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New Picture From Sauli Koskinen's Facebook Titled "Weekend Style"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 23, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, July 23, 2011

And check out this fan video featuring Adam and Sauli and Savage Garden's hit song "Truly Madly Deeply".


Anonymous said...

Looks like the boys have been playing with Adam's make up box..Cool picture (intense), they seem to be enjoying taking these photos, could we have one of Adam as well? ;) The fan video is cute too.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Sauli looking fierce.

Anonymous said...

I guess that pic has been taken by Adam, it looks wild. Very cute fan video! I like also this Walking on Sunshine where Adam is dancing at 0:55

Anonymous said...

Really nice fan video,and like the song, very popular at weddings! Adam and Sauli really connected and looking smitten with each other and look so happy. Nice to see happiness with so much sadness in Norway. Wonder if Adam did Sauli's makeup or Sauli may also be artistic. He definitely looks fierce and his blogs are so entertaining. Glad to have the translations! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

OT...Fan4fun and Icon, Where are you? Need your witty comments now more than ever! Hope you're ok and feeling stronger. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

What did I miss...Savage Garden, such a wonderful group, especially the lead singer! I have heard this song before but not so often...Truly Madly Deeply; Wow! And what a romantic video!! Melts my heart. Adam looks so handsome and Sauli too. It is true, people in love look extra radiant! It comes from inside.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I prefer Sauli's natural, no make-up look.

Anonymous said...

I like Sauli (and Adam) without make-up too. On the other hand I also like the idea that the boys are having fun together playing with make up & clothes and taking photos. I bet we've seen only a fraction of the photos they've taken. lol. Watching them get ready together for a party might be interesting...I'm sure they're enjoying themselves. :)

Anonymous said...

Awh! Weekend style only for Adam! Can't imagine what they do He!He! Sauli look stunning here when look at him at a different angle.

Urethra_Franklin said...

That is one hot lil piece of ass hes got there. WOOTS!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Oh, Oh!! I love this song, I love Darren Hayes. He's one of my go to guys for romantic music....I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You..I Miss You..I Just Want You to Love Me..So Beautiful..and..Insatiable..THUD!!

If Adam ever put out an album of romantic songs (please God!) I would melt into nothingness. If and until that day ever comes, Darren's the man.

Please Adam think about it!.....<3.<3.<3....JAK

Anonymous said...

I can't remember a gay male couple holding hands on the red seems so natural for Adam he doesn't hide who he is and we love him for it....what a beautiful smile he has...he lights up my day!!! and I am so glad he has Sauli....

Anonymous said...

Nice fan video. Made me smile as I sat and watched it. If Adam is happy, then we as his fans are happy. I prefer both Adam and Sauli without all the makeup. The natural, fresh look shows two handsome, good-looking men who are smitten with each other. They seem to be enjoying themselves and are not afraid to show their affection/love for each other to the public. Only time will tell if this is going to be a lasting relationship. For now, it seems to be something really special.

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:09 Hes not the first to do it. Just the most visible. The road was definitely paved for him. ;)

Anonymous said...

@6:09 Can u give us names who did it first on the red carpet indeed???????????? Before Adam and his boyfriend?????????????

At least one gay men couple?????????????

Urethra_Franklin said...

I have no idea who was first but....

Jake Shears and his boyfriend many times...Elton and his man...def more visible but you probably werent paying attention...NPH did it...Im sure there have been several more

Anonymous said...

oh sorry !!!!! @ 6:09 not you!!!!

Above message was for Urethra_Franklin!!!!

I just want to know if you know a celebrity gay men walked on the red carpet hand in hand before Adam and his boyfriend????????

Anonymous said...

COOOOL! Love it!

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:53 I just listed a few for you.

Anonymous said...

Well, not guys, but I remember Ellen and Anne..... so beautiful!!! All the love! Gives me hope!

Anonymous said...

I feel that their love is so innocent and pure. No rough coming-out-from-the-closet things.

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:55 YES! Thanks for that!

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:58 LOL honey there is nothing innocent about those two. WOOTS!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra_Franklin

Specific gay men couple before Adam and his boyfriend???? Who???????????/ just give me one and we are done here my dear???? If you can't give me one, so Adam made the history that day then!!!! More people love him more because of that day indeed!!!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

7:07 SCROLL UP!!!!!!!!!!! I listed them already and Im NOT typing them again....JEEZ!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sauli has cute elf ears.

