few who can hear a song, then play it. That's great talent. I hope she doesn't bowl with those wonderful hands.

Anonymous said...

boy, this song is catching on already. Great!!

Anonymous said...

I read some where that there was one million download of Outlaws of Love in 15 minutes. Not this but the first one that got uploaded on YouTube. The mp3 one from the concert without showing Adam. I guess it was posted on this site couple of threads back.

Anonymous said...

OK I saw that one million download in 15 minutes on this link:

I don't know if it's true!

Shayla said...

This little girl is actually a young lady is in her early 20's I believe. Her name is Erin and she is an not only a pianist but an accomplished artist, with Adam being one of her favorite subjects to draw. Her official website is

Erin met Adam at a GNT M&G in Rockford, IL on 9/4/10 and had him autograph drawing(s) she made of him.

Anonymous said...

She plays very well and the tune is lovely.

btw, this tune is fairly straight forward, and someone with a piano background could easily figure it out in a few minutes - not to take away from the lovely post and sensitive playing. (I am a piano teacher and played it at first hearing)

Anonymous said...

Very talented!!!! Beautiful song!!! I envy and applaud your ability to express yourself in music.

Anonymous said...

I defy anyone to say this is boring - simple yes but not boring!


Anonymous said...

A nice compliment to Adam, learning and playing this beautiful song so quickly and beautifully. Often many of the simpler songs are the most beautiful. Claire De Lune is one of my favorites and not a complicated a piece, but very soothing and has special meaning for me. Adam's OOL will have meaning for many, not only for gays, as I believe is where Adam drew his words from his life experience, but meant as stated by a poster above, for anyone that has faced discrimination in any form, being race, religion or country of origin. Adam speaks for everyone that is ostracized, hurt and bullied. That is why he touches so many in such a heartfelt way. He touched this girl to learn this melody to share the beauty. Another gift shared and passed forward. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Beautifully played by this very talented girl.