Anonymous said...

GLAMILY LOVES ADAM is trending on twitter right now.

Urethra_Franklin said...

7:21 AWE! Shame its so early in LA. It'll prolly be gone by the time he wakes up.

Of course I guess that means hes nakie at the moment...just sit on that visual for a second. LOL WOOTS!

Anonymous said...

@Urethra_Franklin 7:13 AM
LOL! You are hilarious.I could se your eyes rolling.
I think Adam and Sauli was the first gay hand in hand-couple on AI red carpet. A very conservative family show. Perhaps a bit different from Jake Shears and Elton Johns appearences, I don´t know.

Anonymous said... be in love!

Anonymous said...

They ARE innocent. Just hugging, kissing, holding hands and having fun together. Or have u seen something I haven't? ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam has a good eye for photography.......

Anonymous said...

Adam has beautiful eyes....any way you look at them...

Anonymous said...

Sure, I love Adam and Sauli with no make-up, but I LOVE it when they go edgy and out-there, too. The make-up look is fine with me. They're gay men who do this and it suits who they are. Sauli is a hot number with or without the make-up. And Adam? There are no words.

Urethra_Franklin said...

EVA I think you're right. And the fact that they did it on the "conservative" AI carpet gave me the giddles ion the best way. It was kinda like another flip off to the haters like after his AMA performance.

7:42 of course...but in my own brain. although i think i might sell my soul to be a fly on that bedroom wall for just 5 minutes! :D

Im such a pervert...

Anonymous said...

"although i think i might sell my soul to be a fly on that bedroom wall for just 5 minutes! :D"

Urethra, you're gross.

Urethra_Franklin said...

8:24 Pervert...yes!

Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

July 24, 2011 1:54 AM That´s what I´m thinking, too. I like more his style without make up.

and for the record, I am not july 24 2011 1:54 AM. :D

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli certainly seem to find very entertaining things to do together both in public and private (besides the obvious LOL). Sauli looks fierce and I'll also bet that it's Adam who was working on his photography skills again with his favorite subject.

Anonymous said...

I think it´s gonna be a fly infestation in that bedroom. You gave us bad ideas Urethra.


Urethra_Franklin said...


EEWWWW flies bring maggots!! LOL

Anonymous said...

You guys are funny! Infestation beyond every niche and crack around the globe. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey darling "pervs" stop already with the "conservative" words. We all here love Adam. Labels are not necessary.

Urethra_Franklin said...

8:49 hate to disagree but haters walk these parts occasionally.

And Im labeling myself a perv...Im allowed. Im not ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Urethra, I wasn't commenting on the "perv" part. That was funny and we are all a little bit of that. It was the other word which usually turns negative on this site.

Anonymous said...

Just love the way these two guys seem to be so much in love and all their little games, their so cute.

Anonymous said...

I feel like The Glamily can be proud of this sweet couple and be happy for them.

These two are very open and loving, they're not hiding or pretending. They're living their life together like any other couple would be. Walking hand in hand on the AI red carpet was brave of them.

Happiness and joy radiates from them and is very contagious. And the bond between them seems to grow stronger every day. They've also kept their heads cool even though media is everywhere they go. It's great that Adam has found someone who can handle the paps, someone who can stand by him in all occasions. That must feel good.

Hope they have a good time in Canada (I'm assuming both are going). Thanks for keeping this thread positive and fun, peace and love to all. #romanticatheart

Anonymous said...

Peeps, Glamily Loves Adam is still trending on twitter, hope Adam sees it when he wake up. Love them both!

Anonymous said...

We are all "pervs". Bet there isn't a person here that hasn't had perv thoughts of Adam, Adam with Sauli, or Adam with someone of their choice, (esp with themselves). We all get a little nasty here. I love U-Franklin, she is real.

The Picture: Sauli does not appear to have a shirt on, is by a mirror, fire, dark background, it is confusing me, just how the setting was when it was taken. If Adam took this photo he is really good.

Most of the time Sauli does not wear make up. Adam loves to apply make up and Sauli seems to be willing to let him. They are having fun. I am glad we are getting photos of them, because they look so happy together. I want one of them kissing. Can all you twitter peeps request that to Adam for me? Haha.

NY is now legal today, for same sex marriage. Wonder how many will tie the knot?

@Sister: Thinking of you!

@Fan4fun: I was thinking of you and wondering, like @funbunn40, if you are okay. Since coming to NY, we have this crazy cat. He is so different than any cat I have known. He is so handsome, and what a personality. He is fearless. How is Icon?

@Glitzlady: I like the more out going you. So what do you think of these pic's of our boys?
I appreciate all your tech knowledge, and keeping us abreast of new updates.


Anonymous said...

Cool pic of Sauli ! Good for Adam & Sauli ! They belong together! Mwah!! K

Urethra_Franklin said...

P.A.S. thanks honey...and Im may be outing myself with my oober stalking skills but Ill say it anyway...thats the exterior glass door from the bedroom to the balcony...sizzle la dee!!!!

Anonymous said...

so OT but I just read Adam is trending on twitter and the person said she had to go to twitter jail. WTH is twitter jail?

Anonymous said...

They have a "synchronicity" that man/woman relationships never get to.
Destiny at work here.

Kelowna Fan XXX

Anonymous said...


You may be right. You think Sauli is laying on the floor? Is he nakid? I think your stalking skills are very good. Sizzle la dee, for sure. This picture gave me fits, because I could not get the layout in my head, maybe the lighting threw me off. I have been trying to figure out the shadows in the darkness. It is like a puzzle.


Urethra_Franklin said...

Hes def on the floor. Hes def idea if his fruit and berries are "tayin in da wiiiin." Lets go with yes cause it makes the image THAT much more FUN! I THINK the flames are outside on the balcony. Not quite sure tho.

LP said...

Just for clarification in other post, I did not suggest that Sauli get PAID for making sure that Adam has his water suply at the concert. What I did say was that Neil was on payroll as the assistant director of the tour, he worked with Lane. To my knowledge he never brought water to Adam. His job may be open now that he has a gf. I would like the job myself, along with thousands of others LOL

Anonymous said...

A couple got married at one minute after midnight in NY. Had been waiting many years.

Anonymous said...

how do u c what's trending on twitter?

Anonymous said...

definition of twitter jail

glitzylady said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This thread is great!

I'm right there with you in the pervy "Fly on the wall" comment....Oh to be the fly..and I'm referring to the insect kind of "fly", but then again.... ; )

My inner perv is apparently alive and well...

Anonymous said...

Just type "twitter search" then in the box type "adam lambert", you can see all the twitter send to Adam and on the side will see what is trending. The top trending topics change all the time.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:56 AM
About the "twitter trend" (TT) and how you know what's trending....

Here's screen cap that someone I follow posted as a twit pic, and I just happened to notice that I happened to be included in the tweets in it..but the real point is, if you look at the right hand side, you'll see "Trending Worldwide" and the trends below listed in order of #ranking...

GLAMILY LOVES ADAM is #5 on the list in the entire world of Twitterdom.

(the little weird squiggle at the end of my tweet is actually a <3 but for some reason it didn't translate correctly in the screen cap...)

The Dark Side said...

This video was very good! Sauli has some serious body art, but he always has a smile, which is nice. They both look in love and happy. The way it should be.

Anonymous said...

Could it be something like this in the pic. A "fake" fireplace with burning bioethanol in small cups. These come in various models and shapes. Very cosy.


Anonymous said...


That's very romantic, can you imagine lots of candle light and tonnes of rose pedals floating on the water. With an ice cube massage and tequila dripping all over...... I better stop typing. LoL

glitzylady said...

Actually Neil did whatever he needed to do on the GNT tour and I would guess bringing water to Adam was quite common. As an example of why I would say that:

While waiting out the looonnnng day and early evening for the Seattle Showbox Sodo concert to begin, I would occasionally wander out to the buses parked right next to the stage door, and watched various tour members come and go, to and from the busses..including Neil and Adam (!), and the barricades were only about 30 feet(or less) from the door, so very close view of the action. Neil was constantly back and forth (making no eye contact with the fans), carrying at one point a take out container which most likely contained Adam's dinner, and delivered it to Adam's bus (I know he was in there because about 15 minutes later Adam himself came out, much to my shock and delight..he waved and quickly ducked into the venue...) before the Meet and Greets, etc. He was Adam's "right hand man" during the tour so "water boy" was probably one of his frequent duties, along with everything else. I saw Neil literally about 50 times that day and night...he was one very busy and serious guy..

By the way, where do we apply for the job of Adam's water boy??!!...I'm ready and willing..even tho I'm not a boy..I'm willing to learn ; )

Urethra_Franklin said...

EVA ooooooooooooooooooooo nifty modern fire place in the boudoire!! good possibility!

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks fierce and hawwwt ;-) <3

Anonymous said...

I like their 'weekend style' ( make up games and then wild make out :-p )

That's what Sauli's caption Weekend Style ;-) meant right ?

Anonymous said...

I bet thats the look from the night nr 1.. He looks like he might bite..but can be carefully petted a little bit..:-) <3

Urethra_Franklin said...

SO the big question of the moment is what mood music are they listening to???? hmmm????

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Sauli is nakid and lying on the floor. OMG. Wonder what happened next. Maybe they aren't so innocent after all... OR on the other hand it could just be a question of arrangements for an artistic pic. ;)

You are so gorgeous. I love this thread.

Anonymous said...

1:47 don't take my thoughts on that direction LOL.

Anonymous said...

Music? Hm...something old and slow like Unchained Melody?


glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:59PM
"Wonder what happened next"...

Oh, I have no doubt.... ; )

Anonymous said...

yes Sauli, comerre.. it's okay.. through the lens straight to my lap..

Anonymous said...

@Kelowna Fan XXX

You got the point by saying:

They have a "synchronicity" that man/woman relationships never get to.
Destiny at work here.

Kelowna Fan XXX

Anonymous said...

Now I got isla_sandz pictures in my head: it contains horse tranquilizer, body oil and sliding up and down on Adam´s nake.....NOOO stop me NOW!


Anonymous said...

anyone wanna bet if Adam is laying on the floor too, in front of him, naked,lusty,with his camera? ;-)

only song they could be listening is I was made for loving you baby ;-)

Anonymous said...

Lyric: "I hold you down till you scream my name"

glitzylady said...

As for mood music, not that Adam probably listens to his own stuff that much, but maybe Sauli kinda likes it..a lot.....

This one is the song I tweeted in response to the other twitter trend I responded to today:

#babymakingsong (twitter trend topic today)

Adam Lambert - Acoustic Whole Lotta Love *IMPROVED VERSION* Fantasy Springs by lambosessed

And if that isn't the ultimate "Mood Music", I don't know what is... ; )

Urethra_Franklin said...

EWWWWWW grosssssss that killed my buzz!!! he would NEVER "get down" to his own music!!!!

you dont put on make up like THAT and crawl on the floor to smushy love songs...

im thinking something NIN I wanna fuck you like an animal.

Anonymous said...

That new CD is going to be full of LUV songs - OMG - the look on Adam's face when Sauli is there - can't buy that for a trillion bucks!!

Anonymous said...

According to Adam the lyrics of his next album are based on his real life. He also tweeted that Sauli has inspired him.

I will never be able to listen those lyrics. I just can't. I would die. I'm so in love with their love.

LP said...

ha ha ha I left to watch a show on Netflix, and come back to a XXX rated pic of Sauli, and you all see Adam too. I better not leave again. Truth is today they are prolly swimming in someones pool(with swim suits on) and playing with Riff. LOL

LP said...

when Adam and Sauli are together, they do not need mood music, just sychronised (sp) breathing.

Anonymous said...

Ladies!! Act your age! Aren't some of you grandmothers???

Anonymous said...

Seriously I need some cooling, I'm not fooling.

Anonymous said...

@2:40 PM So what! Age discrimination! ;)

Anonymous said...

mmm..this is getting inappropriate.. mmm.. carry know you wanna.. ( I know I do )

LP said...

HaHa @ anon 2:40
Indeed some of us are grandmothers, and we wouldn't be if we had not had our turn at heavy breathing and mood music.Now we have good memories.

Anonymous said...

Sauli started it!! it's not my fault! xD
tell him to stop doing that!

Anonymous said...

if that's what those two are doing all their free time, no wonder that Adam is preggers..:-)
( on a first trimester )

Shiggles said...

Sauli: By the looks of the ambience in the room, IT's gonna GET a whole lot BETTER real soon.

Uretha: Keep on keeping on. I'd love to join you, glitzylady and all the rest on that wall. I just hope it doesn't get too crowded.

All Anon's: I'm just out of the "anonymous closet" and I've never felt so free in my life.

glitzylady said...

Hey I did mention I didn't think Adam would get down to his own music, but Sauli might just get off on he might play it for Sauli, or even perform it for Sauli in person..even better...or not...

That said, I was also thinking of the other song you mentioned (yep, I like that one too..surprise surprise!)....since it matches Sauli's make up ..and tried to find the link for a fan vid that someone made using that very song, but couldn't find it..because yes, that is definitely in keeping with the theme...predatory and animalistic ; )

Anonymous said...

caption : " I'll be rolled on my back in 3..2..1.. "

Anonymous said...

anon 2:58 Bet it would be the other way. Adam likes the top bunk!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed....I am a Great Grandmother! Lots of

"lovin" going on in my family....for years and

years....and a good time was had by all....that's

how I got to be a Great Grandmother!...^o^...

......Can you hear my happy sigh?......JAK

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:02 PM
I think that's what @2:58 PM meant actually ; ) Yep....If you think about it...not being more specific than that. Because Adam IS a "top"..

glitzylady said...

I LOVE the fact that is a lonnnnng thread and its all fun..Nice! ; )

Urethra_Franklin said...

Did I just walk into one of those weird fanfics I hear so much about?? LOL

Urethra_Franklin said...

Can I just say SHIGGLES you give me the giddles!!!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:58 PM
Yep, that's the look alright..."3..2..1.."

Anonymous said...

What are they doing right now?? Adam would have tweeted thanks to Glamily if he were on this earth. I quess they are spending the whole day (and night) in the bedroom without phones or anything...

Urethra_Franklin said...

3:02 its possible to top while on your back...just sayin #TMI


glitzylady said...

Having read some of the aforementioned fan fic (I'll admit it..very "educational")...I've discovered it's possible to do anything from any everything is relative...And that's not all I learned ; )

And I agree: WOOTS!!

Oh boy, I can see the thread police approaching at any minute now....

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:15 Im not sure what it says about me that I dont need fanfic for education in these matters. YIKES! Never a dull moment in my circle thats for sure.

Urethra_Franklin said...

oh that was Glitzy.....youre not an anon so I must acknowledge. ;)

glitzylady said...

Its okay, maybe I'm in my Anon mode today...; ) And maybe I SHOULD be Anon today..I'm blowing my cover... ; )

@P.A.S 9:40 AM
Thanks (I think..) for liking the more "outgoing" me..I THINK that's a good thing, right???!! I'm sort of on my best behavior here most of the time but once in awhile the less well behaved me slips out...You have no idea!

Oh yes, LOVE the pics of the boys..They are both just so beautiful to look at and I believe they have equally matched caring souls and loving hearts as well..That picture of Sauli: whoa! As others have said, both of them are very handsome men without make-up but can certainly wear make-up VERY well we see here! I could go on about that..., but won't..

I do have to say, I like Sauli very very much and will be interested to see what the future holds for both of them. I am so encouraged by the way the US is slowly coming around to supporting Equality/Same Sex Marriage, and I think Adam and Sauli have a future in this country to have happy lives with much less problem than same sex couples have had to live with in the past..If being together for the long term is in their future..It must just truly be a wonderment for Adam in particular..So many good things are happening in his life right now. I'm so happy for him.

I said I wasn't going to go on and on,so I'll stop now..I promise! (You know I want to...!) ; )

Oh, and thanks for the "Thanks"!

Shiggles said...

glitzylady the thread police are way behind on this thread. Betcha they're taking notes, laughing and wishing they could join in.

Uretha you can say anything you want to about me. You inspired my tag. :)

And to both of you, sorry I didn't sign - I posted anon 3:02.

Urethra_Franklin said...

OOOHHH so Shiggles is 3:03

Now i feel like Im corrupting you with my vast knowledge of all things #TMI LOL

Urethra_Franklin said...

3:02********** damn typo....ill never understand why we cant delete or edit our own posts on this site. #annoying

glitzylady said...

No problem..I have to say that this site used to be pretty "lively" at times and then we sort of got slapped into behaving in a more dignified manner (obviously a while back..) so this is fun today..Maybe the TP will just give up, or as you say, join in. Definitely hope they're enjoying it as much as I am!

glitzylady said...

And since I REALLY have to get back to Real Life for awhile....I ran across this picture on Twitter earlier and thought I would share..It's Adam from a few years make-up and just looking very very very....good. (IMO) I suppose some may not like this look but I'm thinking he looked quite.....well, never of those words I won't say here....Just fill in the blanks. (But he does...)

Shiggles said...

Urie - Twas I who said Adam likes the top bunk. Hubbs and I play games with each other and the winner gets to pick the position. lol
Still happy after all these years!!!!

Glitzy - This is the best thread on this site in a loooooooong time. I think everyone's having fun. It's fun seeing the anon side of you.

Shiggles said...

Glitzy - that's one of my favorite pictures of Adam. So beautiful. I have to catch my breath on that one and about 20 others that almost stop my heart.

Thanks for sharing

Urethra_Franklin said...

I prolly missed all that cause I dotn always look at the comments...

SO I just looked back at that other pic that was posted from Mr. I see matching hickies on the boys necks????? I THINK I do.

Anonymous said...

It was a compliment to see you more outgoing. I think we all enjoy being a perv, at times. It is good for the soul. Grandmothers can be pervs, believe me, as I am one. I have great memories.
I guess we got something going with the disecting of the picture. Now we have all turned into flies. Adam will wonder where in hell did all these flies come from.

I have enjoyed this thread. Thank you all for keeping it fun.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see everyone playing nicely and in good spirits. I took time out to watch a George Clooney movie with my lonely husband...The Assassin...halfway thru I was hoping he would get shot. It was so boring. It's much more interesting here. By the way didn't Adam say his "mood" music was Goldfrapp? Hope Sauli likes it!.....................JAK

Clarification...hoping George would get shot, not my husband!

HK fan said...

Agree Jak,
and I'm so glad it wasn't your husband you wanted shot!
Its so refreshing to see all the love, humour.....and lust in this thread..

Anonymous said...

To Shiggles: LOVED your comment:
"All Anon's: I'm just out of the "anonymous closet" and I've never felt so free in my life."

All I can say is YAY, another anon out of the closet! Come on, more of ya need to "come on out"!

Fun thread too, me too want to be a fly or spider or whatever has good eyes on that wall! I promise I won't tell!


glitzylady said...

@HK fan 8:42 PM
I think I see an album title there in your comment, for Adam's new music! I know he said he has already picked a title for the album, but I personally think this would work quite nicely:

"Love, Humor, and Lust"

Pretty much covers it all, don't you think??!!

; )

Anonymous said...

Well well Adam has told that he likes the top bunk. Sauli has never told what he likes but there are some rumours that he by no means avoid top bunk.

Ronnie said...


You are awesome you all!!!!!!<3<3<3

Anonymous said...

Hey Ronnie!! Nice to see you<3
I agree, this is a nice thread. This is the way it should be, lots of lust and love and flies on the wall.:D


Anonymous said...

Eva and anon 2:32 AM yes it's feels so nice to read about positive and funny things in this world.

Anonymous said...

All we need is to extend the weekend style to week days. LoL. Good morning, everybody! <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin

You definitely don't want to be a spider, they have "simple" eyes and a relatively narrow field of vision......go for the "compound" eyes of a fly....they have thousands of units (and no eyelids) and have a wide field of vision. That's why they are so hard to sneak up on and
swat! Thus the expression "I'd like to be a fly on the wall!"

Therefore you group of voyeurs wouldn't miss a thing that went on in that room!

Shame on you all!!!!
And tell me about it later!!!!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK (4:18)that was hilarious LOL

Anonymous said...

JAK i love you xD <3

Anonymous said...

first troll to wander in to ruin this beautiful atmosphere, I will strangle with my bare hands.
I swear!

Ronnie said...



Anonymous said...

Safe Threading...

With one hundred thirty three comments to date
This thread is spinning along just great.
With topics like joy, love, humor and lust
Joining our merry band is surely a must.
With no comments to unsettle or even to vex
Obviously, our only safe subject seems to be sex!


Anonymous said...

Okay! Lets stick to sex. It is always a fun topic. Maybe us kinda of older folks could teach the younguns some moves.

JAK nice poem, you are very good and entertaining.


glitzylady said...

@JAK 8:12 AM
Yep, looks like sex is the only safe subject here, so I guess that's the only thing we can talk about from now on..Works for me! ; )

@JAK 4:18 AM
Nope, wouldn't want to miss a thing...Back to that "safe" subject again! And you KNOW you want to join us on The Wall!

@Anon 5:23 AM
I completely agree!

@Anon 12:53 AM
I'm guessing Adam and Sauli are both into equal rights for all! [wink, wink..]

Its good to see you here, sharing in our Life, Lust, Joy, and Love (and a ton of Humor) thread...may it be that way from now on here, and wouldn't it be great if that could extend to the world beyond! Unrealistic, I know, but what a beautiful place it would be! I hope it helped to take you away from the terrible happenings in Norway for just a few minutes. Sending love and hugs to you and the people of Norway.

@P.A. S.
I definitely have my pervy side, I just keep it under wraps most of the time (here...), hidden beneath my "Voice of Patience" (as Fan4fun calls me) disguise..It's been begging to get out, and is much happier "out of the closet"! Adam is very inspirational in many, many,....many ways. ; )

@daydreamin 11:52 PM
Welcome to The Wall! ; )

Anonymous said...

We can talk about any subject, if people here can do it with some respect towards both parties of the boys' relationship :-)

Seems to me that registered users usually can, and they keep it classy and entertaining at the same time.
Nonnies are the problem.

though it seems to me the troublemakers are not present right now, and for that I'm glad and thankful for the universe <3

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady, thanks for the WWW (warm wall welcome!)

@JAK THANK YOU for the education on the best eyes insect for THE WALL!! I didn't know that and now I get it!! HA HA! You always educate us! Thank you.


Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin

You're welcome, my attic (brain) is filled to the rafters with mostly useless trivia. After dinner each evening I have dessert...JEOPARDY!
Love that show!...................
More "stuff" to stow!.............JAK

Shiggles said...

JAK - No one wants to play Trivial Pursuit with me. I always win. I have a brain for trivia too and I guess it's from yeeeeeeeeeeeeears of doing crossword puzzles.

20 or so years ago I encouraged our kids to watch Wheel of Fortune. They liked it best if I wasn't in the room to answer the puzzle using just the category.

Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles

So nice to to find another trivia junkie! My family won't play Trivial Pursuit with me....but my son in law and I are in a Jeopardy duel to the death! It's on at 7:30 in my part of the world and at 5 minites to 8:00 he calls for my score and we wait out the Final Jeopardy question toether! He is determined to one day get a higher score than I way.....I've
got 20 years more of reading everything I can get my hands on...poor kid!...........JAK

Anonymous said...

@ JAK.OT... No one can beat my son-in-law in Trivial Pursuit or Scrabble! My daughter came close and did beat him a few times in Scrabble, but he's ruthless and she's a mental wizard!lol I used to play both, but Hearts was more my game. Played some Bridge, too intense. Had fun playing Mah Jong and Poker when kids were little. We all had little ones and would play when they went to bed on a Friday night and we would have a big pajama party ans all spend the night. None of us could afford babysitters in those days, but made our own fun. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra_ Franklin, Music..."Do it to Me One More Time" lol Couldn't help myself. Of course that could also mean apply makeup..Primitive jungle drums would liven things up or maybe a little Ravel's Bolero. (It worked for me!}haha Think there's some creative role playing going on. Sauli has Cleopatra eyes and Adam has said he's intrigued by all things Egyptian. Many possibilities... funbunn40

Shiggles said...

Funbunn - Ohhhhhhh you've even got me in the mood now. Hubbs is going to be a happy guy. lol

Do it to Me One More Time is an all time fave and Ravel's Bolero will take anyone up and over.

WOOOTS as Urie says

Anonymous said...

I dunno, I always considered Bolero foreplay to the point of insanity!...............JAK

Will Admin. zap that?

Anonymous said...

@ Sister

We need you here!.................JAK <3

Anonymous said...

My Bolero story can't be posted here! lol, also wouldn't want my daughters to see it, if they were lurking! They still think I'm a virgin! haha funbunn